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Spatial analysis of centralization and decentralization in the population migration network

Tomita, S. and Hayashi, Y.

    Although overcrowded and the depopulation of the population are one of the social issues in Japan, the complex mechanisms are not comprehended. Then, we tried to show this phenomenon by catching as a network. We interpreted prefectures as nodes and migration as links. We observe power law distribution in both population and migration. We insist on the necessity of reconsider the prevailing assumption that cities size or influential potential follow normal distributions. We investigate what factor influence on the migration. We compare the population and distance between prefectures. As a result, we showed that the population of destination has strong influence in migration. We visualize the migration. We characterized quantitatively and showed the whole image of the migration. This analysis may be useful at various stages in decision-making and planning support of government and municipalities.
Cite as: Tomita, S. and Hayashi, Y. (2006). Spatial analysis of centralization and decentralization in the population migration network. In Proc. Asia Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation (APVIS2006), Tokyo, Japan. CRPIT, 60. Misue, K., Sugiyama, K. and Tanaka, J., Eds. ACS. 139-142.
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