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A Template Based Static Coalition Protocol - A3PviGrid

Shankaranarayanan, A., Dehne, F. and Lewis, A.

    Problems such as resource and service discovery models, load balancing and scheduling, brokering are eminent in grid systems due to bottlenecks such as bandwidth and network traffic in the underlying communication infrastructures and their associated costs in fabricating a scalable and cost effect grid services infrastructure. The primary goals of this paper is to apply grid based coalition formation concepts to agents: add efficient load balancing and scheduling (A3pviLoad Scheduler) schemes; provide a replacement solution to resource discovery models by applying application oriented directory services; minimize message passing of state information updates and economic brokering services to the agent aware adhoc p2p virtual interconnect grid computing system or A3pvigrid system.
Cite as: Shankaranarayanan, A., Dehne, F. and Lewis, A. (2006). A Template Based Static Coalition Protocol - A3PviGrid. In Proc. Fourth Australasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e-Research (AusGrid 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 54. Buyya, R. and Ma, T., Eds. ACS. 55-62.
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