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A Formalization of Subjective and Objective Time Ontologies

Nguyen, P.H.P. and Corbett, D.

    This paper presents a novel formalization of temporal notions and their classification. First, objective and subjective time perceptions are discussed from a philosophical and logical viewpoint. Then, all objective and subjective temporal concept types are identified, based on McTaggart's A- and B-series and Priorean tense logic, to which temporal events (or propositions) could be mapped. Time ontology is then defined according to a formalism previously introduced by the authors, together with a graphical representation of the proposed temporal concept type hierarchy. Temporal axioms and properties are finally identified, linking our logic with propositional logic.
Cite as: Nguyen, P.H.P. and Corbett, D. (2007). A Formalization of Subjective and Objective Time Ontologies. In Proc. Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 85. Meyer, T. and Nayak, A. C., Eds. ACS. 45-54.
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