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A unit testing approach to building novice programmers skills and confidence

Whalley, J. and Philpott, A.

    This paper discusses the integration of unit tests into a first semester programming course. The students were supplied with unit tests to support their learning and assessments. A questionnaire was completed by the student cohort about their use and perceptions of these unit tests. As a result of both the students and our experiences we examine the advantages and disadvantages of introducing unit tests early and make some pedagogical recommendations for the introduction and use of unit tests in first year programming.
Cite as: Whalley, J. and Philpott, A. (2011). A unit testing approach to building novice programmers skills and confidence. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011) Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 113-118
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