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Social, Affective and Normative Aspects of Learning in ICT-Enriched Learning Environments - Collaborative Exploration of Societal Aspects of ICT

Magenheim, J.

    E-learning and learning in ICT integrated learning environments will be a most important part of future learning scenarios, especially in the fields of 'Media Education' and 'ICT in Education'. ICT integrated learning scenarios often only address the cognitive level of learning and teaching processes. But to learn successfully about problems of the digital divide, cyber risks, data privacy and the impact of ICT on a changing society there is not only a need for the acquisition of knowledge. It is also necessary to change attitudes, to reflect on normative orientations in a society, to develop criteria for the evaluation of ICT related action scenarios and to enable people to gain guidelines for their own behaviour in ICT evoked conflicts and dilemmas. Therefore the paper describes different types of ICT integrated learning scenarios such as computer supported simulations, role games and strategy games which we tested with students in the department of Computer Science at the University of Paderborn. The common concept of these learning scenarios is to provide the learners not only with knowledge within the area of ICT but also to create scenarios of individual concern and consternation. Learners will face conflicts and tasks which not only challenge their cognitive abilities but also confront them with their own attitudes and feelings towards ICT evoked dilemmas.
Cite as: Magenheim, J. (2003). Social, Affective and Normative Aspects of Learning in ICT-Enriched Learning Environments - Collaborative Exploration of Societal Aspects of ICT. In Proc. ICT and the Teacher of the Future - Selected Papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 23. McDougall, A., Murnane, J. S., Stacey, C. and Dowling, C., Eds. ACS. 85-88.
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