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A Brief Survey of Optical Wireless Communication

Hou, R., Chen, Y., Wu, J. and Zhang, H.

    Optical wireless communication (OWC) technologies have been discussed and evaluated in a wide range of application scenarios, which is drawing increasing interest to keep pace with the growth in LED technologies. OWC has unique advantages to provide safe, secure, low-cost, and high-bandwidth communications. As a compensation for the existing radio frequency communications, OWC has huge potentials to be used for distributed applications from indoor to outdoor, from atmosphere to ground and underwater. In this paper, we conduct a brief survey of the most recent advances and research activities in OWC. We study the advantages and potential applications of OWC, and provide an overview of the techniques used to achieve OWC system. Some potential future research directions for OWC are also discussed.
Cite as: Hou, R., Chen, Y., Wu, J. and Zhang, H. (2015). A Brief Survey of Optical Wireless Communication. In Proc. 13th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2015) Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 163. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 41-50
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