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Coordinated Perspectives and Enhanced Force-Directed Layout for the Analysis of Network Motifs
Klukas, C., Schreiber, F. and Schwoebbermeyer, H.
The analysis of network motifs, patterns of local interconnections with potential functional properties, has applications in many fields of science. Network motif analysis is particularly important for the exploration of biological networks. The distribution and multiple occurrences of motifs in a network, complicated by different concepts for the determination of motif frequency, create various difficulties in understanding and interpretation. We present a system that facilitates the analysis of network motifs by presenting coordinated perspectives simultaneously. A list of motifs supported by the network, visual representations of motifs of interest, a motif fingerprint and a visualisation of motif matches in the network are interwoven in a single interface. A motif and cluster-preserving force-directed layout algorithm supports the visual analysis of network motifs. This coordination of perspectives significantly enhances the explorative power of network motif analysis. |
Cite as: Klukas, C., Schreiber, F. and Schwoebbermeyer, H. (2006). Coordinated Perspectives and Enhanced Force-Directed Layout for the Analysis of Network Motifs. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds. ACS. 39-48. |
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