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Towards an Architecture for Quality Audit Reporting to Improve Hypertension Management

Mabotuwana, T., Warren, J.R., Gaikwad, R., Kenelly, J. and Kenealy, T.

    This paper illustrates an iterative, data-mining based approach to create a set of specific criteria (or quality indicators) for quality audit reporting from Patient Management System (PMS) data in the context of hypertension management. It represents an initial phase of research towards developing an architecture that can be used to easily specify various quality auditing criteria to support process improvement in chronic disease management. To inform our architectural design requirements we have developed a range of specific quality indicators with the assistance of an expert panel consisting of clinical staff from a general practice in Auckland, New Zealand. These criteria have been formulated into a Quality Audit Report (QAR) laid out under three broad categories of criteria: descriptive, supportive, and cautionary. A key aspect of the criteria we have developed is the incorporation of various temporal issues directly related to the successful management of chronic illness - hypertension in particular, and its comorbidities. We are approaching the phase of having clinicians assess a sample of patients, blind to the standing of the patients with respect to the cautionary QAR criteria, to assess the sensitivity and specificity of our inferences from the PMS data.
Cite as: Mabotuwana, T., Warren, J.R., Gaikwad, R., Kenelly, J. and Kenealy, T. (2008). Towards an Architecture for Quality Audit Reporting to Improve Hypertension Management. In Proc. Second Australasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge Management (HDKM 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 80. Warren, J. R., Yu, P., Yearwood, J. and Patrick, J. D., Eds. ACS. 45-54.
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