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Debating the OO debate: where is the problem?
Berglund, A. and Lister, R.
In this paper we discuss problems related to the teaching
of object-oriented programming (OOP). We argue that
more research on how the computer science teacher
understands OOP would be beneficial. Our argument
takes its point of departure in three sets of studies: (1) an
ongoing study on how computer science teachers
understand core concepts of OOP, (2) a study of how the
teaching of OOP is discussed within the CS community,
and (3) a set of studies that discuss the different ways in
which CS teachers experience their teaching. This paper
reports on an ongoing study of the different ways in
which computing science teachers understand objectoriented
programming, and what they mean when use the
term objects first.. The phenomenographic research
approach has been applied to the analysis of a discussion
that occurred in the SIGCSE-members mailing list. Two
understandings of objects first have been identified: (1) as
an extension of imperative programming, and (2) as
conceptually different from imperative programming.
These two understandings are illustrated via the differing
ways in which computing science teachers use the term
polymorphism. |
Cite as: Berglund, A. and Lister, R. (2007). Debating the OO debate: where is the problem?. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds. ACS. 171-174. |
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