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Student timesheets can aid in curriculum coordination

Herbert, N. and Wang, Z.

    For many years lecturers have been encouraging students to complete timesheets to help them manage their time and prepare them for the process when they enter the workforce. As well as aiding the students in time management, the data contained in a timesheet can be used for curriculum planning. In 2004, 2005, and 2006 students used a web-based timesheet system during a capstone project course. After considering the accuracy of the timesheet data the focus of this paper is an analysis of the data from the timesheet system to identify student's behavioural patterns and concludes that students work to deadlines, that students do not spend too much time on a capstone project, that the time spent on a task relates to the marks allocated to that task, that more time available for a task does not mean more time is used and that students can be induced to do tasks early.1
Cite as: Herbert, N. and Wang, Z. (2007). Student timesheets can aid in curriculum coordination. In Proc. Ninth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2007), Ballarat, Australia. CRPIT, 66. Mann, S. and Simon, Eds. ACS. 73-80.
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