Component Modeling for SCADA Network Mapping

Akande, A.J., Fidge, C., and Foo, E.

    Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems (SCADA) are widely used to control critical infrastructure automatically. Capturing and analyzing packet-level traffic flowing through such a network is an essential requirement for problems such as legacy network mapping and fault detection. Within the framework of captured network traffic, we present a simple modeling technique, which supports the mapping of the SCADA network topology via traffic monitoring. By characterizing atomic network components in terms of their input-output topology and the relationship between their data traffic logs, we show that these modeling primitives have good compositional behaviour, which allows complex networks to be modeled. Finally, the predictions generated by our model are found to be
Cite as: Akande, A.J., Fidge, C., and Foo, E. (2015). Component Modeling for SCADA Network Mapping. In Proc. 38th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2015) Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 159. Parry, D. Eds., ACS. 91-100
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