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Internationalisation in the Web Services Domain

Elms, K.

    The development of internationalisation-aware programming language support - following on from the widespread adoption of the Unicode standard - has meant that many of the localisation problems which have plagued developers have now been mitigated for the stand-alone application. As one generation of challenges is addressed, however, developments in technology and demand for services ensures that another will emerge. Among the more pressing issues for internationalisation research is the challenge of the web services domain, with the additional burden of real time adaptation and integration of resources from disparate locales. SAP is the world's largest vendor of enterprise systems, with a developing presence in the web services domain. Moreover, for SAP software internationalisation has always been a priority, having had its origins in the multilingual European environment. Thus market pressures to internationalise came early. This presentation explores the additional problems faced by the developer of internationalised web services, the need for integration with existing systems and the role of emerging standards and XML based technologies in solving them.
Cite as: Elms, K. (2004). Internationalisation in the Web Services Domain. In Proc. Australasian Workshop on Software Internationalisation (AWSI2004), Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 32. Hogan, J., Ed. ACS. 195.
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