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IC-based Ontology Expansion in Devouring Accessibility

Tun, N.N. and Tojo, S.

    In the research area of ontology, it is still necessary to refine the techniques of mapping and integration for further development of the Semantic Web. We propose a new mapping technique between the concepts in different ontologies, using their Identity Conditions (ICs) which give unique values for individuals and determine their identities. Examples of ICs are fingerprint for person, ISBN for book, URI for web object. We regard a Kripke frame, that is a set of worlds and accessibility relations on them, as a community of agents, interpreting a world as the knowledge base of an agent and accessibility relations as the communication channels between agents. We utilize the strongly identifiable characteristics of ICs to find the correspondence of a concept in other accessible worlds. As a result, the knowledge of ontology defined in a world can be expanded with the contents of those corresponding concepts, and can be regarded as a partial ontology or semantic enrichment in ontologies.
Cite as: Tun, N.N. and Tojo, S. (2005). IC-based Ontology Expansion in Devouring Accessibility. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 58. Meyer, T. and Orgun, M. A., Eds. ACS. 99-106.
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