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Student Perceptions of ICT: A Gendered Analysis

McLachlan, C., Craig, A. and Coldwell, J.

    This paper investigates the attitudes and perceptions of secondary school students to ICT. During the last decade there have been decreasing numbers of students completing ICT subjects at secondary school in their senior years. The data was collected from university students enrolled in a range of first year units. Although the survey was undertaken by university students, the data collected related to their opinions whilst still at secondary school. This study explored two areas: firstly, the reasons why students had elected not to study ICT in their senior years at secondary school; and secondly, it describes a gender analysis of the attitudes and perceptions of students who had elected to study ICT. The analysis found that many students were not interested in studying senior ICT subjects, and for those that were, there were only a few differences between the gendered opinions to ICT.
Cite as: McLachlan, C., Craig, A. and Coldwell, J. (2010). Student Perceptions of ICT: A Gendered Analysis. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010) Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 127-136
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