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Dynamic Labeling Schemes for Ordered XML Based on Type Information

Fisher, D.K., Lam, F., Shui, W.M. and Wong, R.K.

    With the increasing popularity of XML, there arises the need for managing and querying information in this form. Several query languages, such as XQuery, have been proposed which return their results in document order. However, most recent efforts focused on query optimization have either disregarded order or proposed static schemes in which updates are not handled efficiently. Some dynamic labelling schemes have been proposed but they do not consider type information that is usually available with the XML documents or maintained by the database system. This paper presents theoretically sound algorithms for maintaining the well-known region algebra labeling schemes, which can take advantage of type information, often present in XML documents
Cite as: Fisher, D.K., Lam, F., Shui, W.M. and Wong, R.K. (2006). Dynamic Labeling Schemes for Ordered XML Based on Type Information. In Proc. Seventeenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 49. Dobbie, G. and Bailey, J., Eds. ACS. 59-68.
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