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Practical Compression for Multi-Alignment Genomic Files

Canovas, R. and Moffat, A.

    Genomic sequence data is being generated in massive quantities, and must be stored in compressed form. Here we examine the combined challenge of storing such data compactly, yet providing bioinformatics researchers with the ability to extract particular regions of interest without needing to fully decompress multi-gigabyte data collections. We focus on data produced in SAM format, which is particularly voluminous in nature, and describe storage techniques that have the desired blend of attributes.
Cite as: Canovas, R. and Moffat, A. (2013). Practical Compression for Multi-Alignment Genomic Files. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013) Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 51 - 60
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