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CLIP, a Command Line InterPreter for a subset of C++
Luoma, H., Lahtinen, E. and Jarvinen, H.-M.
C++ is not the best choice for a first programming
language, but if it is used, the learning circumstances
need to be as easy as possible. We have developed
a pedagogically designed interpreter for this purpose.
Our hypothesis is that an interpreter is easier than a
compiler for a novice programmer to use. We do not
want students to use language properties they do not
yet fully understand, so our approach is imperative-first. In addition, when using an interpreter, learning
concepts such as libraries can be postponed until later
in the course.
C++ is a complex language and most of its language
features are not needed by a novice programmer.
Therefore we have simplified the language to a
subset of C++ that we call C--. For instance, classes
have been omitted. We have also put a lot of effort
into producing clear, informative error messages,
something that is made possible by of the simpler
programming language.
This article introduces some other C/C++ interpreters,
their evaluation, and the description of our
interpreter called CLIP. So far CLIP has not been
used by students, so its evaluation is left as future
work. |
Cite as: Luoma, H., Lahtinen, E. and Jarvinen, H.-M. (2007). CLIP, a Command Line InterPreter for a subset of C++. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds. ACS. 199-202. |
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