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Work-Integrated Learning in ICT Degrees

Pilgrim, C.

    Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) is acknowledged by universities, professional societies, government and industry as a valuable model of learning that provides significant benefits to students. Despite this agreement there remain some differences of opinion between universities, industry and the professional society regarding implementation of WIL. This paper reports on the outcomes of a university forum that discussed various aspects of WIL programs. A recommendation for a stakeholder approach to WIL is proposed that would ensure that all motivations and expectations are made explicit and that the primacy of student learning outcomes is maintained.
Cite as: Pilgrim, C. (2011). Work-Integrated Learning in ICT Degrees. In Proc. Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2011) Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 114. John Hamer and Michael de Raadt Eds., ACS. 119-124
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