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Modelling Web-Oriented Architectures
Thies, G. and Vossen, G.
Service-oriented architectures (SOAs) provide the
basis of distributed application frameworks where
software components are provided as modular and
reusable services. Until today there is no generally
accepted method for conceptual modelling of a SOA.
Rather, there exist several procedural methods which
are used in practice. On the other hand, recent developments in the context of what is commonly termed
'Web 2.0' show how easy it can be to link or compose
('mesh') IT components dynamically, so that original SOA goals like flexibility, reusability, or reduction
of complexity can indeed be achieved by relatively
simple means. An interesting concept in this context is the Web-oriented architecture (WOA), which
represents a specialization of SOAs obtained by using simple Web 2.0 technologies and standards (e.g.,
HTTP, SSL, XML). This paper introduces a methodology for designing WOAs, where the big picture follows existing SOA models. In particular, this WOA
methodology comprises conceptual as well as realization issues and breaks WOA design down into three
distinct phases. |
Cite as: Thies, G. and Vossen, G. (2009). Modelling Web-Oriented Architectures. In Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM 2009), Wellington, New Zealand. CRPIT, 96. Kirchberg, M. and Link, S., Eds. ACS. 97-105. |
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