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Published Papers
Listed below are the over 2,000 papers published in the conference series so far in alpha order by first author. Where shown, the abstract, full text, BibTeX and/or Refer/EndNote citation are available. The google scholar link activates a search on the title.
Papers Included in the VolumeAa, T.V., Eeckhout, L., Goeman, B., Vandierendonck, H., Van Achteren, T., Lauwereins, R. and De Bosschere, K. (2002). Optimizing a 3D Image Reconstruction Algorithm: Investigating the Interaction between the High-Level Implementation, the Compiler and the Architecture. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 119-126. |     
| Abd Rozan, M.Z., Mikami, Y., Abu Bakar, A.Z. and Vikas, O. (2005). Multilingual ICT Education: Language Observatory as a Monitoring Instrument. In Proc. South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) Conference 2005 : ICT Building Bridges, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 46. Low, G., Ed. ACS. 53-61. |     
| Abdullah, A., Brobst, S., Pervaiz, I., Umer, M. and Nisar, A. (2004). Learning Dynamics of Pesticide Abuse through Data Mining. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 151-156. |     
| Abraham, T. (2006). Event Sequence Mining to Develop Profiles for Computer Forensic Investigation Purposes. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Safavi-Naini, R., Steketee, C. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 145-153. |     
| Adcock, M., Chung, J. and Schmandt, C. (2008). AreWeThereYet? - A Temporally Aware Media Player. In Proc. Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 76. Plimmer, B. and Weber, G., Eds., ACS. 29-32. |     
| Ager, R. and Kendall, M. (2003). Getting it Right From the Start: A Case Study of the Development of a Foundation Stage Learning and ICT Strategy in Northamptonshire, UK. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 3-11. |     
| Ahmad, M. and Teredesai, A. (2006). Modeling Proliferation of Ideas in Online Social Networks. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 185-190. |     
| Ahmad, M.N. and Colomb, R.M. (2007). Managing Ontologies: A Comparative Study of Ontology Servers. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 13-22. |     
| Ahmed, A. and Eades, P. (2005). Automatic Camera Path Generation for Graph Navigation in 3D. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 27-32. |     
| Ahmed, C.F., Tanbeer, S.K., Jeong, B.-S. and Lee, Y.-K. (2008). ShrFP-Tree: An Efficient Tree Structure for Mining Share-Frequent Patterns. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 79-86. |     
| Ahmed, M.U., Zaheer, R.A. and Qadir, M.A. (2005). Intelligent Cache Management for Data Grid. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Buyya, R., Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 5-12. |     
| Ahn, H.-K., Alt, H., Asano, T., Bae, S.W., Brass, P., Cheong, O., Knauer, C., Na, H.-S., Shin, C.-S. and Wolff, A. (2007). Constructing Optimal Highways. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 7-14. |     
| Ahoniemi, T., Lahtinen, E. and Erkkola, T. (2007). Fighting the student dropout rate with an incremental programming assignment. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 163-166. |     
| Ahoniemi, T., Lahtinen, E. and Valaskala, K. (2007). Why should we bore students when teaching CS?. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 227-228. |     
| Ahsan, N., Bain, M., Potter, J., Gaeta, B., Temple, M. and Dawes, I. (2006). Learning Causal Networks from Microarray Data. In Proc. 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 73. Boden, M. and Bailey, T.L., Eds., ACS. 3-8. |     
| Akand, E., Bain, M. and Temple, M. (2007). Learning from Ontological Annotation : an Application of Formal Concept Analysis to Feature Construction in the Gene Ontology. In Proc. Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 85. Meyer, T. and Nayak, A.C., Eds., ACS. 15-23. |     
| Akiyama, T., Sakai, S., Umigai, A., Hara, T., Tsukamoto, M. and Nishio, S. (2002). Design and Implementation of DB-MAN Alpha: Does Database Migration Work Well in a Real Environment?. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 23-31. |     
| Al-Fedaghi, S.S. (2007). Beyond Purpose-Based Privacy Access Control. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 23-32. |     
| Al-Oqaily, A. and Kennedy, P.J. (2006). Using a Kernel-Based Approach to Visualize Integrated Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Datasets. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 53-61. |     
| Al-Oqaily, A., Kennedy, P.J., Catchpoole, D.R. and Simoff, S.J. (2008). Comparison of Visualization Methods of Genome-wide SNP Profiles in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 111-121. |     
| Al-Wasil, F.M., Gray, W.A. and Fiddian, N.J. (2006). Establishing an XML Metadata Knowledge Base to Assist Integration of Structured and Semi-structured Databases. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 69-78. |     
| Alcalde, B., Dubois, E., Mauw, S., Mayer, N. and Radomirovic, S. (2009). Towards a Decision Model Based on Trust and Security Risk Management. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 98. Brankovic, L. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 61-69. |     
| Algur, S.P. and Hiremath, P.S. (2006). Extraction of Flat and Nested Data Records from Web Pages. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 163-168. |     
| Aljasser, K. and Schachte, P. (2009). ParaAJ: toward Reusable and Maintainable Aspect Oriented Programs. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 53-62. |     
| Allan, J. (2005). UK e-Science Pilot Project DAME: Context, Lessons Learned and Future. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Buyya, R., Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 3. |   
| Allen, J.G. and Jin, J.S. (2002). Enhancing Screen Teleconferencing with Streaming SIMD Extensions. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 143-149. |     
| Allen, J.G. and Jin, J.S. (2003). Code Generation for Just-in-Time Compiled Mobile Collector Agents. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 1. |     
| Allen, J.G., Xu, R.Y.D. and Jin, J.S. (2004). Object Tracking Using CamShift Algorithm and Multiple Quantized Feature Spaces. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 3-7. |     
| Allender, E. (2008). Chipping Away at P vs NP: How Far Are We from Proving Circuit Size Lower Bounds?. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Allert, J.D. (2004). The Effectiveness of Innovative Approaches to CS1: Comparing Opinion to Outcome. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 151-157. |     
| Allison, L. (2003). Types and Classes of Machine Learning and Data Mining. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 207-215. |     
| Allison, L. (2006). A Programming Paradigm for Machine Learning, with a Case Study of Bayesian Networks. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 103-111. |     
| Allwright, A. and Roddick, J.F. (2008). Exploratory Mining over Organisational Communications Data. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 41-50. |     
| Altmanninger, K. and Kotsis, G. (2009). Towards Accurate Conflict Detection in a VCS for Model Artifacts: A Comparison of Two Semantically Enhanced Approaches. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds., ACS. 139-146. |     
| Alvares, L.O., Bogorny, V., Fernandes de Macedo, J.A., Moelans, B. and Spaccapietra, S. (2007). Dynamic Modeling of Trajectory Patterns using Data Mining and Reverse Engineering. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 149-154. |     
| Alzaid, H., Foo, E. and Gonzalez Nieto, J.M. (2008). Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network: a survey. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 81. Brankovic, L. and Miller, M., Eds., ACS. 93-105. |     
| AlZomai, M., Alfayyadh, B., Josang, A. and McCullagh, A. (2008). An Experimental Investigation of the Usability of Transaction Authorization in Online Bank Security Systems. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 81. Brankovic, L. and Miller, M., Eds., ACS. 65-73. |     
| AlZoubi, O., Koprinska, I. and Calvo, R.A. (2008). Classification of Brain-Computer Interface Data. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 123-131. |     
| Amann, P. and Quirchmayr, G. (2003). Foundation of a Framework to Support Knowledge Management in the Field of Context-Aware and Pervasive Computing. In Proc. Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 119-131. |     
| Amer, T., Cockburn, A., Green, R. and Odgers, G. (2007). Evaluating Swiftpoint as a Mobile Device for Direct Manipulation Input. In Proc. Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 64. Piekarski, W. and Plimmer, B., Eds., ACS. 63-70. |     
| Amirbekyan, A. and Estivill-Castro, V. (2007). The Privacy of k-NN Retrieval for Horizontal Partitioned Data - New Methods and Applications. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 33-42. |     
| Amirbekyan, A. and Estivill-Castro, V. (2007). A New Efficient Privacy-Preserving Scalar Product Protocol. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 209-214. |     
| Ammerlaan, J. and Wright, D.A. (2004). Adaptive Cooperative Fuzzy Logic Controller. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 255-263. |     
| An, J., Chen, H., Furuse, K., Ishikawa, M. and Ohbo, N. (2002). The Complex Polyhedra Technique: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Space. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 33-40. |     
| Anderson, K. (2007). A risk-based approach to supporting the operator role in complex monitoring systems. In Proc. Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 86. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 3-11. |     
| Anh, V.N. and Moffat, A. (2002). Improved Retrieval Effectiveness Through Impact Transformation. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 41-47. |     
| Anh, V.N. and Moffat, A. (2004). Index Compression Using Fixed Binary Codewords. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 61-67. |     
| Anslow, C., Marshall, S., Biddle, R., Noble, J. and Jackson, K. (2004). XML Database Support for Program Trace Visualisation. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 25-34. |     
| Aparicio, A.S., Farias, O.L.M. and dos Santos, N. (2005). Applying Ontologies in the Integration of Heterogeneous Relational Databases. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 58. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 11-16. |     
| Apperley, M., McLeod, L., Masoodian, M., Paine, L., Phillips, M., Rogers, B. and Thomson, K. (2003). Use of Video Shadow for Small Group Interaction Awareness on a Large Interactive Display Surface. In Proc. Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 18. Biddle, R. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 81-90. |     
| Arai, M. and Hidehiko, T. (2009). Proposal for Effective Information Flow Control Model for Sharing and Protecting Sensitive Information. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 98. Brankovic, L. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 89-98. |     
| Archer, D.W. and Delcambre, L.M.L. (2007). Capturing Users' Everyday, Implicit Information Integration Decisions. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 133-138. |     
| Ardagh, D. (2001). Public Education in Computer Usage: An Ethico-Political Rationale. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 81-87. |     
| Arjunan, S.P., Weghorn, H., Kumar, D.K. and Yau, W.C. (2006). Vowel recognition of English and German language using Facial movement(SEMG) for Speech control based HCI. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 13-18. |     
| Armstrong, L., Diepeveen, D. and Maddern, R. (2007). The application of data mining techniques to characterize agricultural soil profiles. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 85-100. |     
| Arvo, J. and Novins, K. (2006). Fluid Sketching of Directed Graphs. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 81-86. |     
| Arwin, C. and Tahaghoghi, S.M.M. (2006). Plagiarism Detection across Programming Languages. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 277-286. |     
| Asahiro, Y., Miyano, E. and Ono, H. (2008). Graph Classes and the Complexity of the Graph Orientation Minimizing the Maximum Weighted Outdegree. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 97-106. |     
| Asahiro, Y., Miyano, E., Ono, H. and Zenmyo, K. (2006). Graph Orientation Algorithms to Minimize the Maximum Outdegree. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 11-20. |     
| Asano, T. (2006). Computational Geometric and Combinatorial Approaches to Digital Halftoning. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Asheibi, A., Stirling, D. and Soetanto, D. (2006). Analyzing Harmonic Monitoring Data Using Data Mining. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 63-68. |     
| Asian, J., Williams, H.E. and Tahaghoghi, S.M.M. (2005). Stemming Indonesian. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 307-314. |     
| Askitis, N. (2009). Fast and Compact Hash Tables for Integer Keys. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 101-110. |     
| Askitis, N. and Sinha, R. (2007). HAT-Trie: A Cache-Conscious Trie-Based Data Structure For Strings. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 97-105. |     
| Asquith, M., Gudmundsson, J. and Merrick, D. (2008). An ILP for the metro-line crossing problem. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 49-56. |     
| Atallah, M.J. (2005). A Survey of Watermarking Techniques for Non-Media Digital Objects. In Proc. Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Safavi-Naini, R., Montague, P. and Sheppard, N., Eds., ACS. 73. |     
| Atchison, B. and Griffiths, A. (2002). A Product-Based Assurance Model for Mixed-Integrity Markets. In Proc. Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 15. Lindsay, P., Ed. ACS. 55-62. |     
| Atkinson, I.M., du Boulay, D., Chee, C., Chiu, K., Coddington, P., Gerson, A., King, T., McMullen, D.F., Quilici, R., Turner, P., Wendelborn, A., Wyatt, M.J. and Zhang, D. (2007). Developing CIMA-Based Cyberinfrastructure for Remote Access to Scientific Instruments and Collaborative e-Research. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 3-10. |     
| Au, F.T.W., Baker, S., Warren, I. and Dobbie, G. (2008). Automated Usability Testing Framework. In Proc. Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 76. Plimmer, B. and Weber, G., Eds., ACS. 55-64. |     
| Ausiello, G., Giannakos, A. and Paschos, V.T. (2006). Greedy algorithms for on-line set-covering and related problems. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 145-151. |     
| Avery, B., Piekarski, W., Warren, J.R. and Thomas, B.H. (2006). Evaluation of User Satisfaction and Learnability for Outdoor Augmented Reality Gaming. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 17-24. |     
| Avery, B., Thomas, B.H., Velikovsky, J. and Piekarski, W. (2005). Outdoor Augmented Reality Gaming on Five Dollars a Day. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds., ACS. 79-88. |     
| Awang Iskandar, D.N.F., Thom, J.A. and Tahaghoghi, S.M.M. (2008). Content-based Image Retrieval Using Image Regions as Query Examples. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 39-47. |     
| Ayed, S., Cuppens-Boulahia, N. and Cuppens, F. (2008). Deploying Access Control in Distributed Workflow. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 81. Brankovic, L. and Miller, M., Eds., ACS. 9-17. |     
| Baader, F. (2005). A Description Logics Voyage: From Inexpressive to Expressive Languages and Back. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 58. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 3. |   
| Back, R.-J., Mannila, L., Peltomaki, M. and Salakoski, T. (2007). Improving mathematics and programming education - the IMPEd initiative. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 167-170. |     
| Baeza-Yates, R. (2004). Web Mining in Search Engines. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 3-4. |     
| Bagirov, A.M. and Mardaneh, K. (2006). Modified Global K-Means Algorithm for Clustering in Gene Expression Data Sets. In Proc. 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 73. Boden, M. and Bailey, T.L., Eds., ACS. 23-28. |     
| Bahreini, K. and Elci, A. (2007). Enterprise Semantic Information Search System Based on New Music and Audio Ontology Integrating Existing Ontologies. In Proc. Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 85. Meyer, T. and Nayak, A.C., Eds., ACS. 7-13. |     
| Bai, S. and Brent, R.P. (2008). On the Efficiency of Pollard's Rho Method for Discrete Logarithms. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 125-131. |     
| Bai, X., Jin, J.S. and Feng, D.D. (2004). Segmentation-Based Multilayer Diagnosis Lossless Medical Image compression. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 9-14. |     
| Bailey, J. (2005). Transformation and Reaction Rules for Data on the Web. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 17-23. |     
| Bailey, J. and Dong, C. (2007). Merging Dynamic Functionality: Integration of XML Transformations. In Proc. Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 67. Roddick, J.F. and Hinze, A., Eds., ACS. 9-10. |     
| Bain, C.A., Raikundalia, G.K. and Mehta, S. (2007). Hospital Management Knowledge Discovery using Discrete Event Simulation. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Knowledge Management and Discovery (HKMD 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Roddick, J.F. and Warren, J.R., Eds., ACS. 209-218. |     
| Bajic, V.B., Brusic, V., Li, J., Ng, S.-K. and Wong, L. (2003). From Informatics to Bioinformatics. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 3-12. |     
| Balasubramaniam, S. and Indulska, J. (2002). Quality of Service Support for Vertical Handovers in Pervasive Systems. In Proc. Asia Pacific Forum on Pervasive Computing 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 25. Aynsley, B. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. paper1. |   
| Ballinger, D., Biddle, R. and Noble, J. (2003). Spreadsheet structure inspection using low level access and visualisation. In Proc. Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 18. Biddle, R. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 91-94. |     
| Ballinger, D., Biddle, R. and Noble, J. (2003). Spreadsheet Visualisation to Improve End-user Understanding. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 24. Pattison, T. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 99-109. |     
| Bancroft, P. and Roe, P. (2006). Program Annotations: Feedback for Students Learning to Program. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 19-23. |     
| Barbuto, L.M., Swaminathan, S., Trawick-Smith, J. and Wright, J.L. (2003). The Role of the Teacher in Scaffolding Children's Interactions in a Technological Environment: How a Technology Project is Transforming Preschool Teacher Practices in Urban Schools. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 13-20. |     
| Bard, G.V. (2007). Spelling-Error Tolerant, Order-Independent Pass-Phrases via the Damerau-Levenshtein String-Edit Distance Metric. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Brankovic, L. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 117-124. |     
| Barg, M. and Wong, R.K. (2003). Cooperative Query Answering for Semistructured Data. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 209-215. |     
| Barker, S. (2003). Online Discussion Boards: Impacting the Learning Experience. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 53-58. |     
| Barney, D., Haley, D. and Nikandros, G. (2001). Calculating Train Braking Distance. In Proc. Sixth Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2001), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 3. Lindsay, P., Ed. ACS. 23-30. |     
| Barr, P., Khaled, R., Noble, J. and Biddle, R. (2005). A Taxonomic Analysis of User-Interface Metaphors in the Microsoft Office Project Gallery. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds., ACS. 109-117. |     
| Barr, P., Noble, J. and Biddle, R. (2003). Icons R Icons. In Proc. Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 18. Biddle, R. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 25-32. |     
| Barr, P., Noble, J., Biddle, R. and Khaled, R. (2006). From Pushing Buttons to Play and Progress: Value and Interaction in Fable. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 61-68. |     
| Barta, R. (2005). Topic Maps: Fundamentalism meets Pragmatism. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 58. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 17-24. |     
| Barta, R. and Salzer, G. (2005). The Tau Model, Formalizing Topic Maps. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 43. Hartmann, S. and Stumptner, M., Eds., ACS. 37-42. |     
| Bartlett, B., Estivill-Castro, V. and Seymon, S. (2004). Dogs or Robots - Why do Children See Them as Robotic Pets Rather Than Canine Machines?. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 7-14. |     
| Baskinger, M. and Nam, K.-C. (2006). Visual Narratives: The Essential Role of Imagination in the Visualization Process. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 217-220. |     
| Bate, I., Hawkins, R. and McDermid, J. (2004). A Contract-based Approach to Designing Safe Systems. In Proc. Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 33. Lindsay, P. and Cant, T., Eds., ACS. 25-36. |     
| Bauer, M.J. (2002). Functional Safety of a Theatre Stage Machinery Control System. In Proc. Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 15. Lindsay, P., Ed. ACS. 49-53. |     
| Baxter, R., Gawler, M. and Ang, R. (2007). Predictive Model of Insolvency Risk for Australian Corporations. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 21-28. |     
| Beckett, P. and Jennings, A. (2002). Towards Nanocomputer Architecture. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 141-150. |     
| Bedford, G.K. (2003). 'Theyyur Aye Now Sand in Theur' Jake 4.11 Years - Transition and the Importance of the Learning Environment. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 21-26. |     
| Beecher, B. (2003). Learning Technologies in Children's Social Contexts . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 119. |   
| Beeson, B., Melnikoff, S., Venugopal, S. and Barnes, D.G. (2005). A Portal for Grid-enabled Physics. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Buyya, R., Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 13-20. |     
| Beis, M., Duckworth, W. and Zito, M. (2005). Large k-Separated Matchings of Random Regular Graphs. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 175-182. |     
| Bekos, M.A., Kaufmann, M., Potika, K. and Symvonis, A. (2006). Polygons Labelling of Minimum Leader Length. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 15-21. |     
| Bell, G. (2007). Just Like Magic: Anthropological Musings on the History and Culture of Wireless Technologies. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 3. |     
| Bell, G. (2008). Realizing Memex... Digital Capture, Storage, and Utilization of All Personal Information. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 82. Kelly, W. and Roe, P., Eds., ACS. 3. |   
| Bell, G. and Weir, M. (2004). Forward Chaining for Robot and Agent Navigation using Potential Fields. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 265-274. |     
| Bell, J. and Schauder, D. (2003). The Webworkforce - a learning repository to support educators, trainers and Information Technology courses. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 239-245. |     
| Bell, R. (2005). Introduction to IEC 61508. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 3-12. |     
| Bem, D. and Huebner, E. (2008). Computer forensics workshop for undergraduate students. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 29-34. |     
| Bem, E.Z. (2003). A Case for Teaching Computer Architecture. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 1-7. |     
| Benatallah, B. and Motahari-Nezhad, H.R. (2006). ServiceMosaic Project: Modeling, Analysis and Management of Web Services Interactions. In Proc. Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 53. Stumptner, M., Hartmann, S. and Kiyoki, Y., Eds., ACS. 7-9. |     
| Bennedsen, J. and Schulte, C. (2007). What does 'objects-first' mean? An international study of teachers' perceptions of objects-first. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 21-29. |     
| Bennett, G., Scholer, F. and Uitdenbogerd, A. (2008). A Comparative Study of Probabalistic and Language Models for Information Retrieval. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 65-74. |     
| Benzie, D., Marshall, G. and Bedford, G.K. (2003). The Gifts of Athena: Mindsets, Metaphors and Methods for 21st Century Learning. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 121. |   
| Berger, H., Dittenbach, M. and Merkl, D. (2004). An Adaptive Information Retrieval System Based on Associative Networks. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 31. Hartmann, S. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 27-36. |     
| Berglund, A., Box, I., Eckerdal, A., Lister, R. and Pears, A. (2008). Learning educational research methods through collaborative research: the PhICER initiative. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 35-42. |     
| Berglund, A., Daniels, M. and Pears, A. (2006). Qualitative Research Projects in Computing Education Research: An Overview. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 25-33. |     
| Berglund, A., Kinnunen, P. and Malmi, L. (2007). A doctoral course in research methods in computing education research. How should we teach it?. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 175-178. |     
| Berglund, A. and Lister, R. (2007). Debating the OO debate: where is the problem?. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 171-174. |     
| Berglund, A. and Wiggberg, M. (2008). Students learn CS in different ways: insights from an empirical study. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 21-26. |     
| Berlich, R., Hardt, M., Kunze, M., Atkinson, M. and Fergusson, D. (2006). EGEE: Building a Pan-European Grid Training Organisation. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Buyya, R. and Ma, T., Eds., ACS. 105-111. |     
| Berlich, R., Kunze, M. and Schwarz, K. (2005). Grid Computing in Europe: From Research to Deployment. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Buyya, R., Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 21-27. |     
| Berretta, R., Mendes, A. and Moscato, P. (2005). Integer Programming Models and Algorithms for Molecular Classification of Cancer from Microarray Data. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 361-370. |     
| Berry, M. and Hamilton, M. (2006). Mobile Computing, Visual Diaries, Learning and Communication: Changes to the Communicative Ecology of Design Students Through Mobile Computing. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 35-44. |     
| Berry, R., Naemura, M., Kobayashi, Y., Tada, M., Inoue, N., Pisan, Y. and Edmonds, E. (2006). An Interface Test-Bed for 'Kansei' Filters Using the Touch Designer Visual Programming Environment. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 173-176. |     
| Beynon, M., Harfield, A. and Vesisenaho, M. (2007). Contextualising information and communications technology in developing countries. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 31-40. |     
| Bezdek, J.C., Hathaway, R.J., Leckie, C. and Kotagiri, R. (2006). Approximate Data Mining in Very Large Relational Data. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 3-13. |     
| Bhuvaneswaran, R.S., Katayama, Y. and Takahashi, N. (2006). Redundant Parallel Data Transfer Schemes for the Grid Environment. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Buyya, R. and Ma, T., Eds., ACS. 71-78. |     
| Biddle, R., Noble, J. and Tempero, E. (2002). Essential Use Cases and Responsibility in Object-Oriented Development. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 7-16. |     
| Biddle, R., Noble, J. and Tempero, E. (2002). Sokoban: A System Object Case Study. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 103-111. |     
| Biddle, R., Noble, J. and Tempero, E. (2002). Reflections on CRC Cards and OO Design. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 201-205. |     
| Biddle, R., Noble, J. and Tempero, E. (2003). Teaching the Evaluation of Object-Oriented Designs. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 213-220. |     
| Biddle, R., Noble, J. and Tempero, E. (2003). Patterns for Essential Use Case Bodies. In Proc. Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 13. Noble, J., Ed. ACS. 85. |     
| Bidwell, N.J., O'Brien, M.B. and Kaplan, S.M. (2003). Identifying Salient Learning Experiences: A Scenario-Based Method Enabling Industry-University Partnerships in IT. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 127-135. |     
| Biham, E. and Seberry, J. (2008). A New Very Fast Stream Cipher : Tpy. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 81. Brankovic, L. and Miller, M., Eds., ACS. 5. |    
| Billerbeck, B. and Zobel, J. (2004). Questioning Query Expansion: An Examination of Behaviour and Parameters. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 69-76. |     
| Billington, J. and Han, B. (2003). On Defining the Service Provided by TCP. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 129-138. |     
| Billington, J. and Han, B. (2004). Closed Form Expressions for the State Space of TCP's Data Transfer Service Operating over Unbounded Channels. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 31-39. |     
| Bindhammer, T., Gockelmann, R., Marquardt, O., Shottner, M., Wende, M. and Schulthess, P. (2002). Device Driver Programming in a Transactional DSM Operating System. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 65-71. |     
| Binemann-Zdanowicz, A., Kaschek, R., Schewe, K.-D. and Thalheim, B. (2004). Context-Aware Web Information Systems. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 31. Hartmann, S. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 37-48. |     
| Biro, J.M.K. and Biro, J.C. (2004). Recognition Sequences in the Restriction Endonucleases. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 217-222. |     
| Bishop, P.F. (2002). Information and Communication Technology and School Leaders. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 1-4. |     
| Bittner, S. and Hinze, A. (2006). Pruning Subscriptions in Distributed Publish/Subscribe Systems. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 197-206. |     
| Blackburn, T., Vernik, R. and Bright, D. (2002). Enterprise-Enabled Ubiquitous Workspaces. In Proc. Asia Pacific Forum on Pervasive Computing 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 25. Aynsley, B. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. paper2. |   
| Blackmore, K.L. and Nesbitt, K.V. (2008). Identifying risks for cross-disciplinary higher degree research students. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 43-52. |     
| Blackwell, B. and Ravada, S. (2003). Oracle's Technology for Bioinformatics and Future Directions. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 35-42. |     
| Blazejewski, A. and Coggins, R. (2004). Application of Self-Organizing Maps to Clustering of High-Frequency Financial Data. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 85-90. |     
| Blazewicz, J. and Kasprzak, M. (2006). On the complexity of the DNA Simplified Partial Digest Problem. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 93-100. |     
| Blinman, S. and Cockburn, A. (2005). Program Comprehension: Investigating the Effects of Naming Style and Documentation. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds., ACS. 73-78. |     
| Boardman, G. and Lu, H. (2007). Structure Based Semantic Measurement for Information Filtering Agents. In Proc. Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 85. Meyer, T. and Nayak, A.C., Eds., ACS. 25-33. |     
| Bobadilla, J. and Serradilla, F. (2009). The Effect of Sparsity on Collaborative Filtering Metrics. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 9-17. |     
| Bordes, N. and Pailthorpe, B. (2004). High Resolution Scalable Displays: Manufacturing and Use. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 151-156. |     
| Bornat, R., Dehnadi, S. and Simon (2008). Mental models, consistency and programming aptitude. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 53-62. |     
| Borschbach, M., Lippe, W.-M., Mertens, C. and Niedieck, S. (2003). Analysing MEG-Data by a Combination of Different Neural Networks. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 181-188. |     
| Bottcher, S. and Hartel, R. (2009). CSC: Supporting Queries on Compressed Cached XML. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 153-160. |     
| Bottino, R.M. (2003). ICT, National Policies, and Impact on Schools and Teachers' Development. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 3-6. |    
| Boughton, C. (2002). Beginning to Define a Body of Knowledge for Safety Practitioners. In Proc. Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 15. Lindsay, P., Ed. ACS. 31-40. |     
| Bouguettaya, A. (2008). Infrastructure for Ubiquitous Services. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 9. |    
| Boukottaya, A., Vanoirbeek, C., Paganelli, F. and Khaled, O.A. (2004). Automating XML document Transformations: A conceptual modelling based approach. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 31. Hartmann, S. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 81-90. |     
| Bourne, P. (2004). The Future of Bioinformatics. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 3. |    
| Bower, M. (2006). A Learning System Engineering Approach to Developing Online Courses. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 45-54. |     
| Bowes, J. (2003). The Emerging Repertoire Demanded of Teachers of the Future : Surviving the Transition. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 7-9. |     
| Box, I. (2003). Assessing the Assessment: an Empirical Study of an Information Systems Development Subject. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 149-158. |     
| Box, I. (2004). Object-Oriented Analysis, Criterion-Referencing and Bloom. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 1-8. |     
| Boyens, C., Gunther, O. and Teltzrow, M. (2002). Privacy Conflicts in CRM Services for Online Shops: A Case Study. In Proc. IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002), Maebashi City, Japan. CRPIT, 14. Clifton, C. and Estivill-Castro, V., Eds., ACS. 27-35. |     
| Boyle, M. and McDougall, A. (2003). Formal and Informal Environments for the Learning and Teaching of Computer Programming. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 11-12. |    
| Brabrand, C. and Dahl, B. (2007). Constructive alignment and the SOLO taxonomy: a comparative study of university competences in computer science vs. mathematics. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 3-17. |     
| Bradley, D. and Josang, A. (2004). Mesmerize - an Open Framework for Enterprise Security Management. In Proc. Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 37-42. |     
| Brereton, M., Bidwell, N.J., Donovan, J., Campbell, B. and Buur, J. (2003). Work at Hand: An Exploration of Gesture in the Context of Work and Everyday Life to Inform the Design of Gestural Input Devices. In Proc. Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 18. Biddle, R. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 1-10. |     
| Brereton, M., Donovan, J. and Viller, S. (2003). Talking about watching: Using the Video Card Game and wiki-web technology to engage IT students in developing observational skills. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 197-205. |     
| Brewster, S. and Brown, L.M. (2004). Tactons: Structured Tactile Messages for Non-Visual Information Display. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 15-23. |     
| Brock, M. and Goscinski, A. (2008). State Aware WSDL. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 82. Kelly, W. and Roe, P., Eds., ACS. 35-44. |     
| Brodie-Tyrrell, W., Detmold, H., Falkner, K. and Munro, D.S. (2004). Garbage Collection for Storage-Oriented Clusters. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 99-108. |     
| Brookes, W. (2004). Computing Theory With Relevance. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 9-13. |     
| Broughton, M. (2006). Virtual Planning Rooms (ViPR): A 3D Visualisation Environment for Hierarchical Information. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 125-128. |     
| Brown, A.L. (2004). Constructing Genome Scale Suffix Trees. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 105-112. |     
| Brown, C. (2004). Implementation and Indeterminacy. In Proc. Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 37. Weckert, J. and Al-Saggaf, Y., Eds., ACS. 27-31. |     
| Brown, C.M., Jacobs, G. and Schreiber, M. (2003). Signals in mRNAs that Influence the Initiation of Translation. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 203-206. |     
| Brumen, B., Golob, I., Jaakkola, H., Welzer, T. and Rozman, I. (2004). Early Assessment of Classification Performance. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 91-96. |     
| Brusa, G., Caliusco, M.L. and Chiotti, O. (2006). A Process for Building a Domain Ontology: an Experience in Developing a Government Budgetary Ontology. In Proc. Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 72. Orgun, M.A. and Meyer, T., Eds., ACS. 7-15. |     
| Bryant, K.C. (2003). A Methodology for the Design of Courses in Information Systems. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 159-167. |     
| Bryant, K.C. (2004). The Evaluation of Courses in Information Systems. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 15-23. |     
| Buang, N., Liu, N., Caelli, T., Lesslie, R. and Hill, M.J. (2006). Discover Knowledge From Distribution Maps Using Bayesian Networks. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 69-74. |     
| Bubendorfer, K. (2006). Improving Resource Utilisation in Market Oriented Grid Management and Scheduling. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Buyya, R. and Ma, T., Eds., ACS. 25-31. |     
| Bubendorfer, K. and Hine, J.H. (2005). Auction Based Resource Negotiation in NOMAD. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 297-306. |     
| Buchmann, V., Nilsen, T. and Billinghurst, M. (2005). Interaction With Partially Transparent Hands And Objects. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds., ACS. 17-20. |     
| Buckle, A. (2009). Impact of Grid Computing in Structural Biology. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 99. Roe, P. and Kelly, W., Eds., ACS. 7. |    
| Bui, M., Lowe, N. and Takatsuka, M. (2006). Visualization of a Closed Three-Dimensional Surface using Portal-based Rendering. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 35-38. |     
| Bulka, A. (2003). Design Pattern Automation. In Proc. Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 13. Noble, J., Ed. ACS. 1. |     
| Bullers, W.I.J. (2004). Personal Software Process in the Database Course. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 25-31. |     
| Bunder, M. (2008). The Inhabitation Problem for Intersection Types. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 7-14. |     
| Burmeister, O.K. (2001). Usability Testing: Revisiting Informed Consent Procedures for Testing Internet Sites. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 3-10. |    
| Burmeister, O.K. (2001). HCI Professionalism: Ethical Concerns in Usability Engineering. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 11-17. |     
| Burton, B.A. (2008). Informatics Olympiads: Challenges in Programming and Algorithm Design. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 9-13. |     
| Busch, P.A. and Richards, D. (2001). Graphically Defining Articulable Tacit Knowledge. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 51-60. |     
| Busch, P.A., Richards, D. and Dampney, C.N.G.K. (2001). Visual Mapping of Articulable Tacit Knowledge. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 37-47. |     
| Busch, P.A., Richards, D. and Dampney, C.N.G.K. (2003). The graphical interpretation of plausible tacit knowledge flows. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 24. Pattison, T. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 37-46. |     
| Busch, P.A., Richards, D., Dampney, C.N.G.K. and Galloway, J. (2003). Selected Tacit Knowledge Observations Within Two Organisations. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 5. |     
| Buttfield, A. (2003). A New Approach to Rapid Image Morphing for Lip Motion Synthesis. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 79-86. |     
| Butts, L. and Cockburn, A. (2002). An Evaluation of Mobile Phone Text Input Methods. In Proc. Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 7. Grundy, J. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 55-59. |     
| Caballero-Gil, P. (2008). Current Topics in Security of Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 81. Brankovic, L. and Miller, M., Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Cafezeiro, I. and Haeusler, E.H. (2007). Semantic Interoperability via Category Theory. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 197-202. |     
| Cai, T.W., Feng, D.D. and Fulton, R. (2001). A 3D Image Smoothing Method for Dynamic Functional Imaging. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 99-100. |   
| Caldon, P. (2003). Using Text Classification to Predict the Gene Knockout Behaviour of S. Cerevisiae. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 211-214. |     
| Calvert, S.L. (2003). Production Features for Intrinsically Interesting Learning Environments. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 27-30. |     
| Cannings, T. and Stager, G.S. (2003). Online Constructionism and the Future of Teacher Education. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 13-15. |    
| Cannings, T. and Talley, S. (2003). Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice in Preservice Education : The Use of Video Case Studies. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 17-20. |    
| Cant, T. (2002). Computer-Based Safety Critical Systems in Defence: Def (Aust) 5679. In Proc. Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 15. Lindsay, P., Ed. ACS. 9-16. |     
| Cant, T., Mahony, B. and Atchison, B. (2005). Revision of Australian Defence Standard Def (Aust) 5679. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 85-94. |     
| Cant, T., Mahony, B., McCarthy, J. and Vu, L. (2005). Hierarchical Verification Environment. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 47-57. |     
| Cao, J. and Nymeyer, A. (2009). Formal Model of a Protocol Converter. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 107-117. |     
| Cao, S., Grundy, J., Hosking, J., Stoeckle, H., Tempero, E. and Zhu, N. (2005). Generating Web-based User Interfaces for Diagramming Tools. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds., ACS. 63-72. |     
| Cao, T.M. and Compton, P. (2005). A Simulation Framework for Knowledge Acquisition Evaluation. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 353-360. |     
| Carbone, A., de Raadt, M., Kay, J., Lister, R., Litchfield, A., Raban, R., Roe, P., Santamaria, D., Sheard, J., Shepherd, J., Solomon, A. and Thomas, R. (2007). The Carrick Vision and Computing Education: Four Case Studies in Multi-institutional Collaboration. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 3-8. |     
| Carbone, A., Hurst, J., Mitchell, I. and Gunstone, D. (2009). An Exploration of Internal Factors Influencing Student Learning of Programming. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 25-34. |     
| Carlsen, R. (2003). Using an Educational Census to Reach Educational Technology Tipping Point. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 21-22. |    
| Carlsson, M. and Beldiceanu, N. (2004). Dispensation Order Generation for Pyrosequencing. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 327-332. |     
| Carreira, J. and Peixoto, P. (2006). Nuisance Free Recognition of Hand Postures Over a Tabletop Display. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 73-78. |     
| Carrizo, S.F. (2004). Phylogenetic Trees: An Information Visualisation Perspective. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 315-320. |     
| Carrizo, S.F. (2004). A Colour-Filling Approach For Visualising Trait Evolution With Phylogenies. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 117-126. |     
| Carter, B.M., Lin, J.Y.-C. and Orlowska, M.E. (2004). Customizing Internal Activity Behaviour for Flexible Process Enforcement. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 189-196. |     
| Carter, S., Graham, M., Strooper, P. and Yuan, Z. (2003). Mutation Analysis to Verify Feature Matrices for Isolating Errors in Simulation Models. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 29-34. |     
| Casas, J.R. and Salvador, J. (2006). Image-Based Multi-view Scene Analysis using 'Conexels'. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 19-28. |     
| Ceddia, J. and Dick, M. (2004). Automating the Estimation of Project Size from Software Design Tools Using Modified Function Points. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 33-39. |     
| Ceddia, J., Sheard, J. and Tibbey, G. (2007). WAT - A Tool for Classifying Learning Activities from a Log File. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 11-18. |     
| Ceglar, A., Roddick, J.F. and Powers, D.M.W. (2007). CURIO: A Fast Outlier and Outlier Cluster Detection Algorithm for Large Datasets. In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. CRPIT, 84. Ong, K.-L., Li, W. and Gao, J., Eds., ACS. 37-45. |     
| Cerecke, C. (2002). Repairing Syntax Errors in LR-based Parsers. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 17-22. |    
| Cerone, A. (2002). From Process Algebra to Visual Language. In Proc. Workshop on Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 12. Lakos, C., Esser, R., Kristensen, L.M. and Billington, J., Eds., ACS. 27-36. |     
| Cerone, A. (2003). Representing ASN.1 in Z. In Proc. First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 9-16. |     
| Chakka, N. and Gready, J.E. (2006). Pathway to Functional Studies: Pipeline Linking Phylogenetic Footprinting and Transcription-Factor Binding Analysis. In Proc. 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 73. Boden, M. and Bailey, T.L., Eds., ACS. 15-21. |     
| Chambers, L. (2005). A Hazard Analysis of Human Factors in Safety-critical Systems Engineering. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 27-41. |     
| Chamiel, G. and Pagnucco, M. (2008). Utilising Ontological Structure for Reasoning with Preferences. In Proc. Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 90. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 1-9. |     
| Chan, C.S.L., Chan, T.K.Y. and Prakash, E.C. (2001). A System for Geographical and Spatial Data Exploration on the Internet. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 23-29. |     
| Chan, D. and Roddick, J.F. (2003). Context-Sensitive Mobile Database Summarisation. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 139-149. |     
| Chan, Y.L., Lim, Y.S. and Feng, D.D. (2003). Web-based Multimedia Collaboration System for Medical Images Analysis and Diagnosis. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 13. |     
| Chang, C.-L. and Lyuu, Y.-D. (2009). Spreading of Messages in Random Graphs. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 3-7. |     
| Chang, C.-L., Ti, Y.-W. and Lyuu, Y.-D. (2008). Testing Embeddability Between Metric Spaces. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 117-124. |     
| Chang, D., Dooley, L. and Tuovinen, J.E. (2002). Gestalt Theory in Visual Screen Design - A New Look at an Old Subject. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 5-12. |     
| Chang, D. and Nesbitt, K.V. (2005). Developing Gestalt-based Design Guidelines for Multi-sensory Displays. In Proc. NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 57. Chen, F. and Epps, J., Eds., ACS. 9-16. |     
| Chang, D., Nesbitt, K.V. and Wilkins, K. (2007). The Gestalt Principles of Similarity and Proximity Apply to Both the Haptic and Visual Grouping of Elements. In Proc. Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 64. Piekarski, W. and Plimmer, B., Eds., ACS. 79-86. |     
| Chang, H., Raffensperger, J.F. and Churcher, N. (2004). Displaying Linear Programs and Their Solutions With XML and SVG. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 141-150. |     
| Chang, H.T., Lo, N.-W., Lu, W.C. and Kuo, C.J. (2003). Visualisation and Comparison of DNA Sequences by Use of Three-Dimensional Trajectories. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 81-85. |     
| Chang, T.-K. and Hwang, G.-H. (2007). A Processing Model for the Optimal Querying of Encrypted XML Documents in XQuery. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 43-51. |     
| Chang, Y., Fu, A.M.N. and Yan, H. (2002). A Hierarchical Approach in Multilevel Thresholding Based on Maximum Entropy and Bayes' Formula. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 109-113. |     
| Chang, Y., Fu, A.M.N., Yan, H. and Zhao, M. (2001). Comparison of Five Conditional Probabilities in 2-Level Image Threshold Based on Bayesian Formulation. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 79-81. |     
| Chang, Y. and Yan, H. (2003). An Effective Multilevel Thresholding Approach Using Conditional Probability Entropy and Genetic Algorithm. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 17. |     
| Chang, Y.-J., Ruan, S.-J. and Lai, F. (2002). Sentry Tag: An Efficient Filter Scheme for Low Power Cache. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 135-140. |     
| Chapman, R. (2005). Correctness by Construction: a Manifesto for High Integrity Software. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 43-46. |     
| Chattaraj, A. and Williams, H.E. (2004). Variable-length Intervals in Homology Search. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 85-91. |     
| Chau, R., Tsoi, A.C., Hagenbuchner, M. and Lee, V. (2009). A ConceptLink Graph for Text Structure Mining. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 129-137. |     
| Cheeseman, P. (2008). Are We Making Progress?. In Proc. Thirteenth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2008), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 100. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 3-9. |     
| Chen, D., Li, X., Liu, J. and Chen, X. (2009). Ranking-Constrained Keyword Sequence Extraction from Web Documents. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 161-169. |     
| Chen, D. and Wong, R.K. (2004). Optimizing The Lazy DFA Approach for XML Stream Processing. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 131-140. |     
| Chen, D.-Y., Li, X., Zhao Yang Dong and Chen, X. (2005). Determining the Fitness of a Document Model by Using Conflict Instances. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 125-133. |     
| Chen, G., Warren, J.R. and Evans, J. (2008). Automatically Generated Consumer Health Metadata Using Semantic Spaces. In Proc. Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 80. Warren, J.R., Yu, P., Yearwood, J. and Patrick, J.D., Eds., ACS. 9-15. |     
| Chen, H., Hu, X., Yoo, I. and Zhou, H.-X. (2004). Classification Comparison of Prediction of Solvent Accessibility From Protein Sequences. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 333-338. |     
| Chen, H.-M., Kao, C.-F. and Huang, I.-J. (2002). Analysis of Hardware and Software Approaches to Embedded In-Circuit Emulation of Microprocessors. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 127-133. |     
| Chen, J. (2007). Useful Clustering Outcomes from Meaningful Time Series Clustering. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 101-109. |     
| Chen, J., Chau, R. and Yeh, C.-H. (2004). Discovering Parallel Text from The World Wide Web. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 157-161. |     
| Chen, J. and Yang, Y. (2006). Key Research Issues in Grid Workflow Verification and Validation. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Buyya, R. and Ma, T., Eds., ACS. 97-104. |     
| Chen, L. and Nayak, R. (2007). A Case Study of Failure Mode Analysis with Text Mining Methods. In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. CRPIT, 84. Ong, K.-L., Li, W. and Gao, J., Eds., ACS. 49-60. |     
| Chen, L.-H., Chin, K.-H. and Liao, H.-Y. (2008). An Integrated Approach to Video Retrieval. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 49-55. |     
| Chen, Z., Feng, D.D. and Cai, T.W. (2003). Automatic Detection of PET Lesions. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 21. |     
| Chen, Z., Yu, X. and Feng, D.D. (2001). A Telemedicine System over Internet. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 113-115. |     
| Cheng, K. and Pulo, K. (2003). Direct Interaction with Large-Scale Display Systems using Infrared Laser tracking Devices. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 24. Pattison, T. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 67-74. |     
| Cheng, K. and Takatsuka, M. (2005). Real-time Monocular Tracking of View Frustum for Large Screen Human-Computer Interaction. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 125-134. |     
| Cheong, O., Haverkorty, H. and Lee, M. (2007). Computing a Minimum-Dilation Spanning Tree is NP-hard. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 15-24. |     
| Cheow, P.Y. and Governatori, G. (2004). Representing and Reasoning on XForms Document. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 141-150. |     
| Cherfi, S.S.-s., Akoka, J. and Comyn-Wattiau, I. (2007). Perceived vs. Measured Quality of Conceptual Schemas: An Experimental Comparison. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 185-190. |     
| Chetty, G. and Wagner, M. (2005). Audio-Visual Multimodal Fusion for Biometric Person Authentication and Liveness Verification. In Proc. NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 57. Chen, F. and Epps, J., Eds., ACS. 17-24. |     
| Chetty, G. and Wagner, M. (2006). Video to the Rescue. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 107-108. |     
| Cheung, K. and Heiser, G. (2002). A Resource Management Framework for Priority-Based Physical-Memory Allocation. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 47-56. |     
| Cheung, S., Chu, X., Xu, S., Buyya, R. and Tu, J. (2007). A Grid Based e-Research Platform for Clinical Management in the Human Respiratory and Vascular System. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 11-17. |     
| Chik, D. (2006). Using Optical Flow for Step Size Initialisation in Hand Tracking by Stochastic Optimisation. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 61-66. |     
| Chinneck, P., Pumfrey, D. and McDermid, J. (2004). The HEAT/ACT Preliminary Safety Case: A case study in the use of Goal Structuring Notation. In Proc. Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 47. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 33-41. |     
| Cho, A., Deva, P. and Tempero, E. (2008). JWS: A Flexible Web Service. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 109-116. |     
| Cho, S.-B. and Won, H.-H. (2003). Machine Learning in DNA Microarray Analysis for Cancer Classification. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 189-198. |     
| Choi, E.H.C. (2006). On Compensating the Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients for Noisy Speech Recognition. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 49-54. |     
| Choi, K. and Tempero, E. (2007). Dynamic Measurement of Polymorphism. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 211-220. |     
| Choi, R.H. and Wong, R.K. (2009). Efficient XQuery Join Processing in Publish/Subscribe Systems. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 97-106. |     
| Chong, S.K., Farr, G., Frost, L. and Hawley, S. (2006). On pedagogically sound examples in public-key cryptography. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 63-68. |     
| Chong, W.H. (2008). On Inconsistencies in Quantifying Strength of Community Structures. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 21-26. |     
| Chou, P.L. and Zhang, X. (2003). Efficiently Computing the Top N Averages in Iceberg Cubes. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 101-109. |     
| Chow, Y.-W., Pose, R. and Regan, M. (2005). Large Object Segmentation with Region Priority Rendering. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 19-28. |     
| Chow, Y.-W., Pose, R., Regan, M. and Phillips, J. (2006). Human Visual Perception of Region Warping Distortions. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 217-226. |     
| Christen, P. (2007). A Two-Step Classification Approach to Unsupervised Record Linkage. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 111-119. |     
| Christen, P. (2007). Evaluation of a Graduate Level Data Mining Course with Industry Participants. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 233-241. |     
| Christen, P. (2008). Febrl - A Freely Available Record Linkage System with a Graphical User Interface. In Proc. Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 80. Warren, J.R., Yu, P., Yearwood, J. and Patrick, J.D., Eds., ACS. 17-25. |     
| Christen, P. and Gayler, R. (2008). Towards Scalable Real-Time Entity Resolution using a Similarity-Aware Inverted Index Approach. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 51-60. |     
| Chung, V.-L. and MacDonald, C.S. (2002). The Development of a Distributed Capability System for VLOS. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 57-64. |     
| Chung, V.-L. and McDonald, C. (2003). Towards Customisable Tuple Field Matching in VLOS. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 317-323. |     
| Churcher, N. and Creek, A. (2001). Building Virtual Worlds with the Big-Bang Model. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 87-94. |     
| Churcher, N. and Irwin, W. (2005). Informing the Design of Pipeline-Based Software Visualisations. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 59-68. |     
| Churcher, N., Irwin, W. and Cook, C. (2004). Inhomogeneous Force-Directed Layout Algorithms in the Visualisation Pipeline: From Layouts to Visualisations. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 43-51. |     
| Churcher, N., Irwin, W. and Kriz, R. (2003). Visualising Class Cohesion with Virtual Worlds. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 24. Pattison, T. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 89-97. |     
| Ciavarella, M. and Moffat, A. (2004). Lossless Image Compression Using Pixel Reordering. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 125-132. |     
| Cikara, S., Maj, S.P. and Shaw, D.T. (2006). Modelling Layer 2 and Layer 3 Device Bandwidths using B-Node Theory. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 127-136. |     
| Citro, S., McGovern, J. and Ryan, C. (2007). Conflict Management For Real-Time Collaborative Editing in Mobile Replicated Architectures. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 115-124. |     
| Clark, N. (2004). Peer Testing in Software Engineering Projects. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 41-48. |     
| Clark, N. (2005). Evaluating Student Teams Developing Unique Industry Projects. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 21-30. |     
| Clark, N., Davies, P. and Skeers, R. (2005). Self and Peer Assessment in Software Engineering Projects. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 91-100. |     
| Clark, T. (2003). Disadvantages of Collaborative Online Discussion and the Advantages of Sociability, Fun and Cliques for Online Learning. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 23-25. |    
| Clarke, B. (2002). Corporate Curricula in Schools: Issues and Implementation. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 13-18. |     
| Clarke, B., Czezowski, A. and Strazdins, P. (2002). Implemention Aspects of a SPARC V9 Complete Machine Simulator. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 23-32. |     
| Clarke, S., Thomas, R.C. and Adams, M. (2005). Developing Case Studies to Enhance Student Learning. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 101-108. |     
| Clear, T., Edwards, J., Lister, R., Simon, B., Thompson, E. and Whalley, J. (2008). The teaching of novice computer programmers: bringing the scholarly-research approach to Australia. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 63-68. |     
| Clear, T. and Kassabova, D. (2005). Motivational Patterns in Virtual Team Collaboration. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 51-58. |     
| Cockburn, A. (2004). Revisiting 2D vs 3D Implications on Spatial Memory. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 25-31. |     
| Coddington, P., Galang, G., Kamleh, W., Leinweber, D., Moskwa, S., Patterson, J., Wang, Q., Wendelborn, A., Zhang, S. and Zhang, Q. (2008). Experiences in Developing a Node of an International Computational Physics Data Grid. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 82. Kelly, W. and Roe, P., Eds., ACS. 7-16. |     
| Coddington, P.D., Lu, L., Webb, D. and Wendelborn, A.L. (2003). Extensible Job Managers for Grid Computing. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 151-159. |     
| Cohen, J., Harder, U., Ortuno, F.M., Richardson, C. and Darlington, J. (2009). Node-level Architecture Design and Simulation of the MAGOG Grid Middleware. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 99. Roe, P. and Kelly, W., Eds., ACS. 57-67. |     
| Coldwell, J. (2001). It is possible to teach computer ethics via distance education!. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 73-80. |     
| Coleman, T. and Teague, V. (2007). On The Complexity of Manipulating Elections. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 25-33. |     
| Colvin, R., Hayes, I., Hemer, D. and Strooper, P. (2002). Translating Refined Logic Programs to Mercury. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 33-40. |     
| Compton, M. (2005). Stenning's Protocol Implemented in UDP and Verified in Isabelle. In Proc. Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 41. Atkinson, M. and Dehne, F., Eds., ACS. 21-30. |     
| Conmy, P. and McDermid, J.A. (2001). High Level Failure Analysis for Integrated Modular Avionics. In Proc. Sixth Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2001), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 3. Lindsay, P., Ed. ACS. 13-22. |     
| Conmy, P., Nicholson, M. and McDermid, J. (2004). Safety Assurance Contracts for Integrated Modular Avionics. In Proc. Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 33. Lindsay, P. and Cant, T., Eds., ACS. 69-78. |     
| Connelly, S., Burmeister, J., MacDonald, A. and Hussey, A. (2001). Extending and Evaluating a Pattern Language for Safety-Critical User Interfaces. In Proc. Sixth Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2001), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 3. Lindsay, P., Ed. ACS. 39-50. |     
| Cook, C. and Churcher, N. (2005). Modelling and Measuring Collaborative Software Engineering. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 267-276. |     
| Cook, C. and Churcher, N. (2006). Constructing Real-Time Collaborative Software Engineering Tools Using CAISE, an Architecture for Supporting Tool Development. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 267-276. |     
| Cook, D. (2003). The Question is No Longer 'If', but 'How Best', ICT can be Used in Early Years Practice. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 31-38. |     
| Cook, D. (2003). 'Schoolish Things' or Playful Practices? ICT Use and Teachers' Views. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 123. |   
| Cook, D., Hartnett, J., Manderson, K. and Scanlan, J. (2006). Catching Spam Before it Arrives: Domain Specific Dynamic Blacklists. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Safavi-Naini, R., Steketee, C. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 193-202. |     
| Cooney, D., Dumas, M. and Roe, P. (2005). A Programming Language for Web Service Development. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 143-150. |     
| Cooper, B. and Montague, P. (2005). Translation of Rights Expressions. In Proc. Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Safavi-Naini, R., Montague, P. and Sheppard, N., Eds., ACS. 137-144. |     
| Cooper, D., Khoo, B., Konsky, B.R.v. and Robey, M. (2004). Java Implementation Verification Using Reverse Engineering. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 203-211. |     
| Cope, J., Craswell, N. and Hawking, D. (2003). Automated Discovery of Search Interfaces on the Web. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 181-189. |     
| Corman, A., Schachte, P. and Teague, V. (2007). QUIP: A Protocol For Securing Content in Peer-To-Peer Publish/Subscribe Overlay Networks. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 35-40. |     
| Coxson, A. and Jacob, V. (2008). 'When the Regulator Calls'. In Proc. Thirteenth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2008), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 100. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 19-26. |     
| Craig, A. (2009). Intervention Programmes to Recruit Female Computing Students: Why Do Programme Champions Do It?. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 35-44. |     
| Cramp, A. and Oudshoorn, M.J. (2002). Employing Hierarchical Federation Communities in the Virtual Ship Architecture. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 41-49. |     
| Craswell, N., Crimmins, F., Hawking, D. and Moffat, A. (2004). Performance and Cost Tradeoffs in Web Search. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 161-169. |     
| Cregan, A.M. (2005). Towards a Science of Definition. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 58. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 25-32. |     
| Crehan, A.C. (2001). Mabo-Style Claims to the Radio Spectrum. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 94-98. |     
| Crisp, D.J., Perry, P. and Redding, N.J. (2003). Fast Segmentation of Large Images. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 87-93. |     
| Croft, B. (2002). The Future of Web Search. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 3. |   
| Crump, B.J. (2004). New Arrival Students: Mitigating Factors on the Culture of the Computing Learning Environment. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 49-56. |     
| Cui, B., Shen, H.T., Shen, J. and Tan, K.-L. (2005). Exploring Bit-Difference for Approximate KNN Search in High-dimensional Databases. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 165-174. |     
| Cunningham, A. and Thomas, B. (2005). Target Motion Analysis Visualisation. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 81-90. |     
| Cunningham, C. and Song, I.-Y. (2007). A Taxonomy of Customer Relationship Management Analyses for Data Warehousing. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 97-102. |     
| Cutts, Q. and Kennedy, G.E. (2005). Connecting Learning Environments Using Electronic Voting Systems. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 181-186. |     
| D'Souza, D., Hamilton, M., Harland, J., Muir, P., Thevathayan, C. and Walker, C. (2008). Transforming learning of programming: a mentoring project. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 75-84. |     
| D'Souza, D., Hamilton, M. and Harris, M.C. (2007). Software Development Marketplaces - Implications for Plagiarism. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 27-33. |     
| da Silva, G.M.H., Rademaker, A., de Vasconcelos, D.R., Amaral, F.N., Bazilio, C., Costa, V. and Haeusler, E.H. (2007). Dealing with the Formal Analysis of Information Security Policies through Ontologies : A Case Study. In Proc. Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 85. Meyer, T. and Nayak, A.C., Eds., ACS. 55-60. |     
| Dabrowski, C. and Hunt, F. (2009). Using Markov Chain Analysis to Study Dynamic Behaviour in Large-Scale Grid Systems. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 99. Roe, P. and Kelly, W., Eds., ACS. 29-40. |     
| Dagiene, V. (2003). Focus on the Pedagogical Dimension in ICT Literacy for Teachers. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 27-29. |     
| Daiqin He, D., Compton, M., Taylor, K. and Yang, J. (2009). What is Required in Business Collaboration?. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 107-116. |     
| Dale, R. (2004). Language Technology and Software Internationalisation. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Software Internationalisation (AWSI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Hogan, J., Ed. ACS. 185. |     
| Dale, R., Geldof, S. and Prost, J.-P. (2003). CORAL : Using Natural Language Generation for Navigational Assistance. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 35-44. |     
| Dale, R., Molla-Aliod, D. and Schwitter, R. (2003). Natural Language Processing in the Undergraduate Curriculum. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 9-13. |     
| Dalrymple, B.P., Wijffels, G., Kongsuwan, K. and Jennings, P. (2003). Towards an understanding of protein-protein interaction network heirarchies. Analysis of DnaN-binding peptide motifs in members of protein families interacting with the eubacterial processivity clamp, the subunit of DNA Polymerase III. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 153-162. |     
| Dang, X.H., Ng, W.-K., Ong, K.-L. and Lee, V.C.S. (2007). Discovering Frequent Sets from Data Streams with CPU Constraint. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 121-128. |     
| Dani, A. and Getta, J. (2005). Conceptual Modelling of Computations On Data Streams. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 43. Hartmann, S. and Stumptner, M., Eds., ACS. 43-48. |     
| Daniels, M., Berglund, A. and Pears, A. (2004). Five Myths of Assessment. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 57-61. |     
| Danko, O. and Skopal, T. (2009). Elliptic Indexing of Multidimensional Databases. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 87-95. |     
| Dantin, U. (2005). Application of Personas in User Interface Design for Educational Software. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 239-247. |     
| Dasgupta, A. and Ghose, A.K. (2006). CASO: A Framework for dealing with objectives in a constraint-based extension to AgentSpeak(L). In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 121-126. |     
| Datta, S. and Datta, S. (2004). An Empirical Bayes Adjustment to Multiple p-values for the Detection of Differentially Expressed Genes in Microarray Experiments. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 155-159. |     
| Dattasharma, A., Tripathi, P.K. and G, S. (2008). Identifying Stock Similarity Based on Multi-event Episodes. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 153-162. |     
| Davis, L., Hawkins, J., Maetschke, S.R. and Boden, M. (2006). Comparing SVM Sequence Kernels: A Subcellular Localization Theme. In Proc. 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 73. Boden, M. and Bailey, T.L., Eds., ACS. 39-47. |     
| Dawson, J.E. and Gore, R. (2007). Termination of Abstract Reduction Systems. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 35-43. |     
| Dawson, R., Boyd, C., Dawson, E. and Gonzalez-Nieto, J.M. (2006). SKMA - A Key Management Architecture for SCADA Systems. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Safavi-Naini, R., Steketee, C. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 183-192. |     
| Day, A. (2009). On Process Complexity. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 29-34. |     
| Dayalan, S., Bevinakoppa, S. and Schroder, H. (2004). A Dihedral Angle Database of Short Sub-sequences for Protein Structure Prediction. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 131-137. |     
| de Laborda, C.P. and Conrad, S. (2005). Relational.OWL - A Data and Schema Representation Format Based on OWL. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 43. Hartmann, S. and Stumptner, M., Eds., ACS. 89-96. |     
| de Raadt, M., Lai, D. and Watson, R. (2007). Incorporating programming strategies explicitly into curricula. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 41-52. |     
| de Raadt, M., Toleman, M. and Watson, R. (2007). An evaluation of electronic individual peer assessment in an introductory programming course. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 53-64. |     
| de Raadt, M., Watson, R. and Toleman, M. (2003). Language Tug-Of-War: Industry Demand and Academic Choice. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 137-142. |     
| de Raadt, M., Watson, R. and Toleman, M. (2004). Introductory Programming: What's Happening Today and Will There Be Anyone to Teach Tomorrow?. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 277-282. |     
| de Raadt, M., Watson, R. and Toleman, M. (2006). Chick Sexing and Novice Programmers: Explicit Instruction of Problem Solving Strategies. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 55-62. |     
| de Raadt, M., Watson, R. and Toleman, M. (2009). Teaching and Assessing Programming Strategies Explicitly. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 55-64. |     
| de Silva, L., Dekker, A. and Harland, J. (2007). Planning with Time Limits in BDI Agent Programming Languages. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 131-139. |     
| De Troyer, O., Kleinermann, F., Pellens, B. and Bille, W. (2007). Conceptual Modeling for Virtual Reality. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 3-18. |     
| Dean, D., Sridharan, S. and Wark, T. (2006). Audio-Visual Speaker Verification using Continuous Fused HMMs. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 87-92. |     
| Dekeyser, S., de Raadt, M. and Lee, T.Y. (2007). Computer Assisted Assessment of SQL Query Skills. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 53-62. |     
| Dekeyser, S. and Hidders, J. (2004). Conflict Scheduling of Transactions on XML Documents. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 93-101. |     
| Dekeyser, S., Hidders, J., Watson, R. and Addie, R. (2006). Peer-to-Peer Form Based Web Information Systems. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 79-88. |     
| Dekeyser, S., Watson, R. and Motroen, L. (2008). Towards a Definition and Model for Metadata File Systems. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 17-26. |     
| Dekker, A. (2001). Visualisation of Social Networks Using CAVALIER. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 49-55. |     
| Dekker, A.H. (2005). Simulating Network Robustness for Critical Infrastructure Networks. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 59-68. |     
| Dekker, A.H. and Colbert, B. (2005). The Symmetry Ratio of a Network. In Proc. Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 41. Atkinson, M. and Dehne, F., Eds., ACS. 13-20. |     
| Dekker, A.H. and Colbert, B.D. (2004). Network Robustness and Graph Topology. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 359-368. |     
| Delwadia, V., Marshall, S. and Welch, I. (2009). Using Remotely Executing Software via a Mobile Device. In Proc. Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 93. Weber, G. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 3-8. |     
| Deng, D., Zhang, J. and Purvis, M. (2004). Visualisation and Comparison of Image Collections based on Self-organised Maps. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 97-102. |     
| Deng, D.D.S. and El Gindy, H. (2002). High-speed Parameterisable Hough Transform Using Reconfigurable Hardware. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 51-57. |     
| Denning, T., Fisher, T., Higgins, C., Loveless, A. and Tweats, R. (2003). Thinking Skills and ICT Use in the Classroom?. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 31-33. |    
| Denny, Williams, G.J. and Christen, P. (2007). Exploratory Multilevel Hot Spot Analysis: Australian Taxation Office Case Study. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 77-84. |     
| Denny, P., Luxton-Reilly, A. and Hamer, J. (2008). The PeerWise system of student contributed assessment questions. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 69-74. |     
| Denny, P., Luxton-Reilly, A. and Simon, B. (2009). Quality of Student Contributed Questions Using PeerWise. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 45-53. |     
| Deogun, J.S., Donis, R., Komina, O. and Ma, F. (2004). RNA Secondary Structure Prediction with Simple Pseudoknots. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 239-246. |     
| Deogun, J.S., Ma, F. and Yang, J. (2004). EMAGEN: An Efficient Approach to Multiple Whole Genome Alignment. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 113-122. |     
| Deray, K. (2002). Avatars: A Shifting Interaction. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 129-138. |     
| Dermoudy, J. (2003). A Novel Approach to Parenting in Functional Program Evaluation. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 217-226. |     
| Dessmark, A., Jansson, J., Lingas, A., Lundell, E.-M. and Persson, M. (2006). On the Approximability of Maximum and Minimum Edge Clique Partition Problems. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 101-105. |     
| Diaconescu, R.E. (2002). Distributed Component Architecture for Scientific Applications. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 81-89. |     
| Diebold, B. and Kaufmann, M. (2001). Usage-based Visualization of Web Locations. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 159-164. |     
| Dillon, T., Chang, E., Hadzic, M. and Wongthongtham, P. (2008). Differentiating Conceptual Modelling from Data Modelling, Knowledge Modelling and Ontology Modelling and a Notation for Ontology Modelling. In Proc. Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 79. Hinze, A. and Kirchberg, M., Eds., ACS. 7-17. |     
| Ding, Y., Li, X. and Orlowska, M.E. (2006). Recency-Based Collaborative Filtering. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 99-107. |     
| Disseldorp, B. and Chambers, D. (2003). Selecting the Right Technology for Students in a Changing Teaching Environment : A Case Study. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 35-36. |    
| Dittenbach, M., Berger, H. and Merkl, D. (2004). Improving Domain Ontologies by Mining Semantics from Text. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 31. Hartmann, S. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 91-100. |     
| Ditze, M., Altenbernd, P. and Loeser, C. (2004). Improving Resource Utilization for MPEG-4 Decoding in Embedded End-Devices. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 133-142. |     
| do Nascimento, H.A.D. (2001). A Framework for Human-Computer Interaction in Directed Graph Drawing. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 63-69. |     
| do Nascimento, H.A.D. and Eades, P. (2001). A System for Graph Clustering Based on User Hints. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 73-74. |     
| do Nascimento, H.A.D. and Eades, P. (2003). User Hints for Map Labelling. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 339-347. |     
| Dobbie, G. (2004). Databases, But Not As We Know Them. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 11-13. |    
| Dobbie, G., Sun, J., Li, Y.F. and Lee, S.U.K.J. (2007). Towards Verifying Semistructured Data. In Proc. Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 67. Roddick, J.F. and Hinze, A., Eds., ACS. 11-14. |    
| Doerr, M., Ore, C.-E. and Stead, S. (2007). The CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model - A New Standard for Knowledge Sharing. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 51-56. |     
| Doherty, M., Bordes, N., Hugh, T. and Pailthorpe, B. (2003). 3D Visualisation of Tumours and Blood Vessels in Human Liver. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 27. |     
| Dong, C. and Bailey, J. (2004). Static Analysis of XSLT Programs. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 151-160. |     
| Donohoo, A. and Richards, D. (2002). Layered Earth Inversion Visual Toolkit: A Scientific Visualisation Case Study. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 93-101. |     
| Dowling, C. (2001). Intelligent Agents: Some Ethical Issues and Dilemmas. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 28-32. |     
| Dowling, C. (2003). The Role of the Human Teacher in Learning Environments of the Future. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 37-38. |     
| Dowling, G., Tickle, A., Stark, K., Rowe, J. and Godat, M. (2005). Animation of Complex Data Communications Concepts May Not Always Yield improved Learning Outcomes.. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 151-154. |     
| Downes, T. (2003). The Playable Computer: Young Children's Home Computing Experiences . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 125. |   
| Downey, R.G. and McCartin, C. (2005). Bounded Persistence Pathwidth. In Proc. Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 41. Atkinson, M. and Dehne, F., Eds., ACS. 51-56. |     
| Doyle, B. and Lister, R. (2007). Why Teach Unix?. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 19-25. |     
| Drago, S., Bogdanovych, A., Ancona, M., Simoff, S. and Sierra, C. (2007). From Graphs to Euclidean Virtual Worlds: Visualization of 3D Electronic Institutions. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 25-33. |     
| Drury, H., Kay, J. and Losberg, W. (2003). Student satisfaction with groupwork in undergraduate computer science : do things get better?. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 77-85. |     
| Du, J., Woo, C.-S. and Pham, B. (2005). Recovery of Watermark Using Differential Affine Motion Estimation. In Proc. Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Safavi-Naini, R., Montague, P. and Sheppard, N., Eds., ACS. 81-88. |     
| Du, R., Foo, E., Boyd, C. and Choo, K.-K.R. (2006). Formal Analysis of Secure Contracting Protocol for E-Tendering. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Safavi-Naini, R., Steketee, C. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 155-164. |     
| Du, R., Foo, E., Boyd, C. and Fitzgerald, B. (2004). Defining Security Services for Electronic Tendering. In Proc. Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 43-52. |     
| Du, W. and Zhan, Z. (2002). Building Decision Tree Classifier on Private Data. In Proc. IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002), Maebashi City, Japan. CRPIT, 14. Clifton, C. and Estivill-Castro, V., Eds., ACS. 1-8. |     
| Duignan, M., Biddle, R. and Tempero, E. (2003). Evaluating Scalable Vector Graphics for Use in Software Visualisation. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 24. Pattison, T. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 127-136. |     
| Duke, D. (2001). Modular Techniques in Information Visualization. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 11-18. |     
| Dukka, B.K.C., Akutsu, T., Seki, T. and Tomita, E. (2004). Protein Side-chain Packing Problem: A Maximum Edge-weight Clique Algorithmic Approach. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 191-200. |     
| Duncombe, D., Mohay, G. and Clark, A. (2006). Synapse: Auto-correlation and Dynamic Attack Redirection in an Immunologically-inspired IDS. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Safavi-Naini, R., Steketee, C. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 135-144. |     
| Dunn, A. (2003). Environment-Independent Performance Analyses of Cryptographic Algorithms. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 265-274. |     
| Dunne, L.E., Brady, S., Tynan, R., Lau, K., Smyth, B., Diamond, D. and O'Hare, G.M.P. (2006). Garment-Based Body Sensing Using Foam Sensors. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 165-171. |     
| Duong, M. and Zhang, Y. (2005). LSDX: A New Labelling Scheme for Dynamically Updating XML Data. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 185-193. |     
| Duong, M. and Zhang, Y. (2008). An Integrated Access Control for Securely Querying and Updating XML Data. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 75-83. |     
| Dwyer, J. (2003). Computer Based Learning in NSW Primary Schools. Early Childhood v's Primary . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 127. |   
| Dwyer, T. (2001). Three Dimensional UML Using Force Directed Layout. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 77-85. |     
| Dwyer, T. (2003). A Scalable Method for Visualising Changes in Portfolio Data. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 24. Pattison, T. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 17-25. |     
| Dwyer, T. (2005). Extending the WilmaScope 3D Graph Visualisation System - Software Demonstration. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 39-45. |     
| Dwyer, T., Hong, S.-H., Koschuetzki, D., Schreiber, F. and Xu, K. (2006). Visual Analysis of Network Centralities. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 189-197. |     
| Dwyer, T., Rolletschek, H. and Schreiber, F. (2004). Representing Experimental Biological Data in Metabolic Networks. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 13-20. |     
| Dwyer, T. and Schreiber, F. (2004). Optimal Leaf Ordering for Two and a Half Dimensional Phylogenetic Tree Visualisation. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 109-115. |     
| Eades, P. and Shen, X. (2004). MoneyTree: Ambient Information Visualization Of Financial Data. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 15-18. |     
| Eales, R.T.J. (2004). A Knowledge Management Approach to User Support. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 33-38. |     
| Edwards, B., Zatorsky, M. and Nayak, R. (2008). Clustering and Classification of Maintenance Logs using Text Data Mining. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 193-199. |     
| Edwards, C.B.H. (2008). The Role of the Evaluator in Australian Defence Standard Def (Aust) 5679. In Proc. Thirteenth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2008), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 100. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 27-35. |     
| Egea, K. (2003). Managing the managers: Collaborative virtual teams with large staff and student numbers. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 87-94. |     
| Ehrig, M., Koschmider, A. and Oberweis, A. (2007). Measuring Similarity between Semantic Business Process Models. In Proc. Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 67. Roddick, J.F. and Hinze, A., Eds., ACS. 71-80. |     
| Eisman, G. and Ravikumar, B. (2005). Approximate Recognition of Non-regular Languages by Finite Automata. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 219-228. |     
| Eitrich, T. and Lang, B. (2006). On The Optimal Working Set Size in Serial and Parallel Support Vector Machine Learning With The Decomposition Algorithm. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 121-128. |     
| ElGindy, H. and Ferizis, G. (2004). On Improving the Memory Access Patterns During The Execution of Strassen's Matrix Multiplication Algorithm. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 109-115. |     
| Ellims, M. (2004). On Wheels, Nuts and Software. In Proc. Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 47. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 67-76. |     
| Elliott, A. (2003). Reflections and Directions: Transforming Early Childhood Pedagogies with Learning Technologies . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 129. |   
| Elmasry, A., Jensen, C. and Katajainen, J. (2007). On the Power of Structural Violations in Priority Queues. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 45-53. |    
| Elms, K. (2004). Internationalisation in the Web Services Domain. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Software Internationalisation (AWSI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Hogan, J., Ed. ACS. 195. |     
| Embley, D.W. (2004). Towards Semantic Understanding - An Approach Based on Information Extraction Ontologies. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Enkhsaikhan, M., Wong, W., Liu, W. and Reynolds, M. (2007). Measuring Data-Driven Ontology Changes using Text Mining. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 39-46. |     
| Epps, J. and Ambikairajah, E. (2005). Visualisation of Reduced-Dimension Microarray Data Using Gaussian Mixture Models. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 141-146. |     
| Eremin, E.A. (2007). Using topic map technology in the planning of courses from the CS knowledge domain. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 179-182. |     
| Erlinger, M.A., Molle, M., Winters, T., Lundberg, C. and Shea, R. (2004). TinkerNet: A Low-Cost Networking Laboratory. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 63-67. |     
| Erwin, A., Gopalan, R.P. and Achuthan, N.R. (2007). A Bottom-Up Projection Based Algorithm for Mining High Utility Itemsets. In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. CRPIT, 84. Ong, K.-L., Li, W. and Gao, J., Eds., ACS. 3-10. |     
| Espinosa, L.M. (2003). Using Technology to Support the Learning and Social Development of Young Children . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 131. |   
| Estivill-Castro, V. and Clifton, C. (2002). Preface: Proceedings of the ICDM 2002 Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining. In Proc. IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002), Maebashi City, Japan. CRPIT, 14. Clifton, C. and Estivill-Castro, V., Eds., ACS. vii-ix. |     
| Estivill-Castro, V. and Parsa, M. (2009). Computing Nash Equilibria Gets Harder: New Results Show Hardness Even for Parameterized Complexity. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 81-87. |     
| Evered, M. (2002). Bracket Capabilities for Distributed Systems Security. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 51-58. |     
| Evered, M. (2002). Opsis - A Distributed Object Architecture Based on Bracket Capabilities. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 63-70. |     
| Evered, M. (2003). Flexible Enterprise Access Control with Object-oriented View Specification. In Proc. First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 17-24. |     
| Evered, M. and Bogeholz, S. (2004). A Case Study in Access Control Requirements for a Health Information System. In Proc. Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 53-61. |     
| Everts, T.J., Park, S.S. and Kang, B.H. (2006). Using Formal Concept Analysis with an Incremental Knowledge Acquisition System for Web Document Management. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 247-256. |     
| Fagin, R. (2009). Finite Model Theory and its Origins. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Falkner, K. and Munro, D.S. (2009). Easing the Transition: A Collaborative Learning Approach. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 65-74. |     
| Fallis, D. (2004). Social Epistemology and the Digital Divide. In Proc. Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 37. Weckert, J. and Al-Saggaf, Y., Eds., ACS. 79-84. |     
| Fan, H. and Ramamohanarao, K. (2003). A Bayesian Approach to Use Emerging Patterns for Classification. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 39-48. |     
| Farago, A. (2009). Structural Properties of Random Graph Models. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 129-136. |     
| Faulconbridge, I., Pickering, M. and Ryan, M. (2006). Unsupervised band removal leading to improved classification accuracy of hyperspectral images. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 43-48. |     
| Fauvet, M.-C., Dumas, M., Rabhi, F. and Benatallah, B. (2003). Patterns for e-service composition. In Proc. Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 13. Noble, J., Ed. ACS. 37. |     
| Feiner, S. (2007). On Beyond GUI. In Proc. Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 64. Piekarski, W. and Plimmer, B., Eds., ACS. 3. |   
| Fekete, A. (2003). Using Counter-Examples in the Data Structures Course. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 179-186. |     
| Fekete, A., Greenfield, P., Kuo, D. and Jang, J. (2003). Transactions in Loosely Coupled Distributed Systems. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 7-12. |     
| Feng, D.D. (2004). Molecular Imaging and Biomedical Process Modeling. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 5-10. |     
| Fenwick, J. and Estivill-Castro, V. (2007). Mutually Visible Agents in a Discrete Environment. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 141-150. |     
| Ferrarotti, F.A. and Turull-Torres, J.M. (2004). On the Computation of Approximations of Database Queries. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 27-37. |     
| Ferreira, J., Barr, P. and Noble, J. (2005). The Semiotics of User Interface Redesign. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds., ACS. 47-53. |     
| Ferreira, J., Noble, J. and Biddle, R. (2006). A Case for Iconic Icons. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 97-100. |     
| Ferreira, J.d.M., do Nascimento, H.A.D. and de Albuquerque, E.S. (2006). Interactive Optimization in Cooperative Environments. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 117-120. |     
| Fetherston, T. (2002). What Information and Communication Technologies Courses Should Be Taught at a New Senior College?. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 19-22. |     
| Fidge, C. (2008). Relative Simulation and Model Checking of Real-Time Processes. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 157-165. |     
| Fidge, C. and McComb, T. (2006). Tracing Information Flow Through Mode Changes. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 303-310. |     
| Fidge, C. and Teague, D. (2009). Losing Their Marbles: Syntax-Free Programming for Assessing Problem-Solving Skills. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 75-82. |     
| Fiedler, G., Raak, T. and Thalheim, B. (2005). Database Collaboration Instead of Integration. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 43. Hartmann, S. and Stumptner, M., Eds., ACS. 49-58. |     
| Figueroa, A., Goldstein, A., Jiang, T., Kurowski, M., Lingas, A. and Persson, M. (2005). Approximate Clustering of Fingerprint Vectors with Missing Values. In Proc. Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 41. Atkinson, M. and Dehne, F., Eds., ACS. 57-60. |     
| Figueroa, A. and Neumann, G. (2007). Mining Web Snippets to Answer List Questions. In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. CRPIT, 84. Ong, K.-L., Li, W. and Gao, J., Eds., ACS. 61-71. |     
| Filsell, J. and Barnes, A. (2002). Researching Pedagogy and Teaching Methodologies that Transform Student Learning in South Australian Classrooms. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 23-30. |     
| Fincher, S., Lister, R., Pears, A., Sheard, J., Tenenberg, J. and Young, A. (2006). Multi-Institutional Teaching Communities in Computer Education. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 7-10. |    
| Finegan, A., Tutty, J. and White, B. (2006). Information Technology Online: A Knowledge Framework for Curriculum Externalisation. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 63-70. |     
| Finkel, R.A., Zaslavsky, A., Monostori, K. and Schmidt, H. (2002). Signature Extraction for Overlap Detection in Documents. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 59-64. |     
| Fischmeister, S., Menkhaus, G. and Pree, W. (2002). MUSA-Shadow: Concepts, Implementation and Sample Applications - A Location-Based Service Supporting Multiple Devices. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 71-79. |     
| Fisher, D.K., Lam, F., Shui, W.M. and Wong, R.K. (2006). Dynamic Labeling Schemes for Ordered XML Based on Type Information. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 59-68. |     
| Fishkin, A.V., Gerber, O., Jansen, K. and Solis-Oba, R. (2005). On Packing Squares with Resource Augmentation: Maximizing the Profit. In Proc. Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 41. Atkinson, M. and Dehne, F., Eds., ACS. 61-67. |     
| Flake, S. (2004). Towards the Completion of the Formal Semantics of OCL 2.0. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 73-82. |     
| Flint, S., Gardner, H. and Boughton, C. (2004). Executable/Translatable UML in Computing Education. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 69-75. |     
| Floridi, L. (2004). Informational Realism. In Proc. Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 37. Weckert, J. and Al-Saggaf, Y., Eds., ACS. 7-12. |     
| Fluck, A. (2003). Why Isn't ICT as Effective as it Ought To Be in School Education?. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 39-41. |     
| Foo, J.J. and Sinha, R. (2007). Pruning SIFT for Scalable Near-duplicate Image Matching. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 63-71. |     
| Foster, I. (2009). Computing Outside the Box. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 3. |    
| Foster, I. (2009). Computing Outside the Box. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 99. Roe, P. and Kelly, W., Eds., ACS. 3. |    
| Francis, L., Sirett, W.G., Mayes, K. and Markantonakis, K. (2005). Countermeasures for Attacks on Satellite TV Cards using Open Receivers. In Proc. Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Safavi-Naini, R., Montague, P. and Sheppard, N., Eds., ACS. 153-158. |     
| Franco, L., Sahama, T. and Croll, P. (2008). Security Enhanced Linux to Enforce Mandatory Access Control in Health Information Systems. In Proc. Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 80. Warren, J.R., Yu, P., Yearwood, J. and Patrick, J.D., Eds., ACS. 27-33. |     
| Fraser, R., Rankine, T. and Woodcock, R. (2007). Service Oriented Grid Architecture for Geosciences Community. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 19-23. |     
| Frasincar, F., Houben, G.-J. and Pau, C. (2002). XAL: An Algebra For XML Query Optimization. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 49-56. |     
| Frattolillo, F. and D'Onofrio, S. (2005). Applying Web Oriented Technologies to Implement an Adaptive Spread Spectrum Watermarking Procedure and a Flexible DRM Platform. In Proc. Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Safavi-Naini, R., Montague, P. and Sheppard, N., Eds., ACS. 159-167. |     
| Freeman, D. and Knowles, G. (2003). Hardware Acceleration of JPEG2000 Image Compression for Low-Power Embedded Applications. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 325-331. |     
| Freeman, I.J. and Plimmer, B. (2007). Connector Semantics for Sketched Diagram Recognition. In Proc. Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 64. Piekarski, W. and Plimmer, B., Eds., ACS. 71-78. |     
| Freischlad, S. (2007). Exploration module for understanding the functionality of the internet in secondary education. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 183-186. |     
| Friedrich, C. and Schreiber, F. (2004). Flexible Layering in Hierarchical Drawings with Nodes of Arbitrary Size. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 369-376. |     
| Frikken, K., Atallah, M.J. and Bykova, M. (2005). Remote Revocation of Smart Cards in a Private DRM System. In Proc. Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Safavi-Naini, R., Montague, P. and Sheppard, N., Eds., ACS. 169-178. |     
| Fu, J.-S. and Chen, G.-H. (2002). Pancycles and Hamiltonian-Connectedness of the Hierarchical Cubic Network. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 7-16. |     
| Fu, X. and Li, D. (2005). Haptic Shoes: Representing Information By Vibration. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 47-50. |     
| Muhammad Fuad, M.M. and Oudshoorn, M.J. (2002). AdJava - Automatic Distribution of Java Applications. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 65-75. |     
| Fuericht, R., Prahofer, H., Hofinger, T. and Altmann, J. (2002). A Component-Based Application Framework for Manufacturing Execution Systems in C# and .NET. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 169-178. |     
| Fukuda, K.I. and Takagi, T. (2004). A Pathway Editor for Literature-based Knowledge Curation. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 339-344. |     
| Fukuhara, H. and Takimoto, E. (2009). Lower Bounds on Quantum Query Complexity for Read-Once Decision Trees with Parity Nodes. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 89-98. |     
| Fule, P. and Roddick, J.F. (2004). Detecting Privacy and Ethical Sensitivity in Data Mining Results. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 159-166. |     
| Fule, P. and Roddick, J.F. (2004). Experiences in Building a Tool for Navigating Association Rule Result Sets. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 103-108. |     
| Fuller, U. and Keim, B. (2007). Should we assess our students' attitudes?. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 187-190. |     
| Fung, P., Kwok, L.-f. and Longley, D. (2003). Electronic Information Security Documentation. In Proc. First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 25-31. |     
| Furness III, T.A. (2006). A Quest For The Ultimate Interface. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 3. |   
| Fusenig, V., Spiewak, D. and Engel, T. (2008). Acimn: A protocol for Anonymous Communication In Multi hop wireless networks. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 81. Brankovic, L. and Miller, M., Eds., ACS. 107-114. |     
| Fusenig, V., Staab, E., Sorger, U. and Engel, T. (2009). Slotted Packet Counting Attacks on Anonymity Protocols. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 98. Brankovic, L. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 53-59. |     
| Fuster-Sabater, A. and Caballero-Gil, P. (2008). Linear Cellular Automata as Discrete Models for Generating Cryptographic Sequences. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 81. Brankovic, L. and Miller, M., Eds., ACS. 47-52. |     
| Gaber, M.M., Krishnaswamy, S. and Zaslavsky, A. (2004). Cost-Efficient Mining Techniques for Data Streams. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 109-114. |     
| Galloway, J. and Simoff, S.J. (2006). Network Data Mining: Methods and Techniques for Discovering Deep Linkage between Attributes. In Proc. Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 53. Stumptner, M., Hartmann, S. and Kiyoki, Y., Eds., ACS. 21-32. |     
| Ganguly, P., Rabhi, F.A. and Ray, P.K. (2003). Bridging Semantic Gap. In Proc. Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 13. Noble, J., Ed. ACS. 59. |     
| Ganguly, S. (2009). Distributing Frequency-Dependent Data Stream Computations. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 161-167. |     
| Gani, H. and Ryan, C. (2009). Improving the Transparency of Proxy Injection in Java. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 43-52. |     
| Gao, P. and van der Meyden, R. (2007). A Linear Time Algorithm for Pricing European Sequential Barrier Options. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 55-62. |     
| Gao, W.W. and Jin, J.S. (2003). Multimedia Index and Retrieval Under MARC Framework. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 33. |     
| Garcia, S., Cannane, A. and Williams, H.E. (2004). Access-Ordered Indexes. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 7-14. |     
| Garcia-Remesal, M., Gil, P., Maojo, V., Billhardt, H. and Crespo, J. (2007). SAT & ZB: Novel Tools to Acquire and Browse Conceptual Schemas from Public Online Databases for Biomedical Applications. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 65-70. |     
| Gardner, H., Johnson, C.W., Leach, G. and Vuylsteker, P. (2005). eScience Curricula at Two Australian Universities. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 211-216. |     
| Gardner, H., Lifeng, D., Wang, Q. and Zhou, G. (2006). Line Drawing in Virtual Reality using a Game Pad. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 177-180. |     
| Garg, S.K., Buyya, R. and Siegel, H.J. (2009). Scheduling Parallel Applications on Utility Grids: Time and Cost Trade-off Management. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 139-147. |     
| Garlan, D. and Schmerl, B. (2006). Architecture-driven Modelling and Analysis. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 3-17. |     
| Garner, S., Haden, P. and Robins, A. (2005). My Program is Correct But it Doesn't Run: A Preliminary Investigation of Novice Programmers' Problems. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 173-180. |     
| Gartner, J.U. (2006). Certified Software Factory: Open Software Toolsuites, Safe Methodologies and System Architectures. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 19-22. |     
| Ge, E., Nayak, R., Xu, Y. and Li, Y. (2006). Data Mining For Lifetime Prediction of Metallic Components. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 75-81. |     
| Gebauer, H. and Okamoto, Y. (2007). Fast Exponential-Time Algorithms for the Forest Counting in Graph Classes. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 63-69. |     
| Georgakopoulos, D. (2009). Engineering Agile Systems. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 5. |    
| George, S.E. (2002). Learning and the Reflective Journal in Computer Science. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 77-86. |     
| Ghandar, A., Sajeev, A.S.M. and Huang, X. (2006). Pattern Puzzle: A Metaphor for Visualizing Software Complexity Measures. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 221-224. |     
| Ghose, A. and Koliadis, G. (2008). Model Eco-Systems: Preliminary Work. In Proc. Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 79. Hinze, A. and Kirchberg, M., Eds., ACS. 19-26. |     
| Ghous, H., Kennedy, P.J., Catchpoole, D.R. and Simoff, S.J. (2008). Kernel-based Visualisation of Genes with the Gene Ontology. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 133-140. |     
| Gibbs, D. and Roberts, S. (2003). A Jump-start in Learning? Young Children's Use of CDRom Technology. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 39-47. |     
| Gill, R., Smith, J. and Clark, A. (2006). Experiences in Passively Detecting Session Hijacking Attacks in IEEE 802.11 Networks. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Safavi-Naini, R., Steketee, C. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 221-230. |     
| Gilmour, S. and Dras, M. (2005). A Two-Pronged Attack on the Dragon of Intractability. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 183-192. |     
| Gipps, J. (2002). Data Logging and Inquiry Learning in Science. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 31-34. |     
| Glynn, E., Hayes, I. and MacDonald, A. (2005). Integration of generic program analysis tools into a software development environment. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 249-258. |     
| Godfrey, B. (2001). Electronic Work Monitoring: An Ethical Model. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 18-21. |     
| Godinet, H. (2003). Distant Actors On a Digital Campus, or Sharing and Crumbling Pedagogical Responsibility. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 43-45. |     
| Goecke, R. (2005). Audio-Video Automatic Speech Recognition: An Example of Improved Performance through Multimodal Sensor Input. In Proc. NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 57. Chen, F. and Epps, J., Eds., ACS. 25-32. |     
| Goedecke, D. (2007). The Role of the Software Practitioner in the Development of Public Safety Software-intensive Systems. In Proc. Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 86. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 13-19. |     
| Goh, L., Kasabov, N. and Song, Q. (2004). A Novel Feature Selection Method to Improve Classification of Gene Expression Data. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 161-166. |     
| Goiser, K. and Christen, P. (2006). Towards Automated Record Linkage. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 23-31. |     
| Goldman, D. (2003). Reality Bytes : A Reflection of the Perception Versus The Reality of Teaching with ICT. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 47-49. |    
| Goldman, G. (2007). Periodical Payment Model Using Restricted Proxy Certificates. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 131-139. |     
| Goldson, D. and Dongol, B. (2005). Concurrent Program Design in the Extended Theory of Owicki and Gries. In Proc. Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 41. Atkinson, M. and Dehne, F., Eds., ACS. 41-50. |     
| Goldstein, C., Leisten, S., Stark, K. and Tickle, A. (2005). Using a Network Simulation Tool to Engage Students in Active Learning Enhances Their Understanding of Complex Data Communications Concepts.. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 223-228. |     
| Goldweber, M., Bergin, J., Lister, R. and McNally, M.F. (2006). A Comparison of Different Approaches to the Introductory Programming Course. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 11-13. |     
| Gomes, P., Farinha, J. and Trigueiros, M.J. (2007). A Data Quality Metamodel Extension to CWM. In Proc. Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 67. Roddick, J.F. and Hinze, A., Eds., ACS. 17-26. |     
| Gomez, S.A., Chesnevar, C.I. and Simari, G.R. (2008). An Argumentative Approach to Reasoning with Inconsistent Ontologies. In Proc. Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 90. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 11-20. |     
| Gong, X., Nakamura, K., Yura, K. and Go, N. (2006). Toward Building Grid Applications in Bioinformatics. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Buyya, R. and Ma, T., Eds., ACS. 17-23. |     
| Goode, M., Buckler, E., Drummond, A., Strimmer, K. and Rodrigo, A. (2004). A Brief Introduction to the Phylogenetic Analysis Library V1.5. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 175-179. |     
| Goodwin, R. and Williams, N. (2004). Flexible Learning - Maximising Flexibility in a Subject with Large Student Numbers. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 77-82. |     
| Gorantla, M.C., Boyd, C. and Gonzalez Nieto, J.M. (2008). ID-based One-pass Authenticated Key Establishment. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 81. Brankovic, L. and Miller, M., Eds., ACS. 39-46. |     
| Gorantla, M.C., Boyd, C. and Nieto, J.M.G. (2009). Strong Designated Verifier Signature in a Multi-user Setting. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 98. Brankovic, L. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 21-31. |     
| Gordon, D., Noble, J. and Biddle, R. (2005). Clicki: A Framework for Light-weight Web-based Visual Applications. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds., ACS. 39-45. |     
| Gotterbarn, D. and Clear, T. (2004). Using SoDIS as a Risk Analysis Process: A Teaching Perspective. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 83-90. |     
| Governatori, G., Rotolo, A. and Sadiq, S. (2004). A Model of Dynamic Resource Allocation in Workflow Systems. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 197-206. |     
| Graham, H., Yang, H.Y. and Berrigan, R. (2004). A Solar System Metaphor for 3D Visualisation of Object Oriented Software Metrics. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 53-59. |     
| Grainger, R. and Tolhurst, D. (2005). Organisational Factors Affecting Teachers' Use and Perception of Information & Communications Technology. In Proc. South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) Conference 2005 : ICT Building Bridges, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 46. Low, G., Ed. ACS. 13-22. |     
| Grandell, L., Peltomaki, M., Back, R.-J. and Salakoski, T. (2006). Why Complicate Things? Introducing Programming in High School Using Python. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 71-80. |     
| Grasset, R., Boissieux, L., Gascuel, J.-D. and Schmalstieg, D. (2005). Interactive Mediated Reality. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds., ACS. 21-29. |     
| Gray, P.N. (2004). Intellectual Artefacts of Expert Systems Meta-epistemology. In Proc. Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 37. Weckert, J. and Al-Saggaf, Y., Eds., ACS. 51-58. |     
| Greenberg, S. (2004). Enhancing Creativity with (Groupware) Toolkits. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 3. |     
| Greening, T., Kay, J. and Kummerfeld, B. (2004). Integrating Ethical Content Into Computing Curricula. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 91-99. |     
| Gregersen, H. (2006). The Formal Semantics of the TimeER Model. In Proc. Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 53. Stumptner, M., Hartmann, S. and Kiyoki, Y., Eds., ACS. 35-44. |     
| Grieshaber, S., McBride, N., Lange, D. and Hale, A. (2003). Teachers Rethinking Curriculum Approaches within a New Basics Framework . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 135. |   
| Grieshaber, S., McBride, N. and Matters, G. (2003). New Basics Pedagogies that Promote Multiliteracies . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 133. |   
| Griffiths, A. (2006). On proof-test intervals for safety functions implemented in software. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 23-33. |     
| Griffiths, A. and Yim, D. (2002). Systems Assurance for the Integrated Control and Communications System for KCRC East Rail Extensions. In Proc. Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 15. Lindsay, P., Ed. ACS. 21-29. |     
| Grimsmo, N. (2008). Faster Path Indexes for Search in XML Data. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 127-135. |     
| Grossmann, G., Schrefl, M. and Stumptner, M. (2007). Exploiting Semantics of Inter-Process Dependencies to Instantiate Predefined Integration Patterns. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 155-160. |     
| Grossmann, G., Schrefl, M. and Stumptner, M. (2008). Modelling Inter-Process Dependencies with High-Level Business Process Modelling Languages. In Proc. Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 79. Hinze, A. and Kirchberg, M., Eds., ACS. 89-102. |     
| Groves, L. (2008). Verifying Michael and Scott's Lock-Free Queue Algorithm using Trace Reduction. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 133-142. |     
| Gruba, P. and Al-Mahmood, R. (2004). Strategies for Communication Skills Development. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 101-107. |     
| Gruba, P., Moffat, A., Sondergaard, H. and Zobel, J. (2004). What Drives Curriculum Change?. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 109-117. |     
| Gruhn, V., Mocker, M. and Schope, L. (2002). Development of an Electronic Commerce Portal System using a Specific Software Development Process. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 93-101. |     
| Grundy, J., Newby, S., Whitmore, T. and Grundeman, P. (2002). Extending a Persistent Object Framework to Enhance Enterprise Application Server Performance. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 57-64. |     
| Grundy, J., Wang, X. and Hosking, J. (2002). Building Multi-Device, Component-based, Thin-client Groupware: Issues and Experiences. In Proc. Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 7. Grundy, J. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 71-80. |     
| Grundy, J. and Yang, B. (2003). An environment for developing adaptive, multi-device user interfaces. In Proc. Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 18. Biddle, R. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 47-56. |     
| Guillaume, S. and Alachaher, L.N. (2006). Visualization of Attractive and Repulsive Zones Between Variables. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 115-120. |     
| Gunes, H. and Piccardi, M. (2006). Observer Annotation of Affective Display and Evaluation of Expressivity: Face vs. Face-and-Body. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 35-42. |     
| Gunes, H., Piccardi, M. and Jan, T. (2004). Face and Body Gesture Recognition for a Vision-Based Multimodal Analyzer. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 19-28. |     
| Gunji, Y.-P. and Kamiura, M. (2004). Observational Heterarchy as Phenomenal Computing. In Proc. Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 37. Weckert, J. and Al-Saggaf, Y., Eds., ACS. 39. |     
| Guo, J., Lin, Y. and Sun, Z. (2004). A Novel Method for Protein Subcellular Localization Based on Boosting and Probabilistic Neural Network. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 21-27. |     
| Guo, Z. (2003). SPECT Image Data Compression Using Optimal Sampling Schedule. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 43. |     
| Gurrutxaga, I., Arbelaitz, O., Ma Perez, J., Muguerza, J., Martin, J.I. and Perona, I. (2008). Evaluation of Malware clustering based on its dynamic behaviour. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 163-170. |     
| Guzdial, M. (2009). Contextualized Computing Education of Programming. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 3. |   
| Haaksma-Oostijen, T.G. and Puper, J. (2003). ICT and the New Roles of the Teacher in Dutch Secondary Education. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 51-52. |    
| Haden, P. (2006). The Incredible Rainbow Spitting Chicken: Teaching Traditional Programming Skills Through Games Programming. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 81-89. |     
| Hafenrichter, B. and Kiessling, W. (2005). Optimization of Relational Preference Queries. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 175-184. |     
| Hagan, D. (2004). Employer Satisfaction with ICT graduates. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 119-123. |     
| Hagemann, S. and Vossen, G. (2009). ActiveTags: Making Tags More Useful Anywhere on the Web. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 41-48. |     
| Hagen, R.A., Goodwin, S.D. and Sattar, A. (2004). Code Improvements for Model Elimination Based Reasoning Systems. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 233-240. |     
| Hagen, R.A., Sattar, A. and Goodwin, S.D. (2003). Improving Search in a Hypothetical Reasoning System. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 45-53. |     
| Hajmoosaei, A. and Abdul Kareem, S. (2007). An ontology-based approach for resolving semantic schema conflicts in the extraction and integration of query-based information from heterogeneous web data sources. In Proc. Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 85. Meyer, T. and Nayak, A.C., Eds., ACS. 35-43. |     
| Halabi, A.K. and Tuovinen, J.E. (2002). Designing Better CBL than Face-to-Face Tutoring by Incorporating Teacher-like Feedback and Guidance in Accounting. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 35-38. |     
| Haley, D.T., Thomas, P., De Roeck, A. and Petre, M. (2007). Measuring Improvement in Latent Semantic Analysis-Based Marking Systems: Using a Computer to Mark Questions about HTML. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 35-42. |     
| Halim, F.J. and Jin, J.S. (2002). View Synthesis by Image Mapping and Interpolation. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 25-30. |     
| Hall, R. (2002). Learning and Online Knowledge Use. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 39-42. |     
| Hall, R. and Stern, L. (2004). A Rapid Method of Whole Genome Visualisation Illustrating Features in Both Coding and Non-coding Regions. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 285-290. |     
| Hallinan, J. and Wiles, J. (2004). Evolving Genetic Regulatory Networks Using an Artificial Genome. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 291-296. |     
| Hamadi, R. and Benatallah, B. (2003). A Petri Net-based Model for Web Service Composition. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 191-200. |     
| Hamadi, R. and Benatallah, B. (2005). Dynamic Restructuring of Recovery Nets. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 37-46. |     
| Hamer, J. (2004). Visualising Java Data Structures as Graphs. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 125-129. |     
| Hamer, J., Kell, C. and Spence, F. (2007). Peer Assessment Using Aropa. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 43-54. |     
| Hamer, J., Ma, K.T.K. and Kwong, H.H.F. (2005). A Method of Automatic Grade Calibration in Peer Assessment. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 67-72. |     
| Hamey, L.G.C. (2003). Teaching Secure Data Communications Using a Game Representation. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 187-196. |     
| Hamilton, M. and Berry, M. (2007). Mobile Computing, Programming, Games and Online Communities: Changes to the Communicative Ecology of Design Students Through Mobile Computing: Part 2. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 55-61. |     
| Hamilton, M., Harland, J. and Padgham, L. (2003). Experiences in Teaching Computing Theory via Aspects of Problem-based Learning. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 207-211. |     
| Hamilton, M. and Haywood, L. (2004). Learning about Software Development - Should Programming Always Come First?. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 131-136. |     
| Hamilton, N., Pantelic, R., Hanson, K., Fink, J.L., Karunaratne, S. and Teasdale, R.D. (2006). Automated Sub-Cellular Phenotype Classification: An Introduction and Recent Results. In Proc. 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 73. Boden, M. and Bailey, T.L., Eds., ACS. 67-72. |     
| Hamilton, V. (2005). A New Concept in Defence Safety Standards: The Revised UK Defence Standard 00-56. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 77-83. |     
| Hamoy, C., Hemer, D. and Lindsay, P. (2004). HazLog: Tool Support for Hazard Management. In Proc. Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 47. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 77-87. |     
| Han, B. and Billington, J. (2002). Validating TCP Connection Management. In Proc. Workshop on Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 12. Lakos, C., Esser, R., Kristensen, L.M. and Billington, J., Eds., ACS. 47-55. |     
| Han, C.C.W. (2003). Challenges of Using ICT in Hong Kong Early Childhood Settings. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 49-52. |     
| Hansaki, T., Shizuki, B., Misue, K. and Tanaka, J. (2006). FindFlow: Visual Interface for Information Search based on Intermediate Results. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 147-152. |     
| Hansen, K.M. and Wells, L. (2006). Dynamic Design and Evaluation of Software Architecture in Critical Systems Development. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 35-44. |     
| Hao, G., Ma, S., Sui, Y. and Lv, J. (2007). An Unified Dynamic Description Logic Model for Databases: Relational Data, Relational Operations and Queries. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 121-126. |     
| Hao, Y. and Zhang, Y. (2006). A Two-Phase Rule Generation and Optimization Approach for Wrapper Generation. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 39-48. |     
| Hao, Y. and Zhang, Y. (2007). Web Services Discovery Based On Schema Matching. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 107-113. |     
| Harland, J. (2006). The Busy Beaver, the Placid Platypus and other Crazy Creatures. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 79-86. |     
| Harland, J. (2007). Analysis of Busy Beaver Machines via Induction Proofs. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 71-78. |     
| Harper, B. (2005). Constructing High Quality Learning Settings. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Harris, E., Fitzpatrick, G., Rogers, Y., Price, S., Phelps, T. and Randell, C. (2004). From Snark to Park: Lessons Learnt Moving Pervasive Experiences From Indoors to Outdoors. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 39-48. |     
| Harrison, C. and O'Rourke, M. (2003). The Introduction of New Technologies - New Possibilities, Partnerships and Power Relationships . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 137. |   
| Hartmann, S. (2003). Reasoning about participation constraints and Chen's constraints. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 105-113. |     
| Hartmann, S. and Link, S. (2006). Horn Clauses and Functional Dependencies in Complex-value Databases. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 21-30. |     
| Hartmann, S. and Link, S. (2007). English Sentence Structures and EER Modeling. In Proc. Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 67. Roddick, J.F. and Hinze, A., Eds., ACS. 27-35. |     
| Hartmann, S. and Link, S. (2007). On Inferences of Full Hierarchical Dependencies. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 69-78. |     
| Hartmann, S., Link, S. and Trinh, T. (2008). Constraint Acquisition - You Can Chase but You Cannot Find. In Proc. Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 79. Hinze, A. and Kirchberg, M., Eds., ACS. 59-68. |     
| Hartnell-Young, E. (2003). From Facilitator to Knowledge-Builder : A New Role for the Teacher of the Future. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 53-55. |     
| Hasan, S., Lefevre, L., Huang, Z. and Werstein, P. (2008). Supporting Large Scale eResearch Infrastructures with Adapted Live Streaming Capabilities. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 82. Kelly, W. and Roe, P., Eds., ACS. 55-63. |     
| Hasegawa, R., Kitamura, M., Kaiya, H. and Saeki, M. (2009). Extracting Conceptual Graphs from Japanese Documents for Software Requirements Modeling. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds., ACS. 87-96. |     
| Hasunuma, T. (2006). Multilayer Grid Embeddings of Iterated Line Digraphs. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 21-26. |    
| Hauer, A. and Daniels, M. (2008). A learning theory perspective on running open ended group projects (OEGPs). In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 85-92. |     
| Haugvaldstad, E. and Wright, T. (2006). Moving animation script creation from textual to visual representation. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 87-90. |     
| Hausser, R. (2009). Modeling Natural Language Communication in Database Semantics. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds., ACS. 17-26. |     
| Hawick, K.A. and James, H.A. (2003). Bootstrapping Computer Science in Old North Wales. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 25-33. |     
| Hawick, K.A. and James, H.A. (2003). Middleware for Context Sensitive Mobile Applications. In Proc. Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 133-141. |     
| Hawick, K.A. and James, H.A. (2006). Simulating a Computational Grid with Networked Animat Agents. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Buyya, R. and Ma, T., Eds., ACS. 63-70. |     
| Hawking, D. (2004). Challenges in Enterprise Search. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 15-24. |     
| Hawking, D., Crimmins, F., Craswell, N. and Upstill, T. (2004). How Valuable is External Link Evidence When Searching Enterprise Webs?. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 77-84. |     
| Hawkins, J. and Boden, M. (2006). Multi-stage Redundancy Reduction: Effective Utilisation of Small Protein Datasets. In Proc. 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 73. Boden, M. and Bailey, T.L., Eds., ACS. 55-59. |     
| Hawryszkiewycz, I. (2007). The Impact on the Changing Business Process Spectrum on Conceptual Modeling. In Proc. Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 67. Roddick, J.F. and Hinze, A., Eds., ACS. 7. |   
| Hawryszkiewycz, I.T. (2005). A Framework for Integrating Learning into Business Processes. In Proc. South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) Conference 2005 : ICT Building Bridges, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 46. Low, G., Ed. ACS. 23-28. |     
| He, H., Jin, H., Chen, J., McAullay, D., Li, J. and Fallon, T. (2006). Analysis of Breast Feeding Data Using Data Mining Methods. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 47-52. |     
| He, J., Chiu, W., Ranjan, D., Schmid, M.F. and Jiang, W. (2004). Detecting Local Symmetry Axis in 3-dimensional Virus Structures. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 265-270. |     
| Heckenberg, S.G., Herbert, R.D. and Webber, R. (2004). Visualisation of the Minority Game Using a Mod. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 157-163. |     
| Heinz, S. and Zobel, J. (2002). Performance of Data Structures for Small Sets of Strings. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 87-94. |     
| Heitmeyer, C. (2005). Developing Safety-Critical Systems: The Role of Formal Methods and Tools. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 95-99. |     
| Hemer, D. (2005). A Formal Approach to Component Adaptation and Composition. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 259-266. |     
| Hemer, D. and Lindsay, P. (2002). Supporting Component-Based Reuse in CARE. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 95-104. |     
| Hemer, D., Long, G. and Strooper, P. (2005). Plug-in Proof Support for Formal Development Environments. In Proc. Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 41. Atkinson, M. and Dehne, F., Eds., ACS. 69-79. |     
| Henderson-Sellers, B. and Gonzalez-Perez, C. (2005). The Rationale of Powertype-based Metamodelling to Underpin Software Development Methodologies. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 43. Hartmann, S. and Stumptner, M., Eds., ACS. 7-16. |     
| Henricksen, M., Caelli, W. and Croll, P.R. (2007). Securing Grid Data Using Mandatory Access Controls. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 25-32. |     
| Henshall, K., Schachte, P., Sondergaard, H. and Whiting, L. (2009). Boolean Affine Approximation with Binary Decision Diagrams. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 119-127. |     
| Hepp, P. and Laval, E. (2003). Improving Literacy and Numeracy in Poor Schools: The Main Challenge in Developing Countries. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 53-57. |     
| Heravizadeh, M. and Edmond, D. (2008). Making Workflows Context-aware: A Way to Support Knowledge-intensive Tasks. In Proc. Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 79. Hinze, A. and Kirchberg, M., Eds., ACS. 79-88. |     
| Herbert, N. (2007). Quantitative Peer Assessment: Can students be objective?. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 63-71. |     
| Herbert, N. and Wang, Z. (2007). Student timesheets can aid in curriculum coordination. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 73-80. |     
| Hering, J.A., Haris, P.I. and Innocent, P.R. (2004). Empirical Knowledge and Genetic Algorithms for Selection of Amide I Frequencies in Protein Secondary Structure Prediction. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 345-350. |     
| Herlihy, B., Schachte, P. and Sondergaard, H. (2006). Boolean equation solving as graph traversal. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 123-132. |     
| Hesketh, A. (2009). Making 12,000 Healthcare Organisations Interoperate, and Other Challenges. In Proc. Third Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 97. Warren, J.R., Ed. ACS. 3. |   
| Heuser, C.A., Krieser, F.N.A. and Orengo, V.M. (2007). SimEval - A Tool for Evaluating the Quality of Similarity Functions. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 71-76. |     
| Hew, P.C. (2003). Visualisation of Surveillance Coverage by Latency Mapping. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 24. Pattison, T. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 11-16. |     
| Hexel, R. (2003). FITS - A Fault Injection Architecture for Time-Triggered Systems. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 333-338. |     
| Hexel, R., Johnson, C., Kummerfeld, B. and Quigley, A.J. (2004). 'Powerpoint to the People' : Suiting the Word to the Audience. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 49-56. |     
| Hidders, J., Dumas, M., Aalst, W.M.P.v.d., Hofstede, A.H.M.t. and Verelst, J. (2005). When are two Workflows the Same?. In Proc. Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 41. Atkinson, M. and Dehne, F., Eds., ACS. 3-11. |     
| Hideshima, Y. and Koike, H. (2006). STARMINE : A Visualization System for Cyber Attacks. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 131-138. |     
| Higgins, P., Richards, D. and McGrath, M. (2001). Intelligent Visualisation of Social Network Analysis Data. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 83. |     
| Hilker, M. and Schommer, C. (2006). Description of Bad-Signatures for Network Intrusion Detection. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Safavi-Naini, R., Steketee, C. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 175-182. |     
| Hinchey, M.G. (2002). Confessions of a Formal Methodist. In Proc. Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 15. Lindsay, P., Ed. ACS. 17-20. |     
| Hine, J.H. and Dagger, P. (2004). Securing Distributed Computing Against the Hostile Host. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 279-286. |     
| Hingston, P.F. (2002). Using Finite State Automata for Sequence Mining. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 105-110. |     
| Hingston, P.F. and While, R.L. (2002). A Dynamic Communication Algorithm for Digital Halftoning. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 111-118. |     
| Hinze, A. and Buchanan, G. (2006). The Challenge of Creating Cooperating Mobile Services: Experiences and Lessons Learned. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 207-215. |    
| Hinze, A., Malik, P. and Malik, R. (2006). Interaction Design for a Mobile Context-Aware System using Discrete Event Modelling. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 257-266. |     
| Hinze, A., Michel, Y. and Eschner, L. (2009). Event-based Communication for Location-based Service Collaboration. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 127-136. |     
| Hinze, A., Michel, Y. and Schlieder, T. (2006). Approximative Filtering of XML Documents in Publish/Subscribe Systems. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 177-185. |     
| Hisil, H., Wong, K.K.-H., Carter, G. and Dawson, E. (2009). Faster Group Operations on Elliptic Curves. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 98. Brankovic, L. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 7-19. |     
| Hitchens, M. and Lister, R. (2009). A Focus Group Study of Student Attitudes to Lectures. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 93-100. |     
| Hoad, T.C. and Zobel, J. (2003). Video Similarity Detection for Digital Rights Management. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 237-245. |     
| Hoang, T.N., Porter, S.R. and Thomas, B.H. (2009). Augmenting Image Place AR 3D Interactions for Wearable Computers. In Proc. Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 93. Weber, G. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 13-19. |     
| Hoffman, M.E. (2004). The Case for More Digital Logic in Computer Architecture. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 137-143. |     
| Hoffmann, J. and Duffert, U. (2004). Frequency Space Representation of Transitions of Quadruped Robot Gaits. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 275-278. |     
| Hogan, J.M., Ho-Stuart, C. and Pham, B. (2004). Key Challenges in Software Internationalisation. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Software Internationalisation (AWSI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Hogan, J., Ed. ACS. 187-194. |     
| Hogan, J.M., Smith, G. and Thomas, R.C. (2005). Tight Spirals and Industry Clients: The Modern SE Education Experience. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 217-222. |     
| Hogan, J.M. and Thomas, R.C. (2005). Developing the Software Engineering Team. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 203-210. |     
| Hogg, K., Chilcott, P., Nolan, M. and Srinivasan, B. (2004). An Evaluation of Web Services in the Design of a B2B Application. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 331-340. |     
| Hogg, R. (2003). ICT Education - The Challenge for the Future. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 57-59. |    
| Holford, J.W., Caelli, W.J. and Rhodes, A.W. (2004). Using Self-Defending Objects to Develop Security Aware Applications in Java. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 341-349. |     
| Holkner, A. and Harland, J. (2009). Evaluating the dynamic behaviour of Python applications. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 17-25. |     
| Holkner, B. (2003). Four Platforms : Moral perspectives on Information Technology. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 61-63. |     
| Holmberg, N., Wuensche, B. and Tempero, E. (2006). A Framework for InteractiveWeb-Based Visualization. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 137-144. |     
| Holt, J.E. (2006). Logcrypt: Forward Security and Public Verification for Secure Audit Logs. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Safavi-Naini, R., Steketee, C. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 203-211. |     
| Homola, M. and Serafini, L. (2008). Towards Distributed Tableaux Reasoning Procedure for DDL with Increased Subsumption Propagation between Remote Ontologies. In Proc. Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 90. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 21-30. |     
| Hong, S.-H. (2001). Visualisation of Symmetry in Graphs. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 71-72. |     
| Hong, S.-H., Merrick, D. and Nascimento, H.A.D.d. (2004). The Metro Map Layout Problem. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 91-100. |     
| Hong, S.-H. and Nikolov, N.S. (2005). Layered Drawings of Directed Graphs in Three Dimensions. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 69-74. |     
| Hongladarom, S. (2004). Exploring the Philosophical Terrain of the Digital Divide. In Proc. Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 37. Weckert, J. and Al-Saggaf, Y., Eds., ACS. 85-89. |   
| Hongtao, S., Feng, D.D. and Rong-chun, Z. (2003). Face Recognition Using Multi-feature and Radial Basis Function Network. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 51. |     
| Honnappa, H. (2008). Customer Event Rate Estimation Using Particle Filters. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 61-72. |     
| Hooijmaijers, D. and Stumptner, M. (2006). Trust Based Ontology Integration For The Community Services Sector. In Proc. Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 72. Orgun, M.A. and Meyer, T., Eds., ACS. 17-24. |     
| Hooijmaijers, D. and Stumptner, M. (2008). Enhancing Subjective Ontologies with Social Tagging Systems. In Proc. Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 90. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 31-40. |     
| Hopkins, J.L. and McDougall, A. (2002). Psycles of Change: Development and Implementation of Databased Curriculum Documentation. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 43-47. |     
| Hopkins, J.L. and McDougall, A. (2003). Constructionist Learning and Teaching in a Computer Clubhouse Environment. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 65-66. |     
| Hosobe, H. (2005). An Extended High-Dimensional Method for Interactive Graph Drawing. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 15-20. |     
| Hou, J. and Zhang, Y. (2002). Constructing Good Quality Web Page Communities. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 65-74. |     
| Hou, J. and Zhang, Y. (2003). Utilizing Hyperlink Transitivity to Improve Web Page Clustering. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 49-57. |     
| Hoy, J.E.S., McCulloch, A.F. and McDonald, J.R. (2004). BRINet: A BioResource Integration Network. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 29-34. |     
| Hsieh, M.-S.P. and Tempero, E. (2006). Supporting Software Reuse by the Individual Programmer. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 25-33. |     
| Hu, H. and Li, J. (2005). Using Association Rules to Make Rule-based Classifiers Robust. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 47-54. |     
| Hu, H., Li, J., Plank, A., Wang, H. and Daggard, G. (2006). A Comparative Study of Classification Methods For Microarray Data Analysis. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 33-37. |     
| Hu, H., Li, J., Wang, H., Daggard, G. and Shi, M. (2006). A Maximally Diversified Multiple Decision Tree Algorithm for Microarray Data Classification. In Proc. 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 73. Boden, M. and Bailey, T.L., Eds., ACS. 35-38. |     
| Hu, J., Cui, B. and Shen, H. (2004). Diagonal Ordering: A New Approach to High-Dimensional KNN Processing. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 39-47. |     
| Hu, Q., He, S.X. and Zhou, J. (2004). Multi-Scale Edge Detection with Bilateral Filtering in Spiral Architecture. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 29-32. |     
| Hu, X. and Yoo, I. (2004). Cluster Ensemble and Its Applications in Gene Expression Analysis. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 297-302. |     
| Huang, C.-M., Hsu, T.-H. and Hsu, M.-F. (2005). A File Discovery Control Scheme for P2P File Sharing Applications in Wireless Mobile Environments. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 39-48. |     
| Huang, F.Y., Jay, C.B. and Skillicorn, D.B. (2006). Programming with Heterogeneous Structures: Manipulating XML data Using bondi. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 287-295. |     
| Huang, M.L. (2001). Information Visualization of Attributed Relational Data. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 143-149. |     
| Huang, W. and Eades, P. (2005). How People Read Graphs. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 51-58. |     
| Huang, W., Hong, S.-H. and Eades, P. (2006). How People Read Sociograms: A Questionnaire Study. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 199-206. |     
| Huang, W., Hong, S.-H. and Eades, P. (2006). Predicting Graph Reading Performance: A Cognitive Approach. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 207-216. |     
| Huang, X., Eades, P. and Lai, W. (2005). A Framework of Filtering, Clustering and Dynamic Layout Graphs for Visualization. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 87-96. |     
| Huang, X., Jiao, L. and Lu, W. (2008). Weak Parametric Failure Equivalences and Their Congruence Formats. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 15-26. |     
| Huang, X. and Lai, W. (2003). Force-Transfer : A New Approach to Removing Overlapping Nodes in Graph Layout. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 349-358. |     
| Huang, X. and Lai, W. (2004). On the Structural Algorithm of Filtering Graphs for Layout. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 33-42. |     
| Huang, Z., Zhou, X., Song, D. and Bruza, P. (2006). Dimensionality Reduction in Patch-Signature Based Protein Structure Matching. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 89-97. |     
| Hudaya, A. and Khan, A. (2008). Commodity-Grid Based Distributed Pattern Recognition Framework. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 82. Kelly, W. and Roe, P., Eds., ACS. 27-34. |     
| Hughes, B. (2006). Building Computational Grids with Apple's Xgrid Middleware. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Buyya, R. and Ma, T., Eds., ACS. 47-54. |     
| Huisman, M. and Trentelman, K. (2005). Factorising Temporal Specifications. In Proc. Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 41. Atkinson, M. and Dehne, F., Eds., ACS. 87-96. |     
| Hung, P.C.K. and Karlapalem, K. (2003). A Secure Workflow Model. In Proc. First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 33-41. |     
| Hung, R.Y.S. and Ting, H.F. (2007). An Optimal Broadcasting Protocol for Mobile Video-on-Demand. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 79-84. |     
| Hunter, A., Schibeci, D., Hiew, H.L. and Bellgard, M. (2005). Grendel: A Bioinformatics Web Service-based Architecture for Accessing HPC Resources. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Buyya, R., Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 29-32. |     
| Hunter, B. (2006). Assuring Separation of Safety and Non-safety Related Systems. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 45-51. |     
| Hunter, C., Robinson, P. and Strooper, P. (2005). Agent-Based Distributed Software Verification. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 159-164. |     
| Hunter, J. (2007). The Development, Evaluation and Application of Ontologies to eResearch. In Proc. Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 85. Meyer, T. and Nayak, A.C., Eds., ACS. 3-3. |    
| Hurst, N., Marriott, K. and Moulder, P. (2003). Cobweb : A Constraint-Based WEB Browser. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 247-254. |     
| Huston, S., Puchinger, J. and Stuckey, P. (2008). The Core Concept for 0/1 Integer Programming. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 39-47. |     
| Hutchens, R. and Singh, S. (2002). Bandwidth Reservation Strategies for Mobility Support of Wireless Connections with QoS Guarantees. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 119-128. |     
| Hutterer, P., Close, B.S. and Thomas, B.H. (2006). TIDL: Mixed Presence Groupware Support for Legacy and Custom Applications. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 117-124. |     
| Hutterer, P., Smith, M.T., Thomas, B.H., Piekarski, W. and Ankcorn, J. (2005). Lightweight User Interfaces for Watch Based Displays. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds., ACS. 89-98. |     
| Hutterer, P. and Thomas, B.H. (2007). Groupware Support in the Windowing System. In Proc. Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 64. Piekarski, W. and Plimmer, B., Eds., ACS. 39-46. |     
| Hutterer, P. and Thomas, B.H. (2008). Enabling Co-located Ad-hoc Collaboration on Shared Displays. In Proc. Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 76. Plimmer, B. and Weber, G., Eds., ACS. 43-50. |     
| Hvam, K., Reinhardt, L., Winter, P. and Zachariasen, M. (2007). Some Structural and Geometric Properties of Two-Connected Steiner Networks. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 85-90. |     
| Iga, S. and Shinnishi, M. (2006). SnapShoot: Integrating Semantic Analysis and Visualization Techniques for Web-based Note Taking System. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 161-167. |     
| Ikeda, K., Sugiyama, K., Watanabe, I. and Misue, K. (2006). Generation of Relevance Maps and Navigation in A Digital Book. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 49-58. |     
| Indulska, J. and Sutton, P. (2003). Location Management in Pervasive Systems. In Proc. Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 143-151. |     
| Indulska, M. and Orlowska, M.E. (2002). On Aggregation Issues in Spatial Data Management. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 75-84. |     
| Irwin, W. and Churcher, N. (2002). XML in the Visualisation Pipeline. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 59-67. |     
| Isal, R.Y.K., Moffat, A. and Ngai, A.C.H. (2002). Enhanced Word-Based Block-Sorting Text Compression. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 129-137. |     
| Ishihara, M., Misue, K. and Tanaka, J. (2006). Ripple Presentation for Tree Structures with Historical Information. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 153-160. |     
| Ishihara, Y. and Ishihara, M. (2007). Locating A Projector Using The Strength of Beams Reflected on a Screen. In Proc. Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 64. Piekarski, W. and Plimmer, B., Eds., ACS. 47-50. |     
| Ishii, T. (2007). Minimum Augmentation of Edge-Connectivity with Monotone Requirements in Undirected Graphs. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 91-100. |     
| Ishii, T., Fujita, H. and Nagamochi, H. (2005). Minimum Cost Source Location Problem with Local 3-Vertex-Connectivity Requirements. In Proc. Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 41. Atkinson, M. and Dehne, F., Eds., ACS. 97-105. |    
| Ishii, T. and Makino, K. (2009). Augmenting Edge-Connectivity between Vertex Subsets. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 43-49. |     
| Islam, K.S. (2007). An Approach to Argumentation Context Mining from Dialogue History in an E-Market Scenario. In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. CRPIT, 84. Ong, K.-L., Li, W. and Gao, J., Eds., ACS. 73-83. |     
| Islam, K.S. (2007). An E-Market Framework to Determine the Strength of Business Relationships between Intelligent Agents. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 215-224. |     
| Islam, M.Z. and Brankovic, L. (2004). A Framework for Privacy Preserving Data Mining. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 163-168. |     
| Islas Sedano, C., Kuts, E. and Sutinen, E. (2007). Computer science students can help to solve problems of multiplayer mobile games. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 213-216. |     
| Itoh, T. and Yamashita, F. (2006). Visualization of multi-dimensional data of bioactive chemicals using a hierarchical data visualization technique 'HeiankyoView'. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 23-29. |     
| Itzstein, G.S. and Kearney, D. (2002). Applications of Join Java. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 37-46. |     
| Iyengar, V., Boier, I., Kelley, K. and Curatolo, R. (2007). Analytics for Audit and Business Controls in Corporate Travel and Entertainment. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Izu, C. (2006). Throughput fairness in k-ary n-cube networks.. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 137-145. |     
| Jackson, M. and Shah, A. (2005). The Impact of DRMs on Personal Use Expectations and Fair Dealing Rights. In Proc. Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Safavi-Naini, R., Montague, P. and Sheppard, N., Eds., ACS. 119-126. |     
| Jaffar, J. (2008). Constraint Logic Programming for Program Analysis. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Jakob, M., Schiller, O., Schwarz, H. and Kaiser, F. (2007). flashWeb: Graphical Modeling of Web Applications for Data Management. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 59-64. |     
| James, H.A., Hawick, K.A. and James, C.J. (2005). Teaching Students How to be Computer Scientists Through Student Projects. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 259-267. |     
| Jamieson, J. (2001). Regulation of Medical Devices involving Software in Australia - an Overview. In Proc. Sixth Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2001), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 3. Lindsay, P., Ed. ACS. 7-12. |     
| Jang, D., Whigham, P. and Dick, G. (2004). On Evolving Fixed Pattern Strategies for Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 241-247. |     
| Janneck, J.W. and Esser, R. (2002). Higher-Order Petri Net Modelling - Techniques and Applications. In Proc. Workshop on Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 12. Lakos, C., Esser, R., Kristensen, L.M. and Billington, J., Eds., ACS. 17-25. |     
| Jansamak, S. and Surarerks, A. (2004). Formalization of UML Statechart Models Using Concurrent Regular Expressions. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 83-88. |     
| JasonSmith, M. and Cockburn, A. (2003). Get a Way Back : Evaluating Retrieval from History Lists. In Proc. Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 18. Biddle, R. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 33-38. |     
| Javadi, B., Abawajy, J.H. and Akbari, M.K. (2007). Communication Network Analysis of the Enterprise Grid Systems. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 33-40. |     
| Jayasinghe, M., Tari, Z. and Zeephongsekul, P. (2009). The Impact of Quanta on the Performance of Multi-level Time Sharing Policy under Heavy-tailed Workloads. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 83-91. |     
| Jiang, H., Lu, H., Wang, W. and Yu, J.X. (2002). Path Materialization Revisited: An Efficient Storage Model for XML Data. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 85-94. |     
| Jin, J.S. and Wang, R. (2002). The Development of an Online Video Browing System. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 3-9. |     
| Jin, J.S. and Wu, S.R. (2004). Screen Capture - A Vector Quantisation Approach. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 43-47. |     
| Jin, Y., Esser, R. and Lakos, C. (2003). Lightweight Consistency Analysis of Dataflow Process Networks. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 291-300. |     
| Jittrawong, K. and Wong, R.K. (2007). Optimizing XPath Queries on Streaming XML Data. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 73-82. |     
| Johnson, C.R. and Weinstein, D.M. (2006). Biomedical Computing and Visualization. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 3-10. |     
| Johnson, C.W. (2007). Analysing the Causes of the Italian and Swiss Blackout, 28th September 2003. In Proc. Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 86. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 21-30. |     
| Johnson, C.W. and Barnes, I. (2005). Redesigning the Intermediate Course in Software Design. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 249-258. |     
| Johnsten, T. and Raghavan, V.V. (2002). A Methodology for Hiding Knowledge in Databases. In Proc. IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002), Maebashi City, Japan. CRPIT, 14. Clifton, C. and Estivill-Castro, V., Eds., ACS. 9-17. |     
| Johnston, B. and Governatori, G. (2003). An algorithm for the induction of defeasible logic theories from databases. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 75-83. |     
| Johnston, S. and Acquaah-Gaisie, G. (2001). Economic development via the Net in Oceania. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 60-66. |     
| Jones, A.J. (2002). Integration of ICT in an Initial Teacher Training Course: Participants' Views. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 49-54. |     
| Jones, A.J. (2003). ICT and Future Teachers : Are We Prepared for E-Learning?. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 67-69. |     
| Jones, A.J. (2003). Infusing ICT Use within the Early Years of Elementary Education. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 59-64. |     
| Jones, C. and Munro, C. (2009). Using Machinima to Promote Computer Science Study. In Proc. Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 93. Weber, G. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 21-29. |     
| Jones, J. (2002). DVB-MHP/JavaTV Data Transport Mechanisms. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 115-121. |     
| Jones, J. (2005). Creative Research and Development Collaborations. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Jones-Diaz, C. (2003). Multiple Literacies... Multiple Learning Opportunities . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 139. |   
| Jones-Lee, M. and Loomes, G. (2004). Eliciting Measures of Value for Health and Safety. In Proc. Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 47. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 49-58. |     
| Jorns, O., Quirchmayr, G. and Jung, O. (2007). A Privacy Enhancing Mechanism based on Pseudonyms for Identity Protection in Location-Based Services. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Brankovic, L. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 133-142. |     
| Josang, A. (2007). Probabilistic Logic under Uncertainty. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 101-110. |     
| Josang, A., Al Zomai, M. and Suriadi, S. (2007). Usability and Privacy in Identity Management Architectures. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Brankovic, L. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 143-152. |     
| Josang, A. and Alfayyadh, B. (2008). Robust WYSIWYS: A Method for Ensuring that What You See Is What You Sign. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 81. Brankovic, L. and Miller, M., Eds., ACS. 53-58. |     
| Josang, A., Bradley, D. and Knapskog, S.J. (2004). Belief Based Risk Analysis. In Proc. Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 63-68. |     
| Josang, A., Fabre, J., Hay, B., Dalziel, J. and Pope, S. (2005). Trust Requirements in Identity Management. In Proc. Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Safavi-Naini, R., Montague, P. and Sheppard, N., Eds., ACS. 99-108. |     
| Josang, A., Gollmann, D. and Au, R. (2006). A Method for Access Authorisation Through Delegation Networks. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Safavi-Naini, R., Steketee, C. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 165-174. |     
| Josang, A. and Patton, M.A. (2003). User Interface Requirements for Authentication of Communication. In Proc. Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 18. Biddle, R. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 75-80. |     
| Josang, A. and Pope, S. (2005). Semantic Constraints for Trust Transitivity. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 43. Hartmann, S. and Stumptner, M., Eds., ACS. 59-68. |     
| Josang, A., Pope, S. and Hayward, R. (2006). Trust Network Analysis with Subjective Logic. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 85-94. |     
| Josang, A. and Sanderud, G. (2003). Security in Mobile Communications: Challenges and Opportunities. In Proc. First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 43-48. |     
| Joyce, D. and Young, A.L. (2004). Developing and Implementing a Professional Doctorate in Computing. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 145-149. |     
| Jureta, I.J. and Faulkner, S. (2007). Clarifying Goal Models. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 139-144. |     
| Kabir, M.E. and Wang, H. (2009). Conditional Purpose Based Access Control Model for Privacy Protection. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 137-144. |     
| Kaburagi, T., Hashimoto, S., Matsumoto, T., Muramatsu, D. and Sasaki, M. (2004). Transmembrane Region Prediction with Hydropathy Index/Charge Two-Dimensional Trajectories of Stochastic Dynamical Systems. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 35-42. |     
| Kaiser, B., Liggesmeyer, P. and Mackel, O. (2004). A New Component Concept for Fault Trees. In Proc. Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 33. Lindsay, P. and Cant, T., Eds., ACS. 37-46. |     
| Kaiser, R. and Oertel, K. (2006). Emotions in HCI - An Affective E-Learning System. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 105-106. |     
| Kamble, A.S. (2008). A Conceptual Model for Multidimensional Data. In Proc. Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 79. Hinze, A. and Kirchberg, M., Eds., ACS. 29-38. |     
| Kaneiwa, K. and Tojo, S. (2005). Logical Aspects of Events: Quantification, Sorts, Composition and Disjointness. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 58. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 33-40. |     
| Kang, H., Han, S. and Kim, Y. (2005). Schemes of Storing XML Query Cache. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 55-64. |     
| Kang, H., Sung, H. and Moon, C. (2003). Deferred Incremental Refresh of XML Materialized Views : Algorithms and Performance Evaluation. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 217-226. |     
| Kantarcioglu, M. and Vaidya, J. (2002). An Architecture for Privacy-preserving Mining of Client Information. In Proc. IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002), Maebashi City, Japan. CRPIT, 14. Clifton, C. and Estivill-Castro, V., Eds., ACS. 37-42. |     
| Kanzaki, Y., Igaki, H., Nakamura, M., Monden, A. and Matsumoto, K.-i. (2005). Characterizing Dynamics of Information Leakage in Security-Sensitive Software Process. In Proc. Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Safavi-Naini, R., Montague, P. and Sheppard, N., Eds., ACS. 145-151. |     
| Karahasanovic, A. and Thomas, R.C. (2007). Difficulties experienced by students in maintaining object-oriented systems: an empirical study. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 81-87. |     
| Karimi, M. and Gupta, A. (2009). Minimum Cost Homomorphism to Oriented Cycles with Some Loops. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 7-17. |     
| Karunaratne, S. and Yan, H. (2001). A Fuzzy Rule-Based Interactive Methodology for Training Multimedia Actors. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 3-9. |     
| Kasabov, N., Middlemiss, M. and Lane, T. (2003). A Generic Connectionist-Based Method for On-Line Feature Selection and Modelling with a Case Study of Gene Expression Data Analysis. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 199-202. |     
| Kaschek, R., Albertyn, F., Shekhovtsov, V.A. and Zlatkin, S. (2007). An e-Process Selection Model. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 115-120. |     
| Kasmarik, K. and Thurbon, J. (2003). Experimental Evaluation of a Program Visualisation Tool for Use in Computer Science Education. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 24. Pattison, T. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 111-116. |     
| Kassab, R. and Lamirel, J.-C. (2006). A New Approach to Intelligent Text Filtering Based on Novelty Detection. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 149-156. |     
| Kay, J., Li, L. and Fekete, A. (2007). Learner Reflection in Student Self-assessment. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 89-95. |     
| Kayed, A. and Colomb, R.M. (2002). Using Ontologies to Index Conceptual Structures for Tendering Automation. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 95-101. |     
| Keedy, J.L., Menger, G. and Heinlein, C. (2002). Support for Subtyping and Code Re-use in Timor. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 35-43. |     
| Keefe, K. and Dick, M. (2004). Using Extreme Programming in a Capstone Project. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 151-160. |     
| Keefe, K., Sheard, J. and Dick, M. (2006). Adopting XP Practices for Teaching Object Oriented Programming. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 91-100. |     
| Keith, J.M., Adams, P., Bryant, D., Mitchelson, K.R., Cochran, D.A.E. and Lala, G.H. (2003). Inferring an Original Sequence from Erroneous Copies : A Bayesian Approach. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 23-28. |     
| Kelarev, A.V. (2006). A Polynomial Algorithm for Codes Based on Directed Graphs. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 87-92. |     
| Kelly, P.M., Coddington, P.D. and Wendelborn, A.L. (2006). A Simplified Approach to Web Service Development. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Buyya, R. and Ma, T., Eds., ACS. 79-88. |     
| Kelly, T. (2006). Using Software Architecture Techniques to Support the Modular Certification of Safety-Critical Systems. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 53-65. |     
| Kelly, W. and Gough, J. (2008). Compiling Ruby on the CLR. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 37-46. |     
| Kemp, Z., Tan, L. and Whalley, J. (2007). Interoperability for Geospatial Analysis: a Semantics and Ontology-based Approach. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 83-92. |     
| Kendall, M. (2003). ICT and the Teacher of the Future. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 71-72. |     
| Kennedy, A. and MacNish, C. (2008). An Investigation of the State Formation and Transition Limitations for Prediction Problems in Recurrent Neural Networks. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 137-145. |     
| Kennedy, G.J. (2005). Peer-assessment in Group Projects: Is it worth it?. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 59-65. |     
| Kennewell, S. (2003). Developing Research Models for ICT-Based Pedagogy. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 73-74. |    
| Kennewell, S. and Beauchamp, G. (2003). The Influence of a Technology-rich Classroom Environment on Elementary Teachers' Pedagogy and Children's Learning. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 65-70. |     
| Kennewell, S. and Morgan, A. (2003). Student Teachers' Experiences and Attitudes Towards Using Interactive Whiteboards in the Teaching and Learning of Young Children. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 71-75. |     
| Keogh, E., Lin, J., Lonardi, S. and Chiu, B. (2004). We Have Seen the Future, and It Is Symbolic. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 83. |     
| Khaled, R., Biddle, R., Noble, J., Barr, P. and Fischer, R. (2006). Persuasive Interaction for Collectivist Cultures. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 73-80. |     
| Khaled, R., Noble, J. and Biddle, R. (2003). InspectJ : Program Monitoring for Visualisation Using AspectJ. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 359-368. |     
| Khaled, R., Noble, J. and Biddle, R. (2003). A Case Study of Cartoon Visualisation Using AspectJ. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 24. Pattison, T. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 117-125. |     
| Khalil, F., Li, J. and Wang, H. (2006). A Framework of Combining Markov Model With Association Rules for Predicting Web Page Accesses. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 177-184. |     
| Khalil, F., Li, J. and Wang, H. (2008). Integrating Recommendation Models for Improved Web page prediction accuracy. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 91-100. |     
| Khan, K.M., Kapurubandara, M. and Chadha, U. (2004). Incorporating Business Requirements and Constraints in Database Conceptual Model. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 31. Hartmann, S. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 59-64. |     
| Khan, U., Shin, H., Choi, J.P. and Kim, M. (2008). wFDT - Weighted Fuzzy Decision Trees for Prognosis of Breast Cancer Survivability. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 141-152. |     
| Khandekar, A., Krishna, P.R. and Karlapalem, K. (2007). A Methodology and Toolkit for Deploying Contract Documents as E-contracts. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 91-96. |     
| Khanli, L.M. and Analoui, M. (2006). Grid-JQA : Grid Java based Quality of service management by Active database. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Buyya, R. and Ma, T., Eds., ACS. 41-45. |     
| Khoury, G.R. and Simoff, S.J. (2004). Enterprise Architecture Modelling using Elastic Metaphors. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 31. Hartmann, S. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 65-69. |     
| Khoury, G.R. and Simoff, S.J. (2004). Elastic Metaphors: Expanding the Philosophy of Interface Design. In Proc. Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 37. Weckert, J. and Al-Saggaf, Y., Eds., ACS. 65-71. |     
| Khoury, G.R., Simoff, S.J. and Debenham, J. (2005). Modelling Enterprise Architectures: An Approach Based on Linking Metaphors and Ontologies. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 58. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 41-46. |     
| Ki, W., Chung, A.L.S. and Lam, H.C. (2003). Teacher Empowerment and Minimalist Design. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 75-76. |     
| Kiili, K. (2003). Technology Access : Resources Wasted in Computer Laboratories. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 77-79. |     
| Kildare, R., Williams, R.N. and Hartnett, J. (2006). An online tool for learning collaboration and learning while collaborating.. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 101-108. |     
| Kim, B.D., Koo, S.O., Kwon, H.D., Jung, S.D., Jung, S.K., Lee, M., Rho, Y. and Koo, S. (2006). Integrated Visualization for Geometry PIG Data. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 63-66. |     
| Kim, H.-j., Lee, T., Lee, S.-g. and Chun, J. (2003). Automated Data Warehousing for Rule-based CRM Systems. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 67-73. |     
| Kim, J., Feng, D.D. and Cai, T.W. (2001). A Web Based Medical Image Data Processing and Management System. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 89-91. |   
| Kim, J., Feng, D.D., Cai, T.W. and Eberl, S. (2002). Integrated Multimedia Medical Data Agent in E-Health. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 11-15. |     
| Kim, J., Feng, D.D., Cai, T.W. and Eberl, S. (2002). A Solution to the Distribution and Standarization of Multimedia Medical Data in E-Health. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 161-164. |     
| Kim, J. and Lutteroth, C. (2009). Multi-Platform Document-Oriented GUIs. In Proc. Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 93. Weber, G. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 31-38. |     
| Kim, T.-W. and Li, K.-J. (2003). A Distance-Based Packing Method for High Dimensional Data. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 135-144. |     
| King, J. and Bond, T. (2002). Parents' and Students' Satisfaction with the Use of Information Technology in Government Schools in Queensland, Australia. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 55-59. |     
| Kirchberg, M. and Link, S. (2003). On the Implication Problem for Functional Dependencies in the Higher-Order Entity-Relationship Model. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 115-124. |     
| Kirchberg, M., Riaz-ud-Din, F., Schewe, K.-D. and Tretiakov, A. (2006). Using Reflection for Querying XML Documents. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 119-128. |     
| Kirley, M. (2006). Supporting Casual Tutors and Demonstrators: A case study in computer science and software engineering. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 109-115. |     
| Kit, L.H. and Ng, V. (2005). Enumerating XML Data for Dynamic Updating. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 75-84. |     
| Kitiyadisai, K. (2004). Bridging the Digital Divide from a Buddhist Perspective with Implications for Public Policy. In Proc. Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 37. Weckert, J. and Al-Saggaf, Y., Eds., ACS. 91-95. |     
| Kitsuregawa, M., Toyoda, M. and Pramudiono, I. (2002). WEB Community Mining and WEB Log Mining: Commodity Cluster Based Execution. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 3-10. |     
| Kiyoki, Y. and Chen, X. (2009). A Semantic Associative Computation Method for Automatic Decorative-Multimedia Creation with 'Kansei' Information. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds., ACS. 7-15. |     
| Klein, G. and Huuck, R. (2005). High Assurance System Software. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 59-67. |     
| Klukas, C., Schreiber, F. and Schwoebbermeyer, H. (2006). Coordinated Perspectives and Enhanced Force-Directed Layout for the Analysis of Network Motifs. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 39-48. |     
| Kneale, B., Horta, A.Y.d. and Box, I. (2004). VELNET (Virtual Environment for Learning Networking). In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 161-168. |     
| Knight, J., Patrickson, M. and Gurd, B. (2009). GP Attitudes towards Using HI Systems in Their Professional Role. In Proc. Third Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 97. Warren, J.R., Ed. ACS. 37-44. |     
| Knight, J.C. and Graydon, P.J. (2007). Engineering, Communication, and Safety. In Proc. Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 86. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 31-39. |     
| Knobelsdorf, M. and Schulte, C. (2007). Computer science in context - pathways to computer science. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 65-76. |     
| Kobayashi, T., Misue, K., Shizuki, B. and Tanaka, J. (2006). Information Gathering Support Interface by the Overview Presentation of Web Search Results. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 103-108. |     
| Kodituwakku, S.R. and Bertok, P. (2003). Pattern Categories: A Mathematical Approach for Organizing Design Patterns. In Proc. Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 13. Noble, J., Ed. ACS. 63. |     
| Koehler, H. (2005). A Contraction Algorithm for finding Minimal Feedback Sets. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 165-174. |     
| Koehler, H. (2007). Domination Normal Form - Decomposing Relational Database Schemas. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 79-85. |     
| Koehler, H., Schewe, K.-D. and Zhao, J. (2007). Dynamic Data Warehouse Design as a Refinement in ASM-based Approach. In Proc. Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 67. Roddick, J.F. and Hinze, A., Eds., ACS. 61-69. |     
| Koh, Y.S. and Pears, R. (2008). Rare Association Rule Mining via Transaction Clustering. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 87-94. |     
| Kohl, L. (2007). Puck - a visual programming system for schools. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 191-194. |     
| Kolanski, R. and Klein, G. (2006). Formalising the L4 microkernel API. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 53-68. |     
| Kolyshkina, I. and Simoff, S. (2007). Customer Analytics Projects: Addressing Existing Problems with a Process that Leads to Success. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 13-19. |     
| Komisarczuk, P. and Welch, I. (2006). A Board Game for Teaching Internet Engineering. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 117-123. |     
| Kong, W., Tan, P., Tham, L. and Wong, K.Y. (2004). Support Vector Machine Approach for Cancer Detection Using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) Screening Method. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 63-66. |     
| Koppi, T., Sheard, J., Naghdy, F., Chicharo, J., Edwards, S.L., Brookes, W. and Wilson, D. (2009). What Our ICT Graduates Need from Us: A Perspective from the Workplace. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 101-109. |     
| Korb, K.B., Nicholson, A.E. and Hope, L.R. (2007). Take Heart II: A Modular Bayesian Decision Support System. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Knowledge Management and Discovery (HKMD 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Roddick, J.F. and Warren, J.R., Eds., ACS. 203-203. |    
| Kozlova, I., Ritter, N. and Husemann, M. (2007). Providing Semantically Equivalent, Complete Views for Multilingual Access to Integrated Data. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 191-196. |     
| Krawczyk, S. and Bubendorfer, K. (2008). Grid Resource Allocation : Allocation Mechanisms and Utilisation Patterns. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 82. Kelly, W. and Roe, P., Eds., ACS. 73-81. |     
| Krishna, P.R. and Karlapalem, K. (2007). Active Meta Modeling Support for Evolving E-contracts. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 103-108. |     
| Kristensen, L.M., Mitchell, B., Zhang, L. and Billington, J. (2002). Modelling and Initial Analysis of Operational Planning Processes using Coloured Petri Nets. In Proc. Workshop on Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 12. Lakos, C., Esser, R., Kristensen, L.M. and Billington, J., Eds., ACS. 105-114. |     
| Kuffner, A. and Robles-Kelly, A. (2006). Image Feature Evaluation for Contents-based Image Retrieval. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 29-33. |     
| Kuhne, T. (2009). Contrasting Classification with Generalisation. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds., ACS. 71-78. |     
| Kummerfeld, S.K. and Kay, J. (2003). The Neglected Battle Fields of Syntax Errors. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 105-111. |     
| Kurata, K.-i., Breton, V., Saguez, C. and Dine, G. (2003). Evaluation of Unique Sequences on the European Data Grid. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 43-52. |     
| Kurokawa, T. (2006). Japanese Landscape and My Environmental Design. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 9-12. |     
| Kutay, C. and Lister, R. (2006). Up Close and Pedagogical: Computing Academics Talk About Teaching. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 125-134. |     
| Kutty, S., Nayak, R. and Li, Y. (2007). PCITMiner- Prefix-based Closed Induced Tree Miner for finding closed induced frequent subtrees. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 151-160. |     
| Kutz, O., Lucke, D. and Mossakowski, T. (2008). Heterogeneously Structured Ontologies - Integration, Connection, and Refinement. In Proc. Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 90. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 41-50. |     
| Kwan, P.W.H. and Gao, J. (2006). A Multi-step Strategy for Approximate Similarity Search in Image Databases. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 139-147. |     
| Ladkin, P.B. (2004). Causal Analysis of the ACAS/TCAS Sociotechnical System. In Proc. Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 47. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 3-12. |     
| Ladkin, P.B. and Stuphorn, J. (2004). Two Causal Analyses of the Black Hawk Shootdown during Operation Provide Comfort. In Proc. Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 33. Lindsay, P. and Cant, T., Eds., ACS. 3-23. |     
| Laffey, J.M. and Espinosa, L.M. (2003). Appropriation, Mastery and Resistance to Technology in Early Childhood Preservice Teacher Education: Case Studies. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 77-82. |     
| Lahtinen, E., Ahoniemi, T. and Salo, A. (2007). Effectiveness of integrating program visualizations to a programming course. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 195-198. |     
| Lai, P., Church, W.B., Kaplan, W. and Wong, R.K. (2004). Informative 3D Visualization of Multiple Protein Structures. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 201-208. |     
| Lambert, D. and Nowak, C. (2006). Mephisto I. - Towards a Formal Theory. In Proc. Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 72. Orgun, M.A. and Meyer, T., Eds., ACS. 25-30. |     
| Lambrix, P. and Jakoniene, V. (2003). Towards Transparent Access to Multiple Biological Databanks. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 53-60. |     
| Lamouchi, O., Cherif, A.R. and Levy, N. (2008). A Framework Based Measurements for Evaluating an IS Quality. In Proc. Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 79. Hinze, A. and Kirchberg, M., Eds., ACS. 39-47. |     
| Langemann, D. (2007). Selfish-brain Theory: Challenges in the Top-down Analysis of Metabolic Supply Chains. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 39-49. |     
| Lanthier, M.A., Nussbaum, D. and Wang, T.-J. (2005). Calculating the Meeting Point of Scattered Robots on Weighted Terrain Surfaces. In Proc. Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 41. Atkinson, M. and Dehne, F., Eds., ACS. 107-118. |    
| Larkin, J. and Stocks, P. (2004). Self-Replicating Expressions in the Lambda Calculus. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 167-173. |     
| Latu, S. and Young, A.L. (2004). Teaching ICT to Pacific Island Background Students. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 169-175. |     
| Laxer, C., Daniel, M., Cajander, A. and Wollowski, M. (2009). Evolution of an International Collaborative Student Project. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 111-118. |     
| Laxer, C., Fuller, U., Goold, A. and Young, A. (2006). Facilitating Global Computing Education Through Study Abroad and Collaborative Projects. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 15-16. |     
| Le, Q. and Le, T. (2002). Where Does the Superhighway Lead Us? A Learners' Perspective. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 61-66. |     
| Le, T. (2002). Collaborate to Learn and Learn to Collaborate. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 67-70. |     
| Leckie, C. and Kotagiri, R. (2003). Policies for Sharing Distributed Probabilistic Beliefs. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 285-290. |     
| Lee, B., Boyd, C., Dawson, E., Kim, K., Yang, J. and Yoo, S. (2004). Secure Key Issuing in ID-based Cryptography. In Proc. Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 69-74. |     
| Lee, J.Y. and Zic, J. (2002). On Modelling Real-Time Mobile Processes. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 139-147. |     
| Lee, M.D., Nepal, S. and Srinivasan, U. (2003). Role of Edge Detection in Video Semantics. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 59. |     
| Lee, M.D., Reilly, R.E. and Butavicius, M.A. (2003). An Empirical Evaluation of Chernoff Faces, Star Glyphs, and Spatial Visualisations for Binary Data. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 24. Pattison, T. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 1-10. |     
| Lee, S. and Lister, R. (2008). Experiments in the Dynamics of Phase Coupled Oscillators When Applied to Graph Colouring. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 83-89. |     
| Lee, Y.-Y., Lin, C.-C. and Yen, H.-C. (2006). Mental Map Preserving Graph Drawing Using Simulated Annealing. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 179-188. |     
| Lefevre, L. and Roe, P. (2006). Improving the Flexibility of Active Grids through Web Services. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Buyya, R. and Ma, T., Eds., ACS. 3-8. |     
| Lefort, L. and Taylor, K. (2005). Large scale colour ontology generation with XO. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 58. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 47-52. |     
| Lefort, L., Taylor, K. and Ratcliffe, D. (2006). Towards Scalable Ontology Engineering Patterns: Lessons Learned from an Experiment based on W3Cs Part-whole Guidelines. In Proc. Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 72. Orgun, M.A. and Meyer, T., Eds., ACS. 31-40. |     
| Leist, A. and Hawick, K.A. (2009). A Small-World Network Model for Distributed Storage of Semantic Metadata. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 99. Roe, P. and Kelly, W., Eds., ACS. 49-56. |     
| Leitch, S. and Warren, M. (2001). The Issue of Ethics in Electronic Commerce. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 56-59. |     
| Lenarcic, J. and Mousset, E.C. (2004). The Open Source Singularity: A Postmodernist View. In Proc. Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 37. Weckert, J. and Al-Saggaf, Y., Eds., ACS. 73-77. |     
| Lester, N., Williams, H.E. and Zobel, J. (2004). In-Place versus Re-Build versus Re-Merge: Index Maintenance Strategies for Text Retrieval Systems. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 15-22. |     
| Leung, K. and Leckie, C. (2005). Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Network Intrusion Detection Using Clusters. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 333-342. |     
| Levit, V. and Mandrescu, E. (2008). Well-covered Graphs and Greedoids. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 87-91. |     
| Levy, N. (2004). Cyborgs-R-Us. In Proc. Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 37. Weckert, J. and Al-Saggaf, Y., Eds., ACS. 13-17. |     
| Lewis, S., McKay, J. and Lang, C. (2006). The Next Wave of Gender Projects in IT Curriculum and Teaching at Universities. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 135-142. |     
| Lewis, T.W. and Powers, D.M.W. (2001). Lip Feature Extraction Using Red Exclusion. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 61-67. |     
| Lewis, T.W. and Powers, D.M.W. (2002). Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Using Red Exclusion and Neural Networks. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 149-156. |     
| Lewis, T.W. and Powers, D.M.W. (2004). Sensor Fusion Weighting Measures in Audio-Visual Speech Recognition. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 305-314. |     
| Li, D. and Li, C. (2008). TRACK : A Novel XML Join Algorithm for Efficient Processing Twig Queries. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 137-143. |     
| Li, J., Liu, C., Yu, J.X., Liu, J., Wang, G. and Yang, C. (2008). Computing Structural Similarity of Source XML Schemas against Domain XML Schema. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 155-164. |     
| Li, J., Liu, H. and Wong, L. (2004). Use of Built-in Features in the Interpretation of High-dimensional Cancer Diagnosis Data. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 67-74. |     
| Li, J. and Ong, H.-L. (2003). Feature Space Transformation and Decision Results Interpretation. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 129-137. |     
| Li, J.S.J. and Randhawa, S. (2004). Improved Video Mosaic Construction by Selecting a Suitable Subset of Video Images. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 143-149. |     
| Li, L. and Volkov, V. (2005). Cloth Animation with Adaptively Refined Meshes. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 107-114. |     
| Li, L., Wu, B. and Yang, Y. (2005). Agent-based Ontology Integration for Ontology-based Applications. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 58. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 53-59. |     
| Li, M., Wang, H. and Plank, A. (2009). Privacy-aware Access Control with Generalization Boundaries. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 93-100. |     
| Li, Q. (2008). Multimedia Data Modelling: Moving Up the Ladder. In Proc. Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 79. Hinze, A. and Kirchberg, M., Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Li, S.C. (2006). Faster Algorithms for Finding Missing Patterns. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 107-111. |     
| Li, W., Eades, P. and Nikolov, N. (2005). Using Spring Algorithms to Remove Node Overlapping. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 131-140. |     
| Li, W. and Takatsuka, M. (2004). Adding Filtering to Geometric Distortion to Visualize a Clustered Graph on Small Screens. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 71-79. |     
| Li, X. and Huang, L. (2008). From WebArchive to WebDigest : Concept and Examples. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 11. |    
| Li, X. and Parsons, J. (2007). Ontological Semantics for the Use of UML in Conceptual Modeling. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 179-184. |     
| Li, Y., Peng, S. and Chu, W. (2002). Metacube - A New Interconnection Network for Large Scale Parallel Systems. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 29-36. |     
| Li, Y., Zhang, D., Zhou, X. and Jin, J.S. (2008). A Confidence Based Recognition System for TV Commercial Extraction. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 57-64. |     
| Liang, P. and Roddick, J.F. (2007). Detecting Anomalous Longitudinal Associations Through Higher Order Mining. In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. CRPIT, 84. Ong, K.-L., Li, W. and Gao, J., Eds., ACS. 19-27. |     
| Liang, P., Roddick, J.F., Ceglar, A., Shillabeer, A. and de Vries, D. (2009). Discovering Itemset Interactions. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 121-128. |     
| Liao, C.-H. and Shieh, J.-J. (2002). Exploiting Speculative Value Reuse Using Value Prediction. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 101-108. |     
| Liegl, P. (2009). Conceptual Business Document Modeling using UN/CEFACT's Core Components. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds., ACS. 59-69. |     
| Lim, C.C., Yu, M.H. and Jin, J.J. (2004). Web-based Multimedia GP Medical System. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 49-52. |     
| Lim, J.-H. and Jin, J.S. (2003). Home Photo Indexing using Learned Visual Keywords. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 69. |     
| Lim, J.-H. and Jin, J.S. (2004). Using Dual Cascading Learning Frameworks for Image Indexing. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 53-60. |     
| Lim, Y., Xu, C. and Feng, D.D. (2002). Web-based Image Authentication Using Invisible Fragile Watermark. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 31-34. |     
| Lim, Y.S., Feng, D.D. and Cai, T.W. (2001). A Web-based Collaborative System for Medical Image Analysis and Diagnosis. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 93-95. |     
| Limaye, N., Mahajan, M. and Nimbhorkar, P. (2009). Longest Paths in Planar DAGs in Unambiguous Logspace. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 99-105. |     
| Limthanmaphon, B. and Zhang, Y. (2003). Web Service Composition with Case-Based Reasoning. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 201-208. |     
| Limthanmaphon, B. and Zhang, Y. (2004). Web Service Composition Transaction Management. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 171-179. |     
| Lin, L., Cao, L. and Zhang, C. (2005). The Fish-eye Visualization of Foreign Currency Exchange Data Streams. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 91-96. |     
| Lin, M.-Y., Hsueh, S.-C. and Hwang, S.-K. (2008). Interactive Mining of Frequent Itemsets over Arbitrary Time Intervals in a Data Stream. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 15-21. |     
| Lin, W.W.K., Wong, A.K.Y. and Dillon, T.S. (2005). A Novel Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) for Shortening the TCP Channel Roundtrip Time by Eliminating User Buffer Overflow Adaptively. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 29-38. |     
| Lin, X. (2007). Continuously Maintaining Order Statistics over Data Streams. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 7-10. |     
| Lin, Z., Jin, J.S. and Talbot, H. (2001). Unseeded Region Growing for 3D Image Segmentation. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 31-37. |     
| Lindsay, P. (2001). Improved Acquisition Processes for Safety-Critical Systems in the Australian Department of Defence. In Proc. Sixth Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2001), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 3. Lindsay, P., Ed. ACS. 31-38. |     
| Lindsay, P. and Connelly, S. (2002). Modelling Erroneous Operator Behaviours for an Air-Traffic Control Task. In Proc. Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 7. Grundy, J. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 43-54. |     
| Lindstrom, B. and Wagenhals, L.W. (2002). Operational Planning using Web-Based Interfaces to a Coloured Petri Net Simulator of Influence Nets. In Proc. Workshop on Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 12. Lakos, C., Esser, R., Kristensen, L.M. and Billington, J., Eds., ACS. 115-124. |     
| Link, S. (2006). On the Logical Implication of Multivalued Dependencies with Null Values. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 113-122. |     
| Link, S. and Hartmann, S. (2004). Normalisation in the Presence of Lists. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 49-60. |     
| Link, S. and Trinh, T. (2007). Know your Limits: Enhanced XML Modeling with Cardinality Constraints. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 19-30. |     
| Lister, R. (2004). Teaching Java First: Experiments with a Pigs-Early Pedagogy. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 177-183. |     
| Lister, R. (2005). One Small Step Toward a Culture of Peer Review and Multi-Institutional Sharing of Educational Resources: A Multiple Choice Exam for First Semester Programming Students. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 155-164. |     
| Lister, R. (2008). After the gold rush: toward sustainable scholarship in computing. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 3-18. |     
| Lister, R., Berglund, A., Box, I., Cope, C., Pears, A., Avram, C., Bower, M., Carbone, A., Davey, B., de Raadt, M., Doyle, B., Fitzgerald, S., Mannila, L., Kutay, C., Peltomaki, M., Sheard, J., Simon, Sutton, K., Traynor, D., Tutty, J. and Venables, A. (2007). Differing Ways that Computing Academics Understand Teaching. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 97-106. |     
| Lister, R. and Box, I. (2008). A citation analysis of the ACE 2005-2007 proceedings, with reference to the June 2007 CORE conference and journal rankings. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 93-102. |     
| Lister, R. and Box, I. (2009). A Citation Analysis of the ACSC 2006-2008 Proceedings, with Reference to the CORE Conference and Journal Rankings. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 7-16. |     
| Lister, R. and Box, I. (2009). A Citation Analysis of the ICER 2005-07 Proceedings. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 9-18. |     
| Lister, R. and Leaney, J. (2003). First Year Programming: Let All the Flowers Bloom. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 221-230. |     
| Little, J.C. (2003). Using Cases to Increase Interest in ICT and Computing as a Career. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 81-83. |    
| Liu, C., Billard, A., Ozols, M. and Jeremic, N. (2007). Access Control Models and Security Labelling. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 181-190. |     
| Liu, C. and Jin, J.S. (2002). Modelling and Design of VAML. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 151-152. |     
| Liu, C., McLean, P. and Ozols, M.A. (2005). Combining Logics for Modelling Security Policies. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 323-332. |     
| Liu, C. and Orgun, M.A. (2006). Towards Security Labelling. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 69-76. |     
| Liu, K., Chen, J., Jin, H. and Yang, Y. (2009). A Min-Min Average Algorithm for Scheduling Transaction-Intensive Grid Workflows. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 99. Roe, P. and Kelly, W., Eds., ACS. 41-48. |     
| Liu, L. (2009). Verification of the SIP Transaction Using Coloured Petri Nets. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 63-72. |     
| Liu, N., Hosking, J. and Grundy, J. (2007). A Visual Language and Environment for Specifying User Interface Event Handling in Design Tools. In Proc. Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 64. Piekarski, W. and Plimmer, B., Eds., ACS. 87-94. |     
| Liu, Q., Safavi-Naini, R. and Sheppard, N.P. (2003). Digital Rights Management for Content Distribution. In Proc. First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 49-58. |     
| Liu, Q., Yuan, Y. and Lin, X. (2003). Multi-resolution Algorithms for Building Spatial Histograms. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 145-151. |     
| Liu, V., Caelli, W., May, L. and Croll, P. (2008). Open Trusted Health Informatics Structure (OTHIS). In Proc. Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 80. Warren, J.R., Yu, P., Yearwood, J. and Patrick, J.D., Eds., ACS. 35-63. |     
| Liu, V., Caelli, W., May, L. and Sahama, T. (2009). Privacy and Security in Open and Trusted Health Information Systems. In Proc. Third Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 97. Warren, J.R., Ed. ACS. 25-30. |     
| Liu, V., Caelli, W.J., Foo, E. and Russell, S. (2004). Visually Sealed and Digitally Signed Documents. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 287-294. |     
| Liu, V., Franco, L., Caelli, W., May, L. and Sahama, T. (2009). Open and Trusted Information Systems/Health Informatics Access Control (OTHIS/HIAC). In Proc. Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 98. Brankovic, L. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 99-108. |     
| Liu, Y., Gorton, I., Liu, A., Jiang, N. and Chen, S. (2002). Designing a Test Suite for Empirically-based Middleware Performance Prediction. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 123-130. |     
| Lloyd, M. (2002). Reinvention of Childhood in a Networked World. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 71-74. |     
| Loekito, E. and Bailey, J. (2007). Are Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams Good for Mining Frequent Patterns in High Dimensional Datasets?. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 139-150. |     
| Loh, P.K.K., Hsu, W.J. and Omondi, A. (2002). Embedding of Fault-Tolerant Trees in the Josephus Cube. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 17-27. |     
| Lokan, C. and Mendes, E. (2009). Using Chronological Splitting to Compare Cross- and Single-company Effort Models: Further Investigation. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 35-42. |     
| Long, B. (2003). Formalising Key-Distribution in the Presence of Trust using Object-Z. In Proc. First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 59-66. |     
| Long, B., Fidge, C. and Carrington, D. (2007). Cross-Layer Verification of Type Flaw Attacks on Security Protocols. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 171-180. |     
| Lonnberg, J. and Berglund, A. (2007). Students' understandings of concurrent programming. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 77-86. |     
| Lonnberg, J., Berglund, A. and Malmi, L. (2009). How Students Develop Concurrent Programs. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 129-138. |     
| Lovatt, H.C., Sloane, A.M. and Verity, D.R. (2005). A Pattern Enforcing Compiler (PEC) for Java: Using the Compiler. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 43. Hartmann, S. and Stumptner, M., Eds., ACS. 69-78. |     
| Lu, F. and Bubendorfer, K. (2004). A RMI Protocol for Aglets. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 249-253. |     
| Lu, F. and Bubendorfer, K. (2006). A JMX Toolkit for Merging Network Management Systems. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 147-156. |     
| Lu, H. (2003). On Efficient Management of XML Documents. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 3-4. |    
| Lu, R., Sadiq, S., Padmanabhan, V. and Governatori, G. (2006). Using a Temporal Constraint Network for Business Process Execution. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 157-166. |     
| Lu, X., Rahayu, J.W. and Taniar, D. (2002). ODMG Extension of Composite Objects in OODBMS: A Proposal. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 133-142. |     
| Luca, J. (2006). Using Blended Learning to Enhance Teaching and Learning. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 3-4. |     
| Lucas, R. (2001). Why Bother? Ethical Computers - That's Why!. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 33-38. |     
| Lucey, P. and Sridharan, S. (2006). Patch-Based Representation of Visual Speech. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 79-85. |     
| Lucey, S. and Matthews, I. (2006). Face Refinement through a Gradient Descent Alignment Approach. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 43-49. |     
| Luerssen, M.H. (2005). Graph Grammar Encoding and Evolution of Automata Networks. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 229-238. |     
| Lundberg, J. and Arvola, M. (2007). Lessons Learned from Facilitation in Collaborative Design. In Proc. Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 64. Piekarski, W. and Plimmer, B., Eds., ACS. 51-54. |     
| Luo, B. and Jesshope, C. (2002). Performance Evaluation on a Micro-threading Pipeline. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 83-90. |     
| Luo, H. and Luo, J. (2004). Initial SARS Genome Data Analysis Using a Bioinformatics Platform. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 271-276. |     
| Luo, J., Zhou, X., Zhang, Y., Shen, H.T. and Li, J. (2007). Selectivity Estimation by Batch-Query based Histogram and Parametric Method. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 93-102. |     
| Luoma, H., Lahtinen, E. and Jarvinen, H.-M. (2007). CLIP, a Command Line InterPreter for a subset of C++. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 199-202. |     
| Lutteroth, C. (2008). Automated Reverse Engineering of Hard-Coded GUI Layouts. In Proc. Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 76. Plimmer, B. and Weber, G., Eds., ACS. 65-73. |     
| Lutteroth, C., Luxton-Reilly, A., Dobbie, G. and Hamer, J. (2007). A Maturity Model for Computing Education. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 107-114. |     
| Lutteroth, C. and Weber, G. (2006). User Interface Layout with Ordinal and Linear Constraints. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 53-60. |     
| Luu, J. and Kennedy, P.J. (2006). Investigating the Size and Value Effect in Determining Performance of Australian Listed Companies: A Neural Network Approach. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 155-161. |     
| Lynar, T.M., Herbert, R.D., Chivers, W.J. and Simon (2009). A Grid Resource Allocation Mechanism for Heterogeneous E-waste Computers. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 99. Roe, P. and Kelly, W., Eds., ACS. 69-75. |     
| Lynch, K., Carbone, A., Arnott, D. and Jamieson, P. (2002). A Studio-Based Approach to Teaching Information Technology. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 75-79. |     
| Ma, H., Schewe, K.-D. and Thalheim, B. (2008). Context Analysis: Toward Pragmatics of Web Information Systems Design. In Proc. Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 79. Hinze, A. and Kirchberg, M., Eds., ACS. 69-78. |     
| Ma, H., Schewe, K.-D. and Wang, Q. (2006). A Heuristic Approach to Cost-Efficient Fragmentation and Allocation of Complex Value Databases. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 183-192. |     
| Ma, H., Schewe, K.-D. and Wang, Q. (2007). A Heuristic Approach to Cost-Efficient Derived Horizontal Fragmentation of Complex Value Databases. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 103-111. |     
| Ma, K.-L. (2006). Cyber Security Through Visualization. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 3-7. |    
| Ma, L., Nutt, W. and Taylor, H. (2007). Condensative Stream Query Language for Data Streams. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 113-122. |     
| Ma, L., Shepherd, J. and Nguyen, A. (2003). Document Classification via Structure Synopses. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 59-65. |     
| Mabotuwana, T., Warren, J.R., Gaikwad, R., Kenelly, J. and Kenealy, T. (2008). Towards an Architecture for Quality Audit Reporting to Improve Hypertension Management. In Proc. Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 80. Warren, J.R., Yu, P., Yearwood, J. and Patrick, J.D., Eds., ACS. 45-54. |     
| Machanick, P. (2005). Peer Assessment for Action Learning of Data Structures and Algorithms. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 73-82. |     
| Machi, H., Tomita, K. and Hosono, C. (2005). The Relative Completeness of a Version of CTL*. In Proc. Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 41. Atkinson, M. and Dehne, F., Eds., ACS. 81-85. |     
| Maciaszek, L.A. (2005). Roundtrip Architectural Modelling. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 43. Hartmann, S. and Stumptner, M., Eds., ACS. 17-23. |     
| Maciaszek, L.A. (2007). Modeling and Engineering Adaptive Complex Systems. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 31-38. |     
| MacIsaac, P., James, J. and Hess, W. (2005). Principles for Modelling of a Dose Form Vocabulary. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 58. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 7. |   
| Mackay, D., Noble, J. and Biddle, R. (2003). A Lightweight Web-Based Case Tool for UML Class Diagrams. In Proc. Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 18. Biddle, R. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 95-98. |     
| Maeder, A. (2008). e-Research Meets e-Health. In Proc. Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 80. Warren, J.R., Yu, P., Yearwood, J. and Patrick, J.D., Eds., ACS. 3-6. |     
| Maeder, A. and Fookes, C. (2009). Assessing Viewing Pattern Consistency in Mammogram Readers. In Proc. Third Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 97. Warren, J.R., Ed. ACS. 7-11. |     
| Maetschke, S., Boden, M. and Gallagher, M. (2006). Higher Order HMMs for Localization Prediction of Transmembrane Proteins. In Proc. 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 73. Boden, M. and Bailey, T.L., Eds., ACS. 49-53. |   
| Maetschke, S.R., Towsey, M.W. and Hogan, J.M. (2006). Bacterial Promoter Modeling and Prediction for E. Coli and B. Subtilis with Beagle. In Proc. 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 73. Boden, M. and Bailey, T.L., Eds., ACS. 9-13. |   
| Magenheim, J. (2003). Social, Affective and Normative Aspects of Learning in ICT-Enriched Learning Environments - Collaborative Exploration of Societal Aspects of ICT. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 85-88. |     
| Maglia, A.M., Ghatti, V.R. and Leopold, J.L. (2004). Identifying Character Non-Independence in Phylogenetic Data Using Data Mining Techniques. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 181-189. |     
| Mahdavi, M., Shepherd, J. and Benatallah, B. (2004). A Collaborative Approach for Caching Dynamic Data in Portal Applications. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 181-188. |     
| Mahony, B.P. and Cant, T. (2008). A Lightweight Approach to Formal Safety Architecture Assurance: The PARTI Case Study. In Proc. Thirteenth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2008), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 100. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 37-48. |     
| Maindonald, J. (2006). Data Mining Methodological Weaknesses and Suggested Fixes. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 9-16. |     
| Maj, S.P., Kohli, G. and Fetherston, T. (2005). A Pedagogical Evaluation of New State Model Diagrams for Teaching Internetwork Technologies. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 135-142. |     
| Majumdar, A. and Thomborson, C. (2006). Manufacturing Opaque Predicates in Distributed Systems for Code Obfuscation. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 187-196. |     
| Makela, M. (2002). Efficiently Verifying Safety Properties with Idle Office Computers. In Proc. Workshop on Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 12. Lakos, C., Esser, R., Kristensen, L.M. and Billington, J., Eds., ACS. 11-16. |     
| Malik, M.A. and Khan, H.R. (2009). Understanding the Implementation of an Electronic Hospital Information System in a Developing Country: A Case Study from Pakistan. In Proc. Third Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 97. Warren, J.R., Ed. ACS. 31-36. |     
| Malinowski, E. and Zimanyi, E. (2006). A Conceptual Solution for Representing Time in Data Warehouse Dimensions. In Proc. Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 53. Stumptner, M., Hartmann, S. and Kiyoki, Y., Eds., ACS. 45-54. |     
| Malkin, M. and Venkatesan, R. (2005). Comparison of Texts Streams in the Presence of Mild Adversaries. In Proc. Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Safavi-Naini, R., Montague, P. and Sheppard, N., Eds., ACS. 179-186. |     
| Mangan, P. and Sadiq, S. (2002). On Building Workflow Models for Flexible Processes. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 103-109. |     
| Mann, S. and Frew, Z. (2006). Similarity and originality in code: plagiarism and normal variation in student assignments. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 143-150. |     
| Mann, S. and Smith, L. (2007). Software engineering class eating its own tail. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 115-123. |     
| Mansuy, T. and Hilderman, R. (2006). A Characterization of Wordnet Features in Boolean Models For Text Classification. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 103-109. |     
| Mantoro, T. and Johnson, C.W. (2003). Location History in a Low-cost Context Awareness Environment. In Proc. Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 153-158. |     
| Mapelsden, D., Hosking, J. and Grundy, J. (2002). Design Pattern Modelling and Instantiation using DPML. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 3-11. |     
| Mar, J.C. and McLachlan, G.J. (2003). Model-Based Clustering in Gene Expression Microarrays : An Application to Breast Cancer Data. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 139-144. |     
| March, V., Teo, Y.M. and Wang, X. (2007). DGRID: A DHT-Based Resource Indexing and Discovery Scheme for Computational Grids. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 41-48. |     
| Marriott, K. (2005). Towards Flexible Graphical Communication Using Adaptive Diagrams. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 3. |   
| Marriott, K., Moulder, P., Hope, L. and Twardy, C. (2005). Layout of Bayesian Networks. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 97-106. |     
| Marriott, K. and Sbarski, P. (2007). Compact Layout of Layered Trees. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 7-14. |     
| Marshall, G. (2003). New Wine in Old Bottles or New Wine in New Bottles? Teaching Young Children with Technology . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 141. |   
| Marshall, S., Biddle, R. and Noble, J. (2004). A Web User Interface For An Interactive Software Repository. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 57-64. |     
| Marshall, S., Biddle, R. and Noble, J. (2004). Using Software Visualisation to Enhance Online Component Markets. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 35-41. |     
| Marshall, S., Biddle, R. and Tempero, E. (2002). How (Not) To Help People Test Drive Code. In Proc. Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 7. Grundy, J. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 39-42. |     
| Marshall, S., Jackson, K., Anslow, C. and Biddle, R. (2003). Aspects to Visualising Reusable Components. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 24. Pattison, T. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 81-88. |     
| Marshall, S., Jackson, K., McGavin, M., Duignan, M., Biddle, R. and Tempero, E. (2001). Visualising Reusable Software Over The Web. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 103-111. |     
| Marshall, S. and Mitchell, G. (2004). Applying SPICE to e-Learning: An e-Learning Maturity Model?. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 185-191. |     
| Marsico, A., Vanselow, K., Wang, J. and Labudde, D. (2007). 2D Visualisation of SMFS Data on Membrane Proteins. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 79-84. |     
| Martin, R., Bordes, N., Hugh, T. and Pailthorpe, B. (2004). Semi-Automatic Feature Delineation In Medical Images. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 127-131. |     
| Martinaitis, P.N. and Wendelborn, A.L. (2009). Stream-Components: Component based Stream computation on the Grid. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 99. Roe, P. and Kelly, W., Eds., ACS. 11-20. |     
| Mason, R. and Kelly, W. (2005). G2-P2P: A Fully Decentralised Fault-Tolerant Cycle-Stealing Framework. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Buyya, R., Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 33-39. |     
| Mason, R. and Kelly, W. (2007). Enhancing Data Locality in a Fully Decentralised P2P Cycle Stealing Framework. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 41-47. |     
| Masoodian, M. and Budd, D. (2004). Visualization of Travel Itinerary Information on PDAs. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 65-71. |     
| Masoodian, M. and Lane, N. (2003). An Empirical Study of Textual and Graphical Travel Itinerary Visualization using Mobile Phones. In Proc. Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 18. Biddle, R. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 11-18. |     
| Mathieson, I., Dance, S., Gorman, M., Padgham, L. and Winikoff, M. (2004). An Open Meteorological Alerting System: Issues and Solutions. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 351-358. |     
| Mathieson, L. and Szeider, S. (2008). The Parameterized Complexity of Regular Subgraph Problems and Generalizations. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 79-86. |     
| Matono, A., Amagasa, T., Yoshikawa, M. and Uemura, S. (2005). A Path-based Relational RDF Database. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 95-103. |     
| Matsubara, W., Inenaga, S. and Shinohara, A. (2009). Testing Square-Freeness of Strings Compressed by Balanced Straight Line Program. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 19-28. |     
| Matsushita, S., Shiba, A. and Nagashima, K. (2006). A Wearable Fatigue Monitoring System - Application of Human-Computer Interaction Evaluation. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 161-164. |     
| Matthews, I. (2006). Fast and Accurate Active Appearance Models. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Matzko, S., Clarke, P.J., Gibbs, T.H., Malloy, B.A., Power, J.F. and Monahan, R. (2002). Reveal: A Tool to Reverse Engineer Class Diagrams. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 13-21. |    
| Mavers, D. (2003). Children Drawing Children: Representing an Online Club in Mind Mapping . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 143. |   
| Mayo, M. (2003). Symbol Grounding and its Implications for Artificial Intelligence. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 55-60. |     
| Mayr, H.C. (2006). Conceptual Requirements Modeling - a Contribution to XNP (eXtreme Non Programming). In Proc. Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 53. Stumptner, M., Hartmann, S. and Kiyoki, Y., Eds., ACS. 3. |    
| McAndrew, A. (2003). Teaching image processing using minimal mathematics. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 15-23. |     
| McAullay, D., Williams, G., Chen, J., Jin, H., He, H., Sparks, R. and Kelman, C. (2005). A Delivery Framework for Health Data Mining and Analytics. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 381-390. |     
| McCarthy, J. and Thredgold, J. (2002). Modelling Smart Security for Classified Rooms with DOVE. In Proc. Workshop on Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 12. Lakos, C., Esser, R., Kristensen, L.M. and Billington, J., Eds., ACS. 135-144. |     
| McCormick, G.F. (2008). The Agnostic Hazard. In Proc. Thirteenth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2008), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 100. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 11-15. |     
| McCulloch, A., Demmers, P., Mitchell, J., Townley, D., Smale, P., Smithies, R., Miskell, C., Khan, A. and Maqbool, N. (2007). Concept Instance Sketching and Design for a Biological Database Framework. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 145-147. |     
| McDermid, J.A. (2001). Software Safety: Where's the Evidence?. In Proc. Sixth Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2001), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 3. Lindsay, P., Ed. ACS. 1-6. |     
| McDermid, J.A. (2002). Trends in Systems Safety: A European View?. In Proc. Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 15. Lindsay, P., Ed. ACS. 3-8. |     
| McDowall, J. (2003). Music Technology: New Literacies in the Early Years. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 83-88. |     
| McGavin, M., Wright, T. and Marshall, S. (2006). Visualisations of Execution Traces (VET): An Interactive Plugin-Based Visualisation Tool. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 153-160. |     
| McIlvenna, S., Dumas, M. and Wynn, M.T. (2009). Synthesis of Orchestrators from Service Choreographies. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds., ACS. 129-138. |     
| McKay, E. (2005). Human-Computer Interaction Closes the Digital Divide: A multicultural, intergenerational ICT case study. In Proc. South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) Conference 2005 : ICT Building Bridges, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 46. Low, G., Ed. ACS. 29-33. |     
| McKenzie, W. (2003). Multiple Intelligences and Instructional Technology . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 145. |   
| McKinnon, A.E. and Raymond, E. (2001). Visualising the Probability Distribution Function of Uncertain Data - Application to Stochastic Modelling of Ground Water Solute Transport. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 139-142. |     
| McLachlan, G.J., Ambroise, C., Chang, S. and Mar, J.C. (2004). On the Simultaneous Use of Clinical and Microarray Expression Data in the Cluster Analysis of Tissue Samples. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 167-171. |     
| McLean, P.G. (2003). A Secure Pervasive Environment. In Proc. First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 67-75. |     
| McMullan, J. (2002). Negligence: Engineering Safety-Critical Systems. In Proc. Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 15. Lindsay, P., Ed. ACS. 63-72. |     
| McNally, M.F. (2006). Walking the Grid: Robotics in CS 2. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 151-155. |     
| McNamara, R. (2004). Evaluating assessment with competency mapping. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 193-199. |     
| Meintjes, P. and Rodrigo, A. (2004). Evolution of Relative Synonymous Codon Usage in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 277-282. |     
| Melser, P. and Byrne-Armstrong, H. (2001). Corporate Voices, Personal Voices: The Ethics of the Internet. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 39-45. |     
| Melton, H. and Tempero, E. (2006). Identifying Refactoring Opportunites by Identifying Dependency Cycles. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 35-41. |     
| Melton, H. and Tempero, E. (2007). Jooj: Real-Time Support For Avoiding Cyclic Dependencies. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 87-95. |     
| Melton, H. and Tempero, E. (2007). The CRSS Metric for Package Design Quality. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 201-210. |     
| Mendes, E. (2003). Applying the Cognitive Flexibility Theory to Teaching Web Engineering. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 113-117. |     
| Mendling, J., Neumann, G. and van der Aalst, W. (2007). On the Correlation between Process Model Metrics and Errors. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 173-178. |     
| Mendoza, R. and Williams, M.-A. (2005). Ontology Based Object Categorisation for Robots. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 58. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 61-67. |     
| Menon, C., Kong, C. and Lakos, C. (2004). Towards a Semantic Basis for Rosetta. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 175-184. |     
| Merrick, D. and Dwyer, T. (2004). Skeletal Animation for the Exploration of Graphs. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 61-70. |     
| Merrick, D. and Gudmundsson, J. (2006). Increasing the Readability of Graph Drawings with Centrality-Based Scaling. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 67-76. |     
| Messig, M. and Goscinski, A. (2007). Autonomic System Management in Mobile Grid Environments. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 49-58. |     
| Messig, M. and Goscinski, A. (2008). Service Migration in Autonomic Service Oriented Grids. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 82. Kelly, W. and Roe, P., Eds., ACS. 45-54. |     
| Meyenn, A. (2001). A Proposed Methodology for the Teaching of Information Technology Ethics in Schools. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 67-72. |    
| Meyer, S. and Rakotonirainy, A. (2003). A Survey of Research on Context-Aware Homes. In Proc. Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 159-168. |     
| Mickan, K., Balasubramaniam, D., Kirby, G., Morrison, R. and Zirintsis, E. (2004). Using Generative Programming to Visualise Hypercode in Complex and Dynamic Systems. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 377-386. |     
| Middleton, G.L. (2005). Copyright Conundrum - Liability of ISPs for Online Copyright Infringement. In Proc. Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Safavi-Naini, R., Montague, P. and Sheppard, N., Eds., ACS. 109-118. |     
| Miller, K.M. and Dick, G.N. (2005). Computer-based Collaboration in Student Work: Does a Preference for using Technology Affect Performance?. In Proc. South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) Conference 2005 : ICT Building Bridges, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 46. Low, G., Ed. ACS. 35-41. |     
| Miller, M. (2007). Security of Statistical Databases: Overview and Future Directions. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Brankovic, L. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 115-115. |     
| Miller, M., Nguyen, M.H. and Pineda-Villavicencio, G. (2008). On the Non-existence of Even Degree Graphs with Diameter 2 and Defect 2. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 93-95. |     
| Miller, T. and McBurney, P. (2008). On Illegal Composition of First-Class Agent Interaction Protocols. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 127-136. |     
| Mingins, C.A. and Chan, C.Y. (2002). Building Trust in Third-party Components using Component Wrappers in the .NET Frameworks. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 153-157. |     
| Mir, S., Pirzada, A. and Portmann, M. (2008). HOVER: Hybrid On-demand Distance Vector Routing for Wireless Mesh Networks. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 63-71. |     
| Miret, J., Sadornil, D., Tena, J., Tomas, R. and Valls, M. (2007). Isogeny cordillera algorithm to obtain cryptographically good elliptic curves. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Brankovic, L. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 153-157. |     
| Misue, K. (2006). Drawing Bipartite Graphs as Anchored Maps. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 169-177. |     
| Mitchell, M. (2001). Use of Series Parallel Digraph Analysis in Generating Instructions for Multiple Users. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 85-86. |     
| Mitchell, M. (2001). Use of Directed Acyclic Graph Analysis in Generating Instructions for Multiple Users. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 57-62. |     
| Mitchell, M. (2004). Creating Minimal Vertex Series Parallel Graphs from Directed Acyclic Graphs.. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 133-139. |     
| Mitchell, P.E. and Yan, H. (2002). Newspaper Document Analysis Featuring Connected Line Segmentation. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 77-81. |     
| Mitri, G., Ciesielski, V. and Uitdenbogerd, A.L. (2004). Automatic Music Classification Problems. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 315-322. |     
| Miura, K. and Nishizeki, T. (2005). Rectangle-of-Influence Drawings of Four-Connected Plane Graphs. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 75-80. |     
| Miyoshi, H. (2004). From Reflection to Interaction: An Indirect Approach to the Philosophy of Computation. In Proc. Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 37. Weckert, J. and Al-Saggaf, Y., Eds., ACS. 33-38. |     
| Mlynkova, I. (2009). On Inference of XML Schema with the Knowledge of an Obsolete One. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 79-86. |     
| Mlynkova, I. and Pokorny, J. (2008). UserMap : an Adaptive Enhancing of User-Driven XML-to-Relational Mapping Strategies. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 165-174. |     
| Moffat, A., Hughes, B., Sondergaard, H. and Gruba, P. (2005). Making Connections: First Year Transition for Computer Science and Software Engineering Students. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 229-238. |     
| Monden, A., Monsifrot, A. and Thomborson, C. (2004). A Framework for Obfuscated Interpretation. In Proc. Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 7-16. |     
| Monk, A.F. (2008). Simple, social, ethical and beautiful : requirements for UIs in the home. In Proc. Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 76. Plimmer, B. and Weber, G., Eds., ACS. 3-9. |     
| Monostori, K., Zaslavsky, A. and Schmidt, H. (2002). Suffix Vector: Space- and Time-Efficient Alternative to Suffix Trees. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 157-165. |     
| Mooney, C.H. and Roddick, J.F. (2006). Marking Time in Sequence Mining. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 129-134. |     
| Moreno, A., Sutinen, E., Bednarik, R. and Myller, N. (2007). Convictive animations as engaging learning tools. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 203-206. |     
| Morozova, E. (2008). A Multidimensional Bisection Method for Unconstrained Minimization Problem. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 57-62. |     
| Morris, J. (2005). Algorithm Animation: Using the Algorithm Code to Drive the Animation. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 15-20. |     
| Morris, J., Lam, P., Lee, G., Parker, K. and Bundell, G.A. (2002). Determining Component Reliability Using a Testing Index. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 167-176. |     
| Morris, P., Altenkirch, T. and Ghani, N. (2007). Constructing Strictly Positive Families. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 111-121. |     
| Morrison, E.D., Menzies, A., Koliadis, G. and Ghose, A.K. (2009). Business Process Integration: Method and Analysis. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds., ACS. 29-37. |     
| Moscato, P., Mathieson, L., Mendes, A. and Berretta, R. (2005). The Electronic Primaries: Predicting the U.S. Presidency Using Feature Selection with Safe Data Reduction. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 371-380. |     
| Motoyoshi, M., Miura, T. and Shioya, I. (2004). Clustering Stream Data by Regression Analysis. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 115-120. |     
| Moyle, M. and Cockburn, A. (2003). The Design and Evaluation of a Flick Gesture for 'Back' and 'Forward' in Web Browsers. In Proc. Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 18. Biddle, R. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 39-46. |     
| Muecke, N. and Stranieri, A. (2007). An Argument Structure Abstraction for Bayesian Belief Networks: Just Outcomes in On-line Dispute Resolution. In Proc. Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 67. Roddick, J.F. and Hinze, A., Eds., ACS. 35-40. |     
| Mueller, W., Nocke, T. and Schumann, H. (2006). Enhancing the Visualization Process with Principal Component Analysis to Support the Exploration of Trends. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 121-130. |     
| Mueller-Tomfelde, C. and Paris, C. (2005). Explicit Task Representation based on Gesture Interaction. In Proc. NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 57. Chen, F. and Epps, J., Eds., ACS. 39-45. |     
| Mujuni, E. and Rosamond, F. (2008). Parameterized Complexity of the Clique Partition Problem. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 75-78. |     
| Murdaca, C. and Jay, C.B. (2006). A Relational Account of Objects. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 297-302. |     
| Murdoch, J., Clark, G., Powell, A. and Caseley, P. (2004). Measuring Safety: Applying PSM to the System Safety Domain. In Proc. Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 33. Lindsay, P. and Cant, T., Eds., ACS. 47-55. |     
| Murnane, J.S. (2003). Teaching Teaching with Information Technology. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 89-91. |    
| Murnane, J.S. and Warner, J.W. (2002). An Empirical Study of Junior Secondary Students' Expression of Algorithms in Natural Language. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 81-85. |     
| Murray, A. and Grove, D. (2008). PULSE: a Pluggable User-space Linux Security Environment paper. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 81. Brankovic, L. and Miller, M., Eds., ACS. 19-25. |     
| Murray, C. (2005). A User-based Evaluation of Skeletal Animation Techniques in Graph Interaction. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 7-14. |     
| Murray, C. and Friedrich, C. (2005). Visualisation of Satisfiability using the Logic Engine. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 147-152. |     
| Murray, C., Merrick, D. and Takatsuka, M. (2004). Graph Interaction through Force-Based Skeletal Animation. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 81-90. |     
| Murray, I. and Armstrong, H. (2004). A Computing Education Vision for the Sight Impaired. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 201-206. |     
| Murray, L., Carrington, D. and Strooper, P. (2004). An Approach to Specifying Software Frameworks. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 185-192. |     
| Murthy, S., Delcambre, L., Maier, D. and Bowers, S. (2004). Putting Integrated Information in Context: Superimposing Conceptual Models with SPARCE. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 31. Hartmann, S. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 71-80. |     
| Musial, B. and Jacobs, T. (2003). Application of Focus + Context to UML. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 24. Pattison, T. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 75-80. |     
| Muthuvelu, N., Liu, J., Soe, N.L., Venugopal, S., Sulistio, A. and Buyya, R. (2005). A Dynamic Job Grouping-Based Scheduling for Deploying Applications with Fine-Grained Tasks on Global Grids. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Buyya, R., Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 41-48. |     
| Myers, T.S., Atkinson, I. and Johnstone, R. (2008). Supporting Coral Reef Ecosystems Research through Modelling Re-usable Ontologies. In Proc. Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 90. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 51-59. |     
| Myers, T.S., Atkinson, I.M. and Lavery, W.J. (2007). The Semantic Reef: Managing Complex Knowledge to Predict Coral Bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 59-67. |     
| Nagappan, R. (2001). A Graph Based Model for Navigating Visualisation. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 17-21. |     
| Nagarajan, S. and Edwards, J. (2008). Towards understanding the non-technical work experiences of recent Australian information technology graduates. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 103-112. |     
| Nagasaki, M., Doi, A., Matsuno, H. and Miyano, S. (2004). Integrating Biopathway Databases for Large-scale Modeling and Simulation. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 43-52. |     
| Nagra, J., Thomborson, C. and Collberg, C. (2002). A Functional Taxonomy for Software Watermarking. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 177-186. |     
| Naik, G.R., Kumar, D.K., Singh, V.P. and Palaniswam, M. (2006). Hand gestures for HCI using ICA of EMG. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 67-72. |     
| Naish, L. (2003). Approximating the Success Set of Logic Programs Using Constrained Regular Types. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 61-67. |     
| Nakanishi, T. and Kitagawa, T. (2006). Visualization of Music Impression in Facial Expression to Represent Emotion. In Proc. Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 53. Stumptner, M., Hartmann, S. and Kiyoki, Y., Eds., ACS. 55-64. |     
| Nakayama, M. and Katsukura, M. (2007). System Usability Evaluation for Input Operation using Oculo-motors. In Proc. Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 64. Piekarski, W. and Plimmer, B., Eds., ACS. 15-22. |     
| Nakayama, M. and Katsukura, M. (2009). Assessing Usability for Input Operation using Frequency Components of Eye Movements. In Proc. Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 93. Weber, G. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 49-56. |     
| Nakazawa, K. and Tatsuta, M. (2009). Type Checking and Inference for Polymorphic and Existential Types. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 61-69. |     
| Nakazono, N., Misue, K. and Tanaka, J. (2006). NeL2: Network Drawing Tool for Handling Layered Structured Network Diagram. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 109-115. |     
| Natsev, A.P., Fuh, G.Y.C., Chen, W., Chiu, C. and Vitter, J.S. (2002). Aggregate Predicate Support in DBMS. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 111-120. |     
| Natwichai, J., Li, X. and Orlowska, M.E. (2006). A Reconstruction-based Algorithm for Classification Rules Hiding. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 49-58. |     
| Natwichai, J., Sun, X. and Li, X. (2008). Data Reduction Approach for Sensitive Association Classification Rule Hiding. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 23-30. |     
| Nayak, R., Buys, L. and Lovie-Kitchins, J. (2006). Data Mining in Conceptualising Active Ageing. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 39-45. |     
| Nayak, R. and te Braak, P. (2007). Temporal Pattern Matching for the Prediction of Stock Prices. In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. CRPIT, 84. Ong, K.-L., Li, W. and Gao, J., Eds., ACS. 99-107. |     
| Ndukwu, U. and Sanders, J.W. (2009). Reasoning about a Distributed Probabilistic System. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 35-42. |     
| Necasky, M. (2007). XSEM - A Conceptual Model for XML. In Proc. Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 67. Roddick, J.F. and Hinze, A., Eds., ACS. 37-48. |     
| Necasky, M. (2009). Reverse Engineering of XML Schemas to Conceptual Diagrams. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds., ACS. 117-128. |     
| Nelson, C. and Wuensche, B.C. (2007). Game/Music Interaction - An Aural Interface for Immersive Interactive Environments. In Proc. Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 64. Piekarski, W. and Plimmer, B., Eds., ACS. 23-26. |     
| Nesbitt, K. and Hoskens, I. (2008). Multi-sensory Game Interface Improves Player Satisfaction but not Performance. In Proc. Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 76. Plimmer, B. and Weber, G., Eds., ACS. 13-18. |     
| Nesbitt, K.V. (2001). Modelling the Multi-Sensory Design Space. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 27-36. |     
| Nesbitt, K.V. (2005). Using Guidelines to assist in the Visualisation Design Process. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 115-123. |     
| Nesbitt, K.V. (2006). Modelling Human Perception to Leverage the Reuse of Concepts across the Multi-sensory Design Space. In Proc. Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 53. Stumptner, M., Hartmann, S. and Kiyoki, Y., Eds., ACS. 65-74. |     
| Neuhauser, M. and Lam, F.C. (2004). Nonparametric Approaches to Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes in Replicated Microarray Experiments. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 139-143. |     
| Neumayr, B., Grun, K. and Schrefl, M. (2009). Multi-Level Domain Modeling with M-Objects and M-Relationships. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds., ACS. 107-116. |     
| Neverov, G. and Roe, P. (2005). Towards a Fully-reflective Meta-programming Language. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 151-158. |     
| Nevison, C. and Wells, B. (2004). Using a Maze Case Study to Teach Object-Oriented Programming and Design Patterns. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 207-215. |     
| Newman, I., Daniels, M. and Faulkner, X. (2003). Open Ended Group Projects a 'Tool' for More Effective Teaching. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 95-103. |     
| Ng, S.-K., Zhu, Z. and Ong, Y.-S. (2004). Whole-Genome Functional Classification of Genes by Latent Semantic Analysis on Microarray Data. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 123-129. |     
| Ng, S.K., McLachlan, G.J., Bean, R.W. and Ng, S.W. (2006). Clustering Replicated Microarray Data via Mixtures of Random Effects Models for Various Covariance Structures. In Proc. 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 73. Boden, M. and Bailey, T.L., Eds., ACS. 29-33. |     
| Ng, V., Chan, S., Lau, D. and Ying, C.M. (2007). Incremental Mining for Temporal Association Rules for Crime Pattern Discoveries. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 123-132. |     
| Nguyen, A., Dowling, J., Maeder, A., Nguyen, P. and Brunton, E. (2009). Characterizing Image Properties for Digital Mammograms. In Proc. Third Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 97. Warren, J.R., Ed. ACS. 19-24. |     
| Nguyen, D., Ho, T. and Kawasaki, S. (2006). Knowledge Visualization in Hepatitis Study. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 59-62. |     
| Nguyen, P., Falkner, K., Detmold, H. and Munro, D. (2009). A Domain Specific Language for Execution Profiling and Regulation. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 111-120. |     
| Nguyen, P.H. and Xue, J. (2004). Strength Reduction for Loop-Invariant Types. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 213-222. |     
| Nguyen, P.H. and Xue, J. (2005). Interprocedural Side-Effect Analysis and Optimisation in the Presence of Dynamic Class Loading. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 9-18. |     
| Nguyen, P.H.P. and Corbett, D. (2007). A Formalization of Subjective and Objective Time Ontologies. In Proc. Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 85. Meyer, T. and Nayak, A.C., Eds., ACS. 45-54. |     
| Nguyen, Q.V. and Huang, M.L. (2003). Improvements of Space-Optimized Tree for Visualizing and Manipulating Very Large Hierarchies. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 75. |     
| Nguyen, Q.V. and Huang, M.L. (2004). Visualising File-Systems Using ENCCON Model. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 61-65. |     
| Nguyen, S.N. and Orlowska, M.E. (2006). A Further Study in the Data Partitioning Approach for Frequent Itemsets Mining. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 31-37. |     
| Nguyen, S.N., Orlowska, M.E. and Li, X. (2008). Graph Mining based on a Data Partitioning Approach. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 31-37. |     
| Ni, W. and Ling, T.W. (2007). Update XML Data by Using Graphical Languages. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 209-214. |     
| Nicolaus Jr., D.V., Fulga, F. and Nicolaus Sr., D.V. (2003). A New Program to Compute the Surface Properties of Biomolecules. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 29-34. |     
| Nicolau Jr., D.V. and Nicolau, D.V. (2004). Towards a Theory of Protein Adsorption: Predicting the Adsorption of Proteins on Surfaces via a Piecewise Linear Model. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 351-356. |     
| Nielsen, B.K. (2007). An efficient solution method for relaxed variants of the nesting problem. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 123-130. |     
| Nikandros, G. (2004). COTS - Size Does Matter. In Proc. Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 47. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 59-66. |     
| Nikandros, G. and Tombs, D. (2007). Measuring Railway Signals Passed At Danger. In Proc. Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 86. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 41-46. |     
| Noah, S.A., Zakaria, L. and Alhadi, A.C. (2009). Extracting and Modeling the Semantic Information Content of Web Documents to Support Semantic Document Retrieval. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds., ACS. 79-86. |     
| Noble, J. and Biddle, R. (2001). Visualising 1,051 Visual Programs Module Choice and Layout in the Nord Modular Patch Language. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 121-127. |     
| Noble, J. and Biddle, R. (2002). Program Visualisation for Visual Programs. In Proc. Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 7. Grundy, J. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 29-38. |     
| Noble, J. and Biddle, R. (2006). Postmodern Prospects for Conceptual Modelling. In Proc. Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 53. Stumptner, M., Hartmann, S. and Kiyoki, Y., Eds., ACS. 11-20. |     
| Noble, J., Biddle, R. and Tempero, E. (2002). Metaphor and Metonymy in Object-Oriented Design Patterns. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 187-195. |     
| Noble, J. and Foote, B. (2003). Attack of the Clones. In Proc. Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 13. Noble, J., Ed. ACS. 99. |     
| Noble, J., Marshall, S., Marshall, S. and Biddle, R. (2004). Less Extreme Programming. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 217-226. |     
| Norcross, S., Morrison, R., Munro, D. and Detmold, H. (2003). Implementing a Family of Distributed Garbage Collectors. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 161-170. |     
| Notoatmodjo, G. and Thomborson, C. (2009). Passwords and Perceptions. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 98. Brankovic, L. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 71-78. |     
| Nouali, N., Doucet, A. and Drias, H. (2005). A Two-Phase Commit Protocol for Mobile Wireless Environment. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 135-144. |     
| O'Dea, D., Geoghegan, S. and Ekins, C. (2005). Dealing with Geospatial Information in the Semantic Web. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 58. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 69-73. |     
| Ofoghi, B., Yearwood, J. and Ghosh, R. (2006). A Semantic Approach to Boost Passage Retrieval Effectiveness for Question Answering. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 95-101. |     
| Ohrimenko, O. and Stuckey, P. (2008). Modelling for Lazy Clause Generation. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 27-37. |     
| Oliveira, S.R.M. and Zaiane, O.R. (2002). Foundations for an Access Control Model for Privacy Preservation in Multi-Relational Association Rule Mining. In Proc. IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002), Maebashi City, Japan. CRPIT, 14. Clifton, C. and Estivill-Castro, V., Eds., ACS. 19-26. |     
| Oliveira, S.R.M. and Zaiane, O.R. (2002). Privacy Preserving Frequent Itemset Mining. In Proc. IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002), Maebashi City, Japan. CRPIT, 14. Clifton, C. and Estivill-Castro, V., Eds., ACS. 43-54. |     
| Oliver, D., Dobele, T., Greber, M. and Roberts, T. (2004). This Course Has A Bloom Rating Of 3.9. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 227-231. |     
| Omote, H. and Sugiyama, K. (2006). Method for Drawing Intersecting Clustered Graphs and Its Application to Web Ontology Language. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 89-92. |     
| Ong, K.-L., Ng, W.-K. and Lim, E.-P. (2003). CrystalBall : A Framework for Mining Variants of Association Rules. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 85-94. |     
| Ooi, B.C. (2008). Can P2P become a disruptive technology to enterprise data processing?. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 3. |    
| Ooi, B.C. and Tan, K.-L. (2002). B-trees: Bearing Fruits of All Kinds. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 13-20. |     
| Orgun, B., Dras, M., Cassidy, S. and Nayak, A. (2005). DASMAS - Dialogue based Automation of Semantic interoperability in Multi Agent Systems. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 58. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 75-82. |     
| Orgun, B., Dras, M., Nayak, A. and James, G. (2006). Approaches for Semantic Interoperability between Domain Ontologies. In Proc. Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 72. Orgun, M.A. and Meyer, T., Eds., ACS. 41-50. |     
| Osman, D., Yearwood, J. and Vamplew, P. (2007). Using Corpus Analysis to Inform Research into Opinion Detection in Blogs. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 65-75. |     
| Osman, D.J. and Yearwood, J.L. (2007). Opinion Search in Web Logs. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 133-139. |     
| Ouyang, H. and Lee, T. (2005). A New Lip Feature Representation Method for Video-based Bimodal Authentication. In Proc. NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 57. Chen, F. and Epps, J., Eds., ACS. 33-37. |     
| Ovchinnikova, E. and Kuehnberger, K.-U. (2006). Aspects of Automatic Ontology Extension: Adapting and Regeneralizing Dynamic Updates. In Proc. Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 72. Orgun, M.A. and Meyer, T., Eds., ACS. 51-60. |     
| Oviatt, S. (2005). Toward Adaptive Information Fusion in Multimodal Systems. In Proc. NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 57. Chen, F. and Epps, J., Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Ozgul, F., Bondy, J. and Aksoy, H. (2007). Mining for offender group detection and story of a police operation. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 189-193. |     
| Paar, A., Reuter, J. and Schaeffer, J. (2005). A Pluggable Architectural Model and a Formally Specified Programming Language Independent API for an Ontological Knowledge Base Server. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 58. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 83-91. |     
| Padmanabhan, V., Governatori, G., Sadiq, S., Colomb, R. and Rotolo, A. (2006). Process Modelling: The Deontic Way. In Proc. Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 53. Stumptner, M., Hartmann, S. and Kiyoki, Y., Eds., ACS. 75-84. |     
| Page, J., Zaslavsky, A. and Indrawan, M. (2004). A Buddy Model of Security for Mobile Agent Communities Operating in Pervasive Scenarios. In Proc. Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 17-25. |     
| Pai, T.-W., Chang, W.-Y., Chang, M.D.-T., Chu, J.-H. and Tai, H.L. (2004). Ladderlike Stepping and Interval Jumping Searching Algorithms for DNA Sequences. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 93-98. |     
| Palopoli, L. and Terracina, G. (2003). A Framework for Improving Protein Structure Predictions by Teamwork. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 163-171. |     
| Palsberg, J. (2007). Register Allocation via Coloring of Chordal Graphs. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 3. |   
| Pang, Y., Yuan, M.L., Nee, A.Y.C., Ong, S.K. and Youcef-Toumi, K. (2006). A Markerless Registration Method for Augmented Reality based on Affine Properties. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 25-32. |     
| Pankratius, V. and Stucky, W. (2005). A Formal Foundation for Workflow Composition, Workflow View Definition, and Workflow Normalization based on Petri Nets. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 43. Hartmann, S. and Stumptner, M., Eds., ACS. 79-88. |     
| Papadopoulos, Y., Parker, D. and Grante, C. (2004). A Method and Tool Support for Model-based Semi-automated Failure Modes and Effects Analysis of Engineering Designs. In Proc. Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 47. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 89-95. |     
| Park, M., Jin, J.S. and Wilson, L.S. (2003). Detection and Measurement of Hilar Region in Chest Radiograph. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 83. |     
| Park, M., Jin, J.S. and Wilson, L.S. (2004). Texture Classification using Multi-Scale Scheme. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 67-70. |     
| Park, M., Jin, J.S. and Wilson, L.S. (2004). Detection of Abnormal Texture in Chest X-rays with Reduction of Ribs. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 71-74. |     
| Park, M., Wilson, L.S. and Jin, J.S. (2001). Automatic Extraction of Lung Boundaries by a Knowledge-Based Method. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 11-16. |     
| Parker, B. (2002). Three-dimensional Medical Image Segmentation Using a Graph-Theoretic Energy-Minimisation Approach. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 47-50. |     
| Parker, B. and Feng, D.D. (2003). Variational Segmentation and PCA Applied to Dynamic PET Analysis. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 89. |     
| Parnis, J. and Lee, G. (2004). Exploiting FPGA Concurrency to Enhance JVM Performance. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 223-232. |     
| Parry, D. (2004). A Fuzzy Ontology for Medical Document Retrieval. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 121-126. |     
| Parsons, D. and Haden, P. (2006). Parson's Programming Puzzles: A Fun and Effective Learning Tool for First Programming Courses. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 157-163. |     
| Parsons, J. and Cole, L. (2004). An Experimental Evaluation of Property Precedence in Conceptual Modelling. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 31. Hartmann, S. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 101-110. |     
| Passig, D. and Margaliot, A. (2003). A Model for Training Future Science Teachers to Master the Cognitive Skill Melioration with ICT. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 93-96. |    
| Pasupathinathan, V., Pieprzyk, J. and Wang, H. (2008). Formal Security Analysis of Australian E-passport Implementation. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 81. Brankovic, L. and Miller, M., Eds., ACS. 75-82. |     
| Pasupathinathan, V., Pieprzyk, J., Wang, H. and Cho, J.Y. (2006). Formal Analysis of Card-based Payment Systems in Mobile devices. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Safavi-Naini, R., Steketee, C. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 213-220. |     
| Patig, S. (2008). A Practical Guide to Testing the Understandability of Notations. In Proc. Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 79. Hinze, A. and Kirchberg, M., Eds., ACS. 49-58. |     
| Patrick, J. (2005). Scamseek - A Language Technology Project Fulfilling Research Objectives with Industrial Obligations. In Proc. South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) Conference 2005 : ICT Building Bridges, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 46. Low, G., Ed. ACS. 3-10. |     
| Patrick, J. (2006). Metonymic and Holonymic roles and Emergent Properties in the SNOMED CT Ontology. In Proc. Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 72. Orgun, M.A. and Meyer, T., Eds., ACS. 61-67. |     
| Patrick, J., Wang, Y. and Budd, P. (2007). An Automated System for Conversion of Clinical Notes into SNOMED Clinical Terminology. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Knowledge Management and Discovery (HKMD 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Roddick, J.F. and Warren, J.R., Eds., ACS. 219-226. |     
| Pattison, T. and Phillips, M. (2001). View Coordination Architecture for Information Visualisation. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 165-171. |     
| Pattison, T., Vernik, R., Goodburn, D. and Phillips, M. (2001). Rapid Assembly and Deployment of Domain Visualisation Solutions. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 19-26. |     
| Pattison, T., Vernik, R. and Phillips, M. (2001). Information Visualisation using Composable Layouts and Visual Sets. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 1-10. |     
| Pauling, J.W. and Komisarczuk, P. (2007). Review of Work Experience in a Bachelor of Information Technology. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 125-132. |     
| Pavlovski, C.J. and Zou, J. (2008). Non-Functional Requirements in Business Process Modeling. In Proc. Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 79. Hinze, A. and Kirchberg, M., Eds., ACS. 103-112. |     
| Paynter, J. and Sharkey, E. (2004). Adventure Cycles A Software Engineering Approach. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 233-240. |     
| Pearce, D., Haggard, G. and Royle, G. (2009). Edge-Selection Heuristics for Computing Tutte Polynomials. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 151-159. |     
| Pears, A., Berglund, A., Eckerdal, A., East, P., Kinnunen, P., Malmi, L., McCartney, R., Mostrom, J.-E., Murphy, L., Ratcliffe, M.B., Schulte, C., Simon, B., Stamouli, I. and Thomas, L. (2007). What's the problem? Teachers' experience of student learning successes and failures. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 207-211. |     
| Pedersen, D., Riis, K. and Pedersen, T.B. (2002). A Powerful and SQL-Compatible Data Model and Query Language for OLAP. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 121-130. |     
| Pendragon, T. and While, L. (2003). Path-Planning by Tessellation of Obstacles. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 3-9. |     
| Penev, A. and Wong, R. (2006). Shallow NLP techniques for Internet Search. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 167-176. |     
| Peng, K., Boyd, C., Dawson, E. and Viswanathan, K. (2003). Five Sealed-bid Auction Models. In Proc. First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 77-86. |     
| Peng, K. and Dawson, E. (2007). A Range Test Secure in the Active Adversary Model. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Brankovic, L. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 159-162. |     
| Peramunetilleke, D. and Wong, R.K. (2002). Currency Exchange Rate Forecasting From News Headlines. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 131-139. |     
| Perona, I., Gurrutxaga, I., Arbelaitz, O., Martin, J.I., Muguerza, J. and Ma Perez, J. (2008). Service-independent payload analysis to improve intrusion detection in network traffic. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 171-178. |     
| Pessoa, M.C.F. (2003). Internet Projects - International Cooperation. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 97-98. |    
| Petrucci, L., Kristensen, L.M., Billington, J. and Qureshi, Z.H. (2002). Towards Formal Specification and Analysis of Avionics Mission Systems. In Proc. Workshop on Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 12. Lakos, C., Esser, R., Kristensen, L.M. and Billington, J., Eds., ACS. 95-104. |     
| Pettersen, O., Bordes, N., Ulm, S., Gwynne, D., Simmich, T. and Pailthorpe, B. (2008). Grid services for e-archaeology. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 82. Kelly, W. and Roe, P., Eds., ACS. 17-25. |     
| Pfitzner, D., Hobbs, V. and Powers, D.M.W. (2003). A Unified Taxonomic Framework for Information Visualization. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 24. Pattison, T. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 57-66. |     
| Pham, H.N., Teo, Y.M., Thoai, N. and Nguyen, T.A. (2009). An Approach to Vickrey-based Resource Allocation in the Presence of Monopolistic Sellers. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 99. Roe, P. and Kelly, W., Eds., ACS. 77-83. |     
| Pham, Q., Reid, J., McCullagh, A. and Dawson, E. (2008). Commitment Issues in Delegation Process. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 81. Brankovic, L. and Miller, M., Eds., ACS. 27-38. |     
| Pham, T.D., Wang, H., Zhou, X., Beck, D., Brandl, M., Hoehn, G., Azok, J., Brennan, M.-L., Hazen, S.L., Li, K. and Wong, S.T.C. (2006). Linear Predictive Coding and its Decision Logic for Early Prediction of Major Adverse Cardiac Events using Mass Spectrometry Data. In Proc. 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 73. Boden, M. and Bailey, T.L., Eds., ACS. 61-66. |     
| Philippi, S. (2002). Life-Cycle Inheritance in Concurrent Object-Oriented Systems. In Proc. Workshop on Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 12. Lakos, C., Esser, R., Kristensen, L.M. and Billington, J., Eds., ACS. 37-45. |     
| Phillipps, M. and Sterling, L. (2009). A Perspective on the International Olympiad in Informatics for CS educators. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 7. |   
| Phillips, C. and Kemp, E. (2002). In Support of User Interface Design in the Rational Unified Process. In Proc. Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 7. Grundy, J. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 21-27. |     
| Phua, C., Smith-Miles, K., Lee, V.C.S. and Gayler, R. (2007). Adaptive Spike Detection for Resilient Data Stream Mining. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 181-188. |     
| Piekarski, W. and Thomas, B.H. (2002). The Tinmith System - Demonstrating New Techniques for Mobile Augmented Reality Modelling. In Proc. Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 7. Grundy, J. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 61-70. |     
| Pilgrim, C.J. (2007). Trends in Sitemap Designs - A Taxonomy and Survey. In Proc. Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 64. Piekarski, W. and Plimmer, B., Eds., ACS. 95-102. |     
| Pirzada, A., Portmann, M. and Indulska, J. (2007). Hybrid Mesh Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 49-58. |     
| Pirzada, A., Wishart, R., Portmann, M. and Indulska, J. (2009). Asad Pirzada, Ryan Wishart, Marius Portmann and Jadwiga Indulska. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 25-34. |     
| Pirzada, A.A. and McDonald, C. (2004). Kerberos Assisted Authentication in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 41-46. |     
| Pirzada, A.A. and McDonald, C. (2004). Establishing Trust In Pure Ad-hoc Networks. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 47-54. |     
| Pirzada, A.A., McDonald, C. and Datta, A. (2005). Dependable Dynamic Source Routing without a Trusted Third Party. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 79-86. |     
| Pisan, Y., Richards, D., Sloane, A., Koncek, H. and Mitchell, S. (2003). Submit!: A Web-based System for Automatic Program Critiquing. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 59-68. |     
| Pitt, E. and Nayak, R. (2007). The Use of Various Data Mining and Feature Selection Methods in the Analysis of a Population Survey Dataset. In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. CRPIT, 84. Ong, K.-L., Li, W. and Gao, J., Eds., ACS. 87-97. |     
| Plimmer, B. and Apperley, M. (2002). Computer-Aided Sketching to Capture Preliminary Design. In Proc. Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 7. Grundy, J. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 9-12. |     
| Plimmer, B. and Grundy, J. (2005). Beautifying Sketching-based Design Tool Content: Issues and Experiences. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds., ACS. 31-38. |     
| Plimmer, B. and Mason, P. (2006). A Pen-based Paperless Environment for Annotating and Marking Student Assignments. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 37-44. |     
| Pollard, J. and Duke, R. (2005). A Reference Architecture for Instructional Educational Software. In Proc. South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) Conference 2005 : ICT Building Bridges, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 46. Low, G., Ed. ACS. 43-52. |     
| Pollett, C. and Danner, N. (2005). Circuit Principles and Weak Pigeonhole Variants. In Proc. Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 41. Atkinson, M. and Dehne, F., Eds., ACS. 31-40. |     
| Poon, C.K., Zheng, F. and Xu, Y. (2006). On-demand Bounded Broadcast Scheduling with Tight Deadlines. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 139-143. |     
| Pope, B. and Naish, L. (2003). A Program Transformation for Debugging Haskell 98. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 227-236. |     
| Porter, R. and Calder, P. (2003). A Pattern-Based Problem-Solving Process for Novice Programmers. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 231-238. |     
| Porter, R. and Calder, P. (2003). Applying Patterns to Novice Programming Problems. In Proc. Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 13. Noble, J., Ed. ACS. 73. |     
| Porter, R. and Calder, P. (2004). Patterns in Learning to Program - An Experiment?. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 241-246. |     
| Potamianos, G. (2006). Audio-Visual Technologies for Lecture and Meeting Analysis inside Smart Rooms. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 7. |     
| Potamianos, G. (2006). Audio-Visual Speech Processing: Progress and Challenges. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 5. |     
| Potgieter, B.C. (2004). Change and Innovation We Expect of ICT Teaching Staff. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 247-253. |     
| Pothipruk, P. and Governatori, G. (2006). An Optimization for Query Answering on ALC Database. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 129-137. |     
| Powell, D. (2004). Automatic Derivation of Loop Termination Conditions to Support Verification. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 89-97. |     
| Powers, D.M.W. (2006). Vision in HCI: Embodiment, Multimodality and Information Capacity. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 9-10. |     
| Powers, D.M.W. (2008). Minors as Miners - Modelling and Evaluating Ontological and Linguistic Learning. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 3-14. |     
| Powers, K.D. (2004). Teaching Computer Architecture in Introductory Computing: Why? and How?. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 255-260. |     
| Prasad, C. and Li, X. (2004). Teaching Introductory Programming to Information Systems and Computing Majors: Is There a Difference?. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 261-267. |     
| Prasher, S. and Zhou, X. (2004). Multiresolution Amalgamation: Dynamic Spatial Data Cube Generation. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 103-111. |     
| Price, K. (2004). Why Computers Will Never Be People. In Proc. Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 37. Weckert, J. and Al-Saggaf, Y., Eds., ACS. 45-49. |     
| Price, R. (2005). Concepts for Multimedia Database Exploitation. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Price, R. (2008). Volume, Velocity and Variety - Key Challenges for Mining Large Volumes of Multimedia Information. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 17-17. |    
| Prieto, E. (2005). The Method of Extremal Structure on the k-Maximum Cut Problem. In Proc. Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 41. Atkinson, M. and Dehne, F., Eds., ACS. 119-126. |     
| Prinz, A. and Thalheim, B. (2003). Operational Semantics of Transactions. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 169-179. |     
| Prior, J.C. (2003). Online Assessment of SQL Query Formulation Skills. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 247-256. |     
| Proctor, R.M.J., Baturo, A.R. and Cooper, T.J. (2002). Integrating Concrete and Virtual Materials in an Elementary Mathematics Classroom: A Case Study of Success with Fractions. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 87-92. |     
| Proper, H.A., Verrijn-Stuart, A.A. and Hoppenbrouwers, S.J.B.A. (2005). On Utility-based Selection of Architecture-Modelling Concepts. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 43. Hartmann, S. and Stumptner, M., Eds., ACS. 25-34. |     
| Puglisi, S.J., Smyth, W.F. and Turpin, A. (2006). Suffix Arrays: What Are They Good For?. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 17-18. |    
| Pulo, K. and Takatsuko, M. (2003). Inclusion Tree Layout Convention : An Empirical Investigation. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 24. Pattison, T. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 27-35. |     
| Pulo, K.J. (2001). Recursive Space Decompositions in Force-Directed Graph Drawing Algorithms. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 95-102. |     
| Pupunwiwat, P. and Stantic, B. (2009). Unified Q-ary Tree for RFID Tag Anti-Collision Resolution. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 49-58. |     
| Purchase, H.C., Colpoys, L., McGill, M., Carrington, D. and Britton, C. (2001). UML Class Diagram Syntax: An Empirical Study of Comprehension. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 113-120. |     
| Purchase, H.C., McGill, M., Colpoys, L. and Carrington, D. (2001). Graph Drawing Aesthetics and the Comprehension of UML Class Diagrams: An Empirical Study. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 129-137. |     
| Purvis, M. (2005). Information Systems as Distributed Multi-agent Systems. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 43. Hartmann, S. and Stumptner, M., Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Purvis, M., Purvis, M. and Cranefield, S. (2004). Educational Experiences From a Global Software Engineering (GSE) Project. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 269-275. |     
| Qiu, L., Ong, K.-L. and Lui, S.M. (2006). Safely Delegating Data Mining Tasks. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 1-7. |     
| Quan, T.T. and Nguyen, T.D. (2008). Ontology Evolution for Customer Services. In Proc. Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 90. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 61-69. |     
| Quek, F. (2005). Mental Imagery, Language and Gesture: Multimodal Access to Human Communication. In Proc. NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 57. Chen, F. and Epps, J., Eds., ACS. 5. |     
| Quigley, A.J. (2001). Large Scale 3D Clustering and Abstraction. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 117-118. |     
| Quinn, A. (2004). Accepting Manipulation or Manipulating What's Acceptable?. In Proc. Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 37. Weckert, J. and Al-Saggaf, Y., Eds., ACS. 59-64. |     
| Quinn, A., Stranieri, A. and Yearwood, J. (2007). Classification for accuracy and insight: A weighted sum approach. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 203-208. |     
| Quinn, A., Stranieri, A., Yearwood, J.L. and Hafen, G. (2009). A Classification Algorithm that Derives Weighted Sum Scores for Insight into Disease. In Proc. Third Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 97. Warren, J.R., Ed. ACS. 13-17. |     
| Quinn, P. and Cockburn, A. (2008). The Effects of Menu Parallelism on Visual Search and Selection. In Proc. Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 76. Plimmer, B. and Weber, G., Eds., ACS. 79-84. |     
| Quirchmayr, G. (2004). Survivability and Business Continuity Management. In Proc. Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 3-6. |     
| Qureshi, Z.H. (2006). Formal Modelling and Analysis of Mission-Critical Software in Military Avionics Systems. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 67-77. |     
| Qureshi, Z.H. (2007). A Review of Accident Modelling Approaches for Complex Socio-Technical Systems. In Proc. Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 86. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 47-59. |     
| Radi, O. (2002). The Impact of Computer Use on Literacy in Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Skills. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 93-97. |     
| Rae, A. (2007). Helping the Operator in the Loop: Practical Human Machine Interface Principles for Safe Computer Controlled Systems. In Proc. Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 86. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 61-70. |     
| Rahayu, J.W., Taniar, D. and Lu, X. (2002). Aggregation Query Model for OODBMS. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 143-150. |     
| Rahwan, I., Kowalczyk, R. and Pham, H.H. (2002). Intelligent Agents for Automated One-to-Many e-Commerce Negotiation. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 197-203. |     
| Raikundalia, G. and Zhang, H.L. (2005). Newly-discovered Group Awareness Mechanisms for Supporting Real-time Collaborative Authoring. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds., ACS. 127-136. |     
| Rajala, T., Laakso, M.-J., Kaila, E. and Salakoski, T. (2007). VILLE - a language-independent program visualization tool. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 151-159. |     
| Rakotomalala, R., Chauchat, J.-H. and Pellegrino, F. (2006). Accuracy Estimation With Clustered Dataset. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 17-22. |     
| Ramakrishna, M.V., Nepal, S. and Srivastava, P.K. (2002). A Heuristic Algorithm for Combining Fuzzy Results in Multimedia Databases. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 141-145. |     
| Ramakrishnan, R. (2008). Web Data Management. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 5. |    
| Ramamritham, K. (2007). Taming the Dynamics of Distributed Data. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 3. |    
| Ramsay, N., Marshall, S. and Potanin, A. (2008). Annotating UI Architecture with Actual Use. In Proc. Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 76. Plimmer, B. and Weber, G., Eds., ACS. 75-78. |     
| Rana, O.F., Winikoff, M., Padgham, L. and Harland, J. (2002). Applying Conflict Management Strategies in BDI Agents for Resource Management in Computational Grids. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 205-214. |     
| Randolph, N., Morris, J. and Lee, G. (2002). A Generalised Spreadsheet Verification Methodology. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 215-222. |     
| Rao, M.R.K.K. (2006). Learnability of Term Rewrite Systems from Positive Examples. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 133-137. |     
| Rauch, F. and Stricker, T.M. (2005). OS Support for a Commodity Database on PC clusters - Distributed Devices vs. Distributed File Systems. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 145-154. |     
| Ravana, S.D. and Moffat, A. (2009). Score Aggregation Techniques in Retrieval Experimentation. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 59-67. |     
| Reading, J. and Inniss, G. (2003). Teaching for Tomorrow - Integrating Learning Technologies into Early Years Professional Development . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 147. |   
| Reddacliff, C. and Downes, T. (2003). Young Children Talking about Their Use of the Internet at Home and at School . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 149. |   
| Redmill, F. (2002). A Community Club on Safety-Critical Systems. In Proc. Seventh Australian Workshop on Industrial Experience with Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2002), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 15. Lindsay, P., Ed. ACS. 41-48. |     
| Redmill, F. (2007). Thoughts on Safety Responsibilities of Management. In Proc. Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 86. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 71-77. |     
| Rees, M.J. (2002). Evolving the Browser Towards a Standard User Interface Architecture. In Proc. Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 7. Grundy, J. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 1-7. |     
| Reeve, G. and Reeves, S. (2006). Logic and Refinement for Charts. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 13-23. |     
| Regan, L., Robertson, E. and McKenzie, D. (2003). Integration of ICT into the Curriculum at Anderson's Creek Primary School. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 99-100. |    
| Reid, J.F. and Caelli, W.J. (2005). DRM, Trusted Computing and Operating System Architecture. In Proc. Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Safavi-Naini, R., Montague, P. and Sheppard, N., Eds., ACS. 127-136. |     
| Reid, W., Kelly, W. and Craik, A. (2008). Reasoning about Data Parallelism in Modern Object-Oriented Languages. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 27-36. |     
| Reinhardt, D. (2006). Certification Criteria for Emulation Technology in the Australian Defence Force Military Avionics Context. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 79-92. |     
| Reinhardt, D.W. (2008). Considerations in the Preference for and Application of RTCA/DO-178B in the Australian Military Avionics Context. In Proc. Thirteenth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2008), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 100. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 49-68. |     
| Reitmayr, G. and Schmalstieg, D. (2003). Location based Applications for Mobile Augmented Reality. In Proc. Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 18. Biddle, R. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 65-73. |     
| Ren, Q., Mu, Y. and Susilo, W. (2008). Mitigating Phishing with ID-based Online/Offline Authentication. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 81. Brankovic, L. and Miller, M., Eds., ACS. 59-64. |     
| Rennie, L. and Cockburn, A. (2005). Aiding Text Entry of Foreign Alphabets with Visual Keyboard Plus. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds., ACS. 119-125. |     
| Reynolds, N. (2003). Musical Composition and Creativity in an ICT-Enriched Learning Environment - a case study. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 101-103. |     
| Reza Z'aba, M., Raddum, H., Simpson, L., Dawson, E., Henricksen, M. and Wong, K. (2009). Algebraic Analysis of LEX. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 98. Brankovic, L. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 33-45. |     
| Rhodes, A., Bower, K. and Bancroft, P. (2004). Managing Large Class Assessment. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 285-289. |     
| Riaz, T. and Li, K.-B.W., Yi (2004). Multiple Sequence Alignment Using Tabu Search. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 223-232. |     
| Riazati, D., Thom, J.A. and Zhang, X. (2008). Drill Across and Visualization of Cubes with Non-conformed Dimensions. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 85-93. |     
| Rice, S., Roddick, J.F. and de Vries, D. (2006). Defining and Implementing Domains with Multiple Types using Mesodata Modelling Techniques. In Proc. Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 53. Stumptner, M., Hartmann, S. and Kiyoki, Y., Eds., ACS. 85-93. |     
| Richardson, J. (2004). Internationalisation in the Large at Oracle. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Software Internationalisation (AWSI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Hogan, J., Ed. ACS. 197. |     
| Ritter, N. and Cooper, J. (2007). Segmentation and Border Identification of Cells in Images of Peripheral Blood Smear Slides. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 161-169. |     
| Rizzo, A. (2003). Activity Centred Professional Development and Teachers' Take-Up of ICT. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 105-108. |     
| Roantree, M. (2002). Metadata Management in Federated Multimedia Systems. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 147-155. |     
| Robards, M., Gao, J. and Charlton, P. (2007). A Discriminant Analysis for Undersampled Data. In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. CRPIT, 84. Ong, K.-L., Li, W. and Gao, J., Eds., ACS. 11-18. |     
| Roberts, G.H.B. and Verbyla, J.L.M. (2003). An Online Programming Assessment Tool. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 69-75. |     
| Roberts, T.S. (2006). The Use of Multiple Choice Tests for Formative and Summative Assessment. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 175-180. |     
| Robertson, C., Geva, S. and Wolff, R. (2006). What Types of Events Provide the Strongest Evidence that the Stock Market is Affected by Company Specific News?. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 145-153. |     
| Robertson, C., Geva, S. and Wolff, R. (2007). News Aware Volatility Forecasting: Is the Content of News Important?. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 161-170. |     
| Robins, A., Haden, P. and Garner, S. (2006). Problem Distributions in a CS1 Course. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 165-173. |     
| Robinson, R.M. and Anderson, K.J. (2004). SIL Rating Fire Protection Equipment. In Proc. Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 33. Lindsay, P. and Cant, T., Eds., ACS. 89-97. |     
| Roddick, J.F., Ceglar, A. and de Vries, D. (2007). Towards Active Conceptual Modelling for Sudden Events. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 203-208. |     
| Roddick, J.F. and Fule, P. (2007). SemGrAM - Integrating Semantic Graphs into Association Rule Mining. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 129-137. |     
| Roddick, J.F., Hornsby, K. and de Vries, D. (2003). A Unifying Semantic Distance Model for Determining the Similarity of Attribute Values. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 111-118. |     
| Roddick, J.F. and Nieuwenhuis, A.L. (2002). Application Rates to Undergraduate Programs in Information Technology in Australian Universities. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 223-231. |     
| Roehm, U., Gaber, M.M., Tse and Quincy (2008). Enabling Resource-Awareness for In-Network Data Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 95-102. |     
| Romeike, R. (2007). Applying creativity in CS high school education - criteria, teaching example and evaluation. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 87-96. |     
| Rose, D., Stegmaier, S., Reina, G., Weiskopf, D. and Ertl, T. (2003). Non-invasive Adaptation of Black-box User Interfaces. In Proc. Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 18. Biddle, R. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 19-24. |     
| Rosvik, S. (2003). National Plans - Local Challenges: Preparing for Life Long Learning in a Digital Society . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 151. |   
| Rountree, J. and Rountree, N. (2009). Issues Regarding Threshold Concepts in Computer Science. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 139-145. |     
| Rountree, J., Rountree, N., Robins, A. and Hannah, R. (2005). Observations of Student Competency in a CS1 Course. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 145-149. |     
| Routledge, N., Bird, L. and Goodchild, A. (2002). UML and XML Schema. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 157-166. |     
| Rubin, E. and Wand, Y. (2007). A Framework Supporting the Utilization of Domain Knowledge Embedded in Software. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 85-90. |     
| Rui, K. and Butler, G. (2003). Refactoring Use Case Models : The Metamodel. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 301-308. |     
| Ruiz, N., Chen, F. and Choi, E. (2005). Exploratory Study of Lexical Patterns in Multimodal Cues. In Proc. NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 57. Chen, F. and Epps, J., Eds., ACS. 47-50. |     
| Ruskey, F. and Williams, A. (2008). Generating Balanced Parentheses and Binary Trees by Prefix Shifts. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 107-115. |     
| Russel, A.B.M. and Khan, A.I. (2006). Towards Dynamic Data Grid Framework for eResearch. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Buyya, R. and Ma, T., Eds., ACS. 9-16. |     
| Russell, N., van der Aalst, W.M.P., ter Hofstede, A.H.M. and Wohed, P. (2006). On the Suitability of UML 2.0 Activity Diagrams for Business Process Modelling. In Proc. Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 53. Stumptner, M., Hartmann, S. and Kiyoki, Y., Eds., ACS. 95-104. |     
| Rusu, A., Jianu, R., Santiago, C. and Clement, C. (2006). An Experimental Study on Algorithms for Drawing Binary Trees. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 85-88. |     
| Rutherford, P., Churcher, C. and McCallum, J. (2004). An Interactive Visualisation for Investigating DNA Sequence Information. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 101-107. |     
| Rutherford, P., Churcher, C. and McCallum, J. (2005). An Interactive Visualisation for Selecting PCR Primers. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 21-26. |     
| Ryan, A. (2006). Towards Semantic Interoperability in Healthcare: Ontology Mapping from SNOMED-CT to HL7 version 3. In Proc. Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 72. Orgun, M.A. and Meyer, T., Eds., ACS. 69-74. |     
| Ryan, C. and Gonsalves, A. (2005). The Effect of Context and Application Type on Mobile Usability: An Empirical Study. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 115-124. |     
| Ryu, S.H., Saint-Paul, R., Benatallah, B. and Casati, F. (2007). A Framework for Managing the Evolution of Business Protocols in Web Services. In Proc. Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 67. Roddick, J.F. and Hinze, A., Eds., ACS. 49-59. |     
| Saabas, A. and Uustalu, T. (2006). Compositional Type Systems for Stack-Based Low-Level Languages. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 27-39. |     
| Sadiq, S., Orlowska, M.E., Sadiq, W. and Foulger, C. (2004). Data Flow and Validation in Workflow Modelling. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 207-214. |     
| Saeed, N. and Yang, Y. (2008). Incorporating blogs, social bookmarks, and podcasts into unit teaching. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 113-118. |     
| Saffrey, P. and Purchase, H. (2008). The 'Mental Map' versus 'Static Aesthetic' Compromise in Dynamic Graphs : A User Study. In Proc. Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 76. Plimmer, B. and Weber, G., Eds., ACS. 85-93. |     
| Sahama, T., Ho-Stuart, C. and Hogan, J.M. (2004). Developing and Delivering a Software Internationalisation Subject. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Software Internationalisation (AWSI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Hogan, J., Ed. ACS. 199-204. |     
| Sahama, T.R. and Croll, P.R. (2007). A Data Warehouse Architecture for Clinical Data Warehousing. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Knowledge Management and Discovery (HKMD 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Roddick, J.F. and Warren, J.R., Eds., ACS. 227-232. |     
| Saito, T. and Ohiwa, H. (2003). Roles of the Teacher in Media Literacy Education. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 109-110. |    
| Samer, M. and Szeider, S. (2008). Tractable Cases of the Extended Global Cardinality Constraint. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 67-74. |     
| Sandom, C. (2007). Success and Failure: Human as Hero - Human as Hazard. In Proc. Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 86. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 79-87. |     
| Sandy, G.A. (2001). The Online Services Bill: Theories and Evidence of Pornographic Harm. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 46-55. |     
| Saneifar, H., Bringay, S., Laurent, A. and Teisseire, M. (2008). S2MP: Similarity Measure for Sequential Patterns. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 95-104. |     
| Sang, Y. and Shen, H. (2008). Privacy Preserving Set Intersection Protocol Based on Bilinear Group. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 47-54. |     
| Saragih, J. and Goecke, R. (2006). Learning Active Appearance Models from Image Sequences. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 51-60. |     
| Sarai, A., Gromiha, M.M., Kono, H. and Selvaraj, S. (2004). Structure-Function Relationship in DNA Sequence Recognition by Transcription Factors. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 233-238. |     
| Sarkar, P.K. and Cybulski, J.L. (2003). A Set of Patterns for the Web-based Interfaces of an Employee Services System. In Proc. Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 13. Noble, J., Ed. ACS. 25. |     
| Saunders, G., Ivkovic, S., Ghosh, R. and Yearwood, J. (2005). Applying Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) and Critical Term Ontologies to Australian Drug Safety Data for Association Rules and Adverse Event Signalling. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 58. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 93-98. |     
| Saunders, S. and Takaoka, T. (2005). Efficient Algorithms for Solving Shortest Paths on Nearly Acyclic Directed Graphs. In Proc. Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 41. Atkinson, M. and Dehne, F., Eds., ACS. 127-131. |     
| Savarimuthu, B.T.R. and Purvis, M. (2004). Towards a multi-lingual workflow system - a practical outlook. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Software Internationalisation (AWSI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Hogan, J., Ed. ACS. 205-210. |     
| Savarimuthu, B.T.R., Purvis, M. and Fleurke, M. (2004). Monitoring and Controlling of a Multi-agent Based Workflow System. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 127-132. |     
| Schadow, G., Grannis, S.J. and McDonald, C.J. (2002). Privacy-Preserving Distributed Queries for a Clinical Case Research Network. In Proc. IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining (PSDM 2002), Maebashi City, Japan. CRPIT, 14. Clifton, C. and Estivill-Castro, V., Eds., ACS. 55-65. |     
| Schaefer, A. and John, M. (2009). Conceptional Modeling and Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Processes in Biomolecular Systems. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds., ACS. 39-48. |     
| Schewe, K.-D. (2005). Redundancy, Dependencies and Normal Forms for XML Databases. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 7-16. |     
| Schewe, K.-D. and Thalheim, B. (2006). Component-Driven Engineering of Database Applications. In Proc. Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 53. Stumptner, M., Hartmann, S. and Kiyoki, Y., Eds., ACS. 105-114. |     
| Schewe, K.-D. and Zhao, J. (2005). Balancing Redundancy and Query Costs in Distributed Data Warehouses. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 43. Hartmann, S. and Stumptner, M., Eds., ACS. 97-106. |     
| Schmidt, H. (2002). Compositional Software Architecture Definition. In Proc. Workshop on Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 12. Lakos, C., Esser, R., Kristensen, L.M. and Billington, J., Eds., ACS. 7-9. |     
| Schmieder, P., Plimmer, B. and Dobbie, G. (2009). Sketching ER Diagrams. In Proc. Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 93. Weber, G. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 57-64. |     
| Scholz, J., Grigg, M., Prekop, P. and Burnett, M. (2003). Development of the software infrastructure for a ubiquitous computing environment - the DSTO iRoom. In Proc. Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 169-176. |     
| Schreiber, F. (2003). Comparison of Metabolic Pathways using Constraint Graph Drawing. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 105-110. |     
| Schulz, H.-J., Nocke, T. and Schumann, H. (2006). A Framework for Visual Data Mining of Structures. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 157-166. |     
| Schwartzman, L. (2007). Student transformative learning in software engineering and design: discontinuity (pre)serves meaning. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 97-108. |     
| Schwitter, R. (2008). Creating and Querying Linguistically Motivated Ontologies. In Proc. Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 90. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 71-80. |     
| Schwitter, R. and Tilbrook, M. (2006). Annotating Websites with Machine-processable Information in Controlled Natural Language. In Proc. Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 72. Orgun, M.A. and Meyer, T., Eds., ACS. 75-84. |     
| Scriven, I., Lewis, A., Smith, M. and Friese, T. (2008). Resource Evaluation and Node Monitoring in Service Oriented Ad-hoc Grids. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 82. Kelly, W. and Roe, P., Eds., ACS. 65-71. |     
| Searle, G. and Ward, R. (2002). Funktion Zusammen: Two Schools, One Class and German LOTE in Rural Queensland. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 99-103. |     
| Segal, T. and Barnard, R. (2003). Let the Shoemaker Make the Shoes - An Abstraction Layer is Needed Between Bioinformatic Analysis, Tools, Data and Equipment : An Agenda for the Next Five Years. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 215-218. |     
| Shah, N.H., Gor, A.S. and Wee, H. (2008). Optimal Joint Vendor-Buyer Inventory Strategy for Deteriorating Items with Salvage Value. In Proc. Fourteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 77. Harland, J. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 63-66. |     
| Shalom, S.A.A., Dash, M. and Tue, M. (2008). Graphics Hardware based Efficient and Scalable Fuzzy C-Means Clustering. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 179-186. |     
| Shan, Y., Jeacocke, D., Murray, D.W. and Sutinen, A. (2008). Mining Medical Specialist Billing Patterns for Health Service Management. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 105-110. |     
| Shankaranarayanan, A., Dehne, F. and Lewis, A. (2006). A Template Based Static Coalition Protocol - A3PviGrid. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Buyya, R. and Ma, T., Eds., ACS. 55-62. |     
| Shanker, U., Misra, M. and Sarje, A.K. (2006). OCP - A Distributed Real Time Commit Protocol. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 193-202. |     
| Shanks, V.R., Williams, H.E. and Cannane, A. (2003). Indexing for Fast Categorisation. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 119-127. |     
| Shanneb, A. and Potter, J. (2005). Flexible Exclusion Control for Composite Objects. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 277-286. |     
| Shao, X., Xu, C. and Lim, J.-H. (2003). Image Mosaics Based on Homogenous Coordinates. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 93. |     
| Shaw, K. and Dermoudy, J. (2005). Engendering an Empathy for Software Engineering. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 135-144. |     
| Sheard, J. and Carbone, A. (2004). From Informal to Formal: Creating the Australasian Computing Education Community. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 291-297. |     
| Sheard, J. and Carbone, A. (2007). ICT teaching and learning in a new educational paradigm: lecturers' perceptions versus students' experiences. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 109-117. |     
| Sheard, J., Carbone, A. and Dick, M. (2003). Determination of Factors which Impact on IT Students' Propensity to Cheat. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 119-126. |     
| Sheard, J., Carbone, A., Markham, S., Hurst, A.J., Casey, D. and Avram, C. (2008). Performance and progression of first year ICT students. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 119-128. |     
| Shehadi, I.A., Ilyin, V., Murga, L.F., Ondrechen, M.J. and Uzun, A. (2004). THEMATICS is Effective for Active Site Prediction in Comparative Model Structures. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 209-215. |     
| Shen, H.T. (2009). Large-scale Video Sequence Indexing: Impacts, Ideas and Trends. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 3. |    
| Shen, X. and Eades, P. (2005). Using MoneyColor to Represent Financial Data. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 125-129. |     
| Shen, Z., Ogawa, M., Teoh, S.T. and Ma, K.-L. (2006). BiblioViz: A System for Visualizing Bibliography Information. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 93-102. |     
| Shillabeer, A. and Pfitzner, D. (2007). Determining Pattern Element Contribution in Medical Datasets. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Knowledge Management and Discovery (HKMD 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Roddick, J.F. and Warren, J.R., Eds., ACS. 233-240. |     
| Shillabeer, A. and Roddick, J.F. (2007). Establishing a Lineage for Medical Knowledge Discovery. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 29-37. |     
| Shin, D. and Koh, K. (2002). Optimizing Web Content Delivery Using Web Server Accelerator. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 233-239. |     
| Shokouhi, M., Zobel, J. and Bernstein, Y. (2007). Distributed Text Retrieval From Overlapping Collections. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 141-150. |     
| Shuhidan, S., Hamilton, M. and D'Souza, D. (2009). A Taxonomic Study of Novice Programming Summative Assessment. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 147-156. |     
| Shui, W., Lam, F., Fisher, D.K. and Wong, R.K. (2005). Querying and Maintaining Ordered XML Data using Relational Databases. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 85-94. |     
| Shui, W.M., Wong, R.K., Graham, S.C., Lee, L.K. and Church, W.B. (2003). A New Approach to Protein Structure and Function Analysis Using Semi-structured Databases. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 61-69. |     
| Sifer, M. (2002). Querying Web Site Visitor Trend Data with Coordinated Nested Bar and Pie Charts. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 1-2. |     
| Sifer, M., Peres, Y. and Maarek, Y. (2002). A Grammer View for Editing Structured Documents. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 23-24. |     
| Siltanen, S. and Hyvakka, J. (2006). Implementing a Natural User Interface for Camera Phones Using Visual Tags. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 113-116. |     
| Siltanen, S. and Woodward, C. (2006). Augmented Interiors with Digital Camera Images. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 33-36. |     
| Simcock, T., Hillenbrand, S.P. and Thomas, B.H. (2003). Developing a Location Based Tourist Guide Application. In Proc. Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 177-183. |     
| Simeon, M. and Hilderman, R. (2008). Categorical Proportional Difference: A Feature Selection Method for Text Categorization. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 201-208. |     
| Simmonds, A. (2003). Student Learning Experience with an Industry Certification Course at University. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 143-147. |     
| Simon (2003). An IT degree combining the expertise of University and TAFE. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 35-40. |     
| Simon (2004). The Cryptic Crossword Puzzle as a Useful Analogue in Teaching Programming. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 299-303. |     
| Simon (2005). Electronic Watermarks to Help Authenticate Soft-copy Exams. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 7-13. |     
| Simon (2007). Mandatory fields - a case study in the divergence between education and practice. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 133-139. |     
| Simon (2007). Koli Calling comes of age: an analysis. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 119-126. |     
| Simon (2009). Ten Years of the Australasian Computing Education Conference. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 157-163. |     
| Simon, Cutts, Q., Fincher, S., Haden, P., Robbins, A., Sutton, K., Baker, B., Box, I., de Raadt, M., Hamer, J., Hamilton, M., Lister, R., Petre, M., Tolhurst, D. and Tutty, J. (2006). The ability to articulate strategy as a predictor of programming skill. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 181-188. |     
| Simon, Fincher, S., Robbins, A., Baker, B., Box, I., Cutts, Q., de Raadt, M., Haden, P., Hamer, J., Hamilton, M., Lister, R., Petre, M., Sutton, K., Tolhurst, D. and Tutty, J. (2006). Predictors of success in a first programming course. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 189-196. |     
| Simon, Lopez, M., Sutton, K. and Clear, T. (2009). Surely We Must Learn to Read before We Learn to Write!. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 165-170. |     
| Simpson, M., Burmeister, J., Boykiw, A. and Zhu, J. (2003). Successful Studio-based Real-World Projects in IT Education. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 41-51. |     
| Singh, A. and Billington, J. (2002). Creating an Internet Inter-ORB Protocol Service Specification. In Proc. Workshop on Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 12. Lakos, C., Esser, R., Kristensen, L.M. and Billington, J., Eds., ACS. 57-66. |     
| Singh, P.K. (2004). Unsupervised Segmentation of Medical Images using DCT Coefficients. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 75-81. |     
| Sinha, R. and Zobel, J. (2003). Efficient Trie-Based Sorting of Large Sets of Strings. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 11-18. |     
| Sirkkala, P. and Puonti, S. (2007). Nalkki-project - tool for plagiarism detection using the web. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 229-230. |     
| Sitzmann, I. and Stuckey, P.J. (2002). Compacting Discriminator Information for Spatial Trees. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 167-176. |     
| Skabar, A. and Cloete, I. (2002). Neural Networks and Financial Trading and the Efficient Markets Hypothesis. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 241-249. |     
| Sladek, J., Zschorn, A. and Hashemi-Sakhtsari, A. (2002). Speech-to-Text Transcription in Support of Pervasive Computing. In Proc. Asia Pacific Forum on Pervasive Computing 2002, Adelaide, Australia. 25. Aynsley, B. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. paper3. |     
| Slaviero, J. and Wiseman, L. (2003). Communicate in an E-Learning Community . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 153. |   
| Slay, H., Phillips, M., Thomas, B.H. and Vernik, R. (2003). Keg Master : a Graph-Aware Visual Editor for 3D Graphs. In Proc. Fourth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 18. Biddle, R. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 99-103. |     
| Slay, H., Phillips, M., Vernik, R. and Thomas, B.H. (2001). Interaction Modes for Augmented Reality Visualization. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 71-75. |     
| Slay, H. and Thomas, B.H. (2006). Evaluation of a Universal Interaction and Control Device for use within Multiple Heterogeneous Display Ubiquitous Environments. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 129-136. |     
| Slay, H., Thomas, B.H. and Vernik, R. (2002). Tangible User Interaction Using Augmented Reality. In Proc. Third Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 7. Grundy, J. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 13-20. |     
| Slay, J., Quirchmayr, G., Kurzel, F. and Hagenus, K. (2003). Adaptive Learning Environments for CS Education : From AMLE to Live Spaces. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 257-262. |     
| Smart, W. and Zhang, M. (2004). Applying Online Gradient-Descent Search to Genetic Programming for Object Recognition. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 133-138. |     
| Smid, M. (2006). Geometric spanners with few edges and degree five. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 7-9. |    
| Smillie, J., Allsman, R., Hungerford, S. and Ozolins, J. (2005). Integrating The MACHO Data-set with the Virtual Observatory. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Buyya, R., Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 49-56. |     
| Smith, G. (2002). Specifying Mode Requirements of Embedded Systems. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 251-257. |     
| Smith, G. (2004). A Framework for Modelling and Analysing Mobile Systems. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 193-202. |     
| Smith, G. and Escott, E. (2004). Using Animations to Support the Teaching of General Computing Concepts. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 305-310. |     
| Smith, G. and Fidge, C. (2008). On the efficacy of prerecorded lectures for teaching introductory programming. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 129-136. |     
| Smith, J., Gonzalez-Nieto, J.M. and Boyd, C. (2006). Modelling Denial of Service Attacks on JFK with Meadows's Cost-Based Framework. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Safavi-Naini, R., Steketee, C. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 125-134. |     
| Smith, J., Russell, S. and Looi, M. (2004). Security as a Safety Issue in Rail Communications. In Proc. Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 33. Lindsay, P. and Cant, T., Eds., ACS. 79-88. |     
| Smith, K. (2003). EdNA Online for Early Childhood Educators . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 155. |   
| Smith, R., Piekarski, W. and Wigley, G. (2005). Hand Tracking For Low Powered Mobile AR User Interfaces. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds., ACS. 7-16. |     
| Smith, R.T. and Piekarski, W. (2008). Public and Private Workspaces on Tabletop Displays. In Proc. Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 76. Plimmer, B. and Weber, G., Eds., ACS. 51-54. |     
| Sodre, V.de F., Filho, J.L., Vilela, V.M. and Andrade, M.V.A. (2005). Improving Productivity and Quality of GIS Databases Design using an Analysis Pattern Catalog. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 43. Hartmann, S. and Stumptner, M., Eds., ACS. 107-114. |     
| Soliman, M.I. and Sedukhin, S.G. (2002). Trident: A Scalable Architecture for Scalar, Vector and Matrix Operations. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 91-99. |     
| Solomon, A. (2003). Applying NAILS to Blackboard. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 263-266. |     
| Somekh, B. (2003). Children Exploring a 'Fun' Web-site: Sites of Learning and Roles of Being. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 89-93. |     
| Song, G. (2004). Reducing Register Pressure Through LAER Algorithm. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 55-64. |     
| Song, J. and Zhang, Y. (2007). Architecture of a Web Accelerator For Wireless Networks. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 125-129. |     
| Song, L. and Takatsuka, M. (2005). Real-time 3D Finger Pointing for an Augmented Desk. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds., ACS. 99-108. |     
| Sonntag, B. and Colnet, D. (2002). Lisaac: the power of simplicity at work for operating system. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 45-52. |     
| Soon, L.-K. and Lee, S.H. (2007). An Empirical Study of Similarity Search in Stock Data. In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (AIDM 2007), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. CRPIT, 84. Ong, K.-L., Li, W. and Gao, J., Eds., ACS. 29-36. |     
| Soriano, C., Raikundalia, G.K. and Szajman, J. (2006). Middle-Aged Users' Experience of Short Message Service. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 109-112. |     
| Sorva, J. (2007). Students' understandings of storing objects. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 127-135. |     
| Spaccapietra, S. (2007). Exploring New Directions in Conceptual Data Modeling. In Proc. Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 67. Roddick, J.F. and Hinze, A., Eds., ACS. 3. |   
| Speer, J., Kirchberg, M., Riaz-ud-Din, F. and Schewe, K.-D. (2009). Solving the Golden Transaction Problem for ARIES-based Multi-level Recovery. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 19-28. |     
| Spence, E. (2001). Cosmopolitanism and the Internet. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 88-93. |    
| Spinczyk, O., Gal, A. and Schroder-Preikschat, W. (2002). AspectC++: An Aspect-Oriented Extension to the C++ Programming Language. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 53-60. |     
| Squair, M.J. (2005). Issues in the Application of Software Safety Standards. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 13-26. |     
| Squair, M.J. (2006). Safety, Software Architecture and MIL-STD-1760. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 93-112. |     
| Squair, M.J. (2007). Human Engineering for Australia's F/A-18 Night Vision Capability. In Proc. Twelfth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2007), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 86. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 89-100. |     
| Stafford, A. and Piekarski, W. (2008). User Evaluation of God-like Interaction Techniques. In Proc. Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 76. Plimmer, B. and Weber, G., Eds., ACS. 19-27. |     
| Stafford, A., Thomas, B.H. and Piekarski, W. (2009). Comparison of techniques for mixed-space collaborative navigation. In Proc. Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 93. Weber, G. and Calder, P., Eds., ACS. 65-64. |     
| Stager, G.S. (2002). Computationally-Rich Constructionism and At-Risk Learners. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 105-111. |     
| Stager, G.S. (2003). The Feeling of Wonderful Ideas - Implications for the Future of Teaching and Learning. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 111-113. |    
| Stanley, E., Mogin, P. and Andreae, P. (2009). S.E.A.L. - A Query Language for Entity-Association Queries. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 69-78. |     
| Stanley, T.D., Xuan, T.Q., Fife, L. and Colton, D. (2007). Simple Eight Bit, Emulated Computers for Illustrating Computer Architecture Concepts and Providing a Starting Point for Student Designs. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 141-146. |     
| Stantic, B., Governatori, G. and Sattar, A. (2006). Handling of Current Time in Native XML Databases. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 175-182. |     
| Stantic, B., Khanna, S. and Thornton, J. (2004). An Efficient Method for Indexing Now-relative Bitemporal data. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 113-122. |     
| Stevenson, D., Li, J., Smith, J. and Hutchins, M. (2008). A Collaborative Guidance Case Study. In Proc. Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 76. Plimmer, B. and Weber, G., Eds., ACS. 33-42. |     
| Stewart, A.D. and Zhang, X. (2007). Building a Disordered Protein Database: A Case Study in Managing Biological Data. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 151-159. |     
| Stewart, B. (2007). Reflection on Development and Delivery of a Data Mining Unit. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 225-232. |     
| Stewart, G.A., Cameron, D., Cowan, G.A. and McCance, G. (2007). Storage and Data Management in EGEE. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 69-77. |     
| Stokes, J. (2002). Developing Generic Attributes in a Pre-service Primary Teacher Education Course. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 113-117. |     
| Stokes, J. (2002). Towards Knowledge Age Teachers: Reflective Practitioners. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 119-124. |     
| Stone, G. (2005). On Arguing the Safety of Large Systems. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 69-75. |     
| Stone, G.R. (2004). Complex Reactive Real Time Systems and the Safety Case. In Proc. Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 47. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 23-32. |     
| Strazdins, P. (2008). Applying the community of practice approach to individual IT projects. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 137-146. |     
| Strazdins, P., Clarke, B. and Over, A. (2007). Efficient Cycle-Accurate Simulation of the Ultrasparc III CPU. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 221-228. |     
| Strooper, P. and Meinicke, L. (2007). Evaluation of a New Assesment Scheme for a Third-year Concurrency Course. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 147-154. |     
| Stumptner, M., Schrefl, M. and Grossmann, G. (2004). On the Road to Behavior-Based Integration. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 31. Hartmann, S. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 15-22. |    
| Subramaniam, G. and Ong, K. (2006). Mesh Simplification using Ellipsoidal Schema for Isotropic Quantization of Face-Normal Vectors. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 31-34. |     
| Sucahyo, Y.G. and Gopalan, R.P. (2003). CT-ITL : Efficient Frequent Item Set Mining Using a Compressed Prefix Tree with Pattern Growth. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 95-104. |     
| Sugiyama, K., Osawa, R. and Hong, S.-H. (2005). Puzzle Generators and Symmetric Puzzle Layout. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 97-105. |     
| Suhonen, J., Thompson, E., Davies, J. and Kinshuk (2007). Applications of variation theory in computing education. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 217-220. |     
| Sun, H.-M. and Hsieh, B.-T. (2004). On the Security of Some Proxy Blind Signatures Schemes. In Proc. Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 75-78. |     
| Sun, X., Li, M., Wang, H. and Plank, A. (2008). An efficient hash-based algorithm for minimal k-anonymity. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 101-107. |     
| Sun, X., Wang, H. and Li, J. (2008). Priority Driven K-Anonymisation for Privacy Protection. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 73-78. |     
| Sun, X., Wang, H. and Li, J. (2009). Microdata Protection Through Approximate Microaggregation. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 149-156. |     
| Sun, Y., Chen, F. and Chung, V. (2005). QuickFusion: Multimodal Fusion Without Time Thresholds. In Proc. NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 57. Chen, F. and Epps, J., Eds., ACS. 51-54. |     
| Sun, Z. and Deogun, J.S. (2004). Local Prediction Approach of Protein Classification using Probabilistic Suffix Trees. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 357-362. |     
| Suriadi, S., Foo, E. and Du, R. (2008). Layered Identity Infrastructure Model for Identity Meta Systems. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 81. Brankovic, L. and Miller, M., Eds., ACS. 83-92. |     
| Sutton, P., Brereton, M., Heyer, C. and MacColl, I. (2002). Ambient Interaction Framework - Software Infrastructure for the Rapid Development of Pervasive Computing Environments. In Proc. Asia Pacific Forum on Pervasive Computing 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 25. Aynsley, B. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. paper4. |   
| Suzuki, N. and Fukushima, Y. (2008). An XML Document Transformation Algorithm Inferred from an Edit Script between DTDs. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 175-184. |     
| Szeto, L.K., Liew, A.W.-C., Yan, H. and Tang, S.-s. (2003). Gene Expression Data Clustering and Visualization Based on a Binary Heirarchical Clustering Framework. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 145-152. |     
| Tahaghoghi, S.M.M., Williams, H.E., Thom, J.A. and Volkmer, T. (2005). Video Cut Detection using Frame Windows. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 193-200. |     
| Taib, R., Shi, Y., Choi, E., Chen, F., Sladescu, M. and Phung, N. (2005). Multimodal User Interface Facilitating Critical Data Entry for Traffic Incident Management. In Proc. NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 57. Chen, F. and Epps, J., Eds., ACS. 55-59. |     
| Takaoka, T. and Violich, S. (2006). Combinatorial Generation by Fusing Loopless Algorithms. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 69-77. |     
| Tam, V.W.L. and Shepherd, J. (2009). Information Retrieval in Structured Domains. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 145-151. |     
| Tan, A.C. and Gilbert, D. (2003). An Empirical Comparison of Supervised Machine Learning Techniques in Bioinformatics. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 219-222. |     
| Tan, J., Abramson, D. and Enticott, C. (2009). Optimizing Tunneled Grid Connectivity across Firewalls. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 99. Roe, P. and Kelly, W., Eds., ACS. 21-27. |     
| Tandianus, J.E., Chandra, A. and Jin, J.S. (2002). Video Cataloguing and Browsing. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 39-45. |     
| Tang, A., Boyle, M. and Greenberg, S. (2004). Display and Presence Disparity in Mixed Presence Groupware. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 73-82. |     
| Tang, J., Balbuena, C., Lin, Y. and Miller, M. (2007). An open problem: (4; g)-cages with odd g <= 5 are tightly connected. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 141-144. |     
| Tang, J. and Zhang, M. (2006). An Agent-based Peer-to-Peer Grid Computing Architecture - Convergence of Grid and Peer-to-Peer Computing. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Buyya, R. and Ma, T., Eds., ACS. 33-39. |     
| Tang, Q. and Jin, J.S. (2003). Compressed Video Transmission over Digital Networks : Analysis and Design. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 97. |     
| Tao, T. and Crisp, D.J. (2003). A Useful Bound for Region Merging Algorithms in a Bayesian Model. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 95-100. |     
| Tao, W. and Steele, R. (2008). A Local Broker Enabled MobiPass Architecture for Enhancing Trusted Interaction Efficiency. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 55-61. |     
| Tari, Z. and Hamidjadja, H. (2002). A CORBA Cooperative Cache Approach with Popularity Admission and Routing Mechanism. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 177-186. |     
| Taylor, J.L. and Burgess, S.A. (2004). Steve Austin Versus the Symbol Grounding Problem. In Proc. Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 37. Weckert, J. and Al-Saggaf, Y., Eds., ACS. 21-25. |     
| Taylor, K. (2006). The Semantics of Water. In Proc. Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 72. Mehmet, A.O. and Thomas, M., Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Taylor, K. and Murty, J. (2003). Implementing Role Based Access Control for Federated Information Systems on the Web. In Proc. First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 87-95. |     
| Taylor, K. and Palmer, D. (2003). Applying Enterprise Architectures and Technology to the Embedded Devices Domain. In Proc. Workshop on Wearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 185-190. |     
| Taylor, P.R. (2003). Patterns of the Prairie Houses. In Proc. Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 13. Noble, J., Ed. ACS. 11. |     
| Taylor, R. (2007). Effective Prediction and its Computational Complexity. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 145-151. |     
| Teague, D. (2009). A People-First Approach to Programming. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 171-179. |     
| Teague, D. and Roe, P. (2008). Collaborative learning - towards a solution for novice programmers. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 147-154. |     
| Tempero, E. (2008). On Measuring Java Software. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 7. |     
| Tempero, E. (2009). Experiences in Teaching Quality Attribute Scenarios. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 181-188. |     
| Tempero, E., Noble, J. and Biddle, R. (2004). Delegation Diagrams: Visual Support for the Development of Object-Oriented Designs. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 83-89. |     
| Terada, R. and Ueda, E.T. (2009). A New Version of the RC6 Algorithm, Stronger against chi^2 Cryptanalysis. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 98. Brankovic, L. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 47-52. |     
| Terrasse, M.-N., Savonnet, M., Leclercq, E., Becker, G., Fourmentin, E., Lariviere, D., Grenon, P. and Roux-Rouquie, M. (2007). Metamodeling Integration Architecture for Open Biomedical Ontologies: The GO Extensions' Case Study. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 167-172. |     
| Thaicharoen, S., Altman, T. and Cios, K.J. (2008). Structure-Based Document Model with Discrete Wavelet Transforms and Its Application to Document Classification. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 209-217. |     
| Thalheim, B. (2003). Database Component Ware. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 13-26. |     
| Thalheim, B. (2004). Co-Design of Structuring, Functionality, Distribution, and Interactivity for Information Systems. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 31. Hartmann, S. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Thalheim, B., Schewe, K.-D. and Ma, H. (2009). Conceptual Application Domain Modelling. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds., ACS. 49-57. |     
| Thangarajah, J., Padgham, L. and Harland, J. (2002). Representation and Reasoning for Goals in BDI Agents. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 259-265. |     
| Thiagarajan, R. and Stumptner, M. (2006). A Native Ontology Approach for Semantic Service Descriptions. In Proc. Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 72. Orgun, M.A. and Meyer, T., Eds., ACS. 85-90. |     
| Thies, G. and Vossen, G. (2009). Modelling Web-Oriented Architectures. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds., ACS. 97-105. |     
| Thomas, M. (2004). Engineering Judgement. In Proc. Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 47. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 43-47. |     
| Thomas, R.C., Karahasanovic, A. and Kennedy, G.E. (2005). An Investigation into Keystroke Latency Metrics as an Indicator of Programming Performance. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 127-134. |     
| Thomas, T. (2003). Cooperative Learning and Object-Orientated Development Methods. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 115-117. |     
| Thomborson, C. (2009). Foundation for Systems Security. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 98. Brankovic, L. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 3-3. |   
| Thomborson, C., Nagra, J., Somaraju, R. and He, C. (2004). Tamper-proofing Software Watermarks. In Proc. Second Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 27-36. |     
| Thompson, E. (2006). Using a subject area model as a learning improvement model. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 197-203. |     
| Thompson, E. (2007). Holistic assessment criteria - Applying SOLO to programming projects. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 155-162. |     
| Thompson, E., Hunt, L. and Kinshuk (2006). Exploring Conceptions of programming. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 205-212. |     
| Thompson, E., Luxton-Reilly, A., Whalley, J., Hu, M. and Robbins, P. (2008). Bloom's Taxonomy for CS assessment. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 155-162. |     
| Thongkam, J., Xu, G., Zhang, Y. and Huang, F. (2008). Breast Cancer Survivability via AdaBoost Algorithms. In Proc. Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 80. Warren, J.R., Yu, P., Yearwood, J. and Patrick, J.D., Eds., ACS. 55-64. |     
| Tian, L. and Takaoka, T. (2007). Improved Shortest Path Algorithms For Nearly Acyclic Directed Graphs. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 15-24. |     
| Tian, Y.H. (2006). Mechanically Verifying Correctness of CPS Compilation. In Proc. Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 41-51. |     
| Tilakaratne, C., Mammadov, M. and Morris, S. (2007). Effectiveness of Using Quantified Intermarket Influence for Predicting Trading Signals of Stock Markets. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 171-179. |     
| Tin, Y.S.T., Boyd, C. and Nieto, J.G. (2003). Provably Secure Key Exchange: an Engineering Approach. In Proc. First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 97-104. |     
| Ting, Z., Feng, D.D. and Zheng, T. (2004). 3D Reconstruction of Single Picture. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 83-86. |     
| Tjondronegoro, D., Chen, Y.-P.P. and Pham, B. (2005). A Statistical-driven Approach for Automatic Classification of Events in AFL Video Highlights. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 209-218. |     
| Tjondronegoro, D., Chen, Y.-P.P. and Pham, B. (2006). Extensible Detection and Indexing of Highlight Events in Broadcasted Sports Video. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 237-246. |     
| Todd, E., Kemp, E. and Phillips, C. (2004). What Makes a Good User Interface Pattern Language?. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 91-100. |     
| Tokoro, K., Yamaguchi, K. and Masuda, S. (2006). Improvements of TLAESA Nearest Neighbour Search Algorithm and Extension to Approximation Search. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 77-83. |     
| Tolhurst, D. (2004). The Influence of Web-supported Independent Activities and Small Group Work on Students' Epistemological Beliefs. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 311-316. |     
| Tolhurst, D. and Baker, B. (2003). A New Approach to a First Year Undergraduate Information Systems Course. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 169-177. |     
| Tolhurst, D., Baker, B., Hamer, J., Box, I., Lister, R., Cutts, Q., Petre, M., de Raadt, M., Robbins, A., Fincher, S., Simon, Haden, P., Sutton, K., Hamilton, M. and Tutty, J. (2006). Do map drawing styles of novice programmers predict success in programming? A multi-national, mulit-institutional study. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 213-222. |     
| Tomita, S. and Hayashi, Y. (2006). Spatial analysis of centralization and decentralization in the population migration network. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 139-142. |     
| Toney, A.P. and Thomas, B.H. (2007). Modeling Reach For Use in User Interface Design. In Proc. Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 64. Piekarski, W. and Plimmer, B., Eds., ACS. 27-30. |     
| Toshniwal, D. and Joshi, R.C. (2005). Finding Similarity in Time Series Data by Method of Time Weighted Moments. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 155-164. |     
| Tran, K., Phung, D., Adams, B. and Venkatesh, S. (2008). Indoor Location Prediction Using Multiple Wireless Received Signal Strengths. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 187-192. |     
| Tran, M.H., Yang, Y. and Raikundalia, G.K. (2006). Extended Radar View and Modification Director: Awareness Mechanisms for Synchronous Collaborative Authoring. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 45-52. |     
| Tran, M.H., Yang, Y. and Raikundalia, G.K. (2007). SWIM: An Alternative Interface for MSN Messenger. In Proc. Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 64. Piekarski, W. and Plimmer, B., Eds., ACS. 55-62. |     
| Tran, T., Nayak, R. and Bruza, P. (2008). Combining Structure and Content Similarities for XML Document Clustering. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 219-226. |     
| Tran, V.T.K., Wong, R.K., Cheung, W.K. and Liu, J. (2009). Mobile Information Exchange and Integration: From Query to Application Layer. In Proc. Twentieth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 92. Bouguettaya, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 117-126. |     
| Traynor, D., Bergin, S. and Gibson, J.P. (2006). Automated Assessment in CS1. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 223-228. |     
| Trinidad, S. (2002). A Journey of Networking Learners Down Under: A Reflection of the Evolution of ICT in Western Australian Primary Schools. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 125-129. |     
| Tritilanunt, S., Boyd, C., Foo, E. and Gonzalez Nieto, J.M. (2007). Cost-Based Framework and Simulation of DoS-Resistant Protocols Using Coloured Petri Nets. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 191-200. |     
| Truong, N., Bancroft, P. and Roe, P. (2003). A Web Based Environment for Learning to Program. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 255-264. |     
| Truong, N., Roe, P. and Bancroft, P. (2004). Static Analysis of Students' Java Programs. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 317-325. |     
| Truong, N., Roe, P. and Bancroft, P. (2005). Automated Feedback for 'Fill in the Gap' Programming Exercises. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 117-126. |     
| Truyen, T.T., Phung, D.Q. and Venkatesh, S. (2007). Preference Networks: Probabilistic Models for Recommendation Systems. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 195-202. |     
| Tsang, W.W., Chong, C.F., Chow, K.P., Hui, L.C.K. and Tso, C.W. (2004). Tuning the Collision Test for Power. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 23-30. |     
| Tse, E. and Greenberg, S. (2004). Rapidly Prototyping Single Display Groupware through the SDGToolkit. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 101-110. |     
| Tu, Y.-C. and Thomborson, C. (2009). Preliminary Security Specification for New Zealand's igovt System. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 98. Brankovic, L. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 79-88. |     
| Tun, N.N. (2006). Semantic Enrichment in Ontologies for Matching. In Proc. Second Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 72. Orgun, M.A. and Meyer, T., Eds., ACS. 91-100. |     
| Tun, N.N. and Tojo, S. (2005). IC-based Ontology Expansion in Devouring Accessibility. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 58. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M.A., Eds., ACS. 99-106. |     
| Tupakula, U.K. and Varadharajan, V. (2003). A Practical Method to Counteract Denial of Service Attacks. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 275-284. |     
| Tupakula, U.K. and Varadharajan, V. (2006). Analysis of Traceback Techniques. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Safavi-Naini, R., Steketee, C. and Susilo, W., Eds., ACS. 115-124. |     
| Turcsanyi-Szabo, M. (2003). Drawing a Parallel between Computational Metaphors, Processes, Games and Learning at an Early Age . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 157. |   
| Turpin, A. and Hersh, W. (2004). Do Clarity Scores for Queries Correlate with User Performance?. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 85-91. |     
| Turpin, A. and Smyth, W.F. (2002). An Approach to Phrase Selection for Offline Data Compression. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 267-273. |     
| Tutty, J. and White, B. (2006). Tablet classroom interactions. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 229-233. |     
| Tutty, J., White, B. and Pascoe, R. (2005). Experiences from a Wireless-enabled Tablet Classroom. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 165-172. |     
| Tyrelle, G.D. and King, G.C. (2003). A Platform for the Description, Distribution and Analysis of Genetic Polymorphism Data. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 173-180. |     
| Uitdenbogerd, A.L. and Zobel, J. (2002). Music Ranking Techniques Evaluated. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 275-283. |     
| Ullman, J.D. (2005). Gradiance On-Line Accelerated Learning. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 3-6. |     
| Urting, D., Berbers, Y., Van Baelen, S., Holvoet, T., Vandewoude, Y. and Rigole, P. (2002). A Tool for Component Based Design of Embedded Software. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 159-168. |     
| Utting, M., Malik, P. and Toyn, I. (2009). Transformation Rules for Z. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 71-80. |     
| Vale, P. (2003). Having Fun and Raising Standards. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 95-98. |     
| Vallance, S. and Calder, P. (2002). Multi-Perspective Images for Visualisation. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 69-76. |     
| Vallance, S. and Calder, P. (2006). Rendering Multi-Perspective Images with Trilinear Projection. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 227-235. |     
| Valluri, S.R., Vadapalli, S. and Karlapalem, K. (2002). View Relevance Driven Materialized View Selection in Data Warehousing Environment. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 187-196. |     
| Valverde, F., Panach, I. and Pastor, O. (2007). An Abstract Interaction Model for a MDA Software Production Method. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 109-114. |     
| Vamplew, P. and Dermoudy, J. (2005). An Anti-Plagiarism Editor for Software Development Courses. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 83-90. |     
| Van Berendonck, C. and Jacobs, T. (2003). Bubbleworld : A New Visual Information Retreival Technique. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'03), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 24. Pattison, T. and Thomas, B., Eds., ACS. 47-56. |     
| van Dieten, H. (2003). Slash 21 : A New School and a New Way of Learning. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 119-120. |    
| van Gils, B., Proper, H.A., van Bommel, P. and de Vrieze, P. (2005). Transformation selection for aptness-based web retrieval. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 115-124. |     
| van Kouwen, F., Dieperink, C., Schrot, P.P. and Wassen, M.J. (2007). Improving Environmental Decision-making: Bridging the Gap between Conceptual Modelling and Quantitative Analyses with Quasta. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 161-166. |     
| Vartiainen, T. (2008). Student life in computing: a variety of conflicting moral requirements. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 163-170. |     
| Vasudevan, A. and Yerraballi, R. (2006). SPiKE: Engineering Malware Analysis Tools using Unobtrusive Binary-Instrumentation. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 311-320. |     
| Vasudevan, A., Yerraballi, R. and Chawla, A. (2005). A High Performance Kernel-Less Operating System Architecture. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 287-296. |     
| Vasudevan, V., Waldeck, P., Mehta, H. and Bergmann, N. (2006). Implementation of a Triple Modular Redundant FPGA based Safety Critical Systems for Reliable Software Execution. In Proc. Eleventh Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2006), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 69. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 113-119. |     
| Vaughan, F.A., Grove, D.A. and Coddington, P.D. (2003). Communication Performance Issues for Two Cluster Computers. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 171-180. |     
| Veelo, N. (2003). Conditions and Possibilities for Integration of ICT in Open Teaching in Secondary Schools - A Comparative Study in Preparation. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 121-122. |    
| Venables, A. and Haywood, L. (2003). Programming students need instant feedback!. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 267-272. |     
| Verenikina, I., Harris, P. and Lysaght, P. (2003). Child's Play: Computer Games, Theories of Play and Children's Development. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 99-106. |     
| Verheecke, B. and Straeten, R.V.D. (2002). Specifying and Implementing the Operational Use of Constraints in Object-Oriented Applications. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 23-32. |     
| Vernik, M., Johnson, S. and Vernik, R. (2004). e-Ghosts: Leaving Virtual Footprints in Ubiquitous Workspaces. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 111-116. |     
| Vilkomir, S.A., Parnas, D.L., Mendiratta, V.B. and Murphy, E. (2006). Segregated Failures Model for Availability Evaluation of Fault-Tolerant Systems. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 55-61. |     
| Vincent, J. (2002). MicroWorlds and the Integrated Brain. In Proc. WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. CRPIT, 8. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Chambers, D., Eds., ACS. 131-137. |     
| Vincent, J. (2003). A Technological Environment for Promoting Mathematical Reasoning : A Dynamic Approach to Geometric Proof. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 123-125. |    
| Vincent, J. (2003). Individual Differences, Technology and the Teacher of the Future. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 127-129. |    
| Volkmer, T., Thom, J.A. and Tahaghoghi, S.M.M. (2007). Exploring Human Judgement of Digital Imagery. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 151-160. |     
| von Konsky, B.R. and Ivins, J. (2008). Assessing the capability and maturity of capstone software engineering projects. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds., ACS. 171-180. |     
| von Konsky, B.R., Ivins, J. and Gribble, S.J. (2007). Engaging Undergraduates in Discussions about Ethics in Computing. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 163-169. |     
| von Konsky, B.R., Ivins, J. and Robey, M. (2005). Using PSP to Evaluate Student Effort in Achieving Learning - Outcomes in a Software Engineering Assignment. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 193-201. |     
| von Konsky, B.R., Loh, A., Robey, M., Gribble, S.J., Ivins, J. and Cooper, D. (2006). The Benefit of Information Technology in Managing Outcomes Focused Curriculum Development Across Related Degree Programs. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 235-242. |     
| Vyatkina, K. (2009). Linear Axis for Planar Straight Line Graphs. In Proc. Fifteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 94. Downey, R. and Manyem, P., Eds., ACS. 137-150. |     
| Wagenhals, L.W., Haider, S. and Levis, A.H. (2002). Synthesizing Executable Models of Object Oriented Architectures. In Proc. Workshop on Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 12. Lakos, C., Esser, R., Kristensen, L.M. and Billington, J., Eds., ACS. 85-93. |     
| Wahlstrom, K. and Quirchmayr, G. (2007). The motivation and proposition of a privacy-enhancing architecture for operational databases. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Brankovic, L. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 173-182. |     
| Wahlstrom, K. and Roddick, J.F. (2001). On the Impact of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 22-27. |     
| Wallace, A., Savage, J. and Cockburn, A. (2004). Rapid Visual Flow: How Fast Is Too Fast?. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 117-122. |     
| Wan, J.W.W. and Dobbie, G. (2004). Mining Association Rules from XML Data using XQuery. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 169-174. |     
| Wan Zainon, W.N. and Calder, P. (2006). Visualising Phylogenetic Trees. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 145-152. |     
| Wanas, N., Said, D., Darwish, N. and Hegazy, N. (2006). A Study of Local and Global Thresholding Techniques in Text Categorization. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 91-101. |     
| Wandmacher, T., Ovchinnikova, E., Krumnack, U. and Dittmann, H. (2007). Extraction, evaluation and integration of lexical-semantic relations for the automated construction of a lexical ontology. In Proc. Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 85. Meyer, T. and Nayak, A.C., Eds., ACS. 61-69. |     
| Wang, B.B., McKay, R.I.B., Abbass, H.A. and Barlow, M. (2003). A Comparative Study for Domain Ontology Guided Feature Extraction. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 69-78. |     
| Wang, D., Lauria, M., Wright, F.A. and Yuan, B. (2004). Mega Weaver: A Simple Iterative Approach for BAC Consensus Assembly. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 145-153. |     
| Wang, H., Addie, R., Li, J., Dekeyser, S. and Watson, R. (2006). A Framework for Role-based group delegation in distributed environment. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 321-328. |     
| Wang, H., Cao, J., Sun, L. and Zhang, Y. (2004). Anonymous Access Scheme for Electronic Services. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 295-304. |     
| Wang, H., Cao, J. and Zhang, Y. (2002). Ticket-Based Service Access Scheme for Mobile Users. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 285-292. |     
| Wang, H., Cao, J. and Zhang, Y. (2003). A Flexible Payment Scheme and its Permission-Role Assignment. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 189-198. |     
| Wang, H., Feng, D.D. and Huang, S.-C. (2001). A Statistical Method for Assessment of 3-D Medical Image Registration. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 101-103. |   
| Wang, H., Ong, T.-H., Ooi, B.C. and Tan, K.-L. (2003). BLAST++ : A Tool for BLASTing Queries in Batches. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 71-79. |     
| Wang, H., Sun, L., Zhang, Y. and Cao, J. (2005). Authorization Algorithms for the Mobility of User-Role Relationship. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 69-78. |     
| Wang, H., Wang, M., Hintz, T., He, X. and Wu, Q. (2005). Fractal Image Compression on a Pseudo Spiral Architecture. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 201-208. |     
| Wang, H., Zhang, Y. and Cao, J. (2003). Formal Authorisation Allocation Approaches for Permission-role Assignment Using Relational Algebra Operations. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 125-133. |     
| Wang, H.C., Feng, D.D. and Jin, J.S. (2001). Cataloging and Search Engine for Video Library. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 97-98. |     
| Wang, J., Maher, M. and Toper, R. (2002). Rewriting General Conjunctive Queries Using Views. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 197-206. |     
| Wang, J. and Topor, R. (2005). Removing XML Data Redundancies Using Functional and Equality-Generating Dependencies. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 65-74. |     
| Wang, J.R. and Parameswaran, N. (2004). Survey of Sports Video Analysis: Research Issues and Applications. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 87-90. |     
| Wang, L. and Sajeev, A.S.M. (2007). Roller Interface for Mobile Device Applications. In Proc. Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 64. Piekarski, W. and Plimmer, B., Eds., ACS. 7-13. |     
| Wang, Q. and Schewe, K.-D. (2008). A Typed Higher-Order Calculus for Querying XML Databases. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 103-113. |     
| Wang, Q., Wu, H., Xiao, J., Zhou, A. and Zhou, J. (2003). Deriving Relation Keys from XML Keys. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 227-235. |     
| Wang, X. and Jin, J.S. (2002). A Quantitative Analysis for Decomposing Visual Signal of the Gaze Displacement. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 153-159. |     
| Wang, X. and Jin, J.S. (2003). Visual Representation Model for Motion Direction Selectivity. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 101. |     
| Wang, X.Y., Feng, D.D. and Hong, H. (2003). Novel Elastic Registration for 2-D Medical and Gel Protein Images. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 223-226. |     
| Wang, X.Y., Feng, D.D. and Jin, J.S. (2002). Elastic Medical Image Registration Based on Image Intensity. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 139-142. |     
| Warren, I. (2005). Teaching Patterns and Software Design. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 39-49. |     
| Warren, P. (2004). Learning to Program: Spreadsheets, Scripting and HCI. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 327-333. |     
| Washizaki, H. and Fukazawa, Y. (2002). Dynamic Hierarchical Undo Facility in a Fine-Grained Component Environment. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 191-199. |     
| Weaver, R., Fenn, J. and Kelly, T. (2004). A Pragmatic Approach to Reasoning about the Assurance of Safety Arguments. In Proc. Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 33. Lindsay, P. and Cant, T., Eds., ACS. 57-67. |     
| Webb, G. (2008). Multi-Strategy Ensemble Learning, Ensembles of Bayesian Classifiers, and the Problem of False Discoveries. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 15-15. |    
| Webb, I. and Downes, T. (2003). Raising the Standards : ICT and the Teacher of the Future. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 131-133. |    
| Webb, I. and Fluck, A. (2003). A Systems Approach to ICT in School Education . In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 159. |   
| Weber, D. and Phillips, M. (2004). An Architecture for Multi-View Information Overlays. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 9-15. |     
| Weber, G. (2008). A Platform-Independent Approach for Auditing Information Systems. In Proc. Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 80. Warren, J.R., Yu, P., Yearwood, J. and Patrick, J.D., Eds., ACS. 65-73. |     
| Weckert, J. (2001). Computer Ethics - Why Bother?. In Proc. Selected papers from the 2nd Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference (AICE2000), Canberra. CRPIT, 1. Weckert, J., Ed. ACS. 1-2. |     
| Weckert, J. and Al-Saggaf, Y. (2004). Introduction - Computers and Philosophy. In Proc. Selected Papers from the Computers and Philosophy Conference (CAP2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 37. Weckert, J. and Al-Saggaf, Y., Eds., ACS. 3-4. |    
| Wells, M.A. and Brook, P.W. (2004). Conversational KM - Student Driven Learning. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 335-341. |     
| Wells, M.A. and Jones, B.D. (2005). Commonsense ISD: An Empirical Approach to Teaching Systems Analysis and Design. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 31-37. |     
| Weng, C.G. and Poon, J. (2008). A New Evaluation Measure for Imbalanced Datasets. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 27-32. |     
| Wesson, J.L. and Warren, P.R. (2001). Interactive Visualisation of Large Multivariate Datasets on the World-Wide Web. In Proc. Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au 2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 9. Eades, P. and Pattison, T., Eds., ACS. 151-157. |     
| Whalley, J. and Lister, R. (2009). The BRACElet 2009.1 (Wellington) Specification. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 95. Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., Eds., ACS. 9-18. |     
| Whalley, J., Prasad, C. and Kumar, P.K.A. (2007). Decoding Doodles: Novice Programmers and Their Annotations. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 171-178. |     
| Whalley, J.L., Lister, R., Thompson, E., Clear, T., Robbins, P., Kumar, P.K.A. and Prasard, C. (2006). An Australasian Study of Reading and Comprehension Skills in Novice Programmers, using the Bloom and SOLO Taxonomies. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 243-252. |     
| While, L. and Field, T. (2005). Optimising Parallel Pattern-matching by Source-level Program Transformation. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 239-248. |     
| While, L. and Mildenhall, G. (2002). An Implementation of Parallel Pattern-Matching via Concurrent Haskell. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 293-203. |     
| White, H., Wright, T. and Chawner, B. (2006). Usability Evaluation of Library Online Catalogues. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 69-72. |     
| Wiander, T. (2008). Implementing the ISO/IEC 17799 standard in practice - experiences on audit phases. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 81. Brankovic, L. and Miller, M., Eds., ACS. 115-119. |     
| Wiangsripanawan, R., Susilo, W. and Safavi-Naini, R. (2007). Design Principles for Low Latency Anonymous Network Systems Secure against Timing Attacks. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Brankovic, L. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 183-191. |     
| Wieczorek-Ghisso, K. (2003). Digital Communication of Children's Co-constructing Hypothesis, Negotiating Documentation Methods. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 161. |   
| Wiggberg, M. (2007). Computer science students' experiences of decision making in project groups. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 137-148. |     
| Wigley, G. and Kearney, D. (2002). The Management of Applications for Reconfigurable Computing using an Operating System. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 73-81. |     
| Wilcke, W.W. (2002). Computer Architecture Challenges in the Next Ten Years. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 3. |   
| Wildman, L. (2002). Requirements Reformulation using Formal Specification: A Case Study. In Proc. Workshop on Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 12. Lakos, C., Esser, R., Kristensen, L.M. and Billington, J., Eds., ACS. 75-83. |     
| Wildman, L., Cant, T., Edwards, C., Griffiths, A., Mahony, B., Martin, B.J. and Rae, A. (2008). Guidance for Def (Aust) 5679 Issue 2. In Proc. Thirteenth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2008), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 100. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 69-80. |     
| Wilkerson, T.L. and Rogers, D.W. (2003). Multiple Platform Videoconferencing to Support Teacher Education and Professional Development in Mathematics. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J.S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds., ACS. 135-137. |    
| Williams, A. and Barker, K. (2007). Controlling Inference: Avoiding P-level Reduction during Analysis. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Privacy Enhancing Technologies) (AISW 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Brankovic, L. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 193-200. |     
| Williams, E. (2004). Airborne Collision Avoidance System. In Proc. Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 47. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 97-110. |     
| Williams, H.E. (2003). Genomic Information Retrieval. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 27-35. |     
| Williams, K. and Esser, R. (2004). Verification of the Futurebus+ Cache Coherence protocol: A case study in model checking. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 65-71. |     
| Winn, T. and Calder, P. (2003). A Pattern Language for Pattern Language Structure. In Proc. Pattern Languages of Programs 2002. Revised papers from the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (KoalaPLoP 2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 13. Noble, J., Ed. ACS. 45. |     
| Winter, K. (2002). Model Checking Railway Interlocking Systems. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 303-310. |     
| Winter, K., Johnston, W., Robinson, P., Strooper, P. and van den Berg, L. (2005). Tool Support for Checking Railway Interlocking Designs. In Proc. Tenth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 55. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 101-107. |     
| Winter, K. and Robinson, N.J. (2003). Modelling Large Railway Interlockings and Model Checking Small Ones. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 309-316. |     
| Winters, T., Erlinger, M., Ausanka-Crues, R., Kegel, M., Shimshock, E. and Turner, D. (2006). TinkerNet: A Low-Cost and Ready-To-Deploy Networking Laboratory Platform. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds., ACS. 253-259. |     
| Winton, L.J. (2005). A Simple Virtual Organisation Model and Practical Implementation. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Buyya, R., Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 57-65. |     
| Wishart, R., Robinson, R., Indulska, J. and Josang, A. (2005). SuperstringRep: Reputation-enhanced Service Discovery. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 49-58. |     
| Witt, R.J. and Tyerman, S.P. (2002). Reducing Cognitive Overhead on the World Wide Web. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 311-320. |     
| Wobcke, W., Ho, V., Nguyen, A. and Krzywicki, A. (2005). A BDI Agent Architecture for Dialogue Modelling and Coordination in a Smart Personal Assistant. In Proc. NICTA-HCSNet Multimodal User Interaction Workshop, MMUI 2005, Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 57. Chen, F. and Epps, J., Eds., ACS. 61-66. |     
| Wojnar, M. and Andreae, P. (2009). HOPPER: a hierarchical planning agent for unpredictable domains. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 73-81. |     
| Wolf, C. (2003). iWeaver: Towards 'Learning Style'-based e-Learning in Computer Science Education. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 20. Greening, T. and Lister, R., Eds., ACS. 273-279. |     
| Wong, F., Fernandez, G. and McGovern, J. (2007). CONFER: Towards Groupware for Building Consensus in Collaborative Software Engineering. In Proc. Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 64. Piekarski, W. and Plimmer, B., Eds., ACS. 31-38. |     
| Wong, K.-P., Feng, D.D., Meikle, S.R. and Fulham, M.J. (2001). Functional Segmentation of Dynamic Emission Tomographic images. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 105-107. |     
| Wong, K.-P., Feng, D.D., Meikle, S.R. and Fulham, M.J. (2001). Non-Invasive estimation of Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Glucose Using Simultaneous Estimation and Cluster Analysis: A feasibility Study. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 109-111. |     
| Wong, K.-P., Meikle, S.R., Feng, D.D. and Fulham, M.J. (2002). Numerical Deconvolution by a Monte Carlo Approach with Application to Dynamic Cardiac Perfusion Tc-99m SPECT. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 123-127. |     
| Wong, P.W.H., Lam, T.W., Lin, M., Mui, Y.C., Yiu, S.M., Kung, H.F. and Cheung, Y.T. (2004). Filtering of Ineffective siRNAs and Improved siRNA Design Tool. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 247-255. |     
| Wong, W., Liu, W. and Bennamoun, M. (2006). Integrated Scoring For Spelling Error Correction, Abbreviation Expansion and Case Restoration in Dirty Text. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 83-89. |     
| Wong, W., Liu, W. and Bennamoun, M. (2007). Determining Termhood for Learning Domain Ontologies using Domain Prevalence and Tendency. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 47-54. |     
| Wong, W., Liu, W. and Bennamoun, M. (2007). Determining Termhood for Learning Domain Ontologies in a Probabilistic Framework. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 70. Christen, P., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Kolyshkina, I. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 55-63. |     
| Woo, C.-S., Du, J. and Pham, B. (2005). Performance Factors Analysis of a Wavelet-based Watermarking Method. In Proc. Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Safavi-Naini, R., Montague, P. and Sheppard, N., Eds., ACS. 89-97. |     
| Woo, J., Woo, J., Attali, I., Caromel, D., Gaudiot, J.-L. and Wendelborn, A.L. (2002). Alias Analysis for Exceptions in Java. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 321-329. |     
| Woodford, B.J., Deng, D. and Benwell, G.L. (2004). A Wavelet-Based Neuro-Fuzzy System for Data Mining Small Image Sets. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 139-143. |     
| Woodford, K. and Bancroft, P. (2005). Multiple Choice Questions Not Considered Harmful. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 109-116. |     
| Wright, J. and Dietrich, J. (2008). Survey of Existing Languages to Model Interactive Web Applications. In Proc. Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 79. Hinze, A. and Kirchberg, M., Eds., ACS. 113-123. |     
| Wright, T. (2006). PatternProgrammer: Yet Another Rule-Based Programming Environment for Children. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 91-96. |     
| Wright, T. and Cockburn, A. (2005). Evaluation of Two Textual Programming Notations for Children. In Proc. Sixth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 40. Billinghurst, M. and Cockburn, A., Eds., ACS. 55-62. |     
| Wright, T., Noble, J. and Marshall, S. (2005). Using a System of Tutorials and Groups to Teach User Interface Design. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 42. Young, A. and Tolhurst, D., Eds., ACS. 187-192. |     
| Wu, M., Turpin, A. and Zobel, J. (2008). An Investigation on a Community's Web Search Variability. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 117-126. |     
| Wu, Q., He, X. and Hintz, T. (2002). Image Segmentation on Spiral Architecture. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 17-21. |     
| Wu, S. and Yan, H. (2003). Microarray Image Processing Based on Clustering and Morphological Analysis. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 111-118. |     
| Wu, X., Cheng, J., Song, C. and Wang, B. (2004). A Combined Model and a Varied Gibbs Sampling Algorithm Used for Motif Discovery. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 99-104. |     
| Wu, X., Hu, J., Gu, Z. and Huang, J. (2005). A Secure Semi-Fragile Watermarking for Image Authentication Based on Integer Wavelet Transform with Parameters. In Proc. Third Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Safavi-Naini, R., Montague, P. and Sheppard, N., Eds., ACS. 75-80. |     
| Wu, Y. and Takatsuka, M. (2005). The Geodesic Self-Organizing Map and Its Error Analysis. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 343-352. |     
| Wu, Y. and Takatsuka, M. (2005). Three Dimensional Colour Pickers. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 107-114. |     
| Wu, Y. and Takatsuka, M. (2006). Visualizing Multivariate Network on the Surface of a Sphere. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 77-83. |     
| Wu, Y., Xu, C. and Bao, F. (2003). Counterfeiting Attack on a Lossless Authentication Watermarking Scheme. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 109. |     
| Wuensche, B. (2003). The Visualization and Measurement of Left Ventricular Deformation. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 19. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 119-128. |     
| Wuensche, B. (2004). Advanced Texturing Techniques for the Effective Visualization of Neoroanatomy from Diffusion Tensor Imaging Data. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 303-308. |     
| Wuensche, B. (2004). A Survey, Classification and Analysis of Perceptual Concepts and their Application for the Effective Visualisation of Complex Information. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 17-24. |     
| Wuensche, B. and Tempero, E. (2004). A Comparison and Evaluation of Interpolation Methods for Visualising Discrete 2D Survey Data. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds., ACS. 1-7. |     
| Wyatt, M.J., Sim, N.G.D., Hardy, D.L. and Atkinson, I.M. (2007). YourSRB: A cross platform interface for SRB and Digital Libraries. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 79-85. |     
| Wynn, M.T., Fidge, C.J., ter Hofstede, A.H.M. and Dumas, M. (2008). Product Flow Analysis in Distribution Networks with a Fixed Time Horizon. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 73-81. |     
| Xiao, H., Wu, H., Chi, X., Deng, S. and Zhang, H. (2005). An Implementation of Interactive Jobs Submission for Grid Computing Portals. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 44. Buyya, R., Coddington, P. and Wendelborn, A., Eds., ACS. 67-68. |     
| Xiao, Y. and Yan, H. (2002). Facial Feature Location with Delaunay Triangulation/Voronoi Diagram Calculation. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 103-108. |     
| Xie, H., Andreae, P., Zhang, M. and Warren, P. (2004). Learning Models for English Speech Recognition. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 323-329. |     
| Xie, H., Andreae, P., Zhang, M. and Warren, P. (2004). Detecting Stress in Spoken English using Decision Trees and Support Vector Machines. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 145-150. |     
| Xie, Z. (2008). LBR-Meta: An Efficient Algorithm for Lazy Bayesian Rules. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2008), Glenelg, South Australia. CRPIT, 87. Roddick, J.F., Li, J., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P.J., Eds., ACS. 33-39. |     
| Xin, J. and Jin, J.S. (2004). Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Bayesian Network. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 91-94. |     
| Xiong, C., Murata, T. and Tsai, J. (2002). Modelling and Simulation of Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Coloured Petri Nets. In Proc. Workshop on Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 12. Lakos, C., Esser, R., Kristensen, L.M. and Billington, J., Eds., ACS. 145-153. |     
| Xu, G., Zhang, Y., Ma, J. and Zhou, X. (2005). Discovering User Access Pattern Based on Probabilistic Latent Factor Model. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 27-35. |     
| Xu, G., Zhang, Y. and Zhou, X. (2006). Discovering Task-Oriented Usage Pattern for Web Recommendation. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 167-174. |     
| Xu, K. (2003). Database Support For Multiresolution Terrain Visualization. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 153-160. |     
| Xu, L. and Dyreson, C. (2008). Approximate Retrieval of XML Data with ApproXPath. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 115-126. |     
| Xu, R.Y.D., Allen, J.G. and Jin, J.S. (2004). Robust Real-Time Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 95-98. |     
| Xu, R.Y.D., Wang, R., Parameswaran, N. and Jin, J.S. (2003). Media Streaming Synchronisation and Video Interaction : A Survey. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 113. |     
| Xu, Y., Deng, X. and Wang, L. (2004). Exact Pattern Matching for RNA Secondary Structures. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 257-263. |     
| Xu, Y., Yang, M., Yan, Y. and Chen, J. (2004). Wearable Microphone Array as User Interface. In Proc. Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 28. Cockburn, A., Ed. ACS. 123-126. |     
| Xue, L., Orgun, M.A. and Zhang, K. (2003). A Multi-versioning Algorithm for Intention Preservation in Distributed Real-time Group Editors. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 19-28. |     
| Yacef, K. (2004). Making Large Class Teaching More Adaptive With the Logic-ITA. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 343-347. |     
| Yamakami, T. (2007). Quantum List Decoding from Quantumly Corrupted Codewords for Classical Block Codes of Polynomially Small Rate. In Proc. Thirteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 65. Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 153-162. |     
| Yamamoto, K. and Saeki, M. (2007). Using Attributed Goal Graphs for Software Component Selection: An Application of Goal-Oriented Analysis to Decision Making. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 215-220. |     
| Yan, X., Li, X. and Song, D. (2006). Document Generality: its Computation for Ranking. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds., ACS. 109-118. |     
| Yang, C., Liu, C., Li, J., Yu, J.X. and Wang, J. (2008). Semantics based Buffer Reduction for Queries over XML Data Streams. In Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 75. Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds., ACS. 145-153. |     
| Yang, D. and Powers, D.M.W. (2005). Measuring Semantic Similarity in the Taxonomy of WordNet. In Proc. Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 38. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 315-322. |     
| Yang, D. and Powers, D.M.W. (2008). Automatic Thesaurus Construction. In Proc. Thirty-First Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 74. Dobbie, G. and Mans, B., Eds., ACS. 147-156. |     
| Yang, D.D. and Berglund, A. (2007). How does internationalisation affect learning and teaching of computer science: a study at Tongji University in China. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds., ACS. 221-224. |     
| Yao, A. and Jin, J.S. (2001). The Development of a Video Metadata Authoring and Browsing System in XML. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 39-46. |     
| Yao, D., Li, M., Lu, Y., Lin, N., Noble, N., Payan, D.G., Qu, K., Sun, H., Wang, J. and Zhu, X. (2004). PathwayFinder: Paving the Way Towards Automatic Pathway Extraction. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 53-62. |     
| Yau, W.C., Kumar, D.K. and Arjunan, S.P. (2006). Voiceless Speech Recognition Using Dynamic Visual Speech Features. In Proc. HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, (VisHCI 2006), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 56. Goecke, R., Robles-Kelly, A. and Caelli, T., Eds., ACS. 93-101. |     
| Ye, F. and Kelly, T. (2004). Contract-Based Justification for COTS Component within Safety Critical Applications. In Proc. Ninth Australian Workshop on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2004), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 47. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 13-22. |     
| Yearwood, J. (2007). An Interactive Knowledge-based Learning Environment for Transferring Health Knowledge. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Knowledge Management and Discovery (HKMD 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Roddick, J.F. and Warren, J.R., Eds., ACS. 207-207. |     
| Yeh, P.-J., Li, J.-T. and Yuan, S.-M. (2006). Tracking the Changes of Dynamic Web Pages in the Existence of URL Rewriting. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 169-176. |     
| Yeung, L.K., Kong, R., Liew, A.W.-C., Szeto, L.K., Yan, H. and Yang, M. (2004). Measuring Correlation between Microarray Time-series Data using Dominant Spectrum Component. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 309-314. |     
| Yip, B., Goyette, S. and Madden, C. (2005). Visualising Internet Traffic Data with Three-Dimensional Spherical Display. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 153-158. |     
| Yip, B. and Jin, J.S. (2004). 3D Reconstruction of a Human Face with Monocular Camera Based on Head Movement. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 99-103. |     
| Yokoyama, S., Ohta, M., Katayama, K. and Ishikawa, H. (2005). An Access Control Method Based on the Prefix Labeling Scheme for XML Repositories. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2005), Newcastle, Australia. CRPIT, 39. Williams, H.E. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 105-113. |     
| Yong, X., Feng, D.D. and Rongchun, Z. (2004). Optimal Selection of Image Segmentation Algorithms Based on Performance Prediction. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 105-108. |     
| Yoo, H.Y. and Cheon, S.H. (2006). Visualization by information type on mobile device. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds., ACS. 143-146. |     
| Yoshida, Y., Aritsugi, M. and Kanamori, Y. (2002). Performance Evaluation of Combining Data Migration and Method Migration in Object Database Environments. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 207-214. |     
| Yost, N. (2003). Computers, Kids, and Crayons: A Comparative Study of Emergent Writing Behaviours. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 107-112. |     
| Yost, N. (2003). Look What Kindergarten Children Can Do with Technologies!. In Proc. Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 34. Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds., ACS. 113-115. |     
| Young, S. and McSporran, M. (2004). Facilitating Successful Online Computing Courses While Minimising Extra Tutor Workload. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 349-356. |     
| Yu, B.-H., Cranefield, S., Huang, Z. and Purvis, M. (2004). Homeless and Home-based Lazy Release Consistency Protocols on Distributed Shared Memory. In Proc. Twenty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 26. Estivill-Castro, V., Ed. ACS. 117-123. |     
| Yu, D., Pham, T.D., Yan, H. and Crane, D.I. (2006). Quantification of Neural Images using Grey Difference. In Proc. 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 73. Boden, M. and Bailey, T.L., Eds., ACS. 73-80. |     
| Yu, L.T.H., Chan, S.C.F. and Chung, F.-l. (2004). Using Emerging Pattern Based Projected Clustering and Gene Expression Data for Cancer Detection. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 75-84. |     
| Yu, M.H., Lim, C.C. and Jin, J.S. (2004). Shape Similarity Search Using XML and Portal Technology. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 109-112. |     
| Yu, X., Hoang, D.B. and Feng, D.D. (2001). A Simulation Study of Using ER Feedback Control to Transport Compressed Video over ATM Networks. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 87-88. |     
| Yu, Z.-G. and Anh, V. (2004). Phylogenetic Tree of Prokaryotes Based on the Complete Genomes using Fractal and Correlation Analyses. In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P.P., Ed. ACS. 321-326. |     
| Zaiane, O.R. and Antonie, M.-L. (2002). Classifying Text Documents by Associating Terms With Text Categories. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 5. Zhou, X., Ed. ACS. 215-222. |     
| Zarnegar, A., Vamplew, P. and Stranieri, A. (2009). Inference of Gene Expression Networks Using Memetic Gene Expression Programming. In Proc. Thirty-Second Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 91. Mans, B., Ed. ACS. 17-23. |     
| Zeng, Z. and Yan, H. (2001). Region Matching by Optimal Fuzzy Dissimilarity. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 75. |     
| Zeng, Z. and Yan, H. (2002). Hidden Line Removal for 2D Cartoon Images. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 89-92. |     
| Zeng, Z. and Yan, H. (2003). Line Extraction Using Image Carving. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 117. |     
| Zhang, K.-B., Orgun, M.A. and Zhang, K. (2003). Visual Language Semantics Specification in the VisPro System. In Proc. Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 22. Jin, J.S., Eades, P., Feng, D.D. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 121. |     
| Zhang, K.-B., Orgun, M.A. and Zhang, K. (2004). Compiled Visual Programs by VisPro. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 113-117. |     
| Zhang, K.-B., Zhang, K. and Orgun, M.A. (2002). Using Graph Grammer to Implement Global Layout for a Visual Programming Language Generation System. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 115-121. |     
| Zhang, L., Kristensen, L.M., Janczura, C., Gallasch, G. and Billington, J. (2002). A Coloured Petri Net based Tool for Course of Action Development and Analysis. In Proc. Workshop on Formal Methods Applied to Defence Systems 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 12. Lakos, C., Esser, R., Kristensen, L.M. and Billington, J., Eds., ACS. 125-134. |     
| Zhang, L., Zhang, D., Simoff, S.J. and Debenham, J. (2006). Weighted Kernel Model For Text Categorization. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 111-114. |     
| Zhang, Q., Huang, K. and Yan, H. (2002). Fingerprint Classification Based on Extraction and Analysis of Singularities and Pseudoridges. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 83-87. |     
| Zhang, Q. and Lin, X. (2004). Clustering Moving Objects for Spatio-temporal Selectivity Estimation. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 27. Schewe, K.-D. and Williams, H.E., Eds., ACS. 123-130. |     
| Zhang, Y. (2004). On Conceptual Modelling and Design of Role-Based Access Control Systems. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 31. Hartmann, S. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 23. |     
| Zhang, Y., Liu, A. and Qu, W. (2003). Comparing Industry Benchmarks for J2EE Application Server : IBM's Trade2 vs Sun's ECperf. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 199-206. |     
| Zhang, Y. and Patrick, J. (2007). Extracting Semantics in a Clinical Scenario. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Knowledge Management and Discovery (HKMD 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 68. Roddick, J.F. and Warren, J.R., Eds., ACS. 241-247. |     
| Zhao, D., Grundy, J. and Hosking, J. (2006). Generating mobile device user interfaces for diagram-based modelling tools. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 101-108. |     
| Zhao, J. and Schewe, K.-D. (2004). Using Abstract State Machines for Distributed Data Warehouse Design. In Proc. First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 31. Hartmann, S. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 49-58. |     
| Zhao, L. and Coplien, J.O. (2002). Symmetry in Class and Type Hierarchy. In Proc. Fortieth International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS Pacific 2002), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 10. Noble, J. and Potter, J., Eds., ACS. 181-189. |     
| Zhao, W., Vadaharajan, V. and Mu, Y. (2003). A Secure Mental Poker Protocol over the Internet. In Proc. First Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 21. Johnson, C., Montague, P. and Steketee, C., Eds., ACS. 105-109. |     
| Zhao, X., Liu, C. and Yang, Y. (2006). Supporting Virtual Organisation Alliances with Relative Workflows. In Proc. Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 53. Stumptner, M., Hartmann, S. and Kiyoki, Y., Eds., ACS. 115-124. |     
| Zhao, Y., Cao, L., Morrow, Y., Ou, Y., Ni, J. and Zhang, C. (2006). Discovering Debtor Patterns of Centrelink Customers. In Proc. Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 61. Peter, C., Kennedy, P.J., Li, J., Simoff, S.J. and Williams, G.J., Eds., ACS. 135-144. |     
| Zhao, Y., Zhou, W., Lanham, E.J., Yu, S. and Lan, M. (2003). Self-Adaptive Clock Synchronization Based on Clock Precision Difference. In Proc. Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 16. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 181-187. |     
| Zhao, Y. and Zobel, J. (2007). Searching With Style: Authorship Attribution in Classic Literature. In Proc. Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie, G., Ed. ACS. 59-68. |     
| Zheng, L. and He, S.X. (2004). Edge Detection Based on Modified BP Algorithm of ANN. In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 119-122. |     
| Zheng, L., Song, L. and Eades, P. (2005). Crossing Minimization Problems of Drawing Bipartite Graphs in Two Clusters. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 33-37. |     
| Zheng, L. and Stuckey, P.J. (2002). Improving SAT Using 2SAT. In Proc. Twenty-Fifth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 4. Oudshoorn, M.J., Ed. ACS. 331-340. |     
| Zheng, Z., Zhang, G., He, Q., Lu, J. and Shi, Z. (2006). Rule Sets Based Bilevel Decision Model. In Proc. Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 48. Estivill-Castro, V. and Dobbie, G., Eds., ACS. 113-120. |     
| Zhong, D. (2001). Color Space Analysis in Color Image Segmentation. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 47-49. |   
| Zhou, Q. and Purvis, M. (2004). A Market-based Rule Learning System. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (DMWI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Purvis, M., Ed. ACS. 175-180. |     
| Zhou, T.T. and Jin, J.S. (2004). Principles of Video Annotation Markup Language (VAML). In Proc. 2003 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2003), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 36. Piccardi, M., Hintz, T., He, S., Huang, M.L. and Feng, D.D., Eds., ACS. 123-127. |     
| Zhou, X., Wang, G., Yu, J.X. and Yu, G. (2003). M+-tree : A New Dynamical Multidimensional Index for Metric Spaces. In Proc. Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2003), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 17. Schewe, K.-D. and Zhou, X., Eds., ACS. 161-168. |     
| Zhou, X., Zhou, X. and Shen, H.T. (2007). Efficient Similarity Search by Summarization in Large Video Database. In Proc. Eighteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 63. Bailey, J. and Fekete, A., Eds., ACS. 161-167. |     
| Zhu, Y. and Wong, W.F. (2002). Sensitivity Analysis of a Superscalar Processor Model. In Proc. Seventh Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architectures Conference (ACSAC2002), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 6. Lai, F. and Morris, J., Eds., ACS. 109-118. |     
| Zimmermann, J. and Mohay, G. (2006). Distributed intrusion detection in clusters based on non-interference. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Buyya, R. and Ma, T., Eds., ACS. 89-95. |     
| Zobel, J. (2004). Uni Cheats Racket: A Case Study in Plagiarism Investigation. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 30. Lister, R. and Young, A.L., Eds., ACS. 357-365. |     
| Zou, J.J. and Yan, H. (2001). Vectorization of Cartoon Drawings. In Proc. Selected papers from Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2000), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 2. Eades, P. and Jin, J., Eds., ACS. 77-78. |     
| Zou, J.J. and Yan, H. (2002). Reduction of Artifacts in Cosine Transform Coded Images. In Proc. Selected papers from 2001 Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2001), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 11. Feng, D.D., Jin, J., Eades, P. and Yan, H., Eds., ACS. 35-38. |     
| zur Muehlen, M., Indulska, M. and Kamp, G. (2007). Business Process and Business Rule Modeling Languages for Compliance Management: A Representational Analysis. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A.H.F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J.F., Eds., ACS. 127-132. |     
| Tempero, E., Counsell, S. and Noble, J. (2010). An Empirical Study of Overriding in Open Source Java. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Brecknell, M. and Roe, P. (2010). Modular Transactional Memory. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 13-22. |     
| Mukherjee, A., Tari, Z. and Bertok, P. (2010). Memory Efficient State-Space Analysis in Software Model-Checking. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 23-32. |     
| Wuensche, B., and Xie, X. (2010). Efficient Contour Line Labelling for Terrain Modelling. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 33-42. |     
| Nantes, A., Brown, R. and Maire, F. (2010). Measuring Visual Consistency in 3D Rendering Systems. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 43-52. |     
| Rianto, S., and Ling, L. (2010). Fluid Dynamic Visualisations of Cuttings-Bleeding for Virtual Reality Heart Beating Surgery Simulation. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 53-60. |     
| Downing, N., Wirth, A. and Stuckey, P. J. (2010). Improved Consensus Clustering via Linear Optimization. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 61-70. |     
| Koehler, H. (2010). Estimating Set Intersection using Small Samples. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 71-78. |     
| Pearce, D., and Kelly, P. (2010). A Batch Algorithm for Maintaining a Topological Order. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 79-88. |     
| Arif, M. J., Karunasekera, S. and Kulkarni, S. (2010). GeoWeight: Internet Host Geolocation Based on a Probability Model for Latency Measurements. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 89-98. |     
| Pupunwiwat, P. and Stantic, B. (2010). Joined Q-ary Tree Anti-Collision for Massive Tag Movement Distribution. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 99-108. |     
| Marvasti, A. F. and Skillicorn, D. (2010). Structures in Collaborative Tagging: An Empirical Analysis. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 109-116. |     
| Pohl, S., Zobel, J. and Moffat, A. (2010). Extended Boolean Retrieval for Systematic Biomedical Reviews. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 117-126. |     
| Dekker, A. (2010). Average Distance as a Predictor of Synchronisability in Networks of Coupled Oscillators. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 128-132. |     
| Darcy, P., Stantic, B. and Sattar, A. (2010). Applying a Neural Network to Recover Missed RFID Readings. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 133-142. |     
| Goldman, G. and Brown, L. (2010). Analysis of the Periodical Payment Framework using Restricted Proxy Certificates. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 143-152. |     
| Nguyen, D. H., Strooper, P. and Suess, J. G. (2010). Automated Functionality Testing through GUIs. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 153-162. |     
| Lee, L.-C., Lutteroth, C. and Weber, G. (2010). Improving End-User GUI Customization with Transclusion. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 163-172. |     
| Dale, N. B. (2010). Textbooks: How We Choose Them, How We Use Them, Shall We Lose Them?. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 3-8. |     
| Pears, A. N. (2010). Does Quality Assurance Enhance the Quality of Computing Education?. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 9-14. |     
| Bell, T., Andreae, P. and Lambert, L. (2010). Computer Science in New Zealand High Schools . In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 15-22. |     
| Egea, K., Lu, J., Xiao, J. and Clear, T. (2010). Internationalisation and Cross Cultural Issues in Computing Education. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 25-31. |     
| Berglund, A. and Lister, R. (2010). Introductory Programming and the Didactic Triangle. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 35-44. |     
| Carrington, D., Kim, S.-K. and Strooper, P. (2010). An experience report on using collaboration technologies for distance and on-campus learning. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 45-52. |     
| Chinn, D., Sheard, J., Carbone, A. and Laakso, M.-J. (2010). Study Habits of CS 1 Students: What do they do outside the classroom?. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 53-62. |     
| Corney, M., Teague, D. and Thomas, R. N. (2010). Engaging Students in Programming. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 63-72. |     
| Daniels, M. and Cajander, A. (2010). Constructive Controversy as a Way to Create “True Collaboration” in an Open Ended Group Project Setting. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 73-78. |     
| de Raadt, M. (2010). Introductory Programming in a Web Context. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 79-86. |     
| Egea , K., Kim, S.-K., Andrews, T. and Behrens. K. (2010). Approaches used by cross-cultural and cross-discipline students in teamwork for a first-year course in web design. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 87-96. |     
| Kaila, E., Rajala, T., Laakso, M.-T. and Salakoski, T. (2010). Effects of Course-Long Use of a Program Visualization Tool. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 97-106. |     
| Koppi, T., Edwards, S. L., Sheard, J., Naghdy, F., Brookes, W. (2010). The case for ICT work-integrated learning from graduates in the workplace. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 107-116. |     
| Lu, J., Chin, KL, Yao, J., Xu, J. and Xiao, J. (2010). Cross-Cultural Education: Learning Methodology and Behaviour Analysis for Asian Students in IT Field of Australian Universities. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 117-126. |     
| McLachlan, C., Craig, A. and Coldwell, J. (2010). Student Perceptions of ICT: A Gendered Analysis. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 127-136. |     
| Purchase, H., Hamer, J., Denny, P. and Luxton-Reilly, A. (2010). The Quality of a PeerWise MCQ Repository. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 137-146. |     
| Simon (2010). Using a primary-school challenge in a third-year IT course. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 147-154. |     
| Sixsmith, A. and Litchfield, A. (2010). Improving the Learning of Graduate Attributes in the Curriculum: a Case- Study in IT Management. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 155-164. |     
| Thomas, R. N., Cordiner, M. and Corney, D. (2010). An Adaptable Framework for the Teaching and Assessment of Software Development across Year Levels. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 165-172. |     
| Zhang, Y., Xu, G., Wang, L. and Bennett, K. (2010). A Framework of Data Integration, Knowledge Management and User Behaviour Modelling in Healthcare Applications of Diabetes. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Ramamohanarao, K. (2010). Contrast pattern mining and its applications. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 5. |     
| Harris, M. C., Thom, J. A. and Scholer, F. (2010). How Consistent Are Human Judgments of Whether an Open Resource is Educational Material?. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 9-18. |     
| Pupunwiwat, P. and Stantic, B. (2010). Dynamic Framed-Slot ALOHA Anti-Collision using Precise Tag Estimation Scheme. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 19-28. |     
| Yamada, H. and Toyama, M. (2010). Scalable Online Index Construction with Multi-core CPUs. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 29-36. |     
| Antoine, E., Ramamohanarao,K, Shao, J. and Zhang, R. (2010). Recursive Partitioning Method for Trajectory Indexing. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 37-46. |     
| Governatori, G. and Rotolo, A. (2010). A conceptually rich model of business process compliance. In Proc. 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 110. Link, S. and Ghose, A. Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Hartmann, S., Koehler, H. and Wang, J. (2010). Ontology consolidation in bioinformatics. In Proc. 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 110. Link, S. and Ghose, A. Eds., ACS. 15-22. |     
| Brown, R. A. (2010). Conceptual Modelling in 3D Virtual Worlds for Process Communication. In Proc. 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 110. Link, S. and Ghose, A. Eds., ACS. 25-32. |     
| Chen, S. and Williams, M.-A. (2010). Conceptual Modelling in 3D Virtual Worlds for Process Communication. In Proc. 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 110. Link, S. and Ghose, A. Eds., ACS. 33-42. |     
| Grossmann, G., Schrefl, M. and Stumptner, M. (2010). A Conceptual Modeling Approach for Web Service Composition Supporting Service Re-Configuration. In Proc. 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 110. Link, S. and Ghose, A. Eds., ACS. 43-52. |     
| Mancilla-Amaya, L., Sanín, C. and Szczerbicki, E. (2010). The E-Decisional Community: An Integrated Knowledge Sharing Platform. In Proc. 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 110. Link, S. and Ghose, A. Eds., ACS. 53-60. |     
| Shang, S., Deng, K and Zheng, K. (2010). Efficient Best Path Monitoring in Road Networks For Instant Local Traffic Information. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 47-56. |     
| Grimsmo, N. and Bjørklund, T. A. (2010). Towards Unifying Advances in Twig Join Algorithms. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 57-66. |     
| Neumayr, B., Schrefl, M. and Thalheim, B. (2010). Hetero-Homogeneous Hierarchies in Data Warehouses. In Proc. 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 110. Link, S. and Ghose, A. Eds., ACS. 61-70. |     
| Punnarut, R. and Sriharee, G. (2010). A Researcher Expertise Search System using Ontology-Based Data Mining. In Proc. 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 110. Link, S. and Ghose, A. Eds., ACS. 71-78. |     
| Flender, C. (2010). A Quantum Interpretation of the View-Update Problem. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 67-74. |     
| Scheithauer, G. and Wirtz, G. (2010). Business Modeling for Service Descriptions: A Meta Model and a UML Profile. In Proc. 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 110. Link, S. and Ghose, A. Eds., ACS. 79-88. |     
| Zhang , W., Zhang, Y, Cheema, M. A. and Lin, X. (2010). Counting Distinct Objects over Sliding Windows. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 75-84. |     
| Landberg, A. H., Rahayu, J. W. and Pardede, E. (2010). Privacy-Aware Access Control in XML Databases. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 85-92. |     
| Seddiqui, Md. H. and Masaki, A. (2010). Metric of Intrinsic Information Content for Measuring Semantic Similarity in an Ontology. In Proc. 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 110. Link, S. and Ghose, A. Eds., ACS. 89-96. |     
| Kabir, M. E., Wang, H., Bertino, E. and Chi, Y. (2010). Systematic Clustering Method for l-diversity Model. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 93-102. |     
| Sharaf, M. A., Chrysanthis, P. K. and Labrinidis, A. (2010). Tuning QoD in Stream Processing Engines. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 103-112. |     
| Kalinov, P., Stantic, B. and Sattar, A. (2010). Building a Dynamic Classifier for Large Text Data Collections. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 113-122. |     
| Zhang , S., Ramamohanarao, K. and Bezdek, J. C. (2010). EP-based Robust Weighting Scheme for Fuzzy SVMs. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 123-132. |     
| Nguyen, K. and Cao, J. (2010). Exploit Keyword Query Semantics and Structure of Data for Effective XML Keyword Search. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 133-140. |     
| Hoang, D. D., Paik, H.-Y. and Benatallah, B. (2010). An Analysis of Spreadsheet-Based Services Mashup. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 141-150. |     
| Liu, J., Roantree, M. and Bellahsene, Z. (2010). Optimizing XML Data with View Fragments. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 151-160. |     
| Zhang , Z., Jiang, J., Liu, X., Lau, R., Wang, H. and Zhang, R. (2010). A Real Time Hybrid Pattern Matching Scheme for Stock Time Series. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 161-170. |     
| Lodi, S., Moro, G. and Sartori, C. (2010). Distributed Data Clustering in Multi-Dimensional Peer-To-Peer Networks. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 171-178. |     
| Pan, Q., Cheng, H., Wu, D., Yu, J. X. and Ke, Y. (2010). Stock Risk Mining by News. In Proc. 21st Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 104. Shen H.T. and Bouguettaya, A. Eds., ACS. 179-188. |     
| Chan, S.-H., Lam, T.-W., Lee, L.-K., Ting, H.-F. and Zhang, P. (2010). Non-clairvoyant Scheduling for Weighted Flow Time and Energy on Speed Bounded Processors. In Proc. 16-th Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 109. Viglas, T. and Potanin, A. Eds., ACS. 3-10. |     
| Dawson, E., Reid, J., Salim, F. and Burdon, M. (2010). Information Sharing in the 21st century: Progress and Challenges. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 105. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 2. |     
| Wang, P., Wang, H. and Pieprzyk, J. (2010). Secure Coprocessor-based Private Information Retrieval without Periodical Preprocessing. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 105. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 5-11. |     
| Xu, Z. and Xu, L. (2010). Approximation Algorithms for Min-Max Capacitated Path Covers. In Proc. 16-th Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 109. Viglas, T. and Potanin, A. Eds., ACS. 11-18. |     
| Tang, M. and Fidge, C. (2010). Reconstruction of Falsified Computer Logs for Digital Forensics Investigations. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 105. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 12-21. |     
| Chrobok, N., Trotman, A. and O’Keefe, R. (2010). Advantages and vulnerabilities of pull-based email-delivery. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 105. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 22-31. |     
| Salim, F., Reid, J. and Dawson, E. (2010). An Administrative Model for UCON ABC. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 105. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 32-38. |     
| Lang, S. R. and Williams, N. (2010). Impeding CAPTCHA Breakers with Visual Decryption. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 105. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 39-46. |     
| Alfawaz, S., Nelson, K. and Mohannak, K. (2010). Information security culture: A Behaviour Compliance Conceptual Framework. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 105. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 47-55. |     
| Stebila, D., Udupi, P. and Chang, S. (2010). Multi-Factor Password-Authenticated Key Exchange. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 105. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 56-66. |     
| Wong, K. K.-H., Carter, G. and Dawson, E. (2010). An Analysis of the RC4 Family of Stream Ciphers against Algebraic Attacks. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 105. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 67-74. |     
| Lippold, G. and Nieto, J. G. (2010). Certificateless Key Agreement in the Standard Model. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 105. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 75-85. |     
| Halunen, K., Kortelainen, J. and Kortelainen, T. (2010). Combinatorial Multicollision Attacks on Generalized Iterated Hash Functions. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 105. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 86-93. |     
| Cockburn, A. (2010). Keynote: Revisiting the Human as an Information Processor. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 106. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 2. |     
| Delwadia, V., Marshall, S. and Welch, I. (2010). The Effect of User Interface Delay in Thin Client Mobile Games. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 106. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 5-13. |     
| Plimmer, B. (2010). A Comparative Evaluation of Annotation Software for Grading Programming Assignments. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 106. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 14-22. |     
| Wu, M., Turpin, A., Puglisi, S. J., Scholer, F. and Thom, J. A. (2010). Presenting Query Aspects to Support Exploratory Search. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 106. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 23-32. |     
| Rutherford, P., Abell, W., Churcher, C., McKinnon, A. and McCallum, J. (2010). Usability of Navigation Tools for Browsing Genetic Sequences. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 106. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 33-41. |     
| Daradkeh, M. McKinnon, A. and Churcher, C. (2010). Visualisation Tools for Exploring the Uncertainty-Risk Relationship in the Decision-Making Process: A Preliminary Empirical Evaluation. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 106. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 42-51. |     
| Plimmer , B., Chang, S. H.-H. and Doshi, M. (2010). iAnnotate: Exploring Multi-User Ink Annotation in Web Browsers. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 106. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 52-60. |     
| Dujmovic, V., Gudmundsson, J., Morin, P. and Wolle, T. (2010). Notes on Large Angle Crossing Graphs. In Proc. 16-th Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 109. Viglas, T. and Potanin, A. Eds., ACS. 19-24. |     
| Yang, R. and Wuensche, B. C. (2010). Life-Sketch - A Framework for Sketch-Based Modelling and Animation of 3D Objects. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 106. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 61-70. |     
| Amano, K. (2010). On Directional vs. Undirectional Randomized Decision Tree Complexity for Read-Once Formulas. In Proc. 16-th Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 109. Viglas, T. and Potanin, A. Eds., ACS. 25-30. |     
| Cunningham, A., Close, B., Thomas, B. and Hutterer, P. (2010). Design and Impressions of a Multi-User Tabletop Interaction Device. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 106. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 71-79. |     
| Purchase, H., Plimmer, B., Baker, R. and Pilcher, C. (2010). Graph Drawing Aesthetics in User-Sketched Graph Layouts. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 106. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 80-88. |     
| George, R., Nesbitt, K., Gillard, P. and Donovan, M. (2010). Identifying Cultural Design Requirements for an Australian Indigenous Website. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 106. Boyd, C. and Susilo, W. Eds., ACS. 89-97. |     
| Brock, M. and Goscinski, A. (2010). A Technology to Expose a Cluster as a Service in a Cloud. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 107. Chen, J. and Ranjan, R. Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Chin, K.-W. (2010). A New Integrated Unicast/Multicast Scheduler for Input-Queued Switches. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 107. Chen, J. and Ranjan, R. Eds., ACS. 13-20. |     
| Atkinson, A. (2010). A Dynamic, Decentralised Search Algorithm for Efficient Data Retrieval in a Distributed Tuple Space. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 107. Chen, J. and Ranjan, R. Eds., ACS. 21-29. |     
| Abu-Khzam, F. N., Fernau, H., Langston, M. A., Lee-Cultura, S. and Stege, U. (2010). A Fixed-Parameter Algorithm for String-to-String Correction. In Proc. 16-th Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 109. Viglas, T. and Potanin, A. Eds., ACS. 31-38. |     
| Akbar, M. M., Manning, E. G., Shoja, G. C., Shelford, S. and Hossain, T. (2010). A Distributed Heuristic Solution using Arbitration for the MMMKP. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 107. Chen, J. and Ranjan, R. Eds., ACS. 31-39. |     
| Akeila, L., Sinnen, O. and Humadi, W. (2010). Object Oriented Parallelisation of Graph Algorithms using Parallel Iterator. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 107. Chen, J. and Ranjan, R. Eds., ACS. 41-50. |     
| Epicoco, I., Mocavero, S. and Aloisio, G. (2010). Experience on the parallelization of the OASIS3 coupler. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 107. Chen, J. and Ranjan, R. Eds., ACS. 51-59. |     
| Erdélyi, G. and Rothe, J. (2010). Control Complexity in Fallback Voting. In Proc. 16-th Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 109. Viglas, T. and Potanin, A. Eds., ACS. 39-48. |     
| Cesare, S. and Xiang, Y. (2010). Classification of Malware Using Structured Control Flow. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 107. Chen, J. and Ranjan, R. Eds., ACS. 61-70. |     
| Fenwick, J. and Gross, L. (2010). Lazy Evaluation of PDE Coefficients in the EScript System. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 107. Chen, J. and Ranjan, R. Eds., ACS. 71-76. |     
| Kisely, S. (2010). Health LinQ – Using routine health data to link to better patient care. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 108. Maeder, A. and Hansen, D. Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Liu, V., Caelli, W., Smith, J. May, L., Lee, M. H., Ng, Z. H., Foo, J. H. and Li, W. (2010). A Secure Architecture for Australia’s Index Based E-health Environment. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 108. Maeder, A. and Hansen, D. Eds., ACS. 7-16. |     
| Hu, H., Yu, P. and Yan, J. (2010). Design an automatic appointment system to improve patient access to primary health care. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 108. Maeder, A. and Hansen, D. Eds., ACS. 17-22. |     
| Hung, L.-J. and Kloks, T. (2010). Kruskalian Graphs. In Proc. 16-th Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 109. Viglas, T. and Potanin, A. Eds., ACS. 49-54. |     
| Stiller, A. D. (2010). Access to E-Health information for the eNomad. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 108. Maeder, A. and Hansen, D. Eds., ACS. 23-28. |     
| Bjering, H. and McGregor, C. (2010). A Multidimensional Temporal Abstractive Data Mining Framework. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 108. Maeder, A. and Hansen, D. Eds., ACS. 29-38. |     
| Sukhorukova, N., Stranieri, A., Ofoghi, B., Vamplew, P., Saleem, M., Ma, L., Ugon, A., Ugon, J., Muecke, N., Amiel, H., Philippe, C., BaniMustafa, A., Huda, S., Bertoli, M., Lévy, P., Ganascia, J.-G. (2010). Automatic sleep stage identification: difficulties and possible solutions. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 108. Maeder, A. and Hansen, D. Eds., ACS. 39-44. |     
| Chang, M.-S., Hung, L.-J. and Rossmanith, P. (2010). Probe Distance-Hereditary Graphs. In Proc. 16-th Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 109. Viglas, T. and Potanin, A. Eds., ACS. 55-64. |     
| Luo, W., Gallagher, M., O’Kane, D., Connor, J., Dooris, M., Roberts, C., Mortimer., L. and Wiles., J. (2010). Visualising a State-wide Patient Data Collection: A Case Study to Expand the Audience for Healthcare Data. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 108. Maeder, A. and Hansen, D. Eds., ACS. 45-52. |     
| Patrick, J. and Li, M. (2010). High Accuracy Information Retrieval and Information Extraction System for Electronic Clinical Notes. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 108. Maeder, A. and Hansen, D. Eds., ACS. 53-59. |     
| Tutos, A. and Molla, D. (2010). A Study on the Use of Search Engines for Answering Clinical Questions. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 108. Maeder, A. and Hansen, D. Eds., ACS. 61-68. |     
| Ansell, P., Hogan, J. and Roe, P. (2010). Customisable Query Resolution in Biology and Medicine. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 108. Maeder, A. and Hansen, D. Eds., ACS. 69-76. |     
| Adnan, M., Warren, J. and Orr, M. (2010). Assessing Text Characteristics of Electronic Discharge Summaries and their Implications for Patient Readability. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 108. Maeder, A. and Hansen, D. Eds., ACS. 77-84. |     
| Dantas, S., Faria, L., de Figueiredo, C. M. H., Klein, S., Nogueira, L. T. and Protti, F. (2010). Advances on the List Stubborn Problem. In Proc. 16-th Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 109. Viglas, T. and Potanin, A. Eds., ACS. 65-70. |     
| Doherty, S and Groves, L. (2010). Simpler Backward Simulation Proofs. In Proc. 16-th Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 109. Viglas, T. and Potanin, A. Eds., ACS. 71-78. |     
| Finderup, P., Huettel, H., Knudsen, J. S. and Nielsen, J. G. (2010). Linear Uniform Receptiveness in a Pi-Calculus with Location Failures. In Proc. Sixteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 109. Viglas, T. and Potanin, A. Eds., ACS. 79-88. |     
| Johnson, M. and Kasangian, S. (2010). A Relational Model of Incomplete Data without NULLs. In Proc. Sixteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2010), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 109. Viglas, T. and Potanin, A. Eds., ACS. 89-94. |     
| Fox, Peter (2009). Balancing Expressivity and Implementability in OWL Ontologies for Semantic Data Frameworks: The Journey from 2004 to 2009 and Beyond. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop 2009 (AOW 2009), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 112. Meyer, T. and Taylor, K. Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Beydoun, G., Henderson-Sellers, B., Shen, J. and Low, G. (2009). Reflecting on Ontologies: Towards Ontology-based Agent-oriented Software Engineering. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop 2009 (AOW 2009), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 112. Meyer, T. and Taylor, K. Eds., ACS. 7-16. |     
| Lefort, L. (2009). Review of semantic enablement techniques used in geospatial and semantic standards for legacy and opportunistic mashups. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop 2009 (AOW 2009), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 112. Meyer, T. and Taylor, K. Eds., ACS. 17-26. |     
| Nortje, R., Britz, K. and Meyer, T. (2009). Finding EL+ justications using the Earley parsing algorithm. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop 2009 (AOW 2009), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 112. Meyer, T. and Taylor, K. Eds., ACS. 27-35. |     
| Oliver, I., Howse, J., Stapleton, G., Nuutila, E. and Törmä , S. (2009). Visualizing and Specifying Ontologies using Diagrammatic Logics. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop 2009 (AOW 2009), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 112. Meyer, T. and Taylor, K. Eds., ACS. 37-46. |     
| Taylor, K. and Penkala, P. (2009). Using Explicit Semantic Representations for User Programming of Sensor Devices. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop 2009 (AOW 2009), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 112. Meyer, T. and Taylor, K. Eds., ACS. 47-55. |     
| Wang, C., Zhang, C., He, K., Tian, J., Wang, J. and Zeng, C. (2009). An Approach to Customizing Requirements Goal Model based on Metamodel for Ontology Registration. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop 2009 (AOW 2009), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 112. Meyer, T. and Taylor, K. Eds., ACS. 57-63. |     
| Hu, S., Chengfei, L., Zhao, X. and Kowalkiewicz, M. (2011). Building Instance Knowledge Network for Word Sense Disambiguation. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 3-10. |     
| Hsieh, C.-H., Huang, P and Tang, M.-D. (2011). Human Action Recognition Using Silhouette Histogram. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 11-16. |     
| Sharna, S. A., and Murshed, M. M. (2011). Performance Improvement of Vertical Handoff Algorithms for QoS Support over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 17-24. |     
| Salehi, M. A., Javadi, B. and Buyya, R. (2011). Resource Provisioning based on Leases Preemption in InterGrid. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 25-34. |     
| Reid, R. (2011). Jointly Compatible Pair Linking for Visual Tracking with Probabilistic Priors. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 35-42. |     
| Huda, S., Yearwood, J. and Straneieri, A. (2011). Hybrid Wrapper-filter Aapproaches for Input Feature Selection using Maximum relevance-Minimum redundancy and Artificial Neural Network Input Gain Measurement Approximation (ANNIGMA). In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 43-52. |     
| Fischer, S., Wuensche, B., Cameron, L., Morunga, E.R., Parikh, U., Jago, L. and Mueller, S. (2011). Web-Based Visualisations Supporting Rehabilitation of Heart Failure Patients by Promoting Behavioural Change. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 53-62. |     
| Cassell, K., Anslow, C., Groves, L., Andreae, P. and Marshall, S. (2011). Visualizing the Refactoring of Classes via Clustering. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 63-72. |     
| Shen, H. and Yan, Y. (2011). Optimistic and Efficient Concurrency Control for Asynchronous Collaborative Systems. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 73-82. |     
| Zhai, Z. and Li. X. (2011). A Dynamic Archive Based Niching Particle Swarm Optimizer Using a Small Population Size. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 83-90. |     
| Kuruppu, S., Puglisi, S. and Zobel, J. (2011). Optimized Relative Lempel-Ziv Compression of Genomes. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 91-98. |     
| Zhang, J. (2011). A Novel Fuzzy Logic Based Bit Freezing Technique to Improve Gene Specific Co-regulation Discovery from Gene Expression Databases. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 99-106. |     
| Ijaz, K., Bogdanovych, A. and Simoff, S. (2011). Enhancing the Believability of Embodied Conversational Agents through Environment-, Self- and Interaction-Awareness. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 107-116. |     
| Oosterman, J., Irwin, W. and Churcher, N. (2011). EvoJava: A Tool for Measuring Evolving Software. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 117-126. |     
| Ashford, J., Churcher, N. and Irwin, W. (2011). Dynamic Visualisation of Software State. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 127-136. |     
| Tirtha, R., Hingston, P., Lam, C. and Masek, M. (2011). Analysis of Key Installation Protection using Computerized Red Teaming. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 137-144. |     
| Huynh, D., Tran, D. and Ma, W. (2011). A New Term Ranking Method based on Relation Extraction and Graph Model for Text Classification. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 145-152. |     
| Herrmann, J. U. and Soh, S. (2011). Comparison of Binary and Multi-Variate Hybrid Decision Diagram Algorithms for K-Terminal Reliability. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 113. Mark Reynolds Eds., ACS. 153-162. |     
| Ho, S. Y. and Ho, K. W. (2011). Mobile Messages as a Tool to Stimulate Learning Activities. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 3-8. |     
| Lister, R. (2011). Concrete and Other Neo-Piagetian Forms of Reasoning in the Novice Programmer. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 9-18. |     
| Buckland, R. (2011). Open Teaching - A Case Study of Publishing Lecture Videos Publicly. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 19-28. |     
| Barnes, D. J. and Shinners-Kennedy, D. (2011). A Study of Loop Style and Abstraction in Pedagogic Practice. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 29-36. |     
| Whalley, J., Clear, T., Robbin, P. and Thompson, E. (2011). Salient Elements in Novice Solutions to Code Writing Problems. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 37-46. |     
| Simon (2011). Wrong is a relative concept: part marks for multiple-choice questions. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 47-54. |     
| Cardell-Oliver, R. (2011). How can Software Metrics Help Novice Programmers?. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 55-62. |     
| Ngai, E.W.T., Lam, S.S. and POON, J. K.-L. (2011). Computer-supported Collaborative Learning System in Teaching E-commerce. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 63-72. |     
| Wiggberg, M. and Daniels, M. (2011). A Method for Analyzing Learning Outcomes in Project Courses. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 73-78. |     
| Berry, G., Sheard, J. and Quartly, M. (2011). A Virtual Museum of Computing History. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 79-86. |     
| Poon, J. K. L. (2011). Evaluating Students Perceptions of Peer Evaluation in IT Project Work. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 87-94. |     
| Corney, M., Lister, R. and Teague, D. (2011). Early Relational Reasoning and the Novice Programmer: Swapping as the Hello World of Relational Reasoning. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 95-104. |     
| de Raadt, M and Simon (2011). My Students Don't Learn the Way I Do. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 105-112. |     
| Whalley, J. and Philpott, A. (2011). A unit testing approach to building novice programmers skills and confidence. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 113-118. |     
| Pilgrim, C. (2011). Work-Integrated Learning in ICT Degrees. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 119-124. |     
| Nandi, D., Hamilton, M., Harland, J. and Warburton, G. (2011). How Active are Students in Online Discussion Forums?. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 125-134. |     
| Devey, A. and Carbone, A. (2011). Helping First Year Novice Programming Students PASS. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 135-144. |     
| Daniels, M. Cajander, A., McDermott, R. and von Konsky, B. (2011). Assessing Professional Skills in Engineering Education. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 145-154. |     
| Robinson, P. (2011). MyPyTutor: an Interactive Tutorial System for Python. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 155-160. |     
| Makasiranondh, W., Maj, S. P. and Veal, D. (2011). A Pedagogically Rich Interactive On-line Learning Platform for Network Technology Students in Thailand. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 161-168. |     
| Zhang, R. (2011). Processing Spatio-Temporal Queries in a Streaming Fashion. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Endres, M. and Kiessling, W. (2011). Semi-Skyline Optimization of Constrained Skyline Queries. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 7-16. |     
| Castkova, Z. and Pokorny, J. (2011). Schema-less XML in Columns. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 17-26. |     
| Wu, S., Shuf, Y., Min, H., Franke, H., Iyer, B., Villafuerte, F. and Watts, J. (2011). Analyzing and Improving Table Space Allocation. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 27-36. |     
| Nishikawa, N., Nakano, M. and Kitsuregawa, M. (2011). Potentiality of Power Management on Database Systems with Power Saving Function of Disk Drives. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 37-46. |     
| Marks, G., Roantree, M. and Smyth, D. (2011). Optimizing Queries for Web Generated Sensor Data. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 47-56. |     
| Hu, B., Li, Z., Chao, W. H., Hu, X. and Wang, J. (2011). User Preference Representation Based on Psychometric Models. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 57-64. |     
| Trevathan, J., Atkinson, I., Read, W., Sim, N. and Christensen, C. (2011). A System for Managing Data Provenance in In Silico Experiments. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 65-74. |     
| Trevathan , J., Read, W., Ghodosi, H. and Atkinson, I. (2011). Privacy and Anonymity in Untrusted Data Stores. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 75-84. |     
| Zhang , X. and Li, Y. (2011). An Empirical Study of Learning from Imbalanced Data. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 85-94. |     
| Qin, Y., Wang, H. and Xiao, J. (2011). Effective Scheduling Algorithm for On-Demand XML Data Broadcasts in Wireless Environments. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 95-102. |     
| Li, Z., Sitbon, L. and Zhou, X. (2011). PartSS: An Efficient Partition-based Filtering for Edit Distance Constraints. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 103-112. |     
| Stantic, B., Topor, R., Terry, J. and Sattar, A. (2011). A Triangular Decomposition Access Method for Temporal Data - TD-tree. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 113-122. |     
| Antoine, E., Ramamohanarao, K., Shao, J. and Zhang. R. (2011). Accelerating Spatial Join Operations using Bit-Indices. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 123-132. |     
| Zhu, Y., Sharaf, M. and Zhou, X. (2011). Scheduling with Freshness and Performance Guarantees for Web Applications in the Cloud. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 133-142. |     
| Vo, L. T.H., Cao, J. and Rahayu, W. (2011). Discovering Conditional Functional Dependencies in XML Data. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 143-152. |     
| Sadiq, S., Yeganeh, N. and Indulska, M. (2011). 20 Years of Data Quality Research: Themes, Trends and Synergies. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 115. Heng Tao Shen and Yanchun Zhang Eds., ACS. 153-162. |     
| Nakamura, T., Inenaga, S., Baba, K., Ikeda, D. and Yasuura, H. (2011). An Anonymous Authentication Protocol with Single-database PIR. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 116. Colin Boyd and Josef Pieprzyk Eds., ACS. 3-8. |     
| Agnesse, A. and Pedicini, M. (2011). Cube Attack in Finite Fields of Higher Order. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 116. Colin Boyd and Josef Pieprzyk Eds., ACS. 9-14. |     
| Kaosar, M. G., Paulet, R. and Yi, X. (2011). Secure Two-Party Association Rule Mining. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 116. Colin Boyd and Josef Pieprzyk Eds., ACS. 15-22. |     
| Corney, M., Mohay, G. and Clark, A. (2011). Detection of Anomalies from User Profiles Generated from System Logs. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 116. Colin Boyd and Josef Pieprzyk Eds., ACS. 23-32. |     
| Le, V. L., Welch, I., Gao, X. and Komisarczuk, P. (2011). Identification of Potential Malicious Web Pages. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 116. Colin Boyd and Josef Pieprzyk Eds., ACS. 33-40. |     
| Lackner, G. and Teufl, P. (2011). IEEE 802.11 Chipset Fingerprinting by the Measurement of Timing Characteristics. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 116. Colin Boyd and Josef Pieprzyk Eds., ACS. 41-50. |     
| Bai, Y. and Khan, K. (2011). A Modal Logic for Information System Security. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 116. Colin Boyd and Josef Pieprzyk Eds., ACS. 51-56. |     
| Campbell, S., Chan, S. and Lee, J. (2011). Detection of Fast Flux Service Networks. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 116. Colin Boyd and Josef Pieprzyk Eds., ACS. 57-66. |     
| Palmer, B., Bubendorfer, K. and Welch, I. (2011). Development and Evaluation of a Secure, Privacy Preserving Combinatorial Auction. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 116. Colin Boyd and Josef Pieprzyk Eds., ACS. 67-76. |     
| Ries, T., State, R. and Panchenko, A. (2011). Comparison of Low-Latency Anonymous Communication Systems - Practical Usage and Performance. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 116. Colin Boyd and Josef Pieprzyk Eds., ACS. 77-86. |     
| Lin, R., Huang, S.-Y., Bell, G. B. and Lee, Y.-K. (2011). A New CAPTCHA Interface Design for Mobile Devices. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 117. Christof Lutteroth and Haifeng Shen Eds., ACS. 3-8. |     
| Bourqui, R. and Purchase, H. C. (2011). Domain specific vs Generic Network Visualization: an Evaluation with Metabolic Networks. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 117. Christof Lutteroth and Haifeng Shen Eds., ACS. 9-18. |     
| Purchase, H. C., Hamer, J., Jamieson, A., Ryan, O. (2011). Investigating Objective Measures of Web Page Aesthetics and Usability. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 117. Christof Lutteroth and Haifeng Shen Eds., ACS. 19-28. |     
| Roughton, A., Downs, J., Plimmer, B., Warren, I. (2011). The Crowd in the Cloud: Moving Beyond Traditional Boundaries for Large Scale Experiences in the Cloud. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 117. Christof Lutteroth and Haifeng Shen Eds., ACS. 29-38. |     
| Walsh, J. A. and Thomas, B. H. (2011). Visualising Environmental Corrosion in Outdoor Augmented Reality. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 117. Christof Lutteroth and Haifeng Shen Eds., ACS. 39-46. |     
| Baldwin, J., Sinha, P., Salois, M. and Coady, Y. (2011). Progressive User Interfaces for Regressive Analysis: Making Tracks with Large, Low-Level Systems. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 117. Christof Lutteroth and Haifeng Shen Eds., ACS. 47-56. |     
| Tiwari, P., Warren, J., Day, K., MacDonald, B., Jayawardena, C., Kuo, I. H., Igic, A. and Datta, C. (2011). Feasibility Study of a Robotic Medication Assistant for the Elderly. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 117. Christof Lutteroth and Haifeng Shen Eds., ACS. 57-66. |     
| Guan, L., and Wuensche, B. C. (2011). Sketch-Based Crowd Modelling. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 117. Christof Lutteroth and Haifeng Shen Eds., ACS. 67-76. |     
| Hawick, K., Leist, A., Playne, D. and Johnson, M. (2011). Speed and Portability Issues for Random Number Generation on Graphical Processing Units with CUDA and other Processing Accelerators. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 118. Jinjun Chen and Rajiv Ranjan Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Hudson, R., Norris, J., Reid, L. B., Jordan IV, G. C., Weide, K. and Papka, M. E. (2011). Data-Intensive Management and Analysis for Scientific Simulations. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 118. Jinjun Chen and Rajiv Ranjan Eds., ACS. 13-14. |     
| Caniou, Y., Charrier, G. and Desprez, F. (2011). Evaluation of Reallocation Heuristics for Moldable Tasks in Computational Grids. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 118. Jinjun Chen and Rajiv Ranjan Eds., ACS. 15-24. |     
| Weerapurage, D. P., Eblen, J. D., Rogers, G., Langston, M. A. (2011). Parallel Vertex Cover: A Case Study in Dynamic Load Balancing. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 118. Jinjun Chen and Rajiv Ranjan Eds., ACS. 25-32. |     
| Perrin, D. and Ohsaki, H. (2011). A Parallel Approach to Social Network Generation and Agent-Based Epidemic Simulation. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 118. Jinjun Chen and Rajiv Ranjan Eds., ACS. 33-34. |     
| Xiao, F., McCreath, E. and Webers, C. (2011). Fast On-line Statistical Learning on a GPGPU. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 118. Jinjun Chen and Rajiv Ranjan Eds., ACS. 35-44. |     
| Jansen, K. Praedel, L., Schwarz, U. M. and Svensson, O. (2011). Faster Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling with Fixed Jobs. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 3-10. |     
| Kolla, A. and Lee, J. (2011). Sparsest Cut on Quotients of the Hypercube. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 11-22. |     
| Blin, G., Rizzi, R., Sikora, F. and Vialette, S. (2011). Minimum Mosaic Inference of a Set of Recombinants. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 23-30. |     
| Augustine, J., Han, Q., Loden, P., Lodha, S. and Roy, S. (2011). Tight Analysis of Shortest Path Convergecast in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 31-40. |     
| Alnae, M., Chikalov, I., Hussain, S. and Moshkov, M. (2011). Sequential Optimization of Binary Search Trees for Multiple Cost Functions. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 41-44. |     
| Narayanaswamy, N. S. and Sadagopan, N. (2011). A Novel Data Structure for Biconnectivity, Triconnectivity, and k-Tree Augmentation. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 45-54. |     
| Miyano, E. and Ono, H. (2011). Maximum Domination Problem. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 55-62. |     
| Nonaka, Y., Ono, H., Kijima, S. and Yamashita, M. (2011). How Slow, or Fast, Are Standard Random Walks? – Analyses of Hitting and Cover Times on Tree. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 63-68. |     
| Floderus, P., Lingas, A. and Persson, M. (2011). Towards More Efficient Infection and Fire Fighting. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 69-74. |     
| Ware, S. and Malik, R. (2011). A Process-Algebraic Semantics for Generalised Nonblocking. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 75-84. |     
| McCabe-Dansted, J. (2011). On the Succinctness of RoCTL*. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 85-94. |     
| Gandhi, A., Ke, N. and Khoussainov, B. (2011). Descriptional Complexity of Determinization and Complementation for Finite Automata. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 95-104. |     
| Suzuki, A., Uchizawa, K. and Zhou, X. (2011). Energy-Efficient Threshold Circuits Computing Mod Functions. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 105-110. |     
| Bilardi, G. and Fantozzi, C. (2011). New Area-Time Lower Bounds for the Multidimensional DFT. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 111-120. |     
| Hung, L.-J., Kloks, T. and Villaamil, F. S. (2011). Black-and-White Threshold Graphs. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 121-130. |     
| Takaoka, T. and Hashim, M. (2011). Sharing Information in All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithms. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 131-136. |     
| Kamiyama, N. and Matsui, T. (2011). Approximation Algorithms for Data Association Problem Arising from Multitarget Tracking. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 137-144. |     
| Dinneen, M. J. and Khosravani, M. (2011). Hardness of Approximation and Integer Programming Frameworks for Searching for Caterpillar Trees. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 145-150. |     
| Harland, J. (2011). Towards Methods for Discovering Universal Turing Machines (or How Universal Unicorns can be Discovered, not Created). In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 151-160. |     
| Koutris, P. and Pagourtzis, A. (2011). Oblivious k-shot Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Radio Networks. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 119. Alex Potanin and Taso Viglas Eds., ACS. 161-168. |     
| Stranieri, A., Kulkarni, S., Macfadyen, A., Love, A. and Vaughan, S. (2011). Decision Support Based Needs Assessment for Cancer Patients. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 120. Kerryn Butler-Henderson and Tony Sahama Eds., ACS. 3-8. |     
| Warren, J., Mabotuwana, T. and Yang, H. Y. (2011). The ChronoMedIt Temporal Medical Audit Framework: Progress and Agenda. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 120. Kerryn Butler-Henderson and Tony Sahama Eds., ACS. 9-18. |     
| Dhillion, J. S., Lutteroth, C. and Wuensche, B. C. (2011). Leveraging Web 2.0 and Consumer Devices for Improving Elderlies Health. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 120. Kerryn Butler-Henderson and Tony Sahama Eds., ACS. 17-24. |     
| Abadia, R., Stranieri, A., Quinn, A., and Seifollahi, S. (2011). Real Time Processing of Data from Patient Biodevices. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 120. Kerryn Butler-Henderson and Tony Sahama Eds., ACS. 25-30. |     
| Forbes, D., Sidhu, A. and Singh, J. (2011). Coupling of Indigenous-patient-friendly Cultural Communications with Clinical Care Guidelines for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 120. Kerryn Butler-Henderson and Tony Sahama Eds., ACS. 31-36. |     
| Hameed, S. A., Sharifudeen, S. S. B. M., Nuh, N. H. C., Salim, N. H. B., Hassan, A. and Khalifa, O. (2011). Web-Based Database and SMS to Facilitate Healthcare Medical Emergency. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 120. Kerryn Butler-Henderson and Tony Sahama Eds., ACS. 37-46. |     
| Gu, Y., Warren, J. and Day, K. (2011). Opportunities for Knowledge Management Tools in Clinical Genetic Services. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 120. Kerryn Butler-Henderson and Tony Sahama Eds., ACS. 47-54. |     
| Wickramasinghe, L. K., Alahakoon, D., George, M., Schattner, P., De Silva, D., Alahakoon, O., Adaji, A., Jones, K. and AM, L. P. (2011). Chronic Disease Management: a Business Intelligence Perspective. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 120. Kerryn Butler-Henderson and Tony Sahama Eds., ACS. 55-62. |     
| Weber, G. (2011). Defning the Paperless Workplace with the Paper Metaphor - not a Contradiction in Terms. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2011), Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 120. Kerryn Butler-Henderson and Tony Sahama Eds., ACS. 63-70. |     
| Clifton, C.W. (2011). Privacy - Preserving Data Mining at 10: Whats Next?. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Abbass, H. (2011). Mining Big Data Streams: The Fallacy of Blind Correlation and the Importance of Models. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 5. |     
| Mammadov, M. (2011). Drug–drug interactions: A Data Mining Approach. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 7. |     
| Van, A., Gay, V. C., Kennedy, P. J., Barin, E. and Leijdekkers, P. (2011). Understanding risk factors in cardiac rehabilitation patients with random forests and decision trees. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 11-22. |     
| Shouman, M., Turner, T. and Stocker, R. (2011). Using Decision Tree for Diagnosing Heart Disease Patients. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 23-30. |     
| Liang, Guohua and Zhang, Chengqi (2011). Empirical Study of Bagging Predictors on Medical Data. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 31-40. |     
| Rahman, Md. G. and Islam, Md. Z. (2011). A Decision Tree-based Missing Value Imputation Technique for Data Pre-processing. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 41-50. |     
| Bagirov, A., Yatsko, A., Stranieri, A. and Jelinek, H. (2011). Feature Selection using Misclassification Counts. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 51-62. |     
| Taheri, S., Mammadov, M. and Bagirov, A. M. (2011). Improving Naive Bayes Classifier Using Conditional Probabilities. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 63-68. |     
| Goyal, P. and Mehala, N. (2011). Concept Based Query Recommendation. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 69-78. |     
| Petersen, H. and Poon, J. (2011). Enhancing Short Text Clustering with Small External Repositories. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 79-90. |     
| Robertson, C.S. (2011). Reassembling Multilingual Temporal News Datasets with Incomplete Information. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 91-102. |     
| Tang, M., Sumudu, B., Mendis, U., Murray, D. W., Hu, Y and Sutinen, A. (2011). Unsupervised Fraud Detection in Medicare Australia. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 103-110. |     
| Hu, Y., Murray, D. W., Shan, Y., Sutinen, A., Sumudu, B., Mendis, U. and Tang, M. (2011). Prescriber-Consumer Social Network Analysis for Risk Level Re-estimation based on an Asymmetrical Rating Exchange Model. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 111-118. |     
| Li, F., Lei, J., Tian Y., Punyapatthanakul, S. and Wang Y. J. (2011). Model Selection Strategy for Customer Attrition Risk Prediction in Retail Banking. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 119-124. |     
| Vatsalan, D., Christen, P. and Verykios, V. S. (2011). An Efficient Two-Party Protocol for Approximate Matching in Private Record Linkage. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 125-136. |     
| Li , R., de Vries, D. and Roddick, J. (2011). Bands of Privacy Preserving Objectives: Classification of PPDM Strategies. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 137-152. |     
| Fu, Z., Christen, P. and Boot, M. (2011). A Supervised Learning and Group Linking Method for Historical Census Household Linkage. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 153-162. |     
| Burrows, S., Stein, B., Frochte, J., Wiesner, D. and Mueller, K. (2011). Simulation Data Mining for Supporting Bridge Design. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 163-170. |     
| Alazab, M., Venkatraman, S., Watters, P. and Alazab, M. (2011). Zero-day Malware Detection based on Supervised Learning Algorithms of API call Signatures. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 171-182. |     
| Khan, M.A., Islam, Md. Z. and Hafeez, M. (2011). Irrigation Water Demand Forecasting – A Data Pre-Processing and Data Mining Approach based on Spatio-Temporal Data. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 183-194. |     
| Islam, Md. Z. and Giggins, H. (2011). Knowledge Discovery through SysFor - a Systematically Developed Forest of Multiple Decision Trees. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 195-204. |     
| Yearwood, J., Bagirov, A. and Seifollahi, S. (2011). A novel hybrid neural learning algorithm using simulated annealing and quasisecant method. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 205-210. |     
| Rahman , Md. A. and Islam, Md. Z. (2011). Seed-Detective: A Novel Clustering Technique Using High Quality Seed for K-Means on Categorical and Numerical Attributes. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 211-220. |     
| Srichandan, B. and Sunderraman, R. (2011). OO-FSG: An Object-Oriented Approach to Mine Frequent Subgraphs. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 11), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 121. Vamplew, P., Stranieri, A., Ong, K.-L., Christen, P. and Kennedy, P. J. Eds., ACS. 221-228. |     
| Link,S. (2012). Armstrong Databases: Validation, Communication and Consolidation of Conceptual Models with Perfect Test Data. In Proc. Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 130. Aditya Ghose and Flavio Ferrarotti Eds., ACS. 3-20. |     
| Kharbili,M.E. (2012). Business Process Regulatory Compliance Management Solution Frameworks: A Comparative Evaluation. In Proc. Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 130. Ghose,A. and Ferrarotti,F. Eds., ACS. 23-32. |     
| Kop,C. (2012). Checking Feasible Completeness of Domain Models with Natural Language Queries. In Proc. Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 130. Ghose,A. and Ferrarotti,F. Eds., ACS. 33-42. |     
| Sorensen, O.,Thalheim, B. and Wang, Q. (2012). A Conceptual Justification for Model Transformations. In Proc. Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 130. Ghose,A. and Ferrarotti,F. Eds., ACS. 43-50. |     
| Kamaruddin, L.A., Shen, J, and Beydoun, G. (2012). Evaluating Usage of WSMO and OWL-S in Semantic Web Services. In Proc. Asia-Pacic Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 130. Ghose,A. and Ferrarotti,F. Eds., ACS. 53-58. |     
| Koppi, T., Roberts, M. and Naghdy, G. (2012). Perceptions of a gender-inclusive curriculum amongst Australian Information and Communications Technology academics. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 7-14. |     
| Roberts, M.R.H., McGill, T.J.and Hyland, P. N. (2012). Attrition from Australian ICT Degrees - Why Women Leave. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 15-24. |     
| Pilgrim, C.J.and Koppi, T. (2012). Work Integrated Learning Rationale and Practices in Australian Information and Communications Technology Degrees . In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 25-32. |     
| Mason, R., Cooper, G. and de Raadt, M. (2012). Trends in Introductory Programming Courses in Australian Universities Languages, Environments and Pedgogy. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 33-42. |     
| Hu, M., Winikoff, M. and Cranefield, S. (2012). Teaching Novice Programming Using Goals and Plans in a Visual Notation. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 43-52. |     
| Lister, R., Corney, M., Curran, J., D'Souza, D., Fidge, C., Gluga, R., Hamilton, M., Harland, J., Hogan, J., Kay, J., Murphy, T., Roggenkamp, M., Sheard, J., Simon and Teague, D. (2012). Toward a Shared Understanding of Competency in Programming: An Invitation to the BABELnot Project. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 53-60. |     
| Simon, Sheard, J., Carbone, A., Chinn, D., Laalso, M., Clear, T., Raadt, M.D., D'Souza, D., Lister, R., Philpott, A., Skene, J. and Warburton, G. (2012). Introductory programming: examining the exams. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 61-70. |     
| Raadt, M.D. (2012). Student Created Cheat-Sheets in Examinations: Impact on Student Outcomes. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 71-76. |     
| Corney, M., Teague, D., Ahadi, A. and Lister, R. (2012). Some Empirical Results for Neo-Piagetian Reasoning in Novice Programmers and the Relationship to Code Explanation Questions. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 77-86. |     
| Teague, D., Corney, M, Ahadi, A. and Lister, R. (2012). Swapping as the `Hello World' of Relational Reasoning: Replications, Reflections and Extensions. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 87-94. |     
| Daniels, M. and Pears, A. (2012). Models and Methods for Computing Education Research. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 95-102. |     
| Thota, N., Berglund, A. and Clear, T. (2012). Illustration of Paradigm Pluralism in Computing Education Research. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 103-112. |     
| Trabelsi, Z. (2012). Switch's CAM Table Poisoning Attack: Hands-on Lab Exercises for Network Security Education. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 113-120. |     
| Alammary, A., Carbone, A. and Sheard, J. (2012). Implementation of a Smart Lab for Teachers of Novice Programmers. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 121-130. |     
| Risco, S. and Reye, J. (2012). Evaluation of an Intelligent Tutoring System used for Teaching RAD in a Database Environment. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 131-140. |     
| Fenwick, J. and Sutton, P. (2012). Using Quicksand to Improve Debugging Practice in Post-Novice Level Students. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 141-146. |     
| Gluga, R., Kay, J., Lister, R., Kleitman, S. and Lever, T. (2012). Coming to terms with Bloom: an online tutorial for teachers of programming fundamentals. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 147-156. |     
| Firmin, S., Sheard, J., Carbone, A. and Hurst, J. (2012). An exploration of factors influencing tertiary IT educators' pedagogies. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 157-166. |     
| Carbone,A. and Ceddia, J. (2012). Common Areas for Improvement in ICT Units that have Critically Low Student Satisfaction. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 167-176. |     
| Sheard, J. and Dick M. (2012). Directions and Dimensions in Managing Cheating and Plagiarism of IT Students. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 177-186. |     
| Mason, R. and Cooper, G. (2012). Why the bottom 10% just can't do it - Mental Effort Measures and Implication for Introductory Programming Courses. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 187-196. |     
| Liu, D., Cao, J. and Cao, J. (2012). FEAS: A full-time event aware scheduler for improving responsiveness. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 122. Reynolds, M. and Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 3-9. |     
| Bellucci, E., Venkatraman, S., Muecke, N., Stranieri, A. and Abawajy, J. (2012). The role of Emotional Intelligence on the resolution of disputes involving the Electronic Health Record. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 129. Butler-Henderson, K. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Alexander, B., Donnellan, S., Jeffries, A., Olds, T. and Sizer, N. (2012). Boosting Instruction Set Simulator Performance with Parallel Block Optimisation and Replacement. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 122. Reynolds, M. and Thomas, B, Eds., ACS. 11-20. |     
| Estivill-Castro, V. and Parsa, M. (2012). On the parameterized complexity of dominant strategies. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference ( ACSC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 122. Reynolds, M. and Thomas, B, Eds., ACS. 21-26. |     
| Xue, B., Zhang, M. and Browne, W. N. (2012). Single Feature Ranking and Binary Particle Swarm Optimisation Based Feature Subset Ranking for Feature Selection. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 122. Reynolds, M. and Thomas, B, Eds., ACS. 27-36. |     
| Dietrich, J., McCartin, J., Tempero, E. and Shah, S. M. A. (2012). On the Existence of High-Impact Refactoring Opportunities in Programs. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 122. Reynolds, M. and Thomas, B, Eds., ACS. 37-48. |     
| Naish, L. (2012). Declarative Diagnosis of Floundering in Prolog. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2012), Melbourne Australia. CRPIT, 122. Reynolds, M. and Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 49-56. |     
| Xie, F., Song, A. and Ciesielski, V. (2012). Learning Time Series Patterns by Genetic Programming. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 122. Reynolds, M. and Thomas, B, Eds., ACS. 57-62. |     
| Bailes, P.A. (2012). ERA Challenges for Australian University ICT. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 122. Reynolds, M. and Thomas, B, Eds., ACS. 63-72. |     
| Shi, Q., Song, A., Nguyen, T. and Mitchell, A. (2012). Evolutionary Design of Optical Waveguide with Multiple Objectives. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 122. Reynolds, M. and Thomas, B, Eds., ACS. 73--80. |     
| Wittkamp, M., Barone, L., Hingston, P. and While, L. (2012). Real-time Evolutionary Learning of Cooperative Predator-Prey Strategies. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 122. Reynolds, M. and Thomas, B, Eds., ACS. 81-90. |     
| Dhaliwal, J., Puglisi, S.J. and Turpin, A. (2012). Trends in Sux Sorting: A Survey of Low Memory Algorithms. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 122. Reynolds, M. and Thomas, B, Eds., ACS. 91-98. |     
| Naish, L., Lee H.J. and Ramamohanarao, K. (2012). Spectral debugging: How much better can we do?. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 122. Reynolds, M. and Thomas, B, Eds., ACS. 99-106. |     
| Sato, T., Mori, H., Yano, R. and Hayashida, T. (2012). Importance of Single-Core Performance in the Multicore Era. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 122. Reynolds, M. and Thomas, B, Eds., ACS. 107-114. |     
| Downing, N., Feydy, T. and Stuckey, P.J. (2012). Explaining alldifferent. In Proc. Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 122. Reynolds, M. and Thomas, B, Eds., ACS. 115-124. |     
| Tao, Y. (2012). Beyond Heuristics: I/O-oriented Algorithms and Structures with Performance Guarantees. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Wang, H. (2012). Security and privacy for database systems. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 5. |     
| Webb, G.I. (2012). Discovering Associations in High-Dimensional Data. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 7. |     
| Islam, M.S., Liu, C. and Zhou, R. (2012). On Modeling Query Refinement by Capturing User Intent through Feedback. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 11-20. |     
| Naeem, M.A., Dobbie, G. and Weber, G. (2012). Optimised X-HYBRIDJOIN for Near-Real-Time Data Warehousing. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 21-30. |     
| Dietrich, J. and McCartin, C. (2012). Scalable Motif Detection and Aggregation. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 31-40. |     
| Xu, C., Wang, Y., Gu, Y., Lin, S. and Yu, G. (2012). Optimal k-Constraint Coverage Queries on Spatial Objects. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 41-50. |     
| Qi, J., Xu, Z., Xue, Y. and Wen, Z. (2012). A Branch and Bound Method for Min-dist Location Selection Queries. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 51-60. |     
| Feng, B., Lu, J., Zhou, Y. and Yang, N. (2012). Energy Efficiency for MapReduce Workloads: An In-depth Study. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 61-70. |     
| Zhou, Z., Zhang, X. and Vines, P. (2012). Sentiment classification of blog posts using topical extracts. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 71-80. |     
| Yang, Y. and Cao, J. (2012). Feature-based recommendation framework on OLAP. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 81-88. |     
| Alahmari, F., Thom, J.A., Magee, L. and Wong, W. (2012). Evaluating Semantic Browsers for Consuming Linked Data. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 89-98. |     
| Zhang, Z., Zhao, B., Qian, W. and Zhou, A. (2012). Discovering Social Media Experts by Integrating Social Networks. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 99-108. |     
| Zhong, H. and Zhou Y. (2012). Combining Content and Quality Indicators in Ranking Ambiguous Query Results On Flickr. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 109-116. |     
| Terry, J., Stantic, B. and Sattar, A. (2012). Indexing RFID data using the VG-curve. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 117-126. |     
| Osborn, W. and Hinze, A. (2012). TIP Spatial Index: Efficient Access to Digital Libraries in a Context-Aware Mobile System. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 127-136. |     
| Boettcher, S., Hartel, R. and Heindorf, S. (2012). Optimized XPath evaluation for Schema-compressed XML data. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 137-144. |     
| Boettcher, S., Hartel, R. and Weber, S. (2012). Efficient String-Based XML Stream Prefiltering. In Proc. Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 124. Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. Eds., ACS. 145-152. |     
| Lee, P.H., Parampalli, U., Narayan, S. (2012). Efficient Identity-based Signcryption without Random Oracles. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 125. Pieprzyk, J.and Thomborson, C. Eds., ACS. 3-14. |     
| Suppakitpaisarn, V., Edahiro, M. and Imai, H. (2012). Fast Elliptic Curve Cryptography Using Minimal Weight Conversion of d Integers. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 125. Pieprzyk, J. and Thomborson, C. Eds., ACS. 15-26. |     
| Alhamdan, A., Bartlett, H., Simpson, L., Dawson E. and Wong, K. K. (2012). State convergence in the initialisation of the Sfinks stream cipher. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 125. Pieprzyk, J.and Thomborson, C. Eds., ACS. 27-32. |     
| Orumiehchiha, M.A., Pieprzyk, J, and Steinfeld, R. (2012). Cryptanalysis of RC4-Based Hash Function. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 125. Pieprzyk, J.and Thomborson, C. Eds., ACS. 33-38. |     
| Radke, K., Boyd, C., Nieto, J.G. and Brereton, M. (2012). Towards a Secure Human-and-Computer Mutual Authentication Protocol. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 125. Pieprzyk, J.and Thomborson, C. Eds., ACS. 39-46. |     
| Seifi, Y., Suriadi, S., Foo, E. and Boyd, C. (2012). Analysis of Object-Specific Authorization Protocol (OSAP) using Coloured Petri Nets. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 125. Pieprzyk, J.and Thomborson, C. Eds., ACS. 47-58. |     
| Mills, C., Fidge, C. J. and Corney, D. (2012). Tool-Supported Dataflow Analysis of a Security-Critical Embedded Device. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 125. Pieprzyk, J.and Thomborson, C. Eds., ACS. 59-70. |     
| Doble, C., Fidge, C. J. and Corney, D. (2012). Data Flow Analysis of Embedded Program Expressions. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 125. Pieprzyk, J.and Thomborson, C. Eds., ACS. 71-82. |     
| Hauser, C., Tronel, F., Reid, J. and Fidge, C. (2012). A taint marking approach to confidentiality violation detection. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 125. Pieprzyk, J.and Thomborson, C. Eds., ACS. 83-90. |     
| Lee , K., Nieto, J. M. G. and Boyd, C. (2012). Improving the Efficiency of RFID Authentication with Pre-Computation. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 125. Pieprzyk, J.and Thomborson, C. Eds., ACS. 91-100. |     
| Koelling, M. (2012). The Future of Educational Programming Tools- What Will Come (Or At Least Should Come). In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 123. Raadt, M.D. and Carbone, A. Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Pilgrim, C. J (2012). Website Navigation Tools - A Decade of Design Trends 2002 to 2011. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 126. Shen, H. and Smith, R. T. Eds., ACS. 3-10. |     
| McAdam, R. and Nesbitt, K. (2012). Leveraging Human Movement in the Ultimate Display. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 126. Shen, H. and Smith, R. T. Eds., ACS. 11-20. |     
| Grantham, J., Grantham, E. and Powers, D. (2012). Website accessibility: An Australian view. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 126. Shen, H. and Smith, R. T. Eds., ACS. 21-28. |     
| Simon, T. M., Smith, R. T., Thomas, B., Itzstein, S. V., Smith, M., Park, J. and Park, J. (2012). Merging Tangible Buttons and Spatial Augmented Reality to Support Ubiquitous Prototype Designs. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 126. Shen, H. and Smith, R. T. Eds., ACS. 29-38. |     
| Hartmann, G. and Wuensche, B. (2012). A Virtual Touchscreen with Depth Recognition. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 126. Shen, H. and Smith, R. T. Eds., ACS. 39-48. |     
| George, R., Nesbitt, K., Donovan, M. and Maynard, J. (2012). Evaluating Indigenous Design Features Using Cultural Dimensions. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 126. Shen, H. and Smith, R. T. Eds., ACS. 49-58. |     
| Li, I. K. Y., Peek, E. M., Wuensche, B. C. and Lutteroth, C. (2012). Enhancing 3D Applications Using Stereoscopic 3D and Motion Parallax. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 126. Shen, H. and Smith, R. T. Eds., ACS. 59-68. |     
| Guan, L. and Wuensche, B. C. (2012). An Evaluation of a Sketch-Based Model-by-Example Approach for Crowd Modelling. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 126. Shen, H. and Smith, R. T. Eds., ACS. 69-76. |     
| Maas, E. T. A., Marner, M. R., Smith, R. T., Thomas, B. H. (2012). Supporting Freeform Modelling in Spatial Augmented Reality Environments with a New Deformable Material. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 126. Shen, H. and Smith, R. T. Eds., ACS. 77-86. |     
| Hinze, A., Mueller, K. and Buchanan, G. (2012). Service History: The Challenge of the `Back button' in Mobile Context-aware Systems. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 126. Shen, H. and Smith, R. T. Eds., ACS. 89-90. |     
| Grantham , J. and Habel, C. (2012). An investigation of factors driving virtual communities. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 126. Shen, H. and Smith, R. T. Eds., ACS. 91-92. |     
| Nakahira, Y. and Nakayama, M. (2012). Feasibility of Computational Estimation of Task-Oriented Visual Attention. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 126. Shen, H. and Smith, R. T. Eds., ACS. 93-94. |     
| Simon , T. M. and Smith, R. T. (2012). Magnetic Substrate for use with Tangible Spatial Augmented Reality in Rapid Prototyping Work. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 126. Shen, H. and Smith, R. T. Eds., ACS. 95-96. |     
| O'Malley, S. J., Smith, R. T. and Thomas B. H. (2012). Data Mining Office Behavioural Information from Simple Sensors. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 126. Shen, H. and Smith, R. T. Eds., ACS. 97-98. |     
| Steinbrecher, J. and Shang, W. (2012). On Supernode Transformations And Multithreading For The Longest Common Subsequence Problem. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 127. Chen, J. and Ranjan, R. Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Hawick, K.A. and Playne, D.P. (2012). Hard-Sphere Collision Simulations with Multiple GPUs, PCIe Extension Buses and GPU-GPU Communications. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 127. Chen, J. and Ranjan, R. Eds., ACS. 13-22. |     
| Dinneen, M. J., Khosravani, M. and Wei, K. (2012). A Comparative Study of Parallel Algorithms for the Girth Problem. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 127. Chen, J. and Ranjan, R. Eds., ACS. 23-30. |     
| Eblen, J., Rogers Jr., G. L., Phillips, C. A. and Langston, M. A. (2012). The Use of Fast Approximate Graph Coloring to Enhance Exact Parallel Algorithm Performance. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 127. Chen, J. and Ranjan, R. Eds., ACS. 31-32. |     
| Liu, X., Yang, Y., Cao, D., Yuan, D. and Chen, J. (2012). Managing Large Numbers of Business Processes with Cloud Workflow Systems. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 127. Chen, J. and Ranjan, R. Eds., ACS. 33-42. |     
| Jaros, J., Treeby, B. E. and Rendell, A. P. (2012). Use of Multiple GPUs on Shared Memory Multiprocessors for Ultrasound Propagation Simulations. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 127. Chen, J. and Ranjan, R. Eds., ACS. 43-52. |     
| Mesbah, M., Sarvi, M., Tan, J. and Karimirad, F. (2012). Scaling Up Transit Priority Modelling Using High-Throughput Computing. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 127. Chen, J. and Ranjan, R. Eds., ACS. 53-62. |     
| Tsin, Y. H. (2012). Decomposing a Multigraph into Split Components. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Zhang, C. and Nagamochi, H. (2012). The Next-to-Shortest Path in Undirected Graphs with Nonnegative Weights. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 13-20. |     
| Takaoka, T. (2012). Efficient Algorithms for the All Pairs Shortest Path Problem with Limited Edge Costs. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 21-26. |     
| Brandenburg, F. J. (2012). On the Curve Complexity of Upward Planar Drawings. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 27-36. |     
| Shawi, R. E., Gudmudsson, J. and Levcopoulos, C. (2012). Quickest Path Queries on Transportation Network. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 37-46. |     
| Valtr, P. (2012). On empty pentagons and hexagons in planar point sets. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 47-48. |     
| Naish, L., Soendergaard, H. and Horsfall, B. (2012). Logic Programming: From Underspecification to Undefinedness. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 49-58. |     
| Mahajan, M., Saurabh, N. and Sreenivasaiah, K. (2012). Counting paths in planar width 2 branching programs. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 59-68. |     
| Iwamoto, C., Sasaki, K. and Morita, K. (2012). Computational Complexity of String Puzzles. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 69-74. |     
| Liao, K. and Shen, H. (2012). Approximating the Reliable Resource Allocation Problem Using Inverse Dual Fitting. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 75-82. |     
| Kakimura, N. and Takamatsu, M. (2012). Matching Problems with Delta-Matroid Constraints . In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 83-92. |     
| Fujito, T. and Sakamaki, T. (2012). How to guard a graph against tree movements. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 93-96. |     
| Olsen, M. (2012). On Defining and Computing Communities. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 97-102. |     
| Edelkamp, S., Elmasry, A. and Katajainen, J. (2012). The Weak-Heap Family of Priority Queues in Theory and Praxis. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 103-112. |     
| Gandhi, A., Khoussainov, B. and Liu, J. (2012). Solving infinite games on trees with back-edges. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 113-122. |     
| Ishii, T. (2012). Augmenting Outerplanar Graphs to Meet Diameter Requirements. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 123-132. |     
| Kawarabayashi, K. and Wood, D. R. (2012). Cliques in Odd-Minor-Free Graphs. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 133-138. |     
| Asahiro, Y., Jansson, J., Miyano, E. and Ono, H. (2012). Upper and Lower Degree Bounded Graph Orientation with Minimum Penalty. In Proc. Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 128. Mestre, J. Eds., ACS. 139-146. |     
| Davis-Desmond, P. and Molle, D. (2012). Detection of Evidence in Clinical Research Papers. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 129. Butler-Henderson, K. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 13-20. |     
| Dhillon, J. S., Ramos, C., Wuensche, B. C. and Lutteroth, C. (2012). Evaluation of Web 2.0 Technologies for Developing Online Telehealth Systems. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 129. Butler-Henderson, K. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 21-30. |     
| Gu, Y., Warren, J., Day, K. and Pollock, M. (2012). Achieving Acceptable Structured eReferral Forms. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 129. Butler-Henderson, K. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 31-40. |     
| Kasmiran, K. A., Zomaya, A. Y., Mazari, A. A. and Garsua, R. J. (2012). A Bayesian Analysis on Historical Clinical Data Concerning Treatment Change for HIV/AIDS Patients. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 129. Butler-Henderson, K. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 41-48. |     
| Paul, R., Groza, T. and Hunter, J, (2012). Inducing and Storing Generalised Evidences using Semantic Web formalisms. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 129. Butler-Henderson, K. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 49-58. |     
| Perimal-Lewis, L. (2012). Gaining Insight from Patient Journey Data using a Process-Oriented Analysis Approach. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 129. Butler-Henderson, K. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 59-66. |     
| Uddin, S. and Hossain, L. (2012). Effects of Physician Collaboration Network on Hospital Outcomes. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2012), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 129. Butler-Henderson, K. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 67-74. |     
| Smith-Miles, K. (2009). What Data Mining Can Discover From Your Face . . . No More Lying About Your Age!. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 3. |     
| Pei, J. (2009). Towards Web Search Engine Scale Data Mining. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 5. |     
| Gayler, R. (2009). Credit Scoring and Data Mining. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 7. |     
| Guha, S. (2009). Efficiently Mining Frequent Subpaths. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 11-16. |     
| Kaosar, M. G., Xu, Z. and Yi, X. (2009). Distributed Association Rule Mining with Minimum Communication Overhead. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 17-24. |     
| Yearwood, J., Webb, D., Ma, Li, Vamplew, P., Ofoghi, B. and Kelarev, A. (2009). Applying Clustering and Ensemble Clustering Approaches to phishing Profiling. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 25-34. |     
| Ren, Y., Liu, Y., Rong, J. and Dew, R. (2009). Clustering Interval-valued Data Using an Overlapped Interval Divergence. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 35-42. |     
| Weng, C. G. and Poon J. (2009). Reference Point Transformation for Visualisation. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 43-54. |     
| Zhang, J., Liu, Q. and Xu, K. (2009). FlowRecommender: A Workflow Recommendation Technique for Process Provenance. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 55-62. |     
| Zheng, Z., Zhao, Y., Zuo, Z. and Cao, L. (2009). Negative-GSP: An Efficient Method for Mining Negative Sequential Patterns. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 63-68. |     
| Koh, Y. S. and Pears, R. (2009). Non-Redundant Rare Itemset Generation. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 69-74. |     
| Liu, Y., Ren, Y. and Dew, R. (2009). Monetising User Generated Content Using Data Mining Techniques. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 75-82. |     
| Palshikar, G. K., Deshpande, S. S. and Bhat, S. S. (2009). QUEST: Discovering Insights from Survey Responses. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 83-92. |     
| Shan, Y., Murray, D. W. and Sutinen, A. (2009). Discovering inappropriate billings with local density based outlier detection method. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 93-98. |     
| Nankani, E. and Simoff, S. (2009). Predictive analytics that takes in account network relations: A case study of research data of a contemporary university. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 99-108. |     
| Sato, T., Huang, B., Lefait, G., Kechadi, M-T. and Buckley, B. (2009). Kernel-based Principal Components Analysis on Large Telecommunication Data. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 109-116. |     
| Al-Naymat, G., Chawla, S. and Taheri, J. (2009). SparseDTW: A Novel Approach to Speed up Dynamic Time Warping. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 117-128. |     
| Homayounfard, H. and Kennedy, P. J. (2009). HDAX: Historical Symbolic Modelling of Delay Time Series in a Communications Network. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 129-138. |     
| Kan, A., Chan, J., Bailey, J. and Leckie, C. (2009). A Query Based Approach for Mining Evolving Graphs. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09 ), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 139-150. |     
| Xu, M. and Bain, M. (2009). Mining Minimal Constrained Flow Cycles from Complex Transaction Data. In Proc. Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09 ), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 151-158. |     
| Baig, M. M., Li, J., Liu, J. and Wang, H. (2009). Studying Genotype-Phenotype Attack on k-anonymised Medical and Genomic Data. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 159-166. |     
| Lock, P., Le Mercier, N., Li, J. and Stumptner, M. (2009). Building a Generic Graph-based Descriptor Set for use in Drug Discovery. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 167-174. |     
| Villalon, J. and Calvo, R. A. (2009). Single Document Semantic Spaces. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 175-182. |     
| Gan, M. and Dai, H. (2009). Efficient Mining of Top-k Breaker Emerging Subgraph Patterns from Graph Datasets. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 183-192. |     
| Baraty, S. and Simovici, D. A. (2009). Edge Evaluation in Bayesian Network Structures. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM`09), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 101. Kennedy P. J., Ong K. and Christen P. Eds., ACS. 193-200. |     
| Zhang, J., Liu, D., Ong, K.L., Li, Z. and Li, M. (2012). Detecting Topic Labels for Tweets by Matching Features from Pseudo-Relevance Feedback. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 9 - 20. |     
| Yu, K., Li, Z., Guan, G., Wang, Z. and Feng, D. (2012). Unsupervised Text Segmentation using LDA and MCMC. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 21 - 26. |     
| Rahman, M.A. and Islam, M.Z. (2012). CRUDAW: A Novel Fuzzy Technique for Clustering Records Following User Defined Attribute Weights. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 27 - 42. |     
| Taha, K. (2012). GOtoGene: A Method for Determining the Functional Similarity among Gene Products. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 43 - 52. |     
| Ghous, H., Kennedy, P.J., Ho, N. and Catchpoole, D.R. (2012). Functional Visualisation of Genes using Singular Value. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 53 - 60. |     
| Wells, J.R., Ting, K.M. and Naiwala, C.P. (2012). A non-time series approach to vehicle related time series problems. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 61 - 70. |     
| Sun, C., Stirling, D., Ritz, C., and Sammut, C. (2012). Variance-wise Segmentation for a Temporal-Adaptive SAX. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 71 - 78. |     
| Sunehag, P., Shao, W. and Hutter, M. (2012). Coding of Non-Stationary Sources as a Foundation for Detecting Change Points and Outliers in Binary Time-Series. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 79 - 84. |     
| Muhammad Fuad, (2012). ABC-SG: A New Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm-Based Distance of Sequential Data Using Sigma Grams. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 85 - 92. |     
| Kelarev, A.V., Stranieri, A., Yearwood, J.L., Abawajy, J., Jelinek, H.F. (2012). Improving Classifications for Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy Using Multi-level Ensemble Classifiers and Feature Selection Based. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 93 - 102. |     
| Hussain, M.S., Monkaresi, H., Calvo, R.A. (2012). Combining Classifiers in Multimodal Affect Detection. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 103 - 108. |     
| Bui, B.B., Hadzic, F and Hecker, M (2012). Application of Tree-structured Data Mining for Analysis of Process Logs in XML format. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 109 -118. |     
| Soliman, O. S., Bahgat, R. and Adly, A. (2012). Associative Classification using a Bio-Inspired Algorithm. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 119 - 126. |     
| Vatsalan, D. and Christen, P. (2012). An Iterative Two-Party Protocol for Scalable Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 127 - 138. |     
| Giggins, H. and Brankovic, L. (2012). VICUS - A Noise Addition Technique for Categorical Data. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 139 - 148. |     
| Mayo, M. (2012). Cartesian Genetic Programming for Trading: A Preliminary Investigation. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 149 - 156. |     
| Singh, L. and Chetty, G. (2012). A Comparative Study of MRI Data using Various Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition Algorithms to Detect Brain Abnormalities. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 157 - 166. |     
| Koh, Y. S., Dobble, G. (2012). Indirect Weighted Association Rules Mining for Academic Network Collaboration Recommendations. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 167 - 174. |     
| Meng Q. and kennedy, P.J. (2012). Using network evolution theory and singular value decomposition method to improve accuracy of link prediction in social networks. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 175 - 182. |     
| Djuana, E., Xu, Y. and Li, Y. (2012). Learning Personalized Tag Ontology from User Tagging Information. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 183 - 190. |     
| Li, J., Li, L., Wen, X. and Liao, J. (2012). A Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System Combining Semantics and Bayesian Reasoning. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 191 - 198. |     
| Khan, M.A., Islam, M.Z., Hafeez, M. (2012). Evaluating the Performance of Several Data Mining Methods for Predicting Irrigation Water Requirement. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 199 - 208. |     
| Vadlamudi, S.G., Chakrabarti, P.P. and Sarkar, S. (2012). Anytime Algorithms for Mining Groups with Maximum Coverage. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 209 - 220. |     
| Hung, Y.S., Chen, K.B., Yang, C.T. and Deng, G.F. (2012). Mining Cluster-based Patterns for Elder Self-care Behavior. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 221 - 228. |     
| Usman, M., Pears, R. and Fong, A.C.M. (2012). Data Guided Approach to Generate Multi-dimensional Schema for Targeted Knowledge Discovery. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 229 - 240. |     
| Larres, J., Potanin, A. and Hirose, Y. (2013). A Study of Performance Variations in the Mozilla Firefox Web Browser. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Murray, A. and Grove, D. (2013). Replay: Visualising the Structure and Behaviour of Interconnected Systems. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 13 - 22. |     
| Estivill-Castro, V. and Parsa, M. (2013). On Connected Two Communities. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 23-30. |     
| Guo, H., Brown, R. and Rasmussen, R. (2013). Workflow Resource Pattern Modelling and Visualization. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 31 - 40. |     
| Aziz, R.A., Stuckey, P.J. and Somogyi, Z. (2013). Inductive Definitions in Constraint Programming. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 41 - 50. |     
| Canovas, R. and Moffat, A. (2013). Practical Compression for Multi-Alignment Genomic Files. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 51 - 60. |     
| Garg, D. and Datta, A. (2013). Parallel Execution of Prioritized Test Cases for Regression Testing of Web Applications. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 61 - 68. |     
| Jiao, H., Liu, J., Li, J. and Liu, C. (2013). A Paradox for Trust and Reputation In the E-commerce World. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 69-78. |     
| Garcia, M., Ortin, F., Llewellyn-Jones, D. and Merabti, M. (2013). A Performance Cost Evaluation of Aspect Weaving. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 79 - 86. |     
| Atkins,D., Potanin, A. and Groves, L. (2013). The Design and Implementation of Clocked Variables in X10. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 87 - 96. |     
| Beaumont, M., Hopkins, B. and Newby, T. (2013). Hardware Trojan Resistant Computation using Heterogeneous COTS Processors. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 97 - 106. |     
| Brazil, M. and Zachariasen, M. (2013). Computational Complexity for Uniform Orientation Steiner Tree Problems. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 107 - 114. |     
| Nguyen, H.M., Wueunsche, B. and Delmas, P. (2013). A Hybrid Image-Based Modelling Algorithm. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 115 - 124. |     
| Tan, L., Lin, Y., Ye, H. and Zhang, G. (2013). Improving Product Configuration in Software Product Line Engineering. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 125 134. |     
| Chen, L., Li, X. and Han, J. (2013). MedRank: Discovering Influential Medical Treatments from Literature by Information Network Analysis. In Proc. Database Technologies 2013 (ADC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 137. Wang, H. and Zhang, R. Eds., ACS. 3-13. |     
| Wang, H., Su, H., Zheng, K., Sadiq, S. and Zhou, X. (2013). An Effectiveness Study on Trajectory Similarity Measures. In Proc. Database Technologies 2013 (ADC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 137. Wang, H. and Zhang, R. Eds., ACS. 13-22. |     
| Huynh, D. and Zhou, X. (2013). Exploiting a Proximity-based Positional Model to Improve the Quality of Information Extraction by Text Segmentation. In Proc. Database Technologies 2013 (ADC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 137. Wang, H. and Zhang, R. Eds., ACS. 23-32. |     
| Ohene-Kwo, D., Otoo, E.J. and Nimako, G. (2013). Concurrent Operations of O2-Tree on Shared Memory Multicore Architectures. In Proc. Database Technologies 2013 (ADC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 137. Wang, H. and Zhang, R. Eds., ACS. 33-42. |     
| Kiran, R.U. and Kitsuregawa, M. (2013). An Improved Neighborhood-Restricted Association Rule-based Recommender System. In Proc. Database Technologies 2013 (ADC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 137. Wang, H. and Zhang, R. Eds., ACS. 43-50. |     
| Tao, X., Li, Y., Zhang, J. and Yong, J. (2013). Mapping Semantic Knowledge for Unsupervised Text Categorisation. In Proc. Database Technologies 2013 (ADC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 137. Wang, H. and Zhang, R. Eds., ACS. 51-60. |     
| Alghamdi, N.S., Rahayu, W. and Pardede, E. (2013). Semantic-based Construction of Content and Structure XML Index. In Proc. Database Technologies 2013 (ADC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 137. Wang, H. and Zhang, R. Eds., ACS. 61-70. |     
| Shui, W. and Wong, R. (2013). JetXSLT: A Resource-Conscious XSLT Processor. In Proc. Database Technologies 2013 (ADC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 137. Wang, H. and Zhang, R. Eds., ACS. 71-80. |     
| Rohm, U., Cahill, M., Jung, H., Rodley, M. and Fekete, A. (2013). Robust Snapshot Replication. In Proc. Database Technologies 2013 (ADC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 137. Wang, H. and Zhang, R. Eds., ACS. 91-92. |     
| Wang , G., Wang, H., Tao, X. and Zhang, J. (2013). A Self-Stabilizing Algorithm for Finding a Minimal Positive Influence Dominating Set in Social Networks. In Proc. Database Technologies 2013 (ADC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 137. Wang, H. and Zhang, R. Eds., ACS. 93-100. |     
| Cerroni, W., Moro, G., Pirini, T. and Ramilli, M. (2013). Peer-to-Peer Data Mining Classifiers for Decentralized Detection of Network Attacks. In Proc. Database Technologies 2013 (ADC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 137. Wang, H. and Zhang, R. Eds., ACS. 101-108. |     
| Bharuka, R. and Kumar. P.S. (2013). Finding Skylines for Incomplete Data. In Proc. Database Technologies 2013 (ADC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 137. Wang, H. and Zhang, R. Eds., ACS. 109-119. |     
| Sun, L., Wang, H. and Bertino, E. (2013). Role-based access control to outsourced data in could computing. In Proc. Database Technologies 2013 (ADC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 137. Wang, H. and Zhang, R. Eds., ACS. 119-128. |     
| Alhamdan, A, Bartlett, H., Dawson, Ed., Simpson, L. and Wong, K.K. (2013). Slid Pairs in the Initialisation of the A5/1 Stream Cipher. In Proc. Information Security 2013 (AISC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 138. Thomborson, C. and Parampalli. U. Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Asaar, M.R., Vardasbi, A. and Salmasizadeh, M. (2013). Non-Delegatable Strong Designated Verifier Signature Using a Trusted Third Party without Pairings. In Proc. Information Security 2013 (AISC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 138. Thomborson, C. and Parampalli. U. Eds., ACS. 13-25. |     
| Paulet, R. and Yi, X. (2013). Cryptanalysis of Brenner et al.'s Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption Scheme. In Proc. Information Security 2013 (AISC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 138. Thomborson, C. and Parampalli. U. Eds., ACS. 25-30. |     
| Grove, D., Murray, A., Gerhardy, D., Turnbull, B., Tobin, T. and Moir, C. (2013). An Overview of the Parallax BattleMind v1.5 for Computer Network Defence. In Proc. Information Security 2013 (AISC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 138. Thomborson, C. and Parampalli. U. Eds., ACS. 31-38. |     
| Ariffin, A., Choo, K.R. and Slay, J. (2013). Digital Camcorder Forensics. In Proc. Information Security 2013 (AISC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 138. Thomborson, C. and Parampalli. U. Eds., ACS. 39-48. |     
| Le, V.L., Welch, I., Gao, X. and Komisarczuk, P. (2013). Anatomy of Drive-by Download Attack. In Proc. Information Security 2013 (AISC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 138. Thomborson, C. and Parampalli. U. Eds., ACS. 49-58. |     
| Mohammadzadeh, H., Mansoori, M. and Welch, I. (2013). Evaluation of Fingerprinting Techniques and a Windows-based Dynamic Honeypot. In Proc. Information Security 2013 (AISC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 138. Thomborson, C. and Parampalli. U. Eds., ACS. 59-66. |     
| Morris, T.H., Vaughn, R.B. and Sitnikova, E. (2013). Advances in the Protection of Critical Infrastructure by Improvement in Industrial Control System Security. In Proc. Information Security 2013 (AISC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 138. Thomborson, C. and Parampalli. U. Eds., ACS. 67-76. |     
| Alpcan, T. (2013). A Decision and Game Theoretic Approach to Networked System Security with Applications to Power Grid (Invited Lecture). In Proc. Information Security 2013 (AISC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 138. Thomborson, C. and Parampalli. U. Eds., ACS. 77-78. |     
| Walsh, J.A., Itzstein, S.T. and Thomas, B.H. (2013). Tangible Agile Mapping: Ad-hoc Tangible User Interaction Definition. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Sutherland, C.J. and Plimmer, B. (2013). vsInk: Integrating Digital Ink with Program Code in Visual Studio. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 13-22. |     
| Daradkeh, M., Churcher, C. and McKinnon, A. (2013). Supporting Informed Decision-Making under Uncertainty and Risk through Interactive Visualisation. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 12-32. |     
| Dekeyser, S. and Watson, R. (2013). Metadata Manipulation Interface Design. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 33-42. |     
| Singh, N., Tomitsch, M. and Maher, M.L. (2013). Understanding the Management and Need For Awareness of Temporal Information in Email. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 43-52. |     
| Dhillon, J.S., Wuensche, B.C. and Lutteroth, C. (2013). An Online Social-Networking Enabled Telehealth System for Seniors - A Case Study. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 53-62. |     
| Irlitti, A. and Itzstein, S.V. (2013). Validating Constraint Driven Design Techniques in Spatial Augmented Reality. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 63-72. |     
| Chow, J., Feng, H., Amor, R. and Wunsche, B.C. (2013). Music Education using Augmented Reality with a Head Mounted Display. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 73-80. |     
| Bowen, J., Reeves, S. and Schweer, A. (2013). A Tale of Two Studies. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 81-90. |     
| Mehrabi, M., Peek, E.M., Wuensche, B.C. and Lutteroth, C. (2013). Making 3D Work: A Classification of Visual Depth Cues, 3D Display Technologies and Their Applications. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 91-100. |     
| Pilgrim, C. (2013). An Investigation of Usability Issues in AJAX based Web Sites. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 101-110. |     
| Peek, E.M., Wuensche, B. and Lutteroth, C. (2013). Determining the Relative Benefits of Pairing Virtual Reality Displays with Applications. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 111-120. |     
| Wellington, R. and Marks, S. (2013). An Ethnographic Study of a High Cognitive Load Driving Environment. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 121-122. |     
| Marks, S. and Wellington, R. (2013). Experimental Study of Steer-by-Wire Ratios and Response Curves in a Simulated High Speed Vehicle. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 123-124. |     
| Tsuboi, K., Oyamada, Y., Sugimoto, M. and Saito, H. (2013). 3D Object Surface Tracking Using Partial Shape Templates Trained from a Depth Camera for Spatial Augmented Reality Environments. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 125-126. |     
| Greeff, C.R., Yang, J., MacDonald, B. and Wunsche, B.C. (2013). My Personal Trainer - An iPhone Application for Exercise Monitoring and Analysis. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 127-128. |     
| Raijmakers, M., Shahid, S. and Mubin, O. (2013). Interactive vs. Static Location-based Advertisements. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche, B.C. Eds., ACS. 139-130. |     
| Vogel, M. (2013). Temporal Evaluation of Aesthetics of User Interfaces as one Component of User Experience. In Proc. User Interfaces 2013 (AUIC 2013), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 139. Smith, R.T. and Wunsche,, B.C. Eds., ACS. 131-132. |     
| Arefin, A.S., Berretta, R. and Moscato, P. (2013). A GPU-based Method for Computing Eigenvector Centrality of Gene-expression Networks. In Proc. Parallel and Distributed Computing 2013 (AusPDC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 140. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Choi, H. and Burgstaller, B. (2013). Non-blocking Parallel Subset Construction on Shared-memory Multicore Architectures. In Proc. Parallel and Distributed Computing 2013 (AusPDC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 140. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 13-20. |     
| Cesare, S. and Xiang, Y. (2013). Simseer and Bugwise - Web Services for Binary-level Software Similarity and Defect Detection. In Proc. Parallel and Distributed Computing 2013 (AusPDC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 140. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 21-30. |     
| Han, H., Lee, Y.C., Choi, S., Yeom, H.Y. and Zomaya, A.Y. (2013). Cloud-Aware Processing of MapReduce-Based OLAP Applications. In Proc. Parallel and Distributed Computing 2013 (AusPDC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 140. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 31-38. |     
| Sinnott, R.O, Bayliss, C., Morandini, L. and Tomko, M. (2013). Tools and Processes to Support the Development of a National Platform for Urban Research: Lessons (Being) Learnt from the AURIN Project. In Proc. Parallel and Distributed Computing 2013 (AusPDC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 140. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 39-48. |     
| Alrokayan, M. and Buyya, R. (2013). A Web Portal for Management of Aneka-Based MultiCloud Environments. In Proc. Parallel and Distributed Computing 2013 (AusPDC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 140. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 49-56. |     
| Brass, P., Knauer, C., Shin, C. and Smid, M. (2013). Range-Aggregate Queries for Geometric Extent Problems. In Proc. Theory of Computing 2013 (CATS 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 141. Wirth, A. Eds., ACS. 3-10. |     
| Chan, H.L., Chan, S.H., Lam, T.W., Lee, L.K., Li, R. and Liu, C.M. (2013). Competitive Online Algorithms for Multiple-Machine Power Management and Weighted Flow Time. In Proc. Theory of Computing 2013 (CATS 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 141. Wirth, A. Eds., ACS. 11-20. |     
| Lam, F. and Wong, R.K. (2013). Rotated Library Sort. In Proc. Theory of Computing 2013 (CATS 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 141. Wirth, A. Eds., ACS. 21-26. |     
| Karpinski, M. and Schmied, R. (2013). Improved Inapproximability Results for the Shortest Superstring and Related Problems. In Proc. Theory of Computing 2013 (CATS 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 141. Wirth, A. Eds., ACS. 27-36. |     
| Uchizawa, K., Wang, Z., Morizumi, H. and Zhou, X. (2013). Complexity of Counting Output Patterns of Logic Circuits. In Proc. Theory of Computing 2013 (CATS 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 141. Wirth, A. Eds., ACS. 37-43. |     
| Harland, J. (2013). Busy Beaver Machines and the Observant Otter Heuristic. In Proc. Theory of Computing 2013 (CATS 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 141. Wirth, A. Eds., ACS. 53-52. |     
| Schrefl, M., Neumayr, B. and Stumptner, M. (2013). The Decision-Scope Approach to Specialization of Business Rules: Application in Business Process Modeling and Data Warehousing. In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 3-20. |     
| Maly, J. and Neccasky, M. (2013). When Grammars do not Suffice: Data and Content Integrity Constraints Verification in XML through a Conceptual Model. In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 21-30. |     
| Benda, S., Klimek, J. and Necasky, M. (2013). Using Schematron as Schema Language in Conceptual Modeling for XML . In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 31-40. |     
| Link, S. and Memari, M. (2013). Letting Keys and Functional Dependencies out of the Bag. In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 41-50. |     
| Poppe, E., Brown, R., Recker, J. and Johnson, D. (2013). Improving Remote Collaborative Process Modelling using Embodiment in 3D Virtual Environments. In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 51-60. |     
| Looser, D., Ma, H. and Schewe, K. (2013). Using Formal Concept Analysis for Ontology Maintenance in Human Resource Recruitment. In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 61-68. |     
| Affleck, A., Krishna, A. and Achuthan, N.R. (2013). Optimal Selection of Operationalizations for Non-Functional Requirements. In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 69-78. |     
| Wynn, M. T., Low, W. Z. and Nauta, W. (2013). A Framework for Cost-Aware Process Management: Generation of Accurate and Timely Management Accounting Cost Reports. In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 79-88. |     
| Wischenbart, M., Mitsch, S., Kapsammer, E., Kusel, A., Lechner, S., Proll, B., Retschitzegger, W., Schonbock, J., Schwinger, W. and Wimmer, M. (2013). . In Proc. Conceptual Modelling 2013 (APCCM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 143. Ferrarotti, F. and Grossmann, G. Eds., ACS. 89-98. |     
| Quah, A.M.Y. and Rohm, U. (2013). User Awareness and Policy Compliance of Data Privacy in Cloud Computing. In Proc. The Web 2013 (AWC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 144. Ashman, H., Sheng, Q.Z. and Trotman, A. Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Mitra, R., Zhou, X., Bouguettaya, A. and Liu, X. (2013). A Request Oriented Model forWeb Services. In Proc. The Web 2013 (AWC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 144. Ashman, H., Sheng, Q.Z. and Trotman, A. Eds., ACS. 13-20. |     
| Lim, K.H. and Datta, A. (2013). A Seed-Centric Community Detection Algorithm based on an Expanding Ring Search. In Proc. The Web 2013 (AWC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 144. Ashman, H., Sheng, Q.Z. and Trotman, A. Eds., ACS. 21-26. |     
| Zeng, R., Sheng, Q.Z., Yao, L., Xu, T. and Xie, D. (2013). A Practical Simulation Method for Social Networks. In Proc. The Web 2013 (AWC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 144. Ashman, H., Sheng, Q.Z. and Trotman, A. Eds., ACS. 27-34. |     
| Caon, G., Truran, M. and Ashman, H. (2013). Finding synonyms and other semantically-similar terms from coselection data. In Proc. The Web 2013 (AWC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 144. Ashman, H., Sheng, Q.Z. and Trotman, A. Eds., ACS. 35-42. |     
| Lee, A., Varadharajan, V. and Tupakula, U. (2013). On Malware Characterization and Attack Classification. In Proc. The Web 2013 (AWC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 144. Ashman, H., Sheng, Q.Z. and Trotman, A. Eds., ACS. 43-48. |     
| Arif, A.S.M., Du, J.T. and Lee, I. (2013). Exploring Tourists' Collaborative Web Search: Implications for System Design. In Proc. The Web 2013 (AWC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 144. Ashman, H., Sheng, Q.Z. and Trotman, A. Eds., ACS. 49-58. |     
| Angrosh M.A., Cranefield, S. and Stanger, N. (2013). Conditional Random Field Based Sentence Context Identification: Enhancing Citation Services for the Research Community. In Proc. The Web 2013 (AWC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 144. Ashman, H., Sheng, Q.Z. and Trotman, A. Eds., ACS. 59-68. |     
| Cuzzola, J., Gasevic, D. and Bagheri, E. (2013). What`s the Deal? - Identifying Online Bargains. In Proc. The Web 2013 (AWC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 144. Ashman, H., Sheng, Q.Z. and Trotman, A. Eds., ACS. 69-74. |     
| Acfield, A.P. and Weaver, R.A. (2012). Integrating Safety Management through the Bowtie Concept A move away from the Safety Case focus. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2012 (ASSC 2012), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 145. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Benard, V., Richard, P., Vanderhaegen, F. and Caulier, P. (2012). Contribution to the characterization and identification of human stability with regard to safety: application to guided transport systems. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2012 (ASSC 2012), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 145. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 13-20. |     
| Braband, J. (2012). Rapid Risk Assessment of Technical Systems in Railway Automation. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2012 (ASSC 2012), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 145. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 21-26. |     
| Broy, M. (2012). Functional Safety based on a System Reference Model. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2012 (ASSC 2012), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 145. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 27-34. |     
| Cant, T. and Mahony, B. (2012). Safety Protocols: a New Safety Engineering Paradigm. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2012 (ASSC 2012), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 145. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 35-46. |     
| Connelly, S., Hussey, A. and Becht, H. (2012). Practical Early-Lifecycle Application of Human Factors Assessment. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2012 (ASSC 2012), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 145. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 47-54. |     
| Edwards, C.B.H. and Westcott, M. (2012). Risk Based Safety Assurance: towards a defensible and practical methodology. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2012 (ASSC 2012), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 145. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 55-68. |     
| Hardy, T.L. (2012). Software and System Safety: Promoting a Questioning Attitude. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2012 (ASSC 2012), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 145. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 69-76. |     
| Liu, Z., Zhang, Y., Yu, P. and Mu, H. (2012). Applying System Safety Methodologies to Consumer Product Safety. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2012 (ASSC 2012), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 145. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 77-82. |     
| Reinhardt, S.L.D.W. and McDermid, J.A. (2012). CONTRACTING FOR ASSURANCE OF MILITARY AVIATION SOFTWARE SYSTEMS. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2012 (ASSC 2012), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 145. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 91-106. |     
| Rea, A. and Hawkins, R. (2012). Risk Assessment in the Wild. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2012 (ASSC 2012), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 145. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 83-90. |     
| Sandom, C. (2012). Do You Get The Picture? Situation Awareness and System Safety. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2012 (ASSC 2012), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 145. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 107-116. |     
| Baird, A.H. (2013). The new Royal Adelaide Hospital - The Age of the Digital Hospital Dawns in South Australia. In Proc. Health Informatics and Knowledge Management 2013 (HIKM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 142. Gray, K. and Koronios, A. Eds., ACS. 3-6. |     
| Harris, J. (2013). Next Generation Linkage Management System. In Proc. Health Informatics and Knowledge Management 2013 (HIKM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 142. Gray, K. and Koronios, A. Eds., ACS. 7-14. |     
| Pour, S.G., Maeder, A. and Jorm, L. (2013). Validating Synthetic Health Datasets for Longitudinal Clustering. In Proc. Health Informatics and Knowledge Management 2013 (HIKM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 142. Gray, K. and Koronios, A. Eds., ACS. 15-20. |     
| Patel, D., Warren, J. and Kennelly, J. (2013). The Role of Electronic Medical Records in the Identification of Suboptimal Prescribing for Hypertension Management: An Opportunity in Unchanged Therapy. In Proc. Health Informatics and Knowledge Management 2013 (HIKM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 142. Gray, K. and Koronios, A. Eds., ACS. 21-28. |     
| Perimal-Lewis, L., Qin, S. and Thompson, C.H. (2013). Analysing homogenous patient journeys to assess quality of care for patients admitted outside of their `home-ward'. In Proc. Health Informatics and Knowledge Management 2013 (HIKM 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 142. Gray, K. and Koronios, A. Eds., ACS. 29-38. |     
| Bailes, M. (2011). Maritime Safety Case in a Box. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2011 (ASSC 2011), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 133. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 3-18. |     
| Becht, H. (2011). Moving Towards Goal-Based Safety Management. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2011 (ASSC 2011), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 133. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 19-26. |     
| Connelly, S. and Becht, H. (2011). Developing a methodology for the use of COTS operating systems with safety-related software. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2011 (ASSC 2011), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 133. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 27-36. |     
| Martin, B.J. and Reinhardt, S.L.D.W. (2011). Establishing Safety Case Strategies for Mission Planning or Situational Awareness Systems. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2011 (ASSC 2011), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 133. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 49-66. |     
| Cant, T. and Mahony, B. (2011). Urgent Operational Requirements: Impact on the Safety Case. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2011 (ASSC 2011), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 133. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 37-48. |     
| Neist (2011). Managing Systems and Software Safety Risks in Emerging Technologies - A Surface Transport Perspective. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2011 (ASSC 2011), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 133. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 67-70. |     
| Sandom, C. (2011). Safety Assurance: Fact or Fiction?. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2011 (ASSC 2011), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 133. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 71-78. |     
| Ward, D.D. (2011). System safety in hybrid and electric vehicles. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2011 (ASSC 2011), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 133. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 79-84. |     
| White, T.A. (2011). The Language of System Safety Engineering: Loose Language Surrounding ALARP. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2011 (ASSC 2011), Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 133. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 85-94. |     
| Cain, A., Woodward, C.J. (2013). Examining Student Reflections from a Constructively Aligned Introductory Programming Unit. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 127-136. |     
| Carbone, A., Ceddia, J., Simon, D'Souza, D. and Mason, R. (2013). Student Concerns in Introductory Programming Courses. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 41-50. |     
| Caspersen, M.E. and Nowack, P. (2013). Computational Thinking and Practice - a Generic Approach to Computing in Danish High Schools. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 137-143. |     
| Fidge, C., Hogan, J. and Lister, R. (2013). What vs. How: Comparing Students' Testing and Coding Skills. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 97-106. |     
| Gluga, R., Kay, J., Lister, R., Simon, Charleston, M., Harland, J. and Teague, D. (2013). A conceptual model for reflecting on expected learning vs. demonstrated student performance. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 77-86. |     
| Haig, T., Falker, K. and Falkner, N. (2013). Visualisation of Learning Management System Usage for Detecting Student Behaviour Patterns. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 107-115. |     
| Harland, J., D'Souza, D. and Hamilton, M. (2013). A Comparative Analysis of Results on Programming Exams. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 117-126. |     
| Herbert, N., de Salas, K., Lewis, I., Cameron-Jones, M., Chinthammit, W., Dermoudy, J., Ellis, L. and Springer, M. (2013). Identifying career outcomes as the first step in ICT curricula development. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 31-40. |     
| Herbert, N., Dermoudy, J., Ellis, L., Cameron-Jones, M., Chinthammit, W., de Salas, K. and Springer, M. (2013). Stakeholder-Led Curriculum Redesign. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 51-58. |     
| Hu, M., Winikoff, M. and Cranefield, S. (2013). A Process for Novice Programming Using Goals and Plans. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Kasto, N. and Whalley, J. (2013). Measuring the difficulty of code comprehension tasks using software metrics. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 59-65. |     
| Mason, R. and Cooper, G. (2013). Distractions in Programming Environments. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 23-30. |     
| Nguyen, T.T.L., Carbone, A., Sheard, J. and Schuhmacher, M. (2013). Integrating Source Code Plagiarism into a Virtual Learning Environment: Benefits for Students and Staff. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 156-164. |     
| Sheard, J., Simon, Carbone, A., Chinn, D., Clear, T., Corney, M., D'Souza, D., Fenwick, J., Harland, J., Laakso, M.J. and Teague, D. (2013). How difficult are exams? A framework for assessing the complexity of introductory programming exams. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 145-154. |     
| Teague, D., Corney, M., Ahadi, A. and Lister, R. (2013). A Qualitative Think Aloud Study of the Early Neo-Piagetian Stages of Reasoning in Novice Programmers. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 87-95. |     
| Whalley, J. and Kasto, N. (2013). Revisiting models of human conceptualisaton in the context of a programming examination. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 67-76. |     
| Wood, K., Parsons, D., Gasson, J. and Haden, P. (2013). It's Never Too Early: Pair Programming in CS1. In Proc. Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 136. Angela Carbone and Jacqueline Whalley Eds., ACS. 13-21. |     
| Falkner, K., Vivian, R. and Falkner, N. (2014). The Australian Digital Technologies Curriculum: Challenge and Opportunity. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| von Konsky, B., Miller, C. and Jones, A. (2014). Visualising Career Progression for ICT Professionals and the implications for ICT Curriculum Design in Higher Education. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 13-20. |     
| Herbert, N., De Salas, K., Lewis, I., Dermoudy, J. and Ellis, L. (2014). ICT Curriculum and Course Structure: the Great Balancing Act. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 21-30. |     
| Lopez, M. and Lopez, D. (2014). Student and staff expectations of NZQA levels. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 31-39. |     
| Teague, D. and Lister, R. (2014). Longitudinal Think Aloud Study of a Novice Programmer. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 41-50. |     
| Heinsen Egan, M. and McDonald, C. (2014). Program visualization and explanation for novice C programmers. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 51-57. |     
| Skudder, B. and Luxton-Reilly, A. (2014). Worked Examples in Computer Science. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 59-64. |     
| Teague, D. and Lister, R. (2014). Manifestations of Preoperational Reasoning on Similar Programming Tasks. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 65-74. |     
| Simon, and Cornforth, D. (2014). Teaching Mobile Apps for Windows Devices Using TouchDevelop. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 75-82. |     
| Trabelsi, Z. and Mustafa, U. (2014). A Web-based Firewall Simulator Tool for Information Security Education. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 83-90. |     
| McDonald, Chris (2014). A Multi-tier Client-Server Project Employing Mobile Clients. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 91-96. |     
| Schmidt, A., Kimmig, D., Bittner, K. and Dickerhof, M. (2014). Teaching Model-Driven Software Development: Revealing the 'Great Miracle' of Code Generation to Students. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 97-104. |     
| Whalley, J. and Kasto, N. (2014). How difficult are novice code writing tasks? A software metrics approach. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 105-112. |     
| Sheard, J., Simon, Dermoudy, J., D'Souza, D., Hu, M. and Parsons, D. (2014). Benchmarking a set of exam questions for introductory programming. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 113-121. |     
| Putro, I. H., Carbone, A. and Sheard, J. (2014). Developing A Framework to Assess Students' Contributions during Wiki Construction. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 123-131. |     
| Kasto, N., Whalley, J., Philpott, A. and Whalley, D. (2014). Solution Spaces. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 133-137. |     
| Mason, R. and Cooper, G. (2014). Introductory Programming Courses in Australia and New Zealand in 2013 - trends and reasons. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 139-147. |     
| Masood, Z., Hoda, R. (2014). Math Tutor: An Interactive Android-Based Numeracy Application for Primary Education. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 150. Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. Eds., ACS. 3-10. |     
| Lang, C., Craig, A. and Casey, G. (2014). Unblocking the pipeline by providing a compelling computing experience in secondary schools: are the teachers ready?. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 149-158. |     
| Heitz, A., Dunser, A., Bartneck, C., Grady, J. and Moran, C. (2014). Assessing the impact of a Clinical Audiology Simulator on first year students. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 150. Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. Eds., ACS. 11-20. |     
| Hoda, R. and Andreae, P. (2014). It's Not Them, It's Us! Why Computer Science Fails to Impress Many First Years. In Proc. Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 148. Whalley, J. and D'Souza, D. Eds., ACS. 159-162. |     
| Zeng, Y., Song, Z. and Wunsche, B.C. (2014). Towards a 3D Sketch-Based Modelling API. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 150. Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. Eds., ACS. 21-28. |     
| Walsh, J.A., Itzstein, S.V. and Thomas, B.H. (2014). Ephemeral Interaction Using Everyday Objects. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 150. Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. Eds., ACS. 29-38. |     
| Marner, M.R. and Thomas, B.H. (2014). Spatial Augmented Reality User Interface Techniques for Room Size Modelling Tasks. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 150. Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. Eds., ACS. 39-46. |     
| Peek, E.M., Wunsche, B.C. and Lutteroth, C. (2014). Image Warping for Enhancing Consumer Applications of Head-mounted Displays. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 150. Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. Eds., ACS. 47-56. |     
| Jungmann, M., Cox, R. and Fitzpatrick, G. (2014). Spatial Play Effects in a Tangible Game with an F-Formation of Multiple Players. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 150. Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. Eds., ACS. 57-66. |     
| Mansoori, M., Welch, I. and Fu, Q. (2014). YALIH, Yet Another Low Interaction Honeyclient. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 149. Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. Eds., ACS. 7-15. |     
| Dean, J., Apperley, M. and Rogers, B. (2014). Refining Personal and Social Presence in Virtual Meetings . In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 150. Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. Eds., ACS. 67-76. |     
| Luz, S. and Masoodian, M. (2014). Involving Geographically Distributed Users in the Design of an Interactive System. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 150. Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. Eds., ACS. 77-86. |     
| Kush,N., Ahmed, E., Branagan,M. and Foo, E. (2014). Poisoned GOOSE: Exploiting the GOOSE Protocol. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 149. Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. Eds., ACS. 17-22. |     
| Broecker, M., Smith, R.T. and Thomas, B.H. (2014). Depth Perception in View-Dependent Near-Field Spatial AR. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 150. Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. Eds., ACS. 87-88. |     
| Alhamdan, A., Bartlett, H., Dawson, E., Simpson, L. and Wong, K. K. (2014). Weak key-IV Pairs in the A5/1 Stream Cipher. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 149. Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. Eds., ACS. 23-36. |     
| Picardo, V., Metson, S., Hoda, R., Amor, R., Arnold-Saritepe, A., Sharp, R. and Brand D. (2014). Designing an Educational Tabletop Software for Children with Autism. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 150. Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. Eds., ACS. 89-90. |     
| Mehrabi, M., Lutteroth, C. and Wunsche, B.C. (2014). Effects of 3D Display Technologies on Spatial Memory. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 150. Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. Eds., ACS. 91-92. |     
| Vogel, M., Warnecke, T., Bartelt, C. and Rausch, A. (2014). Scribbler - Drawing Models in a Creative and Collaborative Environment: from Hand-Drawn Sketches to Domain Specific Models. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 150. Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. Eds., ACS. 93-94. |     
| Suppers, J. and Apperley, M. (2014). Casual Mobile Screen Sharing. In Proc. Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 150. Wunsche, B.C. and Marks, S. Eds., ACS. 95-96. |     
| Radke,K., Boyd, C., Nieto, J. G., Manulis, M. and Stebila, D. (2014). Formalising Human Recognition: a Fundamental Building Block for Security Proofs. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 149. Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. Eds., ACS. 37-45. |     
| Seneviratne, J., Parampalli, U. and Kulik, L. (2014). An Authorised Pseudonym System for Privacy Preserving Location Proof Architectures. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 149. Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. Eds., ACS. 47-56. |     
| Bhatia, S., Kush, N., Djamaludin, C., Akande, A. and Foo, E. (2014). Practical Modbus Flooding Attack and Detection. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 149. Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. Eds., ACS. 57-65. |     
| Bajaj, K. and Pieprzyk, J. (2014). A Case Study of User-Level Spam Filtering. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 149. Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. Eds., ACS. 67-75. |     
| Teo, S., Wong, K. K., Bartlett, H., Simpson, L. and Dawson, E. (2014). Algebraic analysis of Trivium-like ciphers (Poster). In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 149. Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. Eds., ACS. 77-81. |     
| Jayarathna, D., Tupakula, U. and Varadharajan, V. (2014). Hypervisor-based Security Architecture for Validating DNS Services (Poster). In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 149. Parampalli, U. and Welch, I. Eds., ACS. 83-86. |     
| Hsueh, S., Lin, M. and Chiu, Y. (2014). A Load-Balanced MapReduce Algorithm for Blocking-based Entity-resolution with Multiple Keys. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 152. Javadi, B. and Garg, S. K. Eds., ACS. 3-9. |     
| Papadopoulou, E., Gallacher, S., Taylor, N., Williams, M. H., Blackmun, F. R., Ibrahim, I. S., Lim, M. Y., Mimtsoudis, I., Skillen, P. and Whyte, S. (2014). Combining Pervasive Computing With Social Networking for a Student Environment. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 152. Javadi, B. and Garg, S. K. Eds., ACS. 11-19. |     
| Hawick, K. A. and Playne, D. P. (2014). Developmental Directions in Parallel Accelerators. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 152. Javadi, B. and Garg, S. K. Eds., ACS. 21-27. |     
| Playne, D. P., Hawick, K. A. and Johnson, M. G. B. (2014). Simulating and Benchmarking the Shallow-Water Fluid Dynamical Equations on Multiple Graphical Processing Units. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 152. Javadi, B. and Garg, S. K. Eds., ACS. 29-36. |     
| Nunna, K. C., Mehdipour, F. and Murakami, K. (2014). 3D FPGA versus Multiple FPGA System: Enhanced Parallelism in Smaller Area. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 152. Javadi, B. and Garg, S. K. Eds., ACS. 37-43. |     
| Takaoka, Tadao (2014). Efficient Parallel Algorithms for the Maximum Subarray Problem. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 152. Javadi, B. and Garg, S. K. Eds., ACS. 45-50. |     
| Guvvala, Y. R. and Zhuang, Y. (2014). Communication Delegation Method for Exascale Systems. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 152. Javadi, B. and Garg, S. K. Eds., ACS. 51-54. |     
| Birch, K.E. and Heffernan, K.J. (2014). Crowdsourcing for Clinical Research - An Evaluation of Maturity. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 153. Warren, J. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Muller, S., Butzmann, L., Klauck, S. and Plattner, H. (2014). An Adaptive Aggregate Maintenance Approach for Mixed Workloads in Columnar In-Memory Databases. In Proc. Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 147. Thomas, B. and Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Borsboom, A.S. (2014). Investigating the potential of Interactive Media to Encourage Engagement with Type 1 Diabetes Management. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 153. Warren, J. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 13-20. |     
| Lim, C. L., Moffat, A. and Wirth, A. (2014). Lazy and Eager Approaches for the Set Cover Problem. In Proc. Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 147. Thomas, B. and Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 19-27. |     
| Klapaukh, R., Pearce, D. J. and Marshall, S. (2014). Towards a Vertex and Edge Label Aware Force Directed Layout Algorithm. In Proc. Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 147. Thomas, B. and Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 29-37. |     
| Merolli, M., Sanchez, F.J.M. and Gary, K. (2014). Social Media and Online Survey: Tools for Knowledge Management in Health Research. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 153. Warren, J. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 21-30. |     
| Wust, J., Meyer, C. and Plattner, H. (2014). DAC: Database Application Context Analysis applied to Enterprise Applications. In Proc. Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 147. Thomas, B. and Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 39-48. |     
| Ofoghi, B., Campos, G.H.L., Verspoor, K. and Sanchez, F.J.M. (2014). BiomRKRS: A Biomarker Retrieval and Knowledge Reasoning System. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 153. Warren, J. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 31-40. |     
| Ou, Y. and Patrick, J. (2014). Automatic Population of Structured Reports from Narrative Pathology Reports. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 153. Warren, J. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 41-50. |     
| Peni, B., Day, K. and Orr M. (2014). What Pacific people think of online mental health information. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 153. Warren, J. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 51-58. |     
| Friggens, D. and Groves, L. (2014). Shape Predicates Allow Unbounded Verification of Linearizability Using Canonical Abstraction. In Proc. Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 147. Thomas, B. and Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 49-56. |     
| Rinck, M., Hinze, A. and Bainbridge, D. (2014). Document DNA: Content Centric Provenance Data Tracking in Documents. In Proc. Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 147. Thomas, B. and Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 57-66. |     
| Hunt, D., Parry, D. and Schliebs, S. (2014). Exploring the applicability of Reservoir methods for Classifying Punctual Sports Activities Using On-body Sensors. In Proc. Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 147. Thomas, B. and Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 67-73. |     
| Tucker, S., Darcy, P. and Stantic, B. (2014). A Comparative Study of RFID Technology Measuring Efficiency and Acceptance when Capturing Attendance. In Proc. Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 147. Thomas, B. and Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 75-79. |     
| Zemni, M. A., Mammar, A. and Hadj-Alouane, N. B. (2014). Formal Approach for Generating Privacy Preserving User Requirements-Based Business Process Fragments. In Proc. Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 147. Thomas, B. and Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 89-98. |     
| Nguyen, H. M., Wunsche, B. C., Delmas, P. and Lutteroth, C. (2014). Poisson Blended Exemplar-based Texture Completion. In Proc. Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 147. Thomas, B. and Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 99-104. |     
| Chen, X., Wang, A. Y. and Tempero, E. (2014). A Replication and Reproduction of Code Clone Detection Studies. In Proc. Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 147. Thomas, B. and Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 105-114. |     
| Margono, H., Yi, X. and Raikundalia, G. (2014). Mining Indonesian Cyber Bullying Patterns in Social Networks. In Proc. Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 147. Thomas, B. and Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 115-124. |     
| Vanderschantz, N., Hinze, A. and Cunningham, S. J. (2014). Current Educational Technology Use for Digital Information Acquisition by Young New Zealand Children. In Proc. Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 147. Thomas, B. and Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 125-134. |     
| Mayan, O., Sheard, J. and Carbone, A. (2014). Understanding Saudi Arabian students' engagement in E-learning 2.0 in Australian Higher Education. In Proc. Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 147. Thomas, B. and Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 135-143. |     
| Shinn, T. and Takaoka, T. (2014). Combining the Shortest Paths and the Bottleneck Paths Problems. In Proc. Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 147. Thomas, B. and Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 13-18. |     
| Karmakar, S. and Chattopadhyay, S. (2014). A Trigger Counting Mechanism for Ring Topology. In Proc. Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 147. Thomas, B. and Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 81-87. |     
| Perimal-Lewis, L., Vries, D.D and Thompson, C.H. (2014). Health intelligence: Discovering the process model using process mining by constructing Start-to-End patient journeys. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 153. Warren, J. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 59-68. |     
| Song, S., Warren, J. and Riddle, P. (2014). Developing High Risk Clusters for Chronic Disease Events with Classification Association Rule Mining. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 153. Warren, J. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 69-78. |     
| Stell, A., Moss, L. and Piper, I. (2014). Building an Empirical Treatment Protocol from High-Resolution Traumatic Brain Injury Data. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 153. Warren, J. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 79-88. |     
| Warren, J., Gu, Y., Kennelly, J. and Boyce, T. (2014). Prescription Patterns for Pacific Patients with Poor Cardiovascular Disease Medication Supply. In Proc. Seventh Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 153. Warren, J. and Gray, K. Eds., ACS. 89-96. |     
| Ochimizu, K. (2014). The Role of Software Models in Developing New Software Systems; A Case Study in Project Management. In Proc. Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 154. Grossmann, G. and Saeki, M. Eds., ACS. 11-18. |     
| Schoenboeck, J., Kusel, A., Etzlstorfer, J., Kapsammer, E., Schwinger, W., Wimmer, M. and Wischenbart, M. (2014). CARE -- A Constraint-Based Approach for Re-Establishing Conformance-Relationships. In Proc. Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 154. Grossmann, G. and Saeki, M. Eds., ACS. 19-28. |     
| Schutz, C. and Schrefl, M. (2014). Variability in Artifact-Centric Process Modeling: The Hetero-Homogeneous Approach. In Proc. Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 154. Grossmann, G. and Saeki, M. Eds., ACS. 29-38. |     
| Mafazi, S., Mayer, W. and Stumptner, M. (2014). Conflict Resolution for On-the-fly Change Propagation in Business Processes. In Proc. Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 154. Grossmann, G. and Saeki, M. Eds., ACS. 39-48. |     
| Rogers, B. and Henderson-Sellers, B. (2014). Applying a Test for Atomicity of Method Fragments. In Proc. Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 154. Grossmann, G. and Saeki, M. Eds., ACS. 49-54. |     
| Ghose, A., Santiputri, M., Saraswati, A. and Dam, H.K. (2014). Data-driven Requirements Modeling: Some Initial Results with i*. In Proc. Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 154. Grossmann, G. and Saeki, M. Eds., ACS. 55-64. |     
| Nakatani, T. and Tsumaki, T. (2014). Predicting Requirements Changes by Focusing on the Social Relations. In Proc. Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 154. Grossmann, G. and Saeki, M. Eds., ACS. 65-70. |     
| Le, V.T.B., Link, S. and Ferrarotti, F. (2014). SQL-Sampler: A Tool to Visualize and Consolidate Domain Semantics by Perfect SQL Sample Data. In Proc. Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 154. Grossmann, G. and Saeki, M. Eds., ACS. 71-80. |     
| Jian, C. and Shi, H. (2014). A Conceptual Model for Human-Robot Collaborative Spatial Navigation. In Proc. Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 154. Grossmann, G. and Saeki, M. Eds., ACS. 81-90. |     
| Boettcher, S., Hartel, R. and Thiele, S. (2014). Difference Computation for Grammar-Compressed XML Data. In Proc. Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 155. Trotman, A., Cranefield, S. and Yang, J. Eds., ACS. 3-12. |     
| Boettcher, S., Brandenburg, M and Hartel, R. (2014). Keyword Search on DAG-Compressed XML Data. In Proc. Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 155. Trotman, A., Cranefield, S. and Yang, J. Eds., ACS. 13-20. |     
| Molfetas, A., Wirth, A. and Zobel, J. (2014). Scalability in Recursively Stored Delta Compressed Collections of Files. In Proc. Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 155. Trotman, A., Cranefield, S. and Yang, J. Eds., ACS. 21-30. |     
| Arulanandam, R., Savarimuthu, B.T.R. and Purvis, M.A. (2014). Extracting Crime Information from Online Newspaper Articles. In Proc. Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 155. Trotman, A., Cranefield, S. and Yang, J. Eds., ACS. 31-38. |     
| Symonds, M., Bruza, P. and Sitbon, L. (2014). The Efficiency of Corpus-based Distributional Models for Literature-based Discovery on Large Data Sets. In Proc. Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 155. Trotman, A., Cranefield, S. and Yang, J. Eds., ACS. 49-58. |     
| Watters, P.A. (2014). A Systematic Approach to Measuring Advertising Transparency Online: An Australian Case Study. In Proc. Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 155. Trotman, A., Cranefield, S. and Yang, J. Eds., ACS. 59-68. |     
| Clothier, R. A., Williams, B. and Perez, T. (2013). A Review of the Concept of Autonomy in the Context of the Safety Regulation of Civil Unmanned Aircraft Systems. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference (ASSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 151. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 15-27. |     
| Clothier, R. A., Williams, B. P., Fulton, N. L. and Lin, X. (2013). ALARP and the Risk Management of Civil Unmanned Aircraft. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference (ASSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 151. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 3-13. |     
| Perez, T., Clothier R. A. and Williams, B. (2013). Risk-management of UAS Robust Autonomy for Integration into Civil Aviation Safety Frameworks. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference (ASSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 151. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 37-45. |     
| White, T. A. (2013). Safety Risk Matrices - Identifying What is Appropriate for Your Business or Undertaking. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference (ASSC 2013), Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 151. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 29-36. |     
| Akande, A.J., Fidge, C., and Foo, E. (2015). Component Modeling for SCADA Network Mapping. In Proc. 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 159. Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 91-100. |     
| Anam, S., Kim, Y.S., Kang, B.H. and Liu, Q. (2015). Schema Mapping Using Hybrid Ripple-Down Rules. In Proc. 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 159. Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 17-26. |     
| Chetty, J. (2015). Lego© Mindstorms: Merely a Toy or a Powerful Pedagogical Tool for Learning Computer Programming?. In Proc. 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 159. Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 111-118. |     
| Damavandinejadmonfared, S. and Varadharajan, V. (2015). A New Extension of Kernel Principal Component Analysis for Finger Vein Authentication. In Proc. 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 159. Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 59-63. |     
| Ding, X., Zhang, L., Tian, Y., Gong, X. and Wang, W. (2015). Dynamic Topic Detection Model by Fusing Sentiment Polarity. In Proc. 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 159. Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 65-71. |     
| Herbert, J. and Litchfield, A. (2015). A Novel Method for Decentralised Peer-to-Peer Software License Validation Using Cryptocurrency Blockchain Technology. In Proc. 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 159. Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 27-35. |     
| Moir, C. and Dean, J. (2015). A Machine Learning approach to Generic Entity Resolution in support of Cyber Situation Awareness. In Proc. 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 159. Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 47-58. |     
| Nand, P. and Perera, R. (2015). An Evaluation of POS Tagging for Tweets Using HMM Modelling. In Proc. 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 159. Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 83-89. |     
| Osada, Y., Reynolds, M. and French, T. (2015). Hourglass Systems. In Proc. 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 159. Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 119-123. |     
| Smith, G., Sanders, J.W. and Li,Q. (2015). A Macro-Level Model for Investigating the Eect of Directional Bias on Network Coverage. In Proc. 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 159. Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 73-81. |     
| Stabauer, M., Quirchmayr, G. and Holler, J. (2015). An Integration of Software Engineering Methods and Semantic Technologies for Drafting and Modeling Statutes and Legal Rules. In Proc. 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 159. Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 9-15. |     
| Thompson, J. and Torabi, T. (2015). Visualising Moving Clusters using Cluster Flow Diagrams. In Proc. 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 159. Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 37-45. |     
| Wijesinghe, U., Tupakula, U. and Varadharajan, V. (2015). An Enhanced Model for Network Flow Based Botnet Detection. In Proc. 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 159. Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 101-110. |     
| You, H. and Zhu, J. (2015). Image Reconstruction based on Block-based Compressive Sensing. In Proc. 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 159. Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 3-7. |     
| Bower, M. and Falkner, K. (2015). Computational Thinking, the Notional Machine, Pre-service Teachers, and Research Opportunities. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 37-46. |     
| Butler, M., Sheard, J., Morgan, M., Falkner, K., Simon and Weerasinghe, A. (2015). Understanding the Teaching Context of First Year ICT Education in Australia. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 101-109. |     
| Egan, M.H. and McDonald, C. (2015). Dynamic evaluation trees for novice C programmers. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 175-181. |     
| Falkner, K., Vivian, R. and Falkner, N. (2015). Teaching Computational Thinking in K-6: The CSER Digital Technologies MOOC. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 63-72. |     
| Fenwick, J. (2015). Considerations in Automated Marking. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 111-118. |     
| Foster, K., D'Souza, D., Hamilton, M. and Harland, J. (2015). Repository of Wisdom : Automated Support for Composing Programming Exams. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 129-136. |     
| Guerin, C., Jayatilaka, A., Calder, P., McCulloch, A. and Ranasinghe, D. (2015). Why Don't More ICT Students Do PhDs?. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 73-80. |     
| Hamilton, M., Carbone, A., Gonsalvez, C. and Jollands, M. (2015). Breakfast with ICT Employers: What do they want to see in our graduates?. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 29-36. |     
| Kaila, E., Rajala, T., Laakso, M.J., Linden, R., Kurvinen, E., Karavirta, V. and Salakoski, T. (2015). Comparing student performance between traditional and technologically enhanced programming course. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 147-154. |     
| Larusdottir, M., Daniels, M. and McDermott, R. (2015). Quality Assurance using International Curricula and Employer Feedback. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 19-27. |     
| Mason, R., Cooper, G., Simon and Wilks, B. (2015). Using Cognitive Load Theory to select an Environment for Teaching Mobile Apps Development. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 47-56. |     
| Mason, R., Cooper, G., Comber, T., Hellou, A. and Tucker, J. (2015). Gender differences in experiences of TAFE IT students: a work in progress. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 3-10. |     
| Morgan, M., Sheard, J., Butler, M., Falkner, K., Simon and Weerasinghe, A. (2015). Teaching in First-Year ICT Education in Australia: Research and Practice. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 81-90. |     
| Murray, D., Koziniec, T. and McGill, T. (2015). Student Perceptions of Flipped Learning. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 57-62. |     
| Parsons, D., Wood, K. and Haden, P. (2015). What Are We Doing When We Assess Programming?. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 119-127. |     
| Sheard, J., Morgan, M., Butler, M., Falkner, K., Simon and Weerasinghe, A. (2015). Assessment in First-Year ICT Education in Australia: Research and Practice. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 91-99. |     
| Simon, Sheard, J., D'Souza, D., Lopez, M., Luxton-Reilly, A., Putro, I.H., Robbins, P., Teague, D. and Whalley, J. (2015). How (not) to write an introductory programming exam. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 137-146. |     
| Teague, D., Lister, R. and Ahadi, A. (2015). Mired in the Web: Vignettes from Charlotte and Other Novice Programmers. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 165-174. |     
| Westerlund, M. and Pulkkis, G. (2015). Designing a Modern IT Curriculum: Including Information Analytics as a Core Knowledge Area. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 11-18. |     
| Yamazaki, S., Sakamoto, K., Honda, K., Washizaki, H. and Fukazawa, Y. (2015). Comparative Study on Programmable Robots as Programming Educational Tools. In Proc. 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 160. D'Souza, D and Falkner, K. Eds., ACS. 155-164. |     
| Di, B., Simpson, L., Bartlett, H., Dawson, E. and Wong, K. (2015). Correcting flaws in Mitchell’s analysis of EPBC. In Proc. 13th Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 161. Welch, I. and Yi, X. Eds., ACS. 57-60. |     
| Herrera, A. and Cheney, B. (2015). JMD: A Hybrid Approach for Detecting Java Malware. In Proc. 13th Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 161. Welch, I. and Yi, X. Eds., ACS. 3-13. |     
| Jayarathna, D., Tupakula, U. and Varadharajan, V. (2015). Hypervisor-based Security Architecture to Protect Web Applications. In Proc. 13th Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 161. Welch, I. and Yi, X. Eds., ACS. 15-24. |     
| Mani, D., Heravi, A., Choo, K.K.R. and Mubarak, S. (2015). Information Privacy Concerns of Real Estate Customers and Information Security in the Real Estate Industry: an Empirical Analysis. In Proc. 13th Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 161. Welch, I. and Yi, X. Eds., ACS. 53-56. |     
| Myers, D., Foo, E. and Radke, K. (2015). Internet-wide Scanning Taxonomy and Framework. In Proc. 13th Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 161. Welch, I. and Yi, X. Eds., ACS. 61-65. |     
| Newby, T., Grove, D.A., Murray, A.P., Owen, C.A., McCarthy, J. and North, C. (2015). Annex: A Middleware for Constructing High-Assurance Software Systems. In Proc. 13th Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 161. Welch, I. and Yi, X. Eds., ACS. 25-34. |     
| Richer, T.J., Neale, G. and Osborne, G. (2015). On the Eectiveness of Virtualisation Assisted View Comparison for Rootkit Detection. In Proc. 13th Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 161. Welch, I. and Yi, X. Eds., ACS. 35-44. |     
| Rodofile, N.R., Radke, K. and Foo, E. (2015). Real-Time and Interactive Attacks on DNP3 Critical Infrastructure Using Scapy. In Proc. 13th Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 161. Welch, I. and Yi, X. Eds., ACS. 67-70. |     
| Shield, J., Hopkins, B., Beaumont, M. and North. C (2015). Hardware Trojans – A Systemic Threat. In Proc. 13th Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 161. Welch, I. and Yi, X. Eds., ACS. 45-51. |     
| Davis, S., Nesbitt, K. and Nalivaiko, E. (2015). Comparing the onset of cybersickness using the Oculus Rift and two virtual roller coasters. In Proc. 11th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment (IE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 167. Pisan, Y., Nesbitt, K. and Blackmore, K. Eds., ACS. 3-14. |     
| Fowler, A., Canossa, A. and Nesbitt, K. (2015). The impact of playing commercial video games on learning in young children: An exploratory study. In Proc. 11th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment (IE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 167. Pisan, Y., Nesbitt, K. and Blackmore, K. Eds., ACS. 15-23. |     
| Hookham, G. and Meany, M. (2015). The Spectrum of States: Comedy, Humour and Engagement in Games. In Proc. 11th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment (IE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 167. Pisan, Y., Nesbitt, K. and Blackmore, K. Eds., ACS. 25-34. |     
| Xi, M. and Smith, S. P. (2015). Exploring the Reuse of Fire Evacuation Behaviour in Virtual Environments. In Proc. 11th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment (IE 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 167. Pisan, Y., Nesbitt, K. and Blackmore, K. Eds., ACS. 35-44. |     
| Blagojevic, R., Dhir, D., Ranganathan, K., Lutteroth, C. and Plimmer, B. (2015). Recognizing Hand-drawn Glyphs from One Example and Four Lines of Code. In Proc. 16th Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 162. Marks, S. and Blagojevic, R. Eds., ACS. 21-29. |     
| Marshall, D.F., Gardner, H.J. and Thomas, B.H. (2015). Interactive Visualisation for Surface Proximity Monitoring. In Proc. 16th Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 162. Marks, S. and Blagojevic, R. Eds., ACS. 41-50. |     
| McAdam, R. (2015). Getting to Grips with Economic Sustainability: A Case Study in Human Computation Through Movement. In Proc. 16th Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 162. Marks, S. and Blagojevic, R. Eds., ACS. 51-60. |     
| Patterson, D. (2015). 3D Orientation Aids to Assist Re-Orientation and Reduce Disorientation in Mobile Apps. In Proc. 16th Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 162. Marks, S. and Blagojevic, R. Eds., ACS. 69-72. |     
| Patterson, D. and Costain, S. (2015). The Effectiveness of Transient User Interface Components. In Proc. 16th Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 162. Marks, S. and Blagojevic, R. Eds., ACS. 3-10. |     
| Sambrooks, L. and Wilkinson, B. (2015). Handheld Augmented Reality: Does Size Matter?. In Proc. 16th Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 162. Marks, S. and Blagojevic, R. Eds., ACS. 11-20. |     
| Shaw, L.A., Wunsche, B.C., Lutteroth, C., Marks, S. and Callies, R. (2015). Challenges in Virtual Reality Exergame Design. In Proc. 16th Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 162. Marks, S. and Blagojevic, R. Eds., ACS. 61-68. |     
| Small, N.J., Mann, G. and Lee, K. (2015). Assigned Responsibility for Remote Robot Operation. In Proc. 16th Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 162. Marks, S. and Blagojevic, R. Eds., ACS. 73-76. |     
| Whiteley, B., Blagojevic, R. and Plimmer, B. (2015). Tangible-Tango: Designing and Fabricating Tangibles with Tangibles. In Proc. 16th Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 162. Marks, S. and Blagojevic, R. Eds., ACS. 31-39. |     
| Ahamed. F., Shahrestani, S. and Javadi, B. (2015). Developing Security Profile for Virtual Machines to Ensure Secured Consolidation: Conceptual Model. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 85-91. |     
| Alam, A.S.M.A. and Eyers, D. (2015). Securing WSN update from Intrusion using Time Signature of Over the Air Update Protocol. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 107-110. |     
| Bukhari, I.F., Harwood, A. and Karunasekera, S. (2015). Effect of Similarity Distribution on the Convergence of Decentralized Similarity Overlays. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 13-22. |     
| Chinthala, R., Datta, A. and Nandy, S.K. (2015). Exploration of Cache Line Size for Sawtooth Compressed Row Storage based SpMV Multiplication. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 93-96. |     
| Haigh, A.A. and McCreath, E.C. (2015). Model-driven optimisation of memory hierarchy and multithreading on GPUs. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 71-74. |     
| Hou, R., Chen, Y., Wu, J. and Zhang, H. (2015). A Brief Survey of Optical Wireless Communication. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 41-50. |     
| Jakob, C. and Beckett, P. (2015). A Stack-Based Concatenative Approach to Co-processor Simulation and Code Generation. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 31-40. |     
| Kabir, S., Alam, A.S.M.A. and Azad, T. (2015). Performance Evaluation of Parallel-processing Networked System with Linear Time Delay. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 97-100. |     
| Khalil-Hani, M. and Liew, S.S. (2015). A-SDLM: An Asynchronous Stochastic Learning Algorithm For Fast Distributed Learning. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 75-84. |     
| Khalil-Hani, M., Lee, Y.H. and Marsono, M.N. (2015). An Accurate FPGA-Based Hardware Emulation on Quantum Fourier Transform. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 23-30. |     
| Lee, K., Small, N. and Mann, G. (2015). Adaptive Planning for Distributed Systems using Goal Accomplishment Tracking. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 61-70. |     
| Leslie, L.M., Sato, C., Lee, Y.C., Jiang, Q. and Zomaya, A.Y. (2015). DEWE: A Framework for Distributed Elastic Scientific Workflow Execution. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 3-10. |     
| Li, S. and Lin, J. (2015). Asian Option Pricing on Intel® MIC Architecture. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 101-104. |     
| Sharma, Y., Javadi, B. and Si, W. (2015). On the Reliability and Energy Efficiency in Cloud Computing. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 111-114. |     
| Vilaplana, J., Solsona, F. and Teixido, I. (2015). A performance model for scalable cloud computing. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 51-60. |     
| Al-Mahdi, I., Gray, K. and Lederman, R. (2015). Online Medical Consultation: A review of literature and practice. In Proc. 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 164. Maeder, A. and Warren, J. Eds., ACS. 97-100. |     
| Basilakis, J., Javadi, B. and Maeder, A. (2015). The Potential for Machine Learning Analysis over Encrypted Data in Cloud-based Clinical Decision Support – Background and Review. In Proc. 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 164. Maeder, A. and Warren, J. Eds., ACS. 3-13. |     
| Clissold, A., Filar, J., Mackay, M., Qin, S. and Ward, D. (2015). Simulating hospital patient flow for insight and improvement. In Proc. 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 164. Maeder, A. and Warren, J. Eds., ACS. 15-23. |     
| el Rifai, D., Maeder, A. and Liyanage, L. (2015). A Content-Based-Image-Retrieval Approach for Medical Image Repositories. In Proc. 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 164. Maeder, A. and Warren, J. Eds., ACS. 69-74. |     
| Glockner, S., Arlt, W., Bancos, I., Stell, A. and Sinnott, R.O. (2015). Improving Data Quality in Disease Registries and Clinical Trials: A Case Study from the ENSAT-CANCER Project. In Proc. 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 164. Maeder, A. and Warren, J. Eds., ACS. 25-32. |     
| Grunwell, D., Gajanayake, R. and Sahama, T. (2015). The security and privacy of usage policies and provenance logs in an Information Accountability Framework. In Proc. 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 164. Maeder, A. and Warren, J. Eds., ACS. 33-40. |     
| Huq, G., Maeder, A., Basilakis, J. and Pirnejad, H. (2015). Trialling a Personal Falls Monitoring System using Smart Phone. In Proc. 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 164. Maeder, A. and Warren, J. Eds., ACS. 41-45. |     
| Khalifa, N.H., Nguyen, Q.V., Simoff, S. and Catchpoole, D. (2015). A Visualization System for Analyzing Biomedical and Genomic Data Sets Using Unity3D Platform. In Proc. 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 164. Maeder, A. and Warren, J. Eds., ACS. 47-53. |     
| Kim, H.J., Karunaratne, S., Regenbrecht, H., Warren, I. and Wunsche, B.C. (2015). Evaluation of Cross-platform Development Tools for Patient Self-Reporting on Mobile Devices. In Proc. 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 164. Maeder, A. and Warren, J. Eds., ACS. 55-61. |     
| Narra, L., Sahama, T. and Stapleton, P. (2015). Clinical Data Warehousing A Business Analytics approach for managing health data. In Proc. 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 164. Maeder, A. and Warren, J. Eds., ACS. 101-104. |     
| Poultney, N., Maeder, A. and Basilakis, J. (2015). Evaluation Study of Australian Telehealth Projects. In Proc. 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 164. Maeder, A. and Warren, J. Eds., ACS. 63-68. |     
| Shaw, L.A., Wunsche, B.C., Lutteroth, C., Marks, S., Buckley, J. and Corballis, P. (2015). Development and Evaluation of an Exercycle Game Using Immersive Technologies. In Proc. 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 164. Maeder, A. and Warren, J. Eds., ACS. 75-85. |     
| Taylor, A. (2015). Applying International Guidelines for Telehealth Services – a case study. In Proc. 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 164. Maeder, A. and Warren, J. Eds., ACS. 87-95. |     
| Alahmari, F. and Magee, L. (2015). Linked Data and Entity Search: A Brief History and Some Ways Ahead. In Proc. 3rd Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 166. Davis, J. G. and Bozzon, A. Eds., ACS. 29-38. |     
| Anam, S., Kang, B.H., Kim, Y.S. and Liu, Q. (2015). Linked Data Provenance: State of the Art and Challenges. In Proc. 3rd Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 166. Davis, J. G. and Bozzon, A. Eds., ACS. 19-28. |     
| Meymandpour, R. and Davis, J.G. (2015). Enhancing Recommender Systems Using Linked Open Data-Based Semantic Analysis of Items. In Proc. 3rd Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 166. Davis, J. G. and Bozzon, A. Eds., ACS. 11-17. |     
| Patterson, D. and Evans, L. (2015). Synchronization of Audio-Visual Elements in Web Applications. In Proc. 3rd Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 166. Davis, J. G. and Bozzon, A. Eds., ACS. 3-10. |     
| de Dios, M.A.G., Dania, C. and Clavel, M. (2015). Formal Reasoning about Fine-Grained Access Control Policies. In Proc. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 165. Saeki, M. and Kohler, H. Eds., ACS. 91-100. |     
| Henderson-Sellers, B., Eriksson, O. and Agerfalk, P.J. (2015). On the Need for Identity in Ontology-Based Conceptual Modelling. In Proc. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 165. Saeki, M. and Kohler, H. Eds., ACS. 9-20. |     
| Keet, C.M. and Ongoma, E.A.N. (2015). Temporal Attributes: Status and Subsumption. In Proc. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 165. Saeki, M. and Kohler, H. Eds., ACS. 61-70. |     
| Kusel, A., Etzlstorfer, J., Kapsammer, E., Retschitzegger, W., Schoenboeck, J., Schwinger, W. and Wimmer, M. (2015). Systematic Co-Evolution of OCL Expressions. In Proc. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 165. Saeki, M. and Kohler, H. Eds., ACS. 33-42. |     
| Liu, B., Link, S. and Munoz, E. (2015). Validation of Expressive XML Keys with XML Schema and XQuery. In Proc. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 165. Saeki, M. and Kohler, H. Eds., ACS. 81-90. |     
| Manaa, M., Bellatreche, L., Akaichi, J. and Khouri, S. (2015). Towards An Ontology-Based Pivot Model for Spatio-Temporal Sources. In Proc. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 165. Saeki, M. and Kohler, H. Eds., ACS. 109-114. |     
| Moghadam, N. and Paik, H. (2015). BPIM: A Multi-view Model for Business Process Instances. In Proc. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 165. Saeki, M. and Kohler, H. Eds., ACS. 23-32. |     
| Nakano, R. and Kiyoki, Y. (2015). A Video-oriented Knowledge Collection and Accumulation System with Associated Multimedia Resource Integration. In Proc. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 165. Saeki, M. and Kohler, H. Eds., ACS. 53-59. |     
| Recker, J. (2015). Research on Conceptual Modelling: Less Known Knowns and More Unknown Unknowns, Please. In Proc. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 165. Saeki, M. and Kohler, H. Eds., ACS. 3-7. |     
| Sajjadi, P. and De Troyer, O. (2015). Revising Web Design to Deal with Current Development Practices. In Proc. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 165. Saeki, M. and Kohler, H. Eds., ACS. 103-108. |     
| Saleheen, S. and Lai, W. (2015). A Semi-supervised Topic-based User Model for Web Information Visualization. In Proc. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 165. Saeki, M. and Kohler, H. Eds., ACS. 43-52. |     
| Steiner, D., Neumayr, B. and Schrefl, M. (2015). Judgement and Analysis Rules for Ontology-driven Comparative Data Analysis in Data Warehouses. In Proc. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 165. Saeki, M. and Kohler, H. Eds., ACS. 71-80. |     
| Anam, S., Kim, Y. S., Kang, B. H. and and Liu, Q. (2015). Designing a Knowledge-based Schema Matching System for Schema Mapping. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 69-77. |     
| Arefin, A.S., Berretta, R. and Moscato, P. (2015). On Ranking Nodes using kNN Graphs, Shortest-paths and GPUs. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 29-38. |     
| Callister, R., Lazarescu, M. and Pham, D.S. (2015). Detection of Structural Changes in Data Streams. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 79-88. |     
| Curiskis, S.A., Osborn, T.R. and Kennedy, P.J. (2015). Link Prediction and Topological Feature Importance in Social Networks. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 39-50. |     
| Fletcher, S. and Islam, M.Z. (2015). A Differentially Private Decision Forest. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 99-108. |     
| Fu, W., Zhang, M. and Johnston, M. (2015). Genetic Programming for Extracting Edge Features Using Two Blocks. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 141-150. |     
| Furner, M. and Islam, M.Z. (2015). Multiple Imputation on Partitioned Datasets. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 59-68. |     
| Huang, Q., Ong, K.L. and Alahakoon, D. (2015). Improving Bridge Deterioration Modelling Using Rainfall Data from the Bureau of Meteorology. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 161-167. |     
| Natarajan, T., Pham, D.S. and Lazarescu, M. (2015). An Industrial Application of Rotation Forest: Transformer Health. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 177-184. |     
| Nofong, V.M. (2015). Mining Productive Emerging Patterns and Their Application in Trend Prediction. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 109-117. |     
| Rahman, M.A. and Islam, M.Z. (2015). AWST: A Novel Attribute Weight Selection Technique for Data Clustering. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 51-58. |     
| Samha, A.K., Li, Y. and Zhang, J. (2015). Aspect-Based Opinion Mining from Product Reviews Using Conditional Random Fields. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 119-128. |     
| Shouman, M. and Turner, T. (2015). Non-Invasive Attributes Significance in the Risk Evaluation of Heart Disease Using Decision Tree Analysis. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 185-193. |     
| Wang, J., Lu, A. and Jiang, X. (2015). An Improved SMO Algorithm for Credit Risk Evaluation. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 169-176. |     
| Butler-Yeoman, T., Xue, B. and Zhang, M. (2015). Particle Swarm Optimisation for Feature Selection: A Size-Controlled Approach. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 151-159. |     
| Zaher, A.A., Berretta, R., Arefin, A.S. and Moscato, P. (2015). FSMEC: A Feature Selection Method based on the Minimum Spanning Tree and Evolutionary Computation. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 129-139. |     
| Adnan, M.N. and Islam, M.Z. (2015). Complement Random Forest. In Proc. Thirteenth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2015), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 168. Ong, K.L., Zhao, Y., Stone, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. Eds., ACS. 89-97. |     
| Barnes, C. (2014). Comparison of Athletic Performances across Disciplines. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 131-139. |     
| Brittli, N. and Sharma, D. (2014). The Schema Last Approach to Data Fusion. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 51-58. |     
| Brittli, N. and Sharma, D. (2014). A Triple Store Implementation to support Tabular Data. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 59-67. |     
| Buckingham, L., Hogan, J.M., Geva, S. and Kelly, W. (2014). Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Protein Classification. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 141-147. |     
| Chowdhury, I.J. and Nayak, R. (2014). Identifying Product Families Using Data Mining Techniques in Manufacturing Paradigm. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 113-120. |     
| Denny, Wicaksono, P. and Manurung, R. (2014). Automatic Detection of Cluster Structure Changes using Relative Density Self-Organizing Maps. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 9-17. |     
| Gao, Y., Xu, Y. and Li, Y. (2014). Pattern-based Topic Modelling for Query Expansion. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 165-173. |     
| Ibrahim, M. and Carman, M. (2014). Improving Scalability and Performance of Random Forest Based Learning-to-Rank Algorithms by Aggressive Subsampling. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 91-99. |     
| Ifada, N. and Nayak, R. (2014). An Efficient Tagging Data Interpretation and Representation Scheme for Item Recommendation. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 205-215. |     
| Islam, M.Z., Mamun, Q. and Rahman, M.G. (2014). Data Cleansing during Data Collection fromWireless Sensor Networks. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 195-203. |     
| Khan, M.M., Chalup, S.K. and Mendes, A. (2014). Evolving Wavelet Neural Networks for Breast Cancer Classiffcation. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 121-130. |     
| Kholghi, M., Sitbon, L., Zuccon, G. and Nguyen, A. (2014). Factors Influencing Robustness and Effectiveness of Conditional Random Fields in Active Learning Frameworks. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 69-78. |     
| Liang, H., Du, H. and Wang, Q. (2014). Real-time Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 227-231. |     
| Meneghello, J., Lee, K. and Thompson, N. (2014). Towards Social Media as a Data Source for Opportunistic Sensor Networking. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 183-194. |     
| Chathurani, N.W.U.D., Geva, S., Chandran, V. and Chappell, T. (2014). Towards Social Media as a Data Source for Opportunistic Sensor Networking. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 175-182. |     
| Peden, Y. and Nayak, R. (2014). Detecting Digital Newspaper Duplicates with Focus on eliminating OCR errors. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 43-49. |     
| Ranbaduge, T., Christen, P. and Vatsalan, D. (2014). Tree Based Scalable Indexing for Multi-Party Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 31-42. |     
| Saglam, S.Y. and Street, W.N. (2014). Dynamic Class Prediction with Classifier Based Distance Measure. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 79-90. |     
| Shaw, G. and Nayak, R. (2014). A Case Study of Utilising Concept Knowledge in a Topic Specific Document Collection. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 149-156. |     
| Singh, S., Rumantir, G. and South, A. (2014). Market Segmentation of EFTPOS Retailers. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 19-24. |     
| Singh, L. and Chetty, G. (2014). Optimized Pruned Annular Extreme Learning Machines. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 101-111. |     
| Tang, X., Xu, Y., Abdel-Hafez, A. and Geva, S. (2014). A Multidimensional Collaborative Filtering Fusion Approach with Dimensionality Reduction. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 217-221. |     
| Xiang, Z. and Islam, M.Z. (2014). Hartigan's Method for K-modes Clustering and Its Advantages. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 25-30. |     
| Zhang, L., Li, Y. and Bijaksana, M.A. (2014). Decreasing Uncertainty for Improvement of Relevancy Prediction. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM14), Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 158. Li, X., Liu, L., Ong, K.L. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 157-164. |     
| Abe, K., Nakagawa, H., Minami, M. and Tian, H. (2013). Extraction of Essential Region in Gastric Area for Diagnosing Gastric Cancer Using Double Contrast X-ray Images. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2013 (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 9-16. |     
| Abe, K., Takagi, H., Minami, M. and Tian, H. (2013). Features for Measuring the Congestive Extent of Internal Hemorrhoids in Endoscopic Images. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2013 (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 17-24. |     
| Blond, A., Liu, W., Cardell-Oliver, R. (2013). An investigation on window size selection for human activity recognition. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2013 (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 181-188. |     
| Chen, L., Emerson, D. and Nayak, R. (2013). A Novel Process of Group-oriented Question Reduction for Rulebased Recommendation Websites. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2013 (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 173-180. |     
| Katz, P. and Schill, A. (2013). To Learn or to Rule: Two Approaches for Extracting Geographical Information from Unstructured Text. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 117-127. |     
| Kolyshkina, I., Levin, B. and Goldsworthy, G. (2013). Using Social Media Data for Comparing Brand Awareness, Levels of Consumer Engagement, Public Opinion and Sentiment for Big Four Australian Banks. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 59-63. |     
| Kumar, M. and Upadhyay, S. (2013). Predicting usefulness of online reviews using stochastic gradient boosting and randomized trees. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 65-72. |     
| Li, J. (2013). Predictive Modelling Using Random Forest and Its Hybrid Methods with Geostatistical Techniques in Marine Environmental Geosciences. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 73-79. |     
| Li, S., Liang, H. and Ramadan, B. (2013). Two Stage Similarity-aware Indexing for Large-scale Real-time Entity Resolution. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 107-115. |     
| Liang, P., Roddick, J.F. and de Vries, D. (2013). Searching Frequent Pattern and Preffx Trees for Higher Order Rules. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 129-137. |     
| Mohebi, E. and Bagirov, A.M. (2013). A New Modiffcation of Kohonen Neural Network for VQ and Clustering Problems. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 81-88. |     
| Nahar, V., Li, X., Pang, C. and Zhang, Y. (2013). Cyberbullying Detection based on Text-Stream Classification. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 49-57. |     
| Nandan, N., Malhotra, B. and Dahlmeier, D. (2013). sRADAR: A Complex Event Processing and Visual Analytics System for Maritime Intelligence. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 35-40. |     
| Orimaye, S.O. (2013). Sentiment Augmented Bayesian Network. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 89-97. |     
| Rahman, M.G. and Islam, M.Z. (2013). A Novel Framework Using Two Layers of Missing Value Imputation. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 149-160. |     
| Tran, K.N., Alazab, M. and Broadhurst, R. (2013). Towards a Feature Rich Model for Predicting Spam Emails containing Malicious Attachments and URLs. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 161-171. |     
| Zhao, Y. (2013). Analysing Twitter Data with Text Mining and Social Network Analysis. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 41-47. |     
| Zhou, Y., Ioannou, I., Bailey, J., Kennedy, G. and OLeary, S. (2013). Evaluating Surgical Performance in Real Time Using Data Mining. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 25-34. |     
| Hou, J. and Nayak, R. (2013). A Concept-based Retrieval Method for Entity-oriented Search. In Proc. Eleventh Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM13), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 146. Christen, P., Kennedy, P., Liu, L., Ong, K.L., Stranieri, A. and Zhao, Y. Eds., ACS. 99-105. |     
Papers listed: 2727