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Maritime Safety Case in a Box

Bailes, M.

    The Maritime Safety Case in a Box is the result of applying the principles and techniques of Model Based Systems Engineering to Safety Engineering to establish a framework of models that support the definition of a generic safety case for a maritime combat system. These models are currently constructed in CORE�, a MBSE application built by Vitech Corporation but could be ported to other modelling tools or a set of processes as required. These models span: a) A set of DoDAF compliant Operational and System domain models of the combat system for a naval maritime platform; b) A set of Program Domain models that describe the Program Activities and their products to define a Safety Case that is compliant with the relevant statutory and regulatory requirements; c) A set of generic hazard, cause, control and accident assessments for physical hazards such as hazardous materials, slip, trip or fall, electricity, confined space, etc d) A set of generic functional hazard assessments based on analysis of the Operational and System Models described above. The intersection of these models provides a solid framework to maximise the effectiveness of the safety engineering process while reducing the cost by providing a set of partially completed hazard assessments or patterns for the system under consideration that can be tailored or extended for each class of ship.
Cite as: Bailes, M. (2011). Maritime Safety Case in a Box. In Proc. Australian System Safety Conference 2011 (ASSC 2011) Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 133. Cant, T. Eds., ACS. 3-18
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