A Methodology and Toolkit for Deploying Contract Documents as E-contracts

Khandekar, A., Krishna, P.R. and Karlapalem, K.

    Recent research in e-contracts is concerned with the development of frameworks and tools to support contracts. EREC framework is one that enables modelling and deployment of e-contracts. In this work, we have designed and developed a toolkit for contract visualization and enactment based on EREC data model. This toolkit provides appropriate services for semi-automated contract execution starting from converting a paper contract document to e-contract document, identification and extraction of various entities involved in e-contracts to workflows that enact the contract. Our e-contract engine has a Pattern Recognition System, Sentence Classifier, EREC Model Component, Workflow Specification Component, and Xflow Workflow Enactment Component. Our toolkit systematically processes a domain specific paper contract documents into a deployable and executable e-contract. A dictionary is prepared by extracting common contract-Keywords from multiple related contract documents for a specific domain. The pattern recognition system based on a named entity extractor identifies parties, important dates and places. The sentence classifier along with human interaction extracts the activities and clauses based on the contract-Keywords and identify interdependencies to generate EREC data model. The EREC model component takes these specifications as inputs and generates EREC data model for a specific contract. Finally, the data model is mapped to workflow specifications by Xflow specification component, which in turn generates the workflow instances for execution of e-contracts by Xflow workflow enactment component.
Cite as: Khandekar, A., Krishna, P.R. and Karlapalem, K. (2007). A Methodology and Toolkit for Deploying Contract Documents as E-contracts. In Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007 Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 83. Grundy, J., Hartmann, S., Laender, A. H. F., Maciaszek, L. and Roddick, J. F., Eds. ACS. 91-96.
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