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Target Motion Analysis Visualisation

Cunningham, A. and Thomas, B.

    Target motion analysis (TMA) visualisation is used by naval ships to locate targets around ownship when more accurate methods such as active sonar are not viable. TMA utilises an array of data, the main source being passive sonar, and results in an almost infinite number of possible solutions. These solutions must be filtered by the TMA operator to identify the most probable or hazardous solutions. Current TMA visualisation solutions do not effectively utilise visualisation theory and require an operator to take a mechanical instead of cognitive approach to target tracking. This paper presents a novel approach to target motion analysis visualisation based in established visualisation literature. A variety of visualisation techniques have been explored through this research, with a focus on reducing cognitive load of the operator. These visualisation techniques were evaluated through 'expert review' and the results presented.
Cite as: Cunningham, A. and Thomas, B. (2005). Target Motion Analysis Visualisation. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2005), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 45. Hong, S.-H., Ed. ACS. 81-90.
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