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Compositional Software Architecture Definition

Schmidt, H.

    One of the motivations for specifying software architectures explicitly is the use of high level structural design information for improved control and prediction of software system quality attributes. Over the last few years we have been developing Architecture Definition Language elements oriented towards modern industrial middleware platforms, such as Microsoft's .NET and Sun's EJB, and widely accepted industrial design methods such as UML. Our methods involve parameterised contractual specifications based on a certain mix of assertions, state machines and Petri nets permitting reasonably efficient static analysis. Our presentation briefly introduces our architecture definition language RADL, provides an overview of recent results and will then focus on some critical issues regarding compositionality and Petri nets.
Cite as: Schmidt, H. (2002). Compositional Software Architecture Definition. In Proc. Workshop on Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2002, Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 12. Lakos, C., Esser, R., Kristensen, L. M. and Billington, J., Eds. ACS. 7-9.
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