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ICT teaching and learning in a new educational paradigm: lecturers' perceptions versus students' experiences
Sheard, J. and Carbone, A.
Over the last two decades there have been fundamental
shifts in the way teaching and learning are perceived and
conducted within the tertiary education sector. One is a
move from teacher-centred to student-centred education,
and another is a move from the traditional to the virtual
classroom. However, there are indications that academics
and students have not universally embraced this new
educational paradigm. A further challenge faced by ICT
educators is the rapidly evolving ICT discipline. In an
ICT faculty at an Australian university, large-scale
curriculum changes to the undergraduate degrees resulted
in a set of foundational courses offered to all students in
their first year of study. With such major changes, it
seemed timely to investigate students' and lecturers'
perspectives of the new degrees. Using interviews,
similarities and differences between students' and
lecturers' perceptions of their educational program were
found. The findings are presented under the themes of
motivation, interest, course content, learning environment
and adaptation. A conclusion of this study is that
students and lecturers operating within a student-centred,
technology-enhanced educational paradigm are facing
difficulties, and there is a need for universities to work
towards addressing these issues. |
Cite as: Sheard, J. and Carbone, A. (2007). ICT teaching and learning in a new educational paradigm: lecturers' perceptions versus students' experiences. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds. ACS. 109-117. |
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