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Current Topics in Security of Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks

Caballero-Gil, P.

    Although security issues in Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (MANETs) have been a major focus in the recent years, the development of fully secure schemes for these networks has not been entirely achieved till now. This talk will provide an overview of two of the most important security problems in MANETs: Authentication and Cooperation. On the one hand, a brief summary of the current state of the art in authentication protocols for MANETs will take us to the conclusion that the topic is still open. On the other hand, a survey on cooperation enforcement schemes for MANETs will show both that such tools are essential for ad-hoc networks and that all known schemes have drawbacks that need to be solved. Our research on new graph-based strong authentication systems for MANETs and on new credit-based cooperation enforcement schemes will be presented. Formal definitions and simulations studies will be provided in order to show that our proposals are self-organized and adaptable to the changing topology of MANETs, and that consequently they fulfil specific requirements of MANETs that had not been satisfied by any other previous proposal. The two main conclusions of our research are that authentication issues have to be taken into account with a global vision at the first stage of any network formation, and that a good cooperative enforcement scheme seems to be the best solution to the selfishness problem.
Cite as: Caballero-Gil, P. (2008). Current Topics in Security of Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks. In Proc. Sixth Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 81. Brankovic, L. and Miller, M., Eds. ACS. 3.
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