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Improving End-User GUI Customization with Transclusion

Lee, L.-C., Lutteroth, C. and Weber, G.

    Usually the possibilities for end users to customize GUIs to their requirements are limited. We present a GUI specification and customization system, the Auckland Interface Model (AIM), that represents GUIs as documents that can be loaded, saved and changed by the end user during runtime. GUI layout and GUI content can be customized independently, and GUIs can be decomposed using transclusion. In this paper, we explain why transclusion is an important feature for GUI customization that does not only facilitate the maintenance of a GUI, but also supports its consistency and clarity. Transclusion makes it easier to reuse GUI specifications, and support different customization scopes. AIM was implemented on several platforms and evaluated using the cognitive dimensions framework.
Cite as: Lee, L.-C., Lutteroth, C. and Weber, G. (2010). Improving End-User GUI Customization with Transclusion. In Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2010) Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 102. Mans, B. and Reynolds, M. Eds., ACS. 163-172
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