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Moving animation script creation from textual to visual representation

Haugvaldstad, E. and Wright, T.

    Animation scripts are an integral part of developing computer games: they describe which character animations to play and when to switch between animations. These scripts are often written in text editors which can be an error-prone task since there are multiple variables and conditions that needs to be understood, and text editors gives no indication of how animations are linked together. This paper describes how a graphical user interface, using lines and circles to simulate direction and speed, can simplify the process of creating character animation scripts.
Cite as: Haugvaldstad, E. and Wright, T. (2006). Moving animation script creation from textual to visual representation. In Proc. Seventh Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 50. Piekarski, W., Ed. ACS. 87-90.
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