SIL Rating Fire Protection Equipment

Robinson, R.M. and Anderson, K.J.

    SIL's (Safety Integrity Levels) are used by IEC 61508:1998 [1] to characterise the required functional safety of computer control systems. For example, SIL 4, the highest rating is for fly by wire aircraft and weapons systems and track circuited train signalling systems while SIL 2 is typical of certain Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). Fire control panels have not been SIL rated to date even though certification organisations like Factory Mutual provide SIL for various PLCs in their approvals guides. This paper addresses SIL' derivation/allocation to fire systems and fire control panels in particular.
Cite as: Robinson, R.M. and Anderson, K.J. (2004). SIL Rating Fire Protection Equipment. In Proc. Eighth Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS 2003), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 33. Lindsay, P. and Cant, T., Eds. ACS. 89-97.
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