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Optimal Leaf Ordering for Two and a Half Dimensional Phylogenetic Tree Visualisation

Dwyer, T. and Schreiber, F.

    Two and a half dimensional graph visualisation is the stacking of a set of related graphs, each drawn in a plane, into the third dimension to support visual comparison. A new aesthetic criterion is introduced for the 2 1 2D visualisation of sets of related phylogenetic trees. This aesthetic requires that the number of crossings between edges linking similar nodes in adjacent trees is minimised allowing a user to easily track the position of a particular species through its lifetime in the stack. We introduce an algorithm for efficiently minimising such crossings and discuss its complexity. Finally, we suggest a new 'barrel' layout style which benefits from such crossing minimisation.
Cite as: Dwyer, T. and Schreiber, F. (2004). Optimal Leaf Ordering for Two and a Half Dimensional Phylogenetic Tree Visualisation. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, ('04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds. ACS. 109-115.
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