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A Colour-Filling Approach For Visualising Trait Evolution With Phylogenies
Carrizo, S.F.
The development of powerful visualisation tools is a major challenge in bioinformatics. Phylogenetics, a field with a growing impact on a variety of life science areas, is experiencing an increasing but poorly met requirement for software supporting the advanced visualisation of phylogenies. This paper describes a new method to visualise trait evolution across a phylogenetic tree by using colour to represent ancestral trait values. This space-efficient method supports trait visualisation on very large phylogenetic trees, and adds a new dimension to the conventional phylogenetic tree representation in order to convey extra information. Initial usability tests by phylogeneticists show that this technique indeed enhances their data analysis processes |
Cite as: Carrizo, S.F. (2004). A Colour-Filling Approach For Visualising Trait Evolution With Phylogenies. In Proc. Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, (invis.au'04), Christchurch, New Zealand. CRPIT, 35. Churcher, N. and Churcher, C., Eds. ACS. 117-126. |
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