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VILLE - a language-independent program visualization tool

Rajala, T., Laakso, M.-J., Kaila, E. and Salakoski, T.

    Visualization tools have proven to be useful for enhancing novice programmers' learning. However, existing tools are typically tied to particular programming languages, and tend to focus on low-level aspects of programming such as the changing values of variables during program code execution. In this paper we present a new program visualization tool, which provides a language-independent view of learning programming. Moreover, program execution can be viewed in two languages simultaneously. Complete with role information of variables, the tool supports the learning process at a more abstract level, thus emphasizing the similarities of basic programming concepts and syntax in all imperative programming languages.
Cite as: Rajala, T., Laakso, M.-J., Kaila, E. and Salakoski, T. (2007). VILLE - a language-independent program visualization tool. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds. ACS. 151-159.
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