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Modified Global K-Means Algorithm for Clustering in Gene Expression Data Sets

Bagirov, A.M. and Mardaneh, K.

    Clustering in gene expression data sets is a challenging problem. Different algorithms for clustering of genes have been proposed. However due to the large number of genes only a few algorithms can be applied for the clustering of samples. k-means algorithm and its different variations are among those algorithms. But these algorithms in general can converge only to local minima and these local minima are significantly different from global solutions as the number of clusters increases. Over the last several years different approaches have been proposed to improve global search properties of k-means algorithm and its performance on large data sets. One of them is the global k-means algorithm. In this paper we develop a new version of the global k-means algorithm: the modified global k-means algorithm which is effective for solving clustering problems in gene expression data sets. We present preliminary computational results using gene expression data sets which demonstrate that the modified k-means algorithm improves and sometimes significantly results by k-means and global k-means algorithms.
Cite as: Bagirov, A.M. and Mardaneh, K. (2006). Modified Global K-Means Algorithm for Clustering in Gene Expression Data Sets. In Proc. 2006 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Bioinformatics (WISB 2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 73. Boden, M. and Bailey, T. L., Eds. ACS. 23-28.
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