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Introductory Programming and the Didactic Triangle
Berglund, A. and Lister, R.
In this paper, we use Kansanen’s didactic triangle to structure and analyse research on the teaching and learning of programming. Students, teachers and course content are the three entities that form the corners of the didactic triangle. The edges of the triangle represent the relationships between these three entities. We argue that many computing educators and computing education researchers operate from within narrow views of the didactic triangle. For example, computing educators often teach programming based on how they relate to the computer, and not how the students relate to the computer. We conclude that, while research that focuses on the corners of the didactic triangle is sometimes appropriate, there needs to be more research that focuses on the edges of the triangle, and more research that studies the entire didactic triangle. |
Cite as: Berglund, A. and Lister, R. (2010). Introductory Programming and the Didactic Triangle. In Proc. Twelfth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2010) Brisbane, Australia. CRPIT, 103. Clear, T. and Hamer, J. Eds., ACS. 35-44 |
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