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Keyword Search on DAG-Compressed XML Data
Boettcher, S., Brandenburg, M and Hartel, R.
With the growing size of publicly available XML document collections, fast keyword search becomes increasingly important. We present an indexing and keyword search technique that is suitable for DAG-compressed data and has the advantage that common sub-trees have to be searched only once. We also present a performance evaluation that shows that our DAG-compressed index and search technique is superior to the corresponding tree-oriented keyword search technique that has been used up to now. |
Cite as: Boettcher, S., Brandenburg, M and Hartel, R. (2014). Keyword Search on DAG-Compressed XML Data. In Proc. Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2014) Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 155. Trotman, A., Cranefield, S. and Yang, J. Eds., ACS. 13-20 |
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