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Assessing the capability and maturity of capstone software engineering projects
von Konsky, B.R. and Ivins, J.
This paper describes an approach for assessing the
capability and maturity of undergraduate software
engineering projects. The approach is based on a simple
adaptation of the Capability Maturity Model
Integration and a hybrid version of the Team Software
Process (TSPi). The approach was evaluated using 6
capstone project teams comprising 23 undergraduate
software engineering students. A capability and maturity
baseline was established at the end of first semester. A
second capability and maturity assessment was
undertaken towards the end of second semester. The
approach was shown to focus student attention on process
improvement and on the attainment of realistic and
measurable project management goals. The approach was
also found to contribute to the development of teamwork
and leadership skills, and to prepare students for
professional practice. |
Cite as: von Konsky, B.R. and Ivins, J. (2008). Assessing the capability and maturity of capstone software engineering projects. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds. ACS. 171-180. |
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