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Computer-supported Collaborative Learning System in Teaching E-commerce

Ngai, E.W.T., Lam, S.S. and POON, J. K.-L.

    This paper describes on a successful experience of using a computer-support collaborative learning system in teaching e-commerce. We created a teaching and learning environment for 39 local secondary schools to introduce the subject of e-commerce using the computer-support collaborative learning system which enable students to be more knowledgeable and better skilled in the subject of e-commerce. We focus here on the practical implications of the project-based learning approach for the teaching and learning of introductory e-commerce from the perspective of the business context. Evaluation results indicate that this approach to teaching is very promising. Both our own experience and student evaluations indicate that students like it and are interested in the approach of learning by doing. Finally, the paper puts forward four propositions that can guide hypothesis generation for future research.
Cite as: Ngai, E.W.T., Lam, S.S. and POON, J. K.-L. (2011). Computer-supported Collaborative Learning System in Teaching E-commerce. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011) Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 63-72
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