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Guidance for Def (Aust) 5679 Issue 2

Wildman, L., Cant, T., Edwards, C., Griffiths, A., Mahony, B., Martin, B.J. and Rae, A.

    The Australian Standard for safety-critical systems development, Def(Aust) 5679, was first released in 1998. As part of the release of Issue 2 (Department of Defence 2008) of the Standard, guidance material has been prepared to assist those who need to apply the Standard. The guidance is made up of three main parts: a case study that demonstrates how the Standard can be applied to an example safety critical system, Issues Guidance Papers that further explain key concepts or requirements of the Standard, and Data Item Descriptions (DIDs) that, for each of the documents required by the Standard, describe how the document is to be structured. This paper describes the guidance material that was prepared for Issue 2 of the Standard.
Cite as: Wildman, L., Cant, T., Edwards, C., Griffiths, A., Mahony, B., Martin, B.J. and Rae, A. (2008). Guidance for Def (Aust) 5679 Issue 2. In Proc. Thirteenth Australian Conference on Safety-Related Programmable Systems (SCS 2008), Canberra, Australia. CRPIT, 100. Cant, T., Ed. ACS. 69-80.
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