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Data-Intensive Management and Analysis for Scientific Simulations

Hudson, R., Norris, J., Reid, L. B., Jordan IV, G. C., Weide, K. and Papka, M. E.

    Scientific simulations can produce enormous amounts of data, making the analysis of results and management of files a difficult task for scientists. The simulation management and analysis system (Smaash) described here is designed to allow scientists to easily capture, store, organize, monitor, and analyze simulation results. The system is automatic, standardized, and secure. Smaash was built using open-source tools and modularized to be independent of the scientific simulation. The web-based front-end allows the scientist to easily interact with the data, and has proved its usefulness in improving the efficiency of a scientific team’s workflow.
Cite as: Hudson, R., Norris, J., Reid, L. B., Jordan IV, G. C., Weide, K. and Papka, M. E. (2011). Data-Intensive Management and Analysis for Scientific Simulations. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2011) Perth, Australia. CRPIT, 118. Jinjun Chen and Rajiv Ranjan Eds., ACS. 13-14
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