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Simseer and Bugwise - Web Services for Binary-level Software Similarity and Defect Detection

Cesare, S. and Xiang, Y.

    Simseer and Bugwise are online web services that perform binary program analysis: 1) Simseer identifies similarity between submitted executables based on similarity in the control flow of each binary. A software similarity service provides benefit in identifying malware variants and families, discovering software theft, and revealing plagiarism of software programs. Simseer additionally performs code packing detection and automated unpacking of hidden code using application-level emulation. Finally, Simseer uses the similarity information from a sample set to identify program relationships and families through visualization of an evolutionary tree. 2) Bugwise is a service that identifies software bugs and defects. To achieve this end, it performs decompilation and data flow analysis. Bugwise can identify a subset of use-after-free bugs and has already found defects in Debian Linux. Bugwise and Simseer are both built on Malwise, a platform of binary analysis.
Cite as: Cesare, S. and Xiang, Y. (2013). Simseer and Bugwise - Web Services for Binary-level Software Similarity and Defect Detection. In Proc. Parallel and Distributed Computing 2013 (AusPDC 2013) Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 140. Javadi, B. and Garg, S.K. Eds., ACS. 21-30
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