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The new Royal Adelaide Hospital � The Age of the Digital Hospital Dawns in South Australia
Baird, A.H.
The South Australian Government developed the Health Care Plan 2007-2016 to meet the health challenges of an ageing population, increasing incidence of chronic diseases, international workforce shortages and ageing infrastructure. The plan included an outline of the most significant single investment in health care in South Australia�s history - the new Royal Adelaide Hospital. Efficient and effective application of the new Royal
Adelaide Hospital Model of Care is reliant upon a robust ICT system which is fully integrated throughout the Facility and with primary and secondary health providers. The ICT element of the hospital is critical in ensuring that the return on the investment in such a new and complex facility will be achieved.
Cite as: Baird, A.H. (2013). The new Royal Adelaide Hospital � The Age of the Digital Hospital Dawns in South Australia. In Proc. Health Informatics and Knowledge Management 2013 (HIKM 2013) Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 142. Gray, K. and Koronios, A. Eds., ACS. 3-6 |
(from crpit.com)
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