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Performance Evaluation of Parallel-processing Networked System with Linear Time Delay

Kabir, S., Alam, A.S.M.A. and Azad, T.

    Time delays in system subcomponents or control may result into unacceptable system operation or uncertainty in specialised technical systems like aircraft control, plant control, robotics, etc. In parallel computing, different computing subunits share their tasks to balance loads to increase performance and throughput. To be able to do so, subsystems have to communicate among themselves, which adds further delay on top of the existing system delay. It is possible to improve performance and stability of the whole system, by designing observer for every subsystem in the system, overseeing the system-state and compensating for existing time-delay. This paper reviews the present literature to identify a linear time-delay system for load balancing and evaluates the stability and load-balancing performance of the system with and without an observer. Stability is analysed in terms of oscillation in the system responses and performance is evaluated as the speed of load-balancing operation.
Cite as: Kabir, S., Alam, A.S.M.A. and Azad, T. (2015). Performance Evaluation of Parallel-processing Networked System with Linear Time Delay. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015) Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 97-100
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