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Information for Editors
Suggestions for conferences to be included in the series should to be submitted to the series editor who will decide on the appropriateness of the conference. In broad terms, the conference will be required to:
- Have a programme committee with international membership, comprised of recognised active researchers in the field,
- Referee all submitted papers in full (although additional abstracts and posters can be included - they will be listed as such),
- Be advertised and open to researchers internationally,
- Have in place suitable quality control mechanisms that ensure that the quality of the papers included in the volume is acceptable. For conferences this will normally include an acceptance rate of at most 50%.
CRPIT Volumes are printed on A4 paper from camera-ready, electronically submitted manuscripts. An agreed number of copies of the volume will be provided to the conference organisers to act as conference proceedings as well as being made available through on CD Rom and through the website after the event.
Copyright will normally be assigned to ACS (exceptions to this exist for Government work) although authors retain the right to reproduce their own work subject to inclusion of the CRPIT copyright notice.
Providing Information for Authors
It is essential that authors are provided with the correct information and this is most conveniently achieved by adding the following text to your call for papers website:
<tr><td><a href="http://crpit.com"><img border=0 height=80
</td><td><font face="Arial">The proceedings of this event
will be published by the <a href="http://www.acs.org.au">ACS</a> as
<b>Volume xx, tttttttttttt</b> in the <a href="http://crpit.com">
CRPIT Series</a>. The formatting requirements and resources for authors can
be found on the <a href="http://crpit.com/Authors.html">CRPIT Authors Page</a>
together with a list of all <a href="http://crpit.com/VolumeIndexU.html">
upcoming volumes </a>. </font></td></tr>
Which produces:
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The proceedings of this event will be published by the
ACS as Volume xx, tttttttttttt in the
CRPIT Series.
The formatting requirements and resources for authors can be found on the
CRPIT Authors Page together with a list of all
upcoming volumes.
The ACS publishes the CRPIT series as a non-profit making adjunct to the JRPIT. However, any costs associated with each volume will be the responsibility of the Organising Committee of each conference. (This includes those volumes being paid for, or underwritten by, the the ACS.) Costs of a CRPIT Volume are dependent on the number of copies required by the organisers and the number of pages in the volume.
Indicative costs can be worked out using the Excel Spreadsheet provided below. The costs are for black and white printing (although, of course, any colours in the camera ready copy will be included on the website). Colour is available at a rate of $240 per single colour page (excl. GST) for just a few pages in a volume. If the whole volume is to be colour then an alternative price can be calculated.
CRPIT Costs Spreadsheet as at September 2007.
- All prices are in Australian dollars and are inclusive of the administrative overhead of the services outlined below, GST (where payable) but not postage. They are subject to change as the cost of printing changes.
- For proceedings above 400 pages, the proceedings will need to be split.
- For online only, no hardcopy is produced.
- For local printing we produce a PDF proof of the inside pages and which is sent it to the organising committee to arrange for the printing to be done locally. An online version is produced by CRPIT as usual. Cover design is the responsibility of the organising committee but must include some specified text. 10 copies must be sent to the CRPIT offices for statutory and digital library purposes. This option provides some flexibility for the organising committee and postal charges are avoided. Costs are identical to the online only option.
- Subject to reasonable changes, CRPIT quotes can be altered up to six weeks before printing in proportion to the arranged quote if volume numbers and sizes change.
Summary of Responsibilities
Organising/Programme Committee Responsibilities
All non-proceedings related activities (including calls);
All liaison with refereeing committee;
Ensuring the academic standard of the papers;
Ensuring the typographical styles required are promulgated;
Ensuring that the agreed deadlines are adhered to;
Payment of all costs associated with printing;
Ensuring that copyright transferral forms are completed;
Distribution of proceedings to conference attendees.
Providing in a reasonable timeframe all material needed to complete the front and back matter, including:
- Preface,
- Names and Affiliations of any persons requiring acknowledgement such as Programme Committees, Organising Committees, etc.,
- Lists of Sponsors and their logos,
- Any running order variations and separators (we will use alphabetical by first author surname by default),
- Provision of pages associated with guest speakers;
- Any other material that may be required.
Optionally, the cover artwork of the volume (according to CRPIT standards) may be produced by the Organising/Programme Committee when printing locally;
CRPIT Responsibilities
The collation of the volume including the generation of the index and contents pages;
Cover artwork of Volume (according to CRPIT standards);
Printing (see note above relating to online only and offsite printing);
Delivery to conference venue or nominated delivery point (costs borne by Organising/Programme Committee);
Arranging for abstracting of volume and uploading to digital libraries;
Promulgation of further copies to CRPIT subscribers and the National Library of Australia and other statutory archives;
Author Responsibilities
Ensuring that the paper is in the acceptable format and submitted on time as required;
The academic quality of the paper;
Completing the copyright transferral form.
See also Procedures and Resources for Authors.
Time Lines
Allow 2 weeks for initial decision regarding inclusion in the series to be made;
Printing ...
- For CRPIT printing, allow 4 weeks for printing from the time that all material have been passed to CRPIT.
- For local printing option, allow 2 weeks for PDF proof plus time whatever time the local printer has specified for preparation of final volumes.
- Allow additional time if non-standard covers are being used.
Allow 3 working days for delivery.
Allow for the fact that most printers close for two weeks over Christmas.