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Fighting the student dropout rate with an incremental programming assignment
Ahoniemi, T., Lahtinen, E. and Erkkola, T.
Large programming assignments can become huge obstacles
to novice programmers, especially as teachers
usually lack the resources to guide students sufficiently
in-depth for the whole time. Changing the assignment
to an incremental one consisting of smaller
phases built on top of one another helps students to
start in time, stay in time, and avoid succumbing to
the huge workload.
We made the large assignment in a programming
course incremental and got positive results when measuring
the students' submission behaviour and their
opinions on the phasing. The students felt that they
were aided instead of just given more deadlines. The
students willingly took advantage of our approach and
really appreciated it. This article explains how we
made our incremental assignment, how students used
the phases, and how they felt about them. |
Cite as: Ahoniemi, T., Lahtinen, E. and Erkkola, T. (2007). Fighting the student dropout rate with an incremental programming assignment. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds. ACS. 163-166. |
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