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Incorporating blogs, social bookmarks, and podcasts into unit teaching
Saeed, N. and Yang, Y.
The use of emerging e-learning technologies to build lifelong
learning solutions is on the rise in academic settings.
However there is a need to further explore these
technologies in educational contexts and find novel ways
of combining them in unit design. This paper presents our
experience of incorporating a combination of blogs, social
bookmarks, and podcasts in teaching a Web programming
unit. An iterative action research methodology has been
adopted to carry out the study. The study outcomes are
encouraging in terms of usage and acceptance of
incorporated technologies. They fulfil the basic objectives
of the study and highlight the key areas of improvement
for follow up studies. |
Cite as: Saeed, N. and Yang, Y. (2008). Incorporating blogs, social bookmarks, and podcasts into unit teaching. In Proc. Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2008), Wollongong, NSW, Australia. CRPIT, 78. Simon and Hamilton, M., Eds. ACS. 113-118. |
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