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Visualizing and Specifying Ontologies using Diagrammatic Logics

Oliver, I., Howse, J., Stapleton, G., Nuutila, E. and Törmä , S.

    This paper proposes a diagrammatic logic that is suitable for specifying ontologies. We take a case study style approach to presenting the diagrammatic logic, and draw contrast with RDF graphs and description logics. We provide speci¯cations of two ontologies and show how to depict instances. Diagrammatic reasoning is used to show that an instance conforms to a specification. We also include examples to show how diagrammatic rules can be used to (a) constrain ontology specifications and (b) define mappings between ontologies. The framework also allows the specification of queries. The positive features of the diagrammatic logic are discussed, supporting a claim that the new logic is intuitive and appropriate for ontology speci¯cation. Finally, we discuss the possibilities for developing tools to support the use of the diagram- matic logic, including automated diagram drawing and reasoning procedures.
Cite as: Oliver, I., Howse, J., Stapleton, G., Nuutila, E. and Törmä , S. (2009). Visualizing and Specifying Ontologies using Diagrammatic Logics. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop 2009 (AOW 2009) Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 112. Meyer, T. and Taylor, K. Eds., ACS. 37-46
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