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Logcrypt: Forward Security and Public Verification for Secure Audit Logs
Holt, J.E.
Logcrypt provides strong cryptographic assurances that data stored by a logging facility before a system compromise cannot be modified after the comprise without detection. We build on prior work by showing how log creation can be separated from log verification, and describing several additional performance and convenience feature snot previously considered. |
Cite as: Holt, J.E. (2006). Logcrypt: Forward Security and Public Verification for Secure Audit Logs. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Information Security Workshop (Network Security) (AISW 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Safavi-Naini, R., Steketee, C. and Susilo, W., Eds. ACS. 203-211. |
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