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Puck - a visual programming system for schools

Kohl, L.

    There are many visual programming languages for education but they are poorly used in German schools as most do not fit the requirements of the various curricula. This paper introduces a new visual programming language called Puck, that has been developed at the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, in accordance with the wishes of teachers in Thuringia (a federal state of Germany). The visualisation in Puck is based on text-based programs, but syntax errors are prevented through the use of a visual system. Data types, variables, control structures, procedures and parameters can be taught with Puck. In addition, with code generation for Oberon-2, Java and pseudocode, students can be prepared for textual programming. Puck combines ideas from other visual programming languages and adds new features, such as the creation of correct expressions through context menus and a complexity calculation for a program.
Cite as: Kohl, L. (2007). Puck - a visual programming system for schools. In Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling 2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88. Lister, R. and Simon, Eds. ACS. 191-194.
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