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Walking the Grid: Robotics in CS 2
McNally, M.F.
This paper describes the use of inexpensive robotics platforms to create engaging student projects for a second course in computer programming. These projects employ the stack and queue data structures, reinforce basic concepts such as two dimensional arrays, and are situated in the context of modern, object-oriented programming. Advanced concepts from autonomous mobile robotics are introduced in a gentle manner, including occupancy grids, path planning, and sensor fusion. The fundamentals of depth and breadth first search are used in the solutions to the various projects described. |
Cite as: McNally, M.F. (2006). Walking the Grid: Robotics in CS 2. In Proc. Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 52. Tolhurst, D. and Mann, S., Eds. ACS. 151-155. |
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