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An Approach to Customizing Requirements Goal Model based on Metamodel for Ontology Registration

Wang, C., Zhang, C., He, K., Tian, J., Wang, J. and Zeng, C.

    To speed up creation of personalized requirements models for users, it is necessary to systematically model domain knowledge and specify a reuse mechanism to customize personalized requirements models. Based on a unified framework for requirements metamodeling named RGPS (Role-Goal-Process-Service), a goal oriented and ontology based approach is proposed in this paper to customization of requirements goal models based on domain knowledge. Particularly, Metamodel for ontology registration is introduced as a common facility to register goal models and promote semantic interoperation between them. Accordingly, a series of rules are designed to construct, refine and ultimately confirm requirement goal models. In order to demonstrate how our approach works, a case study in urban transportation domain is illustrated step by step to provide details of how to customize requirements goal models for users. In this way, well-modeled and registered domain goal models will be the foundation for constructing high-quality requirements goal models in a normative way.
Cite as: Wang, C., Zhang, C., He, K., Tian, J., Wang, J. and Zeng, C. (2009). An Approach to Customizing Requirements Goal Model based on Metamodel for Ontology Registration. In Proc. Australasian Ontology Workshop 2009 (AOW 2009) Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 112. Meyer, T. and Taylor, K. Eds., ACS. 57-63
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